《Frenemies》Chapter 24: You Like Y/N Too
"Love's a tricky thing, no?"
"How so..." Tajh said softly, grinning sweetly as she had her head rested onto the lap of her exhausted boyfriend.
Her eyes gazed over all his expression and visually changed behaviour before her. Zoning out the sound of the television that played, she found herself to focus on nothing but Helic.
Helic didn't smile, nor did he laugh in that moment. His eyes were dead focused on the figures that moved about on screen.
"When it comes to love there's two sides," he said slowly, eyes squinting, "there's that selfless side where you want nothing but happiness for the other, no matter how you feel in the end."
"What's the other side?" Tajh asked softly, smiling lightly as she heard the man speak.
"The selfish side," he lowly said, "the part of you that wants to make yourself happy...and the one you love seems to weirdly be a part of that happiness for some people."
"You okay?" Tajh asked, eyes narrowing when seeing how dull the man was this morning to now.
From the phone call with you, to spending the rest of the day with Tajh, everything seemed out of the norm.
"I'll be fine," he said lightly, finally forcing on a cute smile before pecking over at Tajh's lips. "I've just got a lot of decisions on my mind."
"You can tell me anything Helic, you know, that right?"
"Yeah," he said, moving his hand over the top of her head. Lacing his fingers within her locks, he watched her snuggle more into him.
"If you're uncomfortable now, I'm willing to wait until after the meditation we're going to do soon," Tajh joked, "Maybe that'll loosen your weird ass up."
Helic tried out soft laugh but it didn't work. All Tajh saw was him being pathetic and bored. There was clearly something on the man's mind yet she couldn't find herself to understand exactly what.
"About that..."
"What?" Tajh chuckled out, kissing over the top of his hoodie by his lower stomach. She kind of just had her head stay buried there for a moment, smelling him.
It was weird act but it was their thing. It usually made him laugh or squirm away but this time he simply sat still, his fingers slow at her skull.
"There is no meditation center," Helic slowly let out.
Tajh arched her head away from the man's stomach before looking up at him in confusion again.
"Then where were we going?"
"I'm still going," he said, eyes a little demanding as he looked down at her, "but I'm not letting you come."
"Where you going? You're scaring me here..."
Helic grinned. It was a slow burn of a smile, having Tajh's stomach twist at the very sight of it. There was sadness to it, but also a sick revelation of amusement.
"Freedom," the dark-haired man popped, moving away from the woman as he stood up onto his feet, "...that's always been the big plan for me."
About to question what exactly that meant, his behaviour changed drastically as he laughed and moved towards the kitchen again. His voice was clear and sweet when he spoke next.
"Wanna eat lunch?"
"Wanna eat lunch?"
Jungkook swallowed, looking away from the television screen before him and over to the figure that lingered by the side of the couch.
"Sorry?" He asked, completely missing what you had asked him. His mind was overwhelmed with many thoughts ever since the night before...
"Food maknae," you popped out, hands at your hips as you rubbed at your head. It hurt and throbbed because of the drowning in alcohol you did the night before. Was it fun last night? Yes. Was it fun the time you woke up this morning? No, not at all.
Jungkook smiled a little, his eyes moving over you rubbing at your head, to your arm, to your side, to your legs, and then repeat. It was a perverted gaze, nor was his mind able to comprehend such urges in that moment. This gaze was longing and sad.
"Sure, I'd love to eat," he said softly, standing up himself so he wasn't staring blankly at the television that spoke.
"I've barely got anything in the fridge, you good with take out?" You popped casually, moving over to stroll about in the kitchen.
"As long as you eat I'll feel stuffed myself," he said sweetly, the kindest smile grazing his face.
You froze a little at that. By the threshold, you stared over at him following you, pursing your lips from holding back a snort, you spoke. "I don't think that's possible scientifically, but I'll allow you to be cheesy today. I'm too tired to be a smart ass."
"Yay," Jungkook sang out, chuckling a little before following you into the the kitchen.
He watched as you checked for food of liking once again, once you gave up, Jungkook watched you grab hold of the landline. The fact that you had a landline still simply made him smile more as he watched you place an order for food and delivery.
Speaking into the phone, you tried not to awkwardly blush a few times from the way the maknae was staring over at you. Covering his view of his face with your palm, you tried not to smile so much while talking into the call when Jungkook laughed.
Once the call was over, you swore over at the maknae, smiling a little however before moving to stand next to him by the opposing counter.
"Staring is rude."
"I wasn't staring, I was admiring," Jungkook popped out, grinning as he moved his head and watched you lazily rest next to him.
"Boy," you sang out, "sleeping on the couch must be getting easier if you're becoming this uncomfortably sweet."
Jungkook rolled his eyes at that. His smile was still there however and that made you snap out a slight amused expression yourself.
