《Frenemies》Chapter 27: We're Home Honey!
This morning was silent. No birds, no soft wind, and no cars blaring about outside. Brows furrowing, the tall man moved away from the hotel windows side as he brought his form to move around the side of his bed. Eyes fixed on the new set of clothing out for him, he could hear the woman from the night before chuckling from the bathroom.
"What's your name anyway?" she perked out, voice muffled because of the loud water that streamed into the drain.
moving into his shirt, Helic waved his wet hair back into a slit as he pulled on his bomber jacket. Hands cupping over the gun he normally carried in his bag out, he slid it over into his pants, cold metal pressing against his back before he pulled his shirt back comfortably onto his torso.
"Don't got one!" he hollered back, tossing his duffel bag to the corner of the room before having his head whip away from the giggle escape the woman who continued to shower.
Hearing a knock over at his door, he had his hands pressed over the pistol hidden by his clothing as he slowly walked to answer the door. Opening at the door once seeing who was at the other side, Helic's eyes gleamed in instant excitement.
"Ah, I missed you!" the female chimed, laughing before throwing herself over to the man that stood before her once letting her in.
Helic's eyes shut immediately when the woman hugged him. Feeling himself resort back to years back in that moment, his head moved down into her neck as his arms grabbed her tightly against him.
"Tajh," he whispered out, sighing in relief.
The woman laughed, smiling hugely before burying her head into his neck as well.
Pulling away, Tajh's huge smile fell a little when hearing a soft female's voice rage from behind the bathroom doors of the hotel room. Awkwardly glancing back at Helic who stared over at the bathroom and then over at her, Tajh nervously laughed before moving away from the man instantly.
"Oh, I didn't know you had company, I-I—"
Helic's eyes softened as he suddenly grew awkward himself. In the years of higher his status in this industry, to having everyone grow intimidated by him, the one person he couldn't be that way around was Tajh. Around her, he always stooped to be the same Helic he was before the accident that pronounced him dead to the world.
Seeing the woman awkwardly about to leave, Helic forced a smile onto his face as he instantly took hold of Tajh's arm, dragging her further into the room.
"N-No," he cutely piped, "Stay. It's fine, she's showering it's no bother."
"Okay," Tajh said lowly, smiling a little before trying to ignore the fact that she had waked in on a 'morning after' event.
"So, what's up? How you been?" Helic asked, weirdly excited. Just like that, the Helic his workers knew was gone...
"I've been hidden," Tajh joked, moving her hood onto her head a quick bit before having it fall, "but been alright for the most part. I'll stay hidden forever if it means I'm helping you out."
Helic's heart leaped a little in his chest at that. He forced his mind and body to ignore the feeling however, clearing at his throat before speaking out.
"I'm sorry you've got to suffer through this 'cause of me," Helic said, nose scrunching a little when noticing the hood.
Tajh pursed her lips. "Don't be," she popped out, "I decided to join you in that car that day...we're both to blame for the decisions we made."
Helic nodded slowly, licking slowly over at his bottom lip.
Tajh moved uncomfortable for a moment before hopping over to the small couch that was aligned near the window. Seating herself, Tajh found her seriousness to take over as she patted for Helic to sit by her. She smiled when he didn't question it, instantly moving to sit next to her.
"What?" he asked, trying his hardest to hide his concern. It didn't work however, no matter how hard he tried, he was nothing but baby-Helic with Tajh.
"About that day on the cliff..."
"What about it?" Helic asked, brows furrowing a little as he allowed his arm to drape over the back of the couch.
"Now that Jae knows about you being the head of everything," Tajh said lowly, "He deserves to know everything...how exactly all of this came about."
"I don't understand why it's such a big deal," Helic mumbled, rolling his eyes a bit, "I was trying to kill myself, it didn't work. The moment I found myself alive and well, I took it as an escape route from everything. I finally got the freedom I needed without ending myself off."
Tajh nodded slowly.
"Everyone thought I died on that cliff...that you died—Heck, we were about to Romeo and Juliet that shit," Helic chuckled out, glancing over at Tajh who had decided to crash over with him that day, "but for some reason we both survived."
"I know," Tajh said softly, "...and instead of going back to your abusive family, or your responsibilities and pressures at school, you ran for freedom underground."
Helic took a moment. "See? No big deal," he lowly piped, moving away from Tajh on the couch before standing onto his two feet, "Tell all that to Jae and hopefully he'll understand why I've stayed hidden. I've made a man for myself...an image and life...if I had decided to go back to my life before, I would've been the same coward forever."
