《open your heart》chapter fourteen


tw: briefly mentioned rape (like one sentence though)


Dream watched as a stranger (or the ugly substitute he called for) walked into George's classroom. He groaned because nobody deserved to touch that perfect room, only George should be in there.

Perhaps it was his fault, for bringing it up with him that night. They were being honest with each other, he needed to be as well. Maybe a bit too honest actually.

Never did Dream think about how much he hurt George. Knowing he was going to be his co-worker was thrilling, he could get closer to that beautiful boy and they could be in love for real this time. No alcohol in the way of that.

He banged his fist against his desk in frustration, the sound echoing through the empty room. His skin turned slightly pink from the harsh force but he didn't care. All he cared about was George, he hoped he was okay.

Dream considered calling in sick too, spending the day mentally hurting himself. He was truly sorry, he knew he was. He'd regretted it the moment he looked at him with those amber eyes, the moment he knew he loved George.

He had deserved to know, someone as fragile and perfect as him shouldn't have to live under a haunting shadow. Besides, Dream didn't feel like holding such a big secret anymore.

His students began to pile into the room, chatting loudly, but Dream was more focused on the wood top of his desk, his eyes tracing the markings. His fingers tapped quickly on his knee, mind everywhere.

Would George hate him forever? Could he ever be forgiven? If Dream knew how much George hated himself, he would've told him the right way, like a man.

He didn't feel like a man. He felt like a little boy who had just been rejected by his crush in the classroom across the hall. Would it be a love he would have to get over with before it crushes his heart forever?

Dream glanced up when a student began to speak to him. What was he saying? He didn't care to he completely honest.

"-do you know where he went?"

Dream sighed at that, his tapping fingers came into his palm, forming a tight fist. The kid was talking about George wasn't he?

He'd have to lie again. Because that's all he was, a liar. He didn't deserve to teach these kids, they'd just become liars themselves.

"Yeah, he's at home sick again, now find your seat," He said harshly at the kid who was surprised by his tone of voice but retreated from the desk anyway.


Dream was quick, he pulled out his phone and found the messages to his boss, puffy. He couldn't be here, he needed to he alone.

'I'm leaving, fire me if you want I can't be here today'

He turned off his phone and stood up from his rolling chair. Now people were staring at him but that was the least of his worries.

The floor felt like a desert, the flat air seemed to push on him like flying sand. He was struggling to escape, but he managed to get to the door anyway.

Leaving the students teacher-less was against the rules and could be fireable, but George was the only person, thing and being that mattered in his head. He really wanted him to be okay.

When he entered the hall, he started to the door, the exit into the fresh air that he desperately craved. He was so close already, he just needed to drive a few streets then he could apologize and maybe even forgive himself.

He turned his head when the sound of heels came behind him.

"Dream, where are you going? Please don't do this," It was Puffy, the principal, of course it was.

He backed away from her. "I have somewhere to be, it's none of your business."

She stopped in front of the door he had just left from, "Is this about George? I know you called in the substitute. Is he alright?" She wondered, turning the doorknob.

Dream sighed and turned away from her, "No, he's not, which is why I'm going," And he left the building without another word or another glance in her direction.

Thankfully he had parked close so he could easily slip into his car. He was in a hurry, every moment he left George alone was a moment too late.

Driving was painful, his hands were sweating against the wheel and everyone seemed to he shit drivers today. He got cut off twice and that only added to his disappointing mood.

But at last, he made it to the store. Parking was easy thankfully but all he wanted was to get inside, he knew what George liked, he'd noticed what chocolates and things he brought to school before.

Dream entered the store in a hurry, taking a deep breath in before exhaling. He would be okay, they both would be, he knew it deep down. All he was worried about was George, he hoped he hadn't cried to sleep or cried when he woke up.

Seeing George with those tears in his eyes was something he despised, hated even. Nobody that precious deserved to cry. All happiness in the world should belong to him and Dream wanted to make sure of that.


He could be George's happiness. If he could forgive himself, he was sure that George would forgive him too.

Because Dream loved him, and that wasn't a lie.


He'd bought a single rose, he felt as if a bouquet was too extreme and exaggerated. It would probably overwhelm George (if he actually opened the door) and he didn't need that.

He also decided on a small stuffed bear, not the normal teddy bear size but instead it could fit in someone's two palms.

All Dream needed was to pray that he wouldn't get a door shut in his face. The longer he waited to apologize, the longer he would have to live with the fact that George was alone in his house thinking that Dream had forgotten about him.

Which he could never do actually.

Dream parked further down the street so George wouldn't see him pull up. He had to do this, if he had the courage to hurt him then he had the courage to set things right.

He noticed the lights were off, as expected. Maybe he should've called beforehand, asking if he could come over but maybe George would lock all the doors and tell him to go away forever.

Dream did regret that night weeks ago, he knew how awful of a man he was to take someone clearly intoxicated home and take in drunk consent. It wasn't right, it could be considered rape if he thought about it too much.

Which wasn't something he would do, so this apology was needed.

Finally he knocked on the door, making sure it was slightly loud in case he didn't get heard the first time.

Dream was nervous, standing at that door by himself, the door would probably not open and he'd be standing here for nothing.

Five minutes was how much time passed, he was sure his own foot was annoyed with him after he kept tapping it so much.

This was a lost cause, he knew George wouldn't forgive him. As much as he could pray and Dream that he would, Dream was truly a deep down liar and an asshole.

Definitely the asshole part.

Just before he could step away and retreat to his car, he heard the door unlock and open with a creak.

He slowly turned around to see a well dressed George staring at him, one hand on the door and the other at his side, surprisingly not in a fist. so he wouldn't get punched today.

Dream cleared his throat. "I brought you these, and I also brought you an apology," He started quickly.

George raised an eyebrow, Dream loved when he did that. He took the stuffed toy and the rose that Dream had handed him. He still hadn't said a word and this was making Dream extremely nervous and scared.

"You didn't deserve any of what I did to you. If I had known you were so haunted by what I did, I would've apologized immediately and given you many more roses than just one," He nervously laughed and sighed, "What i'm trying to say is that I'm sorry, really sorry. I lied to you and I love you too much to let you go without a chance for forgiveness."

He looked hopefully up at George who was staring down at the rose, twirling it slowly in his hand.

Dream was about to walk away, give up but George finally spoke.

"You love me?"

He turned, looking at the brunet. George was gripping on the door, knuckles white. The rose in his hand had fallen to the ground with the bear. He seemed in shock.

"I do, I love you so much, which is why I regret everything I've done to you, and I'm so sorry." Dream took a dangerous step closer.

George gulped, staring at Dream with all kind of emotion that even the tall boy couldn't decipher. Was it hurt? Love? Regret?

Dream wanted to scoop him up, carry him to bed and hold him tight for the rest of the night, whispering how much he truly loved George because god, he did.

George steppped out of the house. "I was upset, that you kept something like that from me.." He looked away, "But that was in the past and you were honest with me. It was my first instinct to be angry but now, I can see how much you are sorry."

They were close again, only a foot apart, both looking calmly at each other. It was comforting to have George this close to him.

"I forgive you," George finished with, leaning up and quickly kissing Dream's cheek.

"I love you so much, I promise I'll be better," Dream wrapped his arms around the shorter and tugs him into his chest, caging him in. "I really love you."

George sniffled below him, "I really love you too."


i just sprayed soda on myself on accident. now i'm sticky

ok epilogue next week or whenever i can write it. hope u enjoyed otherwise

wc: 1738

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