《Birthday surprise (Dnf)》18~


(This chapter will have mention of alcohol) ~Near the end of the stream. it's around midnight ~

Dreams/clay's pov:

"Okay guys I must say this stream was pretty awesome and a pretty long one so I belive I'm going to end it here." George said as I leaned back in my chair. He's been streaming for seven hours now and I was suprised he wasn't asleep. "Bye guys." I say and george does the same he soon ends the stream. "Baby....." I say yawning and leaning back agian running my hand through my hair. "Yes clay." He said looking over at me spinning in the chair. "I love you." I said standing up slowly walking to the bathroom. "Clay are you okay?" He asked with a worried tone. "Yeah I'm fine when are you going back to England?" I ask.

during his stream i thought about everything about how he's going to have to go back to England sooner or later. We'll have to go long distance. I mean I can move to England but I don't want to invade his privacy. "In three days." He said walking up to me and kissing My cheek. "George is it okay if I take a few drinks?" I ask leaning agianst the door of the bathroom. I just needed a drink to get all of this off my mind. "Yeah you don't need to ask i don't want you to feel like I'm restricting you from doing something." He started to ramble. "I didn't mean it like that Georgie i just wanted to make sure your okay with it I'm gonna take a few shots or something I'll be downstairs if you need me." I say kissing his forehead and heading downstairs and walking into the kitchen.


I grab a bottle of vodka and a shot glass. I go to the kitchen island and sit down pouring myself a drink. I yawn taking the shot and automatically pouring another one. My mind flows away to a dream land taking another two shots.

I take another few shots and my eye sight starts getting blurry and my worries slowly started to melt away. I kept taking shots until soon the bottle was empty. "Fuck." I mumble attempting to stand up but I could hardly see straight. "Great" I say with a groan and slowly starting to walk towards the stairs. I walk up the stairs halfway but I stumble the rest and stumble into my bedroom. It was like 3am and george was at my desk passed his hand was barley keeping his head up. "Oh George im so sorry." I wishper I look to the right of him and i see the gifts Anna gave him. I smirk and stumble to the bed and sitting down and the bed made a really loud sound which made george jump. "C.. clay" he mumbled looking over at me. I quickly stand up which made me dizzy but I ignored it I stumble towards him and hug him. "how much have you drank?" He asked slowly starting to help me to go to the bed. "a whole bottle i think." I stumble on my words as me both sat down.

no one's pov:

"Georgie are you tierd cause I have a different Idea we could do instead of sleeping." Clay said putting his had on the brunettes thigh. "Clay your drunk ill go get you some water you lay down." George said with a blush. Yes he was thinking about if he was ready while clay was downstairs but it was just a thought. Carter, Anna and Drista left soon after Carter finished playing mincraft. "o... oh come on baby." He said putting his hand higher up the smaller man's thigh. "Clay please." he said leaning back. clay moved his hand away and layed down on the bed. he might have been drunk but that didn't excuse anything if George said stop he meant stop.


"Go to bed clay Anna took Carter and Drista for a trip they won't be home for the next 3 days so you can sleep in." George said standing up and going downstairs. Clay slowly layed down running his hand through his hair. He Rarely drank unless he was out or at party's. He felt horrible did he take it to far. instead of thinking his boyfriend going back to England all he could think about was if he pushed him to far if he made him so uncomfortable that he's scared if him. He didn't notice but tears starting forming in the corner of his eyes. "Fuck this time I fucked up." Clay mumbled as a tear fell down his cheek. He soon stood up and stumbled back to the kitchen. This was the only way to clear his mind. At first he didn't notice george who was next to the fridge and just went to the alcohol cabinet.

George had noticed him but didn't say anything instead he slowly walked up the stairs. He wasn't scared of clay of course not he loved him but his intuition was to litsen and see what he does and what he says. George backed into the hallway. Clay took another bottle of vodka but this time he just drank straight from the bottle. "Oh Georgie I'm so sorry." He blurred out taking another sip. George was confused he didn't understand what the younger man was sorry for. "I'm so stupid." The blond wishpered before chugging the rest of the bottle he was in full tears at this point. "C... clay." George wishpered walking over to him. "Please that's enough let's go to bed." George said putting his hands around clay's waist. "George I'm so sorry." He said hugging George back. "For what babe?" George asked slowly starting to walk to their bedroom clay followed.

"For everything, for getting drunk, for touching you without your permission." He said wiping away his tears. "Clay you did nothing wrong it's fine you had a couple drinks and.."He paused "I liked it the thing is your just drunk and I don't want you to do something you'll regret." George said laying down on the bed and clay joined him. "Let's just sleep its like 2am"he said and the brunette nodded hugging his boyfriends chest.

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