"Yes, maknae," you sighed out, eyes tired when moving your chin out while staring over at him.
"Wanna play a game?"
"Sorry, I don't have Legos laying around for your 3-year-old self," you piped, teasingly smiling.
Jungkook ignored you as he moved his arms over his chest. Holding himself together, his curiosity was adorable when staring over at the side of your face all over again. He noticed it got you a little red, that only seemed to have his amusement grow.
"I used to play this with the rest of Bangtan during pre-debut days," Jungkook started, "it was our way of getting to know one another more."
"Oh," you teasingly chimed out, "you wanna get to know me?"
Jungkook tried to ignore that but he couldn't help but shoot out a slight side-smile.
You noticed his expression and grinned yourself.
"What's this game?"
"We ask each other questions as random, and no matter what, you've got to be honest."
Your eyes narrowed. "So, basically 20 questions."
Jungkook's forehead crinkled in confusion. Sighing internally, you cut him off before he could question you.
"What's 20 qu—"
"Nothing...who goes first?"
Jungkook licked his bottom lip slowly. "You," he said softly, eyes moving down over to your lips as he spoke. "You, go first."
You smiled, eyes narrowing before puckering at your lips he was subtly staring at.
"What made you want to become an idol?"
"I was inspired by many growing up," he said softly, smiling as he answered each question.
"What's your favourite super hero?"
"I don't know...I guess Ir—"
"Iron Man," you piped, beating him to it. This only made Jungkook laugh.
"I used to be a fan, this is going I be hard."
He laughed a little harder at that. "I love how it's all still in past tense."
"Yup," you popped, grinning before thinking about what you truly wanted to know.
"How many questions can I ask?"
"Let's say 5," Jungkook mumbled, in awe as he watched you so dearly while you spoke.
Jungkook's side-grin grew.
"Have you ever found a fan cute?"
Jungkook blinked for a moment. He eyed you for the longest time as you were amused of your question and waited for a response.
You grinned widely at that, "Really?"
Jungkook simply stared over at your lips that curved into a smile again. He nodded, his fingers lost within the cross of his arms he still formed by his chest.
"Yes," he simply repeated.
"Have you ever flirted with a fan?"
You thought about your last question. Seeing the boy so lost in his thoughts, your thoughts ran wild. You wanted to ask a lot for your last question, but nothing but one thing seemed to poke at your curiosity.
"Everyone calls you very young..." you said softly, eyes growing soft too now, "you seem to get excited every time you see growth in yourself as well, almost as if you can't wait to get older."
Jungkook nodded slowly, letting all your words sink in.
"I've noticed from the ways you'd celebrate your birthday through Bangtan videos...the way you'd be excited in specific clips because the thought of growing was exciting for you—that's what I've noticed anyway. I could be reading into too much..."
Jungkook's eyes were soft, gaze moving away from your lips that he was once gawking at and over to your eyes instead.
You pursed your lips a little when formulating what you wanted to say.
"Out of love, many tease you...the fans, the members. Heck, even I made a lego joke just now," you chuckled out a breathily.
Jungkook smiled when you laughed.
"...In all your time in BTS," you continued, "have you ever hated being the maknae?"
Jungkook simply stared at you.
You waited.
Pursing his lips a little, you noticed the boy go into deep thought.
"There's ups and downs for everything," he said, smiling sweetly again.
"Not an answer," you pointed out, laughing a little when he rolled at his tires eyes.
"I'll pass on this question."
You smiled warmly. Nodding, you didn't want to push anything on the dark-haired boy.
"Okay, my turn," he piped, changing the subject with such enthusiasm.
"I'm an open book, shoot."
Jungkook already had some questions in line, most he was debating to ask but still found himself wanting to.
"What was your childhood like?"
"Complicated," you easily let out, "it was hard watching people around me get hurt when I was never touched. Makes one think they were the fault behind such actions."
Jungkook knew exactly what and who you were talking about. It was all written in your face everything you mentioned your brother or father in the same thought process.
"Have you ever seen a penguin?"
You snorted at the sudden change in question.
"Yes, yes I have," you laughed out.
You didn't notice the way the maknae grinned when seeing you laugh.
"When you were a fan," the maknae rolled his eyes as he started, "did you ever come to a fan meet...or concert?"
"Nope. The only time I got close was when I ambushed you in your change room."
"That's what I thought," Jungkook sighed out, grinning a little, "I would've remembered you if you had."
Before you could ask what that exactly meant, he moved on to the next question.
"Your blue cap, why do you wear it all the time?"
"It was my brothers," you answered, smiling lightly over how easily these answers seemed to be coming out of you, "plus, it's comfortable."
"I see," Jungkook chimed, smiling over how saddening, yet beautiful that answer was.
"No, I have one more question."
"You didn't answer my final question though," you challenged, eyes cunning.