"I know," Tajh said softly, a small smile grazing her lips, "I know that's how you feel about it, which is why I've supported you...but I've said this then, and I'll say it now as well."
Helic watched as Tajh stood up before him.
"In your eyes, you saw a coward," Tajh softly spoke out, grin on her lips, "But in my eyes, I saw a man that was ready to do anything for his sister. Someone who was brave enough to take all blame and beating just so his sister could be happy and safe."
Helic's jaw clenched at the mention of you. He was still shaken about from the day before where he had seen you face to face after years.
"You were a man I easily fell for," she sweetly finished, winking a little before moving to step around him.
Helic tried not to let that last bit register within him as he watched Tajh start to skip over towards the exit.
"Whatever," Helic mumbled, trying to act uninterested, "Just make sure after you tell him everything, he doesn't go around telling Y/N about me being alive. Or else I won't hesitate to show what kind of man I am now. Enough of this reminiscing bullshit."
Tajh moved her back to the bedroom door, her eyes narrowing a bit.
"Alright tough guy," she sang out, amused by Helic even trying to build his image around her when she knew he couldn't. "You scheme all you want."
Helic glared over at Tajh who laughed.
Tajh smiled sweeter than she already was. Was that possible? Sure, seemed like it.
"He's going to tell Y/N Helic. If he doesn't, Vee sure as hell will the next time she sees your sister," Tajh breathed out, "Might as well beat him to it and get to Y/N yourself."
"Jae's right-hand-man," Tajh explained, "the one you were flirting with during the meeting...or so I've heard."
Helic moved a little uncomfortable when Tajh nervously smiled at that. Holy shit, this is awkward. Plus, the girl in the bathroom's still showering too...
"Oh, her."
"Yes, her."
"Why would she care if Y/N knew anyway? How do they know one another?"
Tajh's smile fell at that, eyes moving to match a bit of fright.
"You don't know?" Tajh asked, confused over the one in command being lost.
"Know what?"
Tajh swallowed, eyes shutting as she tried to bring up this topic as softly as she could. She understood how protective Helic was of you, and if he was clueless about your struggles now, he was going to be nearly furious when figuring out all in depth.
"...Remember that girl that borrowed money from Jae? The one that—"
"Yeah, the idiot that I ordered Jae to have work for him as pay back," Helic mumbled, brows knitted as he slowly moved his arms over his chest. He waited, bored and confused over Tajh's expression.
"Yeah," Tajh nervously laughed out, feeling her insides knot, "...that idiot."
"What? She borrow more money or something?"
"Nope," Tajh popped, voice pitched as she grew nervous.
"Spill Tajh," Helic chuckled, becoming impatient. "What's going on?"
"Well that...idiot," Tajh took in a breath of air, trying her hardest not to crawl into a ball, "S-She was...that idiot was your sister."
It took a long while for the new source of information to hit Helic. But when it did, it hit him hard and fast.
Helic's eyes widened at that. Hands falling away from his chest and down to his sides, the man's mouth grew wide and open. Stomach launched into a knotting fit, Helic found his anger mix in with sadness instantly.
"Wha—Y/N?" Helic groaned instantly, hands going to his face.
All he remembered was the usual check-ins from oblivious Jae and all the things that had happened between this 'client'. From the help in robbing, to the publishing of pictures and videos as work. It was all Y/N?
"THAT IDIOT!" he yelled out, having the sudden urge to curse, Helic let everything sink in.
Your eyes slowly fluttered open when hearing your name gently being called.
Feeling your feet growing cold, your whole body had goosebumps since there was no blanket of an sorts on top of you. It took you a long while to realize that you had fallen asleep the same position from last night, hugged into Jungkook's arms.
Praying that you didn't drool onto his jacket, you let out a content sigh when noticing you were in the clear. Slowly allowing your head to move away from the maknae so that you could scope out exactly where your name was being called from.
You tried not to snort over your own sleep-filled idiocy when noticing that the voice was coming from the awaken maknae himself. Shyly covering your mouth a little, you allowed your eyes to stare over at Jungkook who stirred and had his oft eyes meet yours.
"Mornin'," he said gently, slightly taken aback over the fact that he had fallen asleep on your bed with you.
Your nose scrunched from the smell that erupted from the maknae's mouth. Chuckling, instead of roasting him there and then, you allowed your head to bury into his neck again.
