《Have Hope》15
Alex has been avoiding me for the past three days, and I don't know what to do. Every time I try to talk to her- hell, every time I look at her, she either ignores me, walks away, or turns to one of our teammates and talks to them.
She's been a lot quieter since the kiss, at least, from what I gather, and non of our friends are telling me anything. I hadn't told anyone about what happened out of respect for Alex.
Well....I told one person, my aunt, but she doesn't count. The woman was practically jumping for joy and chanting "I told you so" during our entire phone call last night. She kept trying to tell me that Alex likes me as more than just friends, but I'm not so sure. It was an emotional moment, and she could have easily gotten lost in it. Whatever the case, I'm not going to make any judgments as of yet.
Tobin and Ash knew that something had happened, but I refused to tell them anything, wanting it to be Alex's full right to tell our friends if she wanted. Kelley kept smirking at me and winking, which only made me feel worse. I got the feeling she knew what happened. Alex probably told her. They are best friends after all.
Ali, Christen, Allie, Kelley, and Pinoe have been giving me a lot of weird looks the past few days now that I think of it. I'm not sure why, but it's really starting to annoy me.
I've been pretty moody since Friday, feeling both hurt, confused, guilty, and a little angry. I get Alex is super upset about her asshat boyfriend, and I get she probably feels really awkward about the kiss, but I'd much rather have her tell me that instead of just ignoring me.
I've been spending more of my free time with Sonnett and Rose now due to the fact that basically all the people in my friend group are glued to Alex's side. It's not like there's any beef between any of us, I guess they're all just trying to help the forward.
That's another thing that really sucks too, the fact that I haven't been able to be there for the blue eyed woman. I've wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her and tell her that everything will be okay in the times where she showed up to practice or meal time looking upset, which was actually less often than I'd thought.
Somehow I guess Jill knows what happened, or at least that something went down, because she, along with Mark, Erica, Abel, and Dawn, have been giving me weird looks just like my friends.
I feel kind of alone right now honestly, and it sort of sucks. My Aunt is the only safe person to talk about this with because 1. I don't want to tell the team anything that Alex isn't comfortable with, and 2. I have no interest in telling my Mom. I can't handle her teasing or pity. The last time I brought a girl home was awkward as fuck, and I don't intend to go through that again. At least, not for a while.
I've been feeling really off today during practice, and it only seemed to get worse when we started our scrimmage. Alex was put on the other team like usual, and I was made co captain with Becky on my team.
The first half wasn't too bad; we had scored two goals and were in the lead. The second half was a different story though. All of a sudden, our defense was complete shit, and our front line couldn't keep the ball off of our side. I found myself having to make save after save, and it was starting to piss me off.
Our back line needed to get their shit together because right now, it felt like I was doing everything. It was Alex who was taking most of the shots, which only added to my anger. I was able to get through the match without stabbing myself or screaming at my teammates, but I was on the edge of my patience.
My team could obviously tell something was off due to my attitude. Normally I joked around a lot and cheered on my teammates while still trying my hardest.
Today though, I didn't say a word unless I needed to, and I didn't participate in any goal celebrations. I just stayed stone faced in goal.
Once Jill blew the whistle, I helped the trainers put away the equipment before heading off to the locker room. No one tried to talk to me which I appreciated. Not even Jill, who usually would.
I showered and changed, keeping my head down the whole time. As soon as we got onto the bus, I found an empty seat in the back and popped my air pods in, not in the mood for anyone.
Kelley POV
Alex had told us what happened between her and Y/n, and I can't tell you I'm surprised. I think most of us kind of knew it was coming. When, we didn't know, but it was clear that Alex and Y/n thought of each other as more than friends, even if Alex didn't exactly know it.
Ever since the new kid joined our team five months ago, she's all Alex talks about. Before they became friends all the forward did was complain about the goalie, but since making up, it was always about how Y/n is so funny and what not. She compared Y/n to Servando practically every time she talked about her ex boyfriend, and I don't even think she realized it.
Y/n is clearly very hurt and confused about the kiss, and I know that Alex feels extremely guilty, and extremely confused too.
