《Silent Love (YoonSeok FanFic) COMPLETED》Chapter 4


I yawned and lifted my head from my desk. My back was sore from sitting in this position while I slept. It was the weekend and I could sleep in. Hallelujah!

I felt the blanket on my back and smiled. I put my head back down, softly sighing.

"Oh, you're finally awake." I looked over my shoulder and saw Jin standing by our small kitchen. "I'm making breakfast, so you should go wash up."

I stretched and nodded, slowly getting out of my seat.

After washing up, I grabbed a plate and ate what Jin cooked. He was a great chef and was in charge of making the meals. He acts like a mom to me but I really didn't care. Food is food.

"You up for hanging out today? Jimin and I was thinking of going to the mall. If you don't have anything planned, you can come with us."

I shrugged. "What time are we gonna go?"

"In two hours or so." He stood by the sink and started washing the dishes.

"I'll start getting ready then." I stood up and put my dishes in the sink. "Thanks for breakfast, mom."

He smiled. "You're welcome."

I didn't really think about what I was going to wear. I put on a white shirt, black tight jeans, a white and black jacket accompanied with white shoes. I put my phone in my pocket and plopped onto my bed, waiting for Jin.

"You ready to go??" I nodded.

We walked to the Mall since it wasn't that far from our college, even though I disagreed to do that. When we entered the building, we were engulfed in the crowds of people.

"Do you see Jimin??" I asked. "I can't see him cause he's too short."


Jin wacked my arm. "He should be here soon. He said he was going to run a little late. While we wait, you wanna get Starbucks??"

I shook my head. "Not really."

"Suit yourself."

We walked to Starbucks, waiting in the long line. I was too lazy to stand in line so I sat at the closest bench, scrolling on my phone.

I saw a short blonde head walking towards me in my peripheral vision.

"Hi Yoongi." I waved, my eyes still on my phone. "Hey, Hyung!"

I looked up, thinking he was talking to me. I soon felt myself wanting to cringe. I rolled my eyes and growled. Great.

The red head was being dragged by Jimin, oblivious of his surroundings. He turned and looked at me. He gave a wide smile and waved.

I blinked and stared back at my screen.

"Here you go Jimin! A Grande White mocha." Jin handed the drink to Jimin. He looked at Hoseok and did several hand signs. Hoseok nodded and grabbed the drink, smiling. I never knew Jin learned sign language. "You sure you didn't want a drink Yoongi?"

I shook my head, narrowing my eyes at Jin.

"What's with the face??" Jin asked. I looked at Hoseok and back at him. "What about Hoseok?"

"Why is he here?!" I half yelled.

Jin chuckled. "Jimin invited him. Is there something wrong with that?" I didn't say anything. "Good. You better get along with him."

I sighed and nodded. "It's not like he can talk anyways." I muttered under my breath.

"Do you think I shouldn't have invited Hyung here?" Jimin whispered to me. We walked in front of Yoongi and Hoseok, the two boys silent.

I shook my head. "Yoongi is always like that. He'll get used to him. We should make them 'bond', you know?"


Jimin reluctantly nodded, drinking his mocha.

"Besides," I looked over my shoulder, Yoongi glaring at me, "What's the worse that can happen?"

Jimin nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right... But, how?"

"I have an idea."

We kept walking around the mall until I spotted a special section where there were a few couches people could sit and relax.

"Yoongi you want to rest here?" I questioned him. He didn't hesitate to go on the couch.

Jimin asked him in sign language.

Hoseok beamed and nodded. He plopped next to Yoongi on the couch.

"Take care of our Sunshine for us~!" I grinned.

Yoongi gagged, almost dropping his phone. "W-wait– Where are you two going?!"

"We're going to walk around but since you wanted to rest you can stay here." I replied with a grin. His eyes had a glint of hatred and anger. "Also Hoseok wants to rest too."

The boy gave an innocent smile. Yoongi rolled his eyes and leaned back.

Jimin and I walked away, leaving the two boys to "bond".

"Why do I have to deal with this crap..." Yoongi turned to Hoseok who looked very innocent and naive.

Yoongi's lower back had been hurting and he was exhausted from last night. He should have gotten a coffee. All he wanted to do now was sleep. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over him.

The sleeping male was now unconscious and started leaning towards his left, using the taller male's shoulder for support.

Hoseok was starting to fall asleep too, letting Yoongi lean on him. He saw the peaceful look on the older male's face and smiled.

He shut his eyes and fell asleep.

"I really hope that Yoongi didn't make Hoseok cry somehow, or maybe hurt him, or Yoongi's gone crazy or–" I tapped his shoulder and pointed to the 'couple'.

He smiled and walked up to Yoongi. "Hyung!!"

The male slowly opened his eyes. "Fuck off bitch, I'm trying to sleep."

"Yoongi! Language!!" I scolded him.

He noticed that Hoseok's head was leaning on his and he quickly moved away. Hoseok opened his eyes and blinked.

"Did you have a nice nap Yoongi?" Jimin teased.

He glared at Jimin, unblinking. "Park Jimin, I am going to kill you."

"Aww, he's blushing! Look at his cheeks." Jimin cooed.

Yoongi got up and chased Jimin down the mall. Hoseok looked at me and silently giggled.

I chuckled. "Boys! Get back here!!"

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