"We need to talk about a lot of things," you said muffled, not wanting him to smell the black hole that was forming in your mouth.
One whiff of this smell and all the plants in the house might decay on their own.
Jungkook sighed. His cheeks and ears were starting to redden a little as he awkwardly shifted underneath your weight. Swallowing hard, he nodded, "For sure...w-when—"
"To not be so awkward about it," you proposed, moving your head away from his side so you could look him directly in the eyes again, "I say let's talk after you get back from tour."
Jungkook smiled sleepily, a cute smile grazing his lips while his big eyes squinted.
"Sounds like a plan," he softly let out, obliviously allowing his gaze to stare over at every bit of you.
It went quiet for a moment. Jungkook glanced away from you before slowly allowing his fingers to take hold of your hand. Playing around with the softness of your palm, the maknae was smiling like a child when he finally let his eyes meet yours again.
"Would you come say goodbye tonight?" he asked softly, the tip of his nose starting to grow red now as well.
You grinned at that.
Jungkook swallowed harshly when spotting you grinning, he continued, "...y'know, maybe stop by at the concert? And from there we can all go to the airport together. I'm sure the members would love for you to be there."
"Is that what you'd want?" you teased, eyes narrowing.
Jungkook tried not to smile as he shook his head, forcing his forehead to crinkle in false confusion. "No, I'm not really fond of you, so I could care less."
You laughed at that, shoving over at his chest before sitting up onto the bed. About to get up, you squeaked a low bit when feeling Jungkook drag you back down next to him by the pull of his hands. Laughing when he started to nuzzle his head into your neck, you squirmed trying hard to push away from the tickling mode that he activated.
Giggling when he instantly moved his head away from your neck and grew the courage to kiss you out of the blue, your brows jumped when his soft lips met yours.
Pulling away, you covered your mouth for a moment. Jungkook's eyes widened for a moment, thinking his action had offended you. "Sorry, I—"
"No, no," you clarified, trying so hard not to bust in laughter, "It's just I haven't brushed yet."
Jungkook gulped down, his adam's apple bobbing. Smirking a little himself now, the maknae shook his head before slowly moving your hand away from your lips.
"It's alright," he softly spoke out, eyes drifting closed before he kissed you again.
About to back away and teasingly comment on his breath instead, you refrained from it when feeling how well his lips cupped over your bottom lip. Eyes fluttering shut, you went full force in kissing him softly back.
There was as huge thud.
Jungkook groaned on the ground as he tried to reassess exactly what had occurred. You had just pushed him off the bed, with such strength that it knocked the wind out of Jungkook's lungs for a moment. That push alone gave Jungkook a stronger effect compared to the kiss, and that said a lot.
"What's wro—" about to moan out a question of concern, the maknae was cut off when you shushed him and instantly got up from the bed.
He could see you were panicking but didn't understand over what you were so panicked for.
It all fell into place the moment he heard what you had heard. Jungkook's lips fell downwards, his blood draining from his once blushing face. The maknae was paler than usual.
"Y/N?" the low voice called out, followed by movement on the stairs, "We're home honey!"
"Hide!" you softly yelled over at Jungkook who was frozen in shock.
Your parents were finally home.
"W-Where would I—"
You cut Jungkook off for what felt like the millionth time now. Feeling your heart racing, your palms were clammy when instantly taking hold of the maknae's hand and dragging his snow-white exterior over towards the bedroom door.
"My brother's room," you said, whisper yelling still, "Run over there as fast as you can and don't come out until I tell you."
It took Jungkook a long while to conclude over how wrong this probably looked. If your parents were to see him waking up in your room with you, things could escalate into a very uncomfortable conversation.
...or worse, Jungkook didn't want to see the broom come out.
"Okay," Jungkook breathily noted, getting ready to jet out the door the moment you opened your bedroom door.
Quickly kissing your cheek, the maknae watched as you opened the door.
Ready to sprint, the maknae almost tripped straight into a confused form that stood in front of the bedroom door.
When spotting the face of the man outside your bedroom door, you found your cheeks to match Jungkook's now.
The both of you were pale and incredibly uncomfortable instantly.
You nervously smiled, moving a little in front of Jungkook when seeing your father's shocked expression.
"Hello Dad," you said, awkwardly laughing when his expression guided towards you.
Jungkook's voice was high as he instantly greeted your father as well. What made the maknae more nervous was when seeing the slight change of frustration in the older man's relaxed features.
"H-Hello, sir," Jungkook squeaked out, bending so fast to be respectful.
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