《Random x Reader one-shots》YAY news!+Maui x Chubby! Reader



I am just sitting here. Waiting for to come back and save me.


But he has probably forgot about me. Everyone does...

Nobody wants me... My parents threw me away, and that's when I got saved of the gods, and became Goddess of the elements.

But I'm hurt, so I can't use my powers to get off of this horrid island...

But I never thought would go so far that he actually would leave me here....

It is warm and I look out to the sea. Nothing in sight... As usual... I feel sad and betrayed.

Suddenly I hear a sound. It sounds like a bird.

Probably just a sea eagle again... They come very often...

Suddenly I hear a big thump behind me. I quickly turn around, just to see Maui turn from his eagle form. I just stare at him. In both sadness and anger.

-You didn't think I'd forget you, did you? Maui asks and walks up to me with his arms open wide for a hug. I just stare at him before I jump onto him and gives him a bear hug. I cry as I hold onto him like he's going to war.

-Schh... I'm here to save you... Maui says soothingly. I calm down slightly before looking up into his beautiful brown eyes and blushes and looks down on the ground.

-I thought you would leave me here... I say, still sniffing of the tears.

-I thought you would leave me like everyone else! I say a bit more angry.

-Hate me because I'm fat and ugly!!! I shout and begin to tear up. I hug Maui again, but this time Maui hugs back.

-I could never leave you... No matter how hard I tried, Maui says and I look up, only to see Maui already looking at me. Then he crouches down, and grabs my shoulders.


-Y/N, you're NOT fat and NOBODY hates you, Maui says, and I feel anger boiling up inside of me.

-Yes! Everybody hates me! You know why my parents threw me away like trash!? BECAUSE THEY HATED ME! I shout. Maui looks at me surprised. I look angrily at him, with tears in my eyes. A couple of tears starts to trickle down my face. Maui then takes them away with his thumb.

-I don't hate you, He says and looks at my pained face.

-I love you..., he says bluntly while looking deeply into my eyes. My eyes widen. It takes a minute for me to process what had just happened.

"Did he just...?" Maui then sighs.

-Of course you don't love me back... I can understand that, Maui says and stands back up.

-What have I ever done to deserve your love? All I've ever done is being selfish and never even cared about how you feel..., Maui says with his back to me, and I can clearly hear his voice cracking because of tears. He then sniffles.

-And all I've ever wanted was to have you by my side, and hug me when things are down, 'cause that's what you do best. And I've also dreamed about us two, just walking on the beach in the sunset, you perfect e/c eyes shimmering in the light, and your beautiful h/c hair flowing in the soft wind. All I've ever wished is to DESERVE your love. Because you want only the best, and the best you get. Clearly I'm not the best. And-

-Maui... I cut him off, after his lovesick ranting about me. He turns his head a little.

-I-i.... I love you too.., I confess. He turns his whole body towards me. I look at the ground, too embarrassed to look at him. I hear him walking towards me, and I see his feet on the ground, right by my toes. I look up only to meet Maui's happy tear filled eyes. I smile slightly.


-You have NO IDEA, how long I've wanted to hear that from you, Maui says, and I giggle.

-I think I do actually. I say and smile shyly, and look down at the ground again.

Maui lifted up my chin and made me look into his eyes.

-Just remember, in my eyes you are perfect. Maui says. I smile at him as we start to lean in.

We meet halfway in a sweet, short, tender kiss.

-Thank you... I say while resting my forehead against Maui's.

-...You're welcome.


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