《Silent Love (YoonSeok FanFic) COMPLETED》Chapter 18
Time Lapse, 2 years. (Things that happened during those two years)
"Hyung, hyung!" Jimin ran towards me in the hall.
I turned around. "What??"
He grinned. "I know what we can get for Hoseok."
"Really what is it?"
He whispered in my ear.
My eyes widened. "W–what?! How are you able to get that!?"
"My dad's a doctor." He said matter-of-factly.
"How much will that be?"
"Around..... ₩1,500,000."
I gave a stern nod. "I'll pay it."
Jimin gasped. "No! That's too much. Jin, Namjoon and I will pay ₩200,000 each."
"I'll pay the ₩900,000."
"Y–you sure hyung?" He looked at me, dubious.
I nodded again. "I'm not changing my mind."
I held out his present.
I gave him the small box, which was a little bigger than his hand. He smiled.
He opened the box and his eyes widened. His eyes started watering. He hugged me tightly, sniffling.
He put them on and wiped his eyes.
His eyes widened.
I nodded.
He shook his head and hugged me once again.
He nodded and walked away. "T-thank.... y-yo...u!" He hollered.
My eyes watered and I nodded, waving.
I walked down the hall towards the stairs, and felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Hoseok smiling, covering his ears.
He nodded excitedly. He walked down the stairs beside me, still covering his ears.
I lifted a brow.
I blinked. "Uhh... Hi?"
He stood on the balls of his feet.
"Umm, Hi, nice to meet you."
I stared at his uncovered ears; he seemed to be wearing something. "You're wearing hearing aids??"
He smiled and nodded. He pulled me into a hug and I heard him mumble, "T-than-nk y-yo.. ou."
I smiled. He sounded cute trying to talk.
"Jimin... t-tol-dd mee.. You... M-mon-neyy... Fooorrr..... Hearinng..."
I hugged him back. "You're welcome."
He moved back and pouted, crossing his arms. "B-buut... Yoou p-paiid.. Lot.. Y-You didn't need... T-to."
I held his face, staring into his innocent eyes. "You mean more to me than money."
He blushed and giggled.
I smiled and kissed his forehead. "And money means a lot to me."
He chuckled. "I know."
The taller male pecked my lips, closing his eyes. I kissed back, deepening the kiss. He held my waist, pinning me down onto the wall. I snaked my arms around his neck, closing the space between us.
He let go, taking my breath away. He grinned and blushed, looking away. "I Love.... You.... Y-Yoongi."
I looked back up at Hoseok. This was the first time he's ever said I love you... And my name.
I smiled as my eyes swelled with tears of joy. I hugged him tightly in my arms. "I love you too, Hobi."
After several minutes of hugging, we let go, but held each other's hand.
"So," I said. "Where you wanna go?"
His upper lip curled, and he looked up. He grinned. "Sea... Food!"
I smiled. "Around 6?"
He nodded.
We walked into the entrance of Hoseok's favorite seafood place. We held each other's hands as usual, and walked up to the waiter.
The waiter looked up with a warm smile.
"Ah! Yoongi! Hoseok!"
We all turned our heads to the voice: It was Jin.
"You two are the rest of the party?" The waiter asked.
I nodded.
Hoseok was shocked.
The two of us walked to the table and sat in the unoccupied chairs.
Hoseok whispered. "I didn't... K-know the o-otherss.. Would bee heere."
I smiled. I still couldn't get over how cute Hoseok sounded.
"The others wanted to celebrate your birthday with you." I smiled.
"Happy birthday Hoseok!!" Taehyung smiled, handing him a wrapped gift.
Jungkook did the same but gave him a package.
Hoseok smiled. "Thank you!"
Taehyung and Jungkook gasped, along with Namjoon and Jin.
"You have hearing aids?!" Jungkook asked happily.
Hoseok nodded, grinning.
"That's awesome!!" Taehyung exclaimed.
"You sound really good Hoseok." Namjoon complimented. "Looks good!"
Hoseok couldn't stop smiling bashfully.
As our dinner went on, we had our meals; talked; joked around; and laughed.
When our plates were empty, a waitress brought out a cake for Hoseok and candles were lit on it. She placed it in front of Hoseok and smiled.
We started to sing. "Happy Birthday to you~ WOOO!! Happy birthday to you~ WOO! Happy birthday to Hoseok! Happy birthday to you~ WOOOO!!!"
Hoseok closed his eyes, and blew his candles. We all clapped, and some people and the workers were clapping with us.
"Let's eat!" Jin instantly grabbed the knife. "Again!"
We laughed and Jin started to cut the cake. He distributed the cake and we all ate, happily talking and enjoying the night.
"T-thanks soo much g-guys." Hoseok smiled.
"You don't need to thank us Hyung!" Jimin chuckled.
"You deserve to celebrate your birthday!" Namjoon patted his back.
"We all love you Hoseok." Jin looked at me. "Especially Yoongi."
We both blushed and the others burst into laughter again.
I smiled and pecked his cheek. He held my hand and leaned his head onto my shoulder.
Taehyung gasped. "Relationship goals~~"
We couldn't help but laugh; it was truly a fun night.
When everyone was full, we payed the bill and started to head back to the University. It was Friday so we didn't have to give a crap about staying up late.
We said our goodbyes and headed to our dorms.
Hoseok sat on the edge of my bed, while I laid down, scrolling on my phone. Hoseok opened his presents, his ears turning a shade of red.
"What did those kids give you??" I said in a monotone voice.
Hoseok turned his head, glancing at me and then his presents. He blushed.
I went back to my phone. "Fine, you don't have to tell me."
He put his presents down and laid beside me. He pouted and pecked my cheek. "I'll... Telll yoou later."
"When's later?" I asked, putting my phone down.
He shrugged, giggling.
I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Night." I nuzzled into his chest and he hugged my waist.
I reached up and pecked his lips. "Happy birthday Hobi."
He chuckled, kissing my forehead. "Thanks Yoongi."
"Yoongi!! Hoseok!! I need your help!!" Jin begged desperately. He was panting like a dog in the middle of our door way.
I groaned. "What is it??"
"For the play I'm in for Drama Club, someone got sick so we need someone to replace her!! And there's an open space for Hoseok since our actor is stuck in traffic!"
I sighed. Hoseok seemed thrilled.
"Well," I said. "When's the play?"
"IN 2 HOURS!!" Jin yelled.
"W-WHAT?!?!!" I hollered.
"TWO HOURS??" Hoseok said worriedly.
"Please!!" Jin begged on his knees. "We need people to replace them! You don't have much lines either. It'll be easy!"
Hoseok turned to me and gave a cute pout. I knew he really wanted to help out. He gave me puppy eyes and his lip purposely quivered. He was too damn cute. He held onto my hands and leaned closer. I couldn't resist.
I sighed and closed my eyes. "Fine... We'll do it."
Jin and Hoseok both smiled.
"I owe you two!!" Jin hugged the two of us.
I rolled my eyes. "Yes, yes you do."
Hoseok grinned and pecked my lips. "We'll be fine Yoongi."
I shrugged. "Whatever you say....."
"Oh." My blood boiled. "OH!" I yelled. "JIN YOU DO FUCKING OWE ME!!"
I held up a black, silk dress, which was accompanied with a diamond tiara and as well as long white gloves.
"iT wAS BAMBAM'S IDEA!!" Jackson argued.
"BUT THIS IS MY JAM!!" Yugyeom protested.
"BAMBAM TURN THE MUSIC OFF!!!" Jae Bum seethed through his teeth.
I feel the same pain as Jae Bum right now.
"What's wrong Yoongi?" Hoseok came from behind, his arms hugging my waist.
"I have to wear this..."
He let go and I showed him the dress.
He giggled. "Ooh~ Yoongi~" He teased.
I scoffed. "Whatever!"
He chuckled. "Why don't you try it on~" He raised his brows up and down.
"You perv!" I gasped.
Hoseok crossed his arms. "Says the one that peeks into the bathroom when I shower."
I rolled my eyes. "That's different."
"Yeah, sure." Hoseok shook his head. "Just try it on."
I groaned. "Finnne." I grabbed my outfit and went behind the room dividers.
I read the script and basically the play is about a King and Queen putting a challenge for any brave men worthy to marry their daughter, so they must save her from a dragon. Action, drama and shit happens and the knight saves the princess and happily get married. Just some sappy and dramatic crap.
And that princess is me.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't deny it, buy I looked pretty good in a dress. I slipped on the gloves and placed the tiara on my head.
I walked out and Hoseok wolf whistled.
I rolled my eyes. "Shush..." I blushed.
"You're still hot in a dress." He chuckled.
I crossed my arms. "Be quiet!"
He cupped my face and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I guess you're my princess~~"
"Alright! We have half an hour before people start filling up the theater!"
A few girls came into our room with bags and purses. "We have to do your make up so get dressed!" One of the girls put Hoseok in his dressing room.
"Make up??" I asked.
The girl ignored my question. "Hm... You should wear a wig.... Ah! Never mind, here," She grabbed black hair extensions and started to do her work.
Holy shit. I'm not ready.
I peered through the curtains: all of the chairs were filled with people. It seemed as if thousands of people were here.
"You'll be fine!" Jin reassured me.
