《Silent Love (YoonSeok FanFic) COMPLETED》Chapter 23


"How was the honeymoon~?" Taehyung smirked.

"Is Hawaii pretty??" Jimin asked innocently.

"We had fun! Hawaii is beautiful. It's like a paradise." I smiled, holding Hoseok's hand, which now wore a golden ring.

"What kind of fun~?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows up and down.

Hoseok being innocent as well said, "We went to the spa, swam at the pool and beach, watched a fire dance~ That was cool! I loved the shaved ice too!!"

"Hoseok," Jin said. "He means..."

I grinned. "We did it many times~"

Namjoon, Jin, and Jimin blushed.

"Ohh! That's what you meant." Hoseok felt embarrassed. "Y-yeah we had fun..."

"We used protection. Don't worry." I said matter-of-factly.

"So you used your birthday presents Hoseok~~?" Taehyung whispered to Hoseok.

Hoseok nodded, his cheeks a tint of pink.

"Who was top??" Jungkook gave a lenny face.

"Me~" I grimaced.

Hoseok hit my arm. "Ya! I was good too!!"

"Yeah, you were." I agreed. "But I mostly topped."

Hoseok blushed even more, nodding.

"You children aren't innocent anymore...!" Jin whimpered. He was acting like a mom again.

"We're adults Jin..." I mumbled.

"I know!!" Jin's eyes watered. "You're getting married, doing adult things, what's next?!" He started sobbing.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Jin, comforting him.

"Have a kid...?" Jungkook mumbled.

Hoseok and I both looked at each other, blushing.

Jin heard Jungkook and dramatically started crying.

"Whoa, I guess Jin has something against Hoseok and Yoongi having kids too." Jungkook frowned.

"Babe, it's okay, it's not like it's the end of the world or something." Namjoon consoled Jin.

Jin nodded rubbing his eyes. "I know.... But Hoseok isn't my innocent angel anymore.." Jin sobbed.

I shrugged, hugging his waist. "He still seems like an angel to me."

Hoseok happily smiled and nodded.

"Now we're waiting for NAMJIN'S wedding to happen." said Jimin, casting a glance at the couple.

The parents blushed.

We broke into a fit of laughter and Namjoon and Jin joined in.


"So that's you and mommy's story??"


I sighed and nodded. "Yepp, interesting right?"

He nodded frantically and showed his smile which missed a tooth. "But I don't get some parts of the story... What's the protection?"

I nervously laughed, ruffling his hair. "I'll tell you when you're older."

"Yoseok~! Guess who's here!" Hoseok yelled from the living room.

Yoseok gasped and ran out with his turtle onesie on. (Picture)

I walked out and saw Namjoon and Jin with their twins.

"HARU!! NARU!!" Yoseok ran up to them and gave a big hug.

"What's up little bro!" Naru grinned, patting Yoseok's head.

"Ready for some fun~?" Haru giggled.

Yoseok smirked. "I was born ready!" his smirk looked very similar to mine.

"Naru, Haru," Jin said in a motherly voice. "Say hi to Uncle Yoongi."

"Hi Uncle Yoongi." Naru and Haru said in sync.

I smiled. "Have you kids been good?"

They looked at each other and shook their heads, grinning widely. They too were wearing onesies. Naru wore a Happy onesie, a cat character from Fairy Tail. Haru wore a Luna onesie, another cat character from Sailor Moon.

"These two are a handful!!" Namjoon sighed. "But there's never a dull moment."

"Where's Uncle Tae, Jungkook and Jimin??" Yoseok asked looking up at me.

"They should be here soon." I replied.

"UNCLE HOSEOK!!!" The twins finally saw Hoseok walk out from the kitchen and lunged at him, making their uncle fall backwards.

"How are you guys?" he asked cheerfully, petting their heads.

They grinned. "Good~"

"Hiii~~" A low voice cooed from the door.

Yoseok was the first one to greet Taehyung, who was also accompanied with Jimin and Jungkook. Taehyung picked him up and carried him, kissing his cheek. "Hey little man!" Yoseok giggled and hugged his neck.