That night, she had come running back into her and Pinoe's room, where Christen, Ali, Pinoe, Allie, and I were all hanging out after the movie had ended. She had clearly been crying, which was no surprise considering her fuckhead of a boyfriend cheated on her, but she seemed genuinely in shock when she arrived back in her room.
"That movie was okay. Not one of my favorites honestly." Christen was saying. I was about to respond when the door was flung open and then closed just as quickly.
All our heads turned towards the person who had entered, to find Alex freaking out.
"What's wrong?" Ali asked, shooting off the bed and running over to the forward.
"I...I just kissed Y/n." Alex said, looking around in confusion.
"What?" I asked, now feeling just as confused as the blue eyed woman.
"Okay, everyone, calm down. Alex, tell us what happened." Christen and Ali helped the brunette to sit on the bed next to where Pinoe and I were sitting.
Alex took a few deep breaths while Ali rubbed her back. "Take your time." She said softly.
"Okay...well, during the movie...Jeri called me, and she told me t-that Servando had cheated on me. And I wanted to be alone, so Kelley told me that I could go to her room because Y/n was outside talking to her Mom....I started crying and I didn't realize she was in there."
I watched worriedly as the taller woman fiddled with her fingers. I could see all the disgusted looks on my friends faces when she mentioned how Servando had cheated. I myself wanted to kill the guy way before this for how he treated Alex, and this was the final nail in the coffin.
"Sh-she asked what happened, and I just blurted it out, and s-she said how she was going to call him and she was going to find him and beat him up." We all chuckled at that and even Alex cracked a smile, then continued.
"I asked her to stay with me, and she held me in her arms and I cried. I felt so safe. After a while I stopped crying, and she told me that she was always here for me. And I don't know! I just kissed her! And then when I realized what I had done I just ran away! God I'm so stupid!" She rubbed her eyes, letting out a frustrated sob.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay Alex. It happens to the best of us." Ali said in a soothing tone.
"I know, but I just...what if I ruined our friendship?" The forward hiccupped, wiping her tears.
"You can't think like that. Y/n is a very sweet, understanding person. I'm sure everything will be okay. You'll just have to talk it out. I doubt acting like nothing happened will help." Christen told her, pushing some of the captain's hair from her face.
"Did it mean anything?" Pinoe asked softly, crouching in front of Alex.
"No...I don't know!" Alex only seemed to get more upset.
"It's okay baby horse. It's okay to not know. But please don't close yourself off from the possibility that maybe it did." Our purple haired captain said, her hand on her friends knee.
"But I can't like her. I'm straight and I've only ever liked boys!" The brunette cried, clearly in distress about trying to make sense of her feelings.
"I thought the same thing when I was younger. I didn't realize I was gay until college. And look, I'm not saying you're gay or anything. I'm just saying that our feelings can change, or feelings we never realized we had can come into light."
"I guess." Number 13 said miserably. "But how would I even know if I do?"
"Well, how do you feel when you're around her?" Allie, who had been quiet this whole time, asked.
Alex shrugged. "Do you feel nervous? Or jumpy? Like you have butterflies in your stomach?" Ali asked her.
The blue eyed woman thought for a little bit. "Maybe. I don't know."
"You don't have to figure this all out right now Al. Take your time. Feelings, especially ones like these, can be very complicated, and you don't want to make any rash decisions." I told my best friend.
"I know but...but what if she never talks to me again?"
"I promise you she will. She might be a little distant while she tries to figure out her own feelings, but use that time to figure out yours, and then you guys can talk. Okay?" Christen said, rubbing the forwards back.
"Okay." Alex sniffled.
End of flashback
Well it seems we underestimated how Y/n would react, and the fact that Alex has been ignoring her for three days is not helping things at all. It really sucks seeing both of my friends in pain and knowing that there really isn't anything I can do except wait.
The team has been off our game since Thursday because of this, and it's clear that we all want this to end. The team is really worried about the two of them.
None of us have talked about Y/n to Alex since that night out of respect for them both. We all want Alex to figure out her feelings on her own, even if that means having to live with cold, closed off Y/n.
We got back to the hotel a few hours before dinner, and Ash, Tobin, and Y/n went out to explore while most of us went shopping or watched movies in our rooms. Chris, Allie, Ali, Alex, Pinoe and I all met in Pinoe and Alex's room again to watch Toy Story two.