I nodded. "Y-yeah... Sure.. Totally...."
I was already forgetting my lines.
"You come on stage more towards the ending, so you'll be alright." Jin smiled and patted my back.
"Whatever...." I mumbled.
"I swear I'll make it up to you!" Jin smiled.
I crossed my arms and glared at him, my eyes piercing through Jin like blades.
He laughed nervously. "Haha, see you later Yoongi! Break a leg!"
"I rather break a leg than go on that stage...." I deadpanned.
The play started in no time and I was nervous.
My heart, pounding out of my chest. I stood on the side, waiting for my scene. I felt uncomfortable in this costume which didn't help how I was feeling right now. I was tied up in ropes and my bangs were in my face, itching my nose. I couldn't reach it, being restrained by these ropes.
When my part came, I walked with the "dragon" onto the stage. I stood next to a rock (cardboard) and tried my best to look terrified.
"Will anyone come to save me from this monster?!" I cried out.
A knight unsheathed his sword and pointed at the dragon. "I shall slay this vile reptile!!" His voice was low and intimidating. "Don't worry princess!!"
The dragon growled and lightly pushed me onto the side, but I purposely fell to make it look real. Maybe too real. I sat behind the rock as the knight and dragon fought their battle.
The whole time, I was trying not to be embarrassed and prevent myself from messing anything up. My tiara was slightly crooked but I couldn't reach it, and this dress was too stiff and tight. Could things get any worse?!
From their sound affects and the music, the dragon had died and the knight took off my ropes, helping me to stand up. I quickly fixed my costume.
I dramatically gasped. "My savior!"
The knight sheathed his sword and bowed. He took off his helmet: It was Hoseok.
My eyes widened in surprise.
"My princess," Hoseok kneeled down, holding my hand. "I ask that I have your hand in marriage." He removed my glove and placed his lips onto my hand, his lips warm and smooth. He departed and looked up. "Will you accept?"
He stared right into my eyes, leaving me into a trance.
I glanced up and saw Jin mouth, "Say I do!!"
I nodded, smiling. "I do."
He got up and held my waist, closing all the space between us. I cupped his face, kissing his lips.
The whole audience clapped.
We slowly departed, his eyes fluttering open. I put my glove back on and held onto his hand, dreamily looking at Hoseok.
"We shall be wed at sunrise!" Hoseok announced.
"Please, handsome knight, take me back to the kingdom."
Hoseok blushed. I casually added handsome to my line.
He nodded, his eyes giving a look that said, "two can play that game". He picked me up bridal style, smiling. "As you wish princess."
I softly squealed and looked up at Hoseok. He looked down at me and winked. I couldn't help but be captivated in his eyes, blushing. I held his neck as he took us off the stage.
As soon as we passed the curtains, Hoseok lightly placed his lips onto mines.
"So, how'd you like my character?" Hoseok chuckled.
I blushed. "I kind of liked it..." I quietly replied.
He cooed, "Aww, thanks Suga~!"
I lifted a brow, smiling. "Suga?"
Hoseok nodded. "This dress makes your skin pale as sugar. Plus, you're sweet as sugar~" He placed a kiss on my nose.
I rolled my eyes. "You're so cheesy."
He giggled. "It's what I do best!"
I shook my head. "Can you put me down now??" I asked.
He grinned. "Nope."
"Hoseok," I deadpanned.
He smiled and shook his head.
"Can you please put me down Hobi?" I pouted.
"Aww, well, since you asked so nicely." He replied. He placed me down but didn't let go of my waist.
I snaked my arms around his waist, nuzzling my nose onto his.
"You two are so adorable~~"Someone cooed behind us.
We cocked our heads towards the voice and blushed.
Jin smiled, hugging us tightly. "Thanks so much for helping me!"
Hoseok grinned. "No problem!"
I glared at Jin. "Don't mention it." I muttered.
"I owe you two!" Jin gasped. "When we graduate, I'll treat you guys to... Anything you want!"
I raised a brow. "Anything?" I smirked.
Jin nodded.
"That's in a few months!" A smile grew on Hoseok's face.
"For sure I'll treat you guys! Oh– We have to bow now." Jin grabbed our wrists, pulling us on stage.
Jin suddenly pushed me and Hoseok in the center. We exchanged glances and awkwardly bowed, our hands clasped together.
"KISS!!!" Someone hollered from the audience. Then others followed suit, begging us to kiss.
Hoseok's cheeks blushed, his ears turning a shade of red. I smiled and pecked his lips. The audience's claps and cheers got louder, making us more embarrassed. My smile never faded as we joined the group standing behind us. Hoseok's didn't either. After a few more people bowed, the whole cast bowed together.
To be honest, I was kind of glad I did this play.
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