"Oh you all look so adorable!" Jin said once again in a motherly voice.

Taehyung was wearing a Pikachu onesie, Jimin wore a cute puppy one, and Jungkook wore a white bunny onesie.

"Jimin picked it all for us." Jungkook played with the white and pink ears on his head.

Yoseok made grabby hands at Jungkook and Taehyung handed him to Jungkook.


"C'mon guys," Haru exclaimed.

"Let's start the party!!" Naru finished her sentence.

Hoseok and Jin started making the snacks while we chose what movie to watch.

"We can watch a comedy," I held up a movie. "Rom-com, drama, horror-"

The twins and Yoseok gasped.

"No horror..." I put the DVD away.

"Ahw..." The children and Maknae line sadly pouted.

"We are not letting you guys have nightmares." Namjoon told his children.

"Dad, we are 6 years, 2 months and 7 days old." Naru crossed his arms.

"And we have never had a nightmare once watching a horror movie." Haru looked up at her dad, also crossing her arms.

Naru tapped his chin. "I think the time we had nightmares was seeing you naked in the sh–"

"Okay! Okay!! You don't have to say that!"

The twins grimaced. Yoseok blinked and looked up at me expectantly. The Maknae line looked at Namjoon and me.

Namjoon sighed. "Let's watch it...."

"YES!!" The twins cheered, high fiving their uncles and Yoseok.

While waiting for the snacks, the kids were busy playing a card game.

"2 eights." Yoseok put down two cards in the center.

"One more."

"Another eight."

"One more." Yoseok put a single card down.

The twins looked at each other and at Yoseok.

"BS!" Naru yelled. He picked up the card to see an eight of hearts.

Yoseok smirked and pushed the pile of cards to Naru, but took the pile of snacks towards himself.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Naru frowned and picked up the cards.

Few more rounds went on and the pile was a big size.

"5 fours."

"Naru there's only 4 fours in a deck of cards." Haru looked at her brother.


Haru picked up the cards with triumph but it disappeared, only to see 4 fours and a joker.


"Aww man...!" Haru picked up the large stack of cards and gave Naru her snacks.

"Yess, more snacks or me~"

Hoseok and Jin came into the living room with the popcorn and snacks and set them at the table. We all sat on the couch or the floor, the little ones on the couch with Jungkook and Jimin, while we sat on the floor.

Yoseok sat in Jimin's lap, holding onto his small bowl of popcorn, staring at the screen in front of him.


After the movie, the little ones were not phased at all with the things that we've watched. It was more of... Hoseok, Jin and Jimin who were scared.

"I'm not going to sleep well tonight..." Jimin murmured.

"Was that it?" The twins said in a monotone voice.

"Wow, Namjoon, your kids are brave.. Unlike the mother." I pointed to Jin, who was staring into the distance with a scared expression.

Yoseok looked up at Jimin and saw that he was terrified. Yoseok took note of this and hugged him. "It's okay uncle, it was just a movie."

Jimin hugged back and nodded but didn't seem convinced.

"Mom and Dad are so gross sometimes– EW!!" Haru covered her eyes and saw her parents kissing on the couch, but they moved away, Jin now lying down on top of Namjoon.


"C'mon guys, it's time to go to bed." Namjoon patted the couch.

"Okay..." The twins replied sadly. They were able to lie down beside their parents since the couch was pulled out like a bed.

Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin were lying down on a futon and cuddled each other.

I grabbed another futon for us and lied down. Hoseok laid beside me and I smiled. I kissed his lips and rubbed my nose onto his.

Something crawled in between us and it was Yoseok. He both kissed our lips, "Good night mommy and daddy."

Hoseok smiled, kissing his forehead. " 'Night honey, sweet dreams~" He looked at me and we shared a short kiss before falling asleep.

Hoseok and Yoseok were already asleep and both looked so beautiful and precious. I held them close to me, making sure they were in my embrace. I smiled to myself, falling asleep too.

I'd never want to have this any other way.

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