"She hates me." Alex groaned, falling face first into her pillow.
"She doesn't hate you. She's just upset. That's why you have to talk to her." Ali said.
"And say what? Hey sorry I kissed you but it turns out I like you and-" Alex slapped her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide. All of us froze.
"Wait. Did you just...?" Allie asked, a huge grin forming on her face.
"Oh my god." Alex said, her face full of shock and realization.
"YOU LIKE HER?!" I asked, smiling widely and tackling my best friend in a hug.
"I totally manifested this!" Pinoe said, making us laugh.
"Guys calm down!" Alex said laughing, pushing me off of her.
"How are we supposed to calm down when you just admitted to liking Y/n!" Christen said.
Alex's face was beat red. "Look it's not a big deal." She tried to say, but we weren't having it.
"Um yes it actually is." Allie said.
"Yeah no it definitely is." Pinoe agreed.
"When did you find out?" Ali asked being the calmest one out of all of us.
"I don't know. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I realized that all the things I feel when I'm around Y/n are the exact feelings I have when I'm around someone I like."
"Oh dude I've been waiting for this moment for five months." I said, flopping back onto Pinoe's bed.
"What?" The blue eyed soccer payer asked in confusion.
"Yeah no we all knew you liked her." Christen said casually.
"Dude you're so obvious. I knew from the first moment we talked about her that you thought of her differently. The way you talked about her before you guys were friends...it's like you were angry at her because of how she made you feel, but you didn't know what that feeling was. And then you guys became friends and suddenly whenever you talked about Servando you were comparing her to him. Not to mention the way you look at her." I said, picking my nails.
"Wh-thats-..wafefn." Alex spluttered.
"Yeah like that time she was shirtless and you totally eye fucked her." Pinoe laughed.
"Or when you guys would wink at each other during dinner." Christen said.
"Or your dance off during practice one time where neither of you could stop laughing." Allie said.
"Or your guy's basically-first-date when you went star gazing in the park that one time." I added.
"Okay I get it." The captain grumbled.
"It's not a bad thing to like her you know." Ali voiced.
"I know. I'm just...still confused. This is all new to me you know? I feel so unsure." The older woman confessed.
"And that's okay, no one expects you to have everything figured out all at once. The important thing is that you are true to yourself, and you are true to Y/n." Christen spoke.
"I've ignored her for three days. What if she doesn't want to talk to me anymore?"
"She is upset, and she is hurt, and probably confused, but the only way you'll be able to fix this is if you guys are honest with one another." Pinoe wisely said.
"And if she doesn't like me back?" the brunette asked, her voice small.
"Oh trust me, that is the one thing you don't have to be worried about." Allie said.
"Okay...well when should I talk to her?"
"They'll probably be back soon, so maybe like after dinner?" I suggested. Alex nodded.
"We're very proud of you Alex. I know it's scary, but we, along with the rest of the team, are here for you." Chris told her.
We all nodded, and Alex gave us a small smile.
"Thank you, you guys."
- In Serial68 Chapters
Of Life and Light
Home. By definition, such a word means "A place where one lives", but what happens when one is removed from their home by those with greater authority? One would seek out another place to live, of course. Karastak, a Devil King and a Fallen God of a world called Terra, was removed from his world by something greater than himself, and has journeyed to the world of Azzarath by way of Azazel, God King of the Azzarathean Pantheon. Perhaps she performed thusly through pity, charity, or a simple act of kindness with no strings attached. Regardless, he is deposited near a village upon a mountainous range within the world. There, he meets up with his Human family, a grizzled old Templar, a shy Cleric, and an apathetic Mage, that came to take him away from his troubles, but he does not budge. That is, until one of his servants speaks of finding a new home. However, perhaps instead of finding a home, he finds adventure instead? The story within is a Frame Story, which means it is a story within another story. In that this one is being told by three personages, a God King called the Ageless, a Lich King called Brutus, and a Goddess named Sarah. Each of them speaks of the Ageless's past self, one called Karastak, as he journeys onwards throughout the worlds within the Azzarathean Pantheon in search of something more. Special thanks to Ms. Brown from http://www.offbeatworlds.com/ for the cover.
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Of Us and Void
A scientist named Gino Faulkner, distraught by the hopelessness of society, attempts to fix several of its problems by creating a new renewable energy source - only to discover that some things may be better off left alone. When a test trial of the energy source incomprehensibly malfunctions, Gino finds himself on the brink of saving or destroying the very reality he had attempted to correct. --- Hey! Author here, just wanted to say that if the synopsis did not sound as exciting as I had hoped it would be, try reading the first 10 chapters? I promise it won't be terrible! :) Whoops, forgot to mention, prologues don't count as chapters! If you've read this far, I might as well tell you what I was inspired by! However, this does NOT mean my story will be similiar in any way to the novels/stories/books listed below. By 'inspiration,' I refer to mainly how the characterizations plot devices, dialogue, conflict introduction/resolution, and thought processes are used and introduced in those works of literature. But in a way, you can interpret this list as, "if the author read and was inspired by these novels, then it's possible that we share similiar tastes, so I'll give this story a try." :) -Those Who Aspired to Become Gods: A darker fairy tale novel (My all-time fantasy favorite despite it being unfinished) -Forgotten Conqueror (Second all-time fantasy favorite) -Brandon Sanderson's The Reckoning trilogy (Third all-time fantasy favorite) -Kel Kade's 'King's Dark Tidings' -Brent Week's Night Angel saga -Red Rising trilogy -Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends -Reborn: Apocalypse -Reborn: Evolving From Nothing -48 Hours a Day -The New World -Creep -Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4 -Can't Cure Deceit -Super Minion -Unparalleled -Unbound -Wake of the Ravager -Overgeared -Solo Leveling -The Tutorial Is Too Hard [email protected] -God of Money -A Snake's Life -The Snake Report -The Tower of God -UnOrdinary -Release that Witch!
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Tales of the strange world, in which magic just came into its rights, but works not exactly it supposed to.Our heroines dealing with a mess here and there, suddenly caused by newly minted wizards, which appeared to be enslaved by their own powers.
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The Darkened Dove (SCP-049 x reader)
You had recently accepted a new job after being a scientist for a little over year. You were brought to a new facility, where they call themselves the SCP Foundation and though this is a huge opportunity that opens many doors the job has it's drawbacks and dangers. After you get assigned to research and interview a SCP they call SCP-049 everything changes. Then your new life truly starts.DISCLAIMER!- I do NOT own SCP 049, or anything to do with SCP.Also!! This story has violence and very mild language so viewer digression is advised!!! So 13+ for this story please!!!I originally posted this story on Quotev so if any of you are interested you can also find it there.
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[COMPLETE]Thirteen year old Emilia has been through a lot in the past, from having her mother take her from her family to then having a new stepdad that wasn't too fond of her. Beat after beat and punishments after the next, she still pulls through. Just a few months before her 13th birthday, Emila's mother died from her battle with cancer leaving her in the care of her stepdad. Something happens which leaves her in the care of the mystery brothers she never knew she had. This means she has to move across the country to a completely new life with a lot of secrets. Did I mention that it was six brothers that she does not remember? She has trouble with creating a bond with them due to her past traumatic life. Walk with Emilia and her journey into discovering love with a handful of wicked betrayals.************#10 - teen fiction 28/4/2021 #1 - abuse 16/7/20#7 - bad boy 26/11/20 #1 - violence 14/11/20 #1 - death 11/11/20 #3 - mafia 15/10/20 #1 - scared 12/5/21#2 - young 23/1/21#1 - gangs 28/3/21#2 - life changing 26/6/21#3 - siblings 28/4/21#4 - humour 12/5/21The first few chapters are TERRIBLE so you have been warned right now. ⚠️ there is cussing in this story and has mentions of abuse and violence. If you are not comfortable with this, you can leave if you like. This can be triggering. Be aware of spelling errors, I apologise for the errors, I will try to edit as much as I can. Cover by @cannalinnie First published on | 26th June 2020Finished on | 12th March 2021 [WORD COUNT: 340,000-350,000]
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Sour Candy
Our love story is like sour candy. This is because of you, Darling!Tell me, I should hate you, shouldn't I? Do you like Drama?Vkook
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