《NGỌZI ( Blessing)》AGGRIEVED( distressed, wronged, injured)


Weeks after my father eldest sister burial,

i had just finished writing my school exams and

was ready to enter my new class. But unknown

to me my father had other plans for me.

For some days i noticed this young man who

frequently visited my father's palace and would always come along with gifts.

I didn't make anything out of it rather i thought it was normal for him to have visitors since his a king, and even if this very young man was coming for a

marriage proposals, that would be for my eldest

step-sisters as i was barely 14 years to be thinking of marriage.

But this thoughts of mine were not true as the young

man wasn't coming for my eldest step-sisters but

for me instead.

One day this same man came to visit my father again, this time around he was accompanied by two old men, one of them whom i guessed was his father because they looked so much alike.

I was in the backyard kitchen washing the dirty dishes when i heard a peal of merry laughter coming from my father's throne room.

Now what's the merrymaking all about? I said to myself.

It wasn't long enough and there was a lull from the throne room. Few minutes later a messenger of my father came to call for me.

I immediately abandoned everything i was doing and went straight to answer my father.

On my arrival i quickly noticed the increased crowd, it wasn't just the presumably suitor and his family that were present but two of my father's brothers were present too.

As i proceeded to great each one of them in our customary method by kneeling down while letting them give me a pat on the back, one of them made a concerning comment...

"Rise our beautiful wife"

On hearing this i became more bemused by what was happening and i ran to my father and stood beside him with my eyes fixed on my the floor as i was too mousy to stir back at them, especially not with the way the young man leered at me.


My sunshine! come stand here. Said my father

Come on! Don't be shy, he continued.

I sluggishly took a few steps forward and turned immediately to ask my father who they were.

Here is chief Ihianacho seated at his left hand is Mr okechukwu and by his right hand is Chigozie his eldest son.

I need not introduce the other two gentlemen to you as you already know them. Said my father

Yes father i know them thanks father, but you requested for my presence, what for? I asked.

Yes i did my beautiful daughter, but before then let Gozie here give us a proper introduction of himself .

Gozie please tell us who you are, where your from, where your currently based and what you do for a living..... said my father.

Gozie quickly cleared his throat while sitting upright and proceeded with the introduction,..

My name Is John Gozie and am 33years old, am an indigene of this village and am a very successful business man, I own two fashion boutique's.

I currently live in the French speaking town of Cameroon called Douala.

Am a very popular wealthy man but the only thing lacking me is your beautiful daughter. Said Gozie

The nerves of him! I murmured.

Immediately Gozie finished with his introduction my father went on to inform me that he has already done his groundwork and everything Gozie said is true and that his family is a worthy thus his given him his approval and just needed me to do same.

Hearing my father say to me that this young man here came to seek for my hand in marriage

and he had already given him his blessings

and would love for me to agree to his proposals,

cut my heart deep and bleeding.

I looked at my father with so much disappointment and betrayal and was unable to utter a word in front

of the suitor's and my father's relatives.

My father having noticed i was cold toward the news of the marriage asked me to return to my duties and went on to tell the guest that i was still young hence the reason for my cold attitude towards the proposal while reassuring them that their next visit will be a positive one.


It was evening and i waited for my father to be done with his dinner as i walked into his chambers in an unrefined manner.

Young Lady! Have you lost your manners? Said my father angrily. As i engaged him in an agonizing dialogue...

How could you father?

I thought you said you love me and want the best for me?

Yes! I love you my princess.

Everything am doing is for your good.

For my good?

How father? Giving me out for marriage at this age is not for my good.

All i want is to go to school and be a lawyer, father please.

Who says you are not going to continue with your education and your career?

Am giving you out for marriage to that young man so you can be free from all these ill-treatment from your step-mothers.

It hurts me so bad that your mother abandoned you and your sister at a very little age.

And seeing how your not being taken care of by my other wives makes it more difficult for me.

But father how are you sure this very man is the right man for me?

How are sure his going to let me continue with my education if he eventually marries me?

Calm your mind my daughter for he has promised me his going to see you through your education.

And besides his a very successful business man, few of the most successful business man in our community.

He has a very lucrative business in the French colonized country called Cameroon, so am in no doubt that his going to take care of you.

I am your father and i just want to see you happy again and remember am still the king of this village and he dares not maltreat you.

Okay father i have heard you, and i trust your decisions for me.

We all know that this was not from my heart but, how can i disobey my father ?

I brooded over my father's decision several days and night several days and nights and then i decided to go along with the marriage ceremony.

My marriage to Gozie kept me disconcerting and difficult towards Gozie's friendly invitations which left him no other choice than to express his sadness out to me....

"You do not like, your body language says it all" Gozie beat his breast.

Well, I would not blame you if you decide not to

proceed with the marriage ceremony. I said giving him a cut-eyes.

"Ngọzi! You know there are few successful men in this village, you should be gleeful am interested in you."

Excuse me?

What an arrogant and pompous man. I mumbled.

Well at least you confirmed that you aren't the only successful business man in this village, i said hissing while walking away.

"Am going to marry you still" I heard him say at the background.

It was the awaited ceremonial day and everything was not in order but everywhere was beautiful too. There was enough to eat and drink and a we'll recommendable group of local musicians who get everyone high spirited except for me who was not sure of what awaits me.

We danced and eat and it was my turn to do the needful by presenting a glass filled with white wine to my husband to be, as i danced round the bubbling guests they all cheered me up as i kneeled to offer Gozie the glass filled white wine to drink.

We both danced hand in hand towards my father who sat gloriously on his throne for his blessings and prayers.

Short lines of prayers and words of advice and i hugged my father and eldest sister goodbye and left for Cameroon with my husband.

To be continued......

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