Jungkook grinned.
"Fine, ask me one last question then," he mumbled, pretending to be unamused.
You grinned, nudging at his side with your shoulder before thinking around in your mind for another possible question.
"This might be awkward but just roll with me," you mumbled, pointing out your finger as a playful warning.
Jungkook nudged his head out for you to continue.
"Are you a virgin?"
Jungkook's eyes grew wide at that. He seemed to be staring at the counter with a taken aback expression. That same expression grew highly uncomfortable as he cleared at his throat.
Time passed and you pursed your lips from laughing at how red his ears got.
"I've got my answer," you whispered out over at his ear, laughing a little at how cute he was in that moment.
"Moving on," Jungkook sang out, chuckling nervously before moving awkwardly against the counter.
"Ask away Jungkook. Be wise with your last question," you sang out the words with such mocking assertiveness. It sounded like Dumbledore on helium gas when you spoke in that moment.
"Have you..." Jungkook awkwardly let his gaze meet you again, "Have you ever been in love?"
You were slightly taken aback, but now as bad as Jungkook's sickening expression when you had asked about his sexual experience history. Instead, there was a simple pit in your stomach that made you think instantly for an answer.
Jungkook did what you did for most of the questions you asked him. He waited.
"Yes," you answered truthfully.
Jungkook licked slowly at his bottom lip. His eyes narrowing a little over your answer. His stomach twisted a little however when he let his mind go wild. His mind instantly went to Jae.
"Was Jae—"
"You're done your questions," you pointed out, smiling gently before leaning away from the counter and over to linger around the fridge again.
Through all the talking you forgot just how hungry you were.
Jungkook pursed his lips, nodding when realizing you probably didn't want anyone to protrude and ask more on the subject. So instead, he was about to change it when suddenly you spoke. You spoke but your back was to him, your face practically in the refrigerator.
"I did love Jae."
Jungkook smiled at that, nodding slowly to himself even though it hurt to think about.
"What about you?" You queried, moving your head out of the fridge and facing him again.
"You ever been in love?"
The maknae's head tilted at that, expression instantly deep in thought. He never took his eyes off your smiling form throughout it all...
Yoongi never took his eyes off Jungkook's smiling form. Watching as the maknae seemed to be playing around with Taehyung in the bigger part of the room by the couches, Yoongi couldn't stop his leg that twitched in nerves.
It had only been a few hours since the maknae had come back. Evening was strolling by, and yet, the night was coming faster than expected. Throughout it all, Yoongi only thought of one thing. He thought of the other night and all that Jungkook had observed.
"Jungkook-ah," Yoongi called out, looking away from his phone as casually as he could.
Jungkook looked away from Taehyung and over at Yoongi who was eyeing him down from across the room.
Smiling a little when both seemed to innocently glance his way, Yoongi felt a little relieved when Jungkook nodded and smiled in his direction. It was nice to see that it wasn't awkward since the previous night, that was the one fact that scared Yoongi. He didn't want anything or anyone to cause a drift between Jungkook and him.
"I heard you asked Hobi about me this morning," Yoongi piped, awkwardly glancing at Taehyung who was oblivious, "did you need something?"
"Yes," Jungkook said, smiling a little, "I wanted to speak to you."
Both Yoongi and Jungkook nodded. Silence took form as everyone simply glanced between each other. But the moment both boys looked over at Taehyung, the oblivious boy's brows jumped.
"Oh!" He chimed, "You want me to leave."
"Just for a bit," Yoongi requested, smiling a little at Taehyung who now had his eyes narrowed in curiosity.
"Fine," Taehyung mumbled, "just don't punch each other again."
Jungkook lightly tapped over at Taehyung's calf as the boy walked away. Sighing, the maknae smiled sweetly before looking awkwardly back at Yoongi.
"You heard him Jungkook-ah," Yoongi teased, "No punching me."
Moving his body over to the couch closest to Yoongi, Jungkook sat and had his elbows rest onto his knees. Hands clasped together, his back was bent at an angle as he tilted his head to look over at his hyung.
"This is about last night, right?"
Jungkook nodded slowly, jaw clenching a slow bit.
Yoongi licked his lips, pursing them right after as he debated whether or not he should ask what he was about to ask...
"You said me liking Y/N was a big deal to you," Yoongi slowly let out, "Can I ask why?"
Yoongi knew the answer, but he still gave Jungkook time to answer for himself.
Jungkook bit his lip. Nibbling at the skin for a moment, the maknae's eyes glazed over. "I..." he trailed off.
"You like Y/N too," Yoongi said slowly, finishing it off for Jungkook.
Jungkook didn't agree, nor did he instantly shy away from the remark. His eyes bounced over at his hyung's gaze.
"...maybe even more than me," Yoongi said, grinning a bit as he said it.
Jungkook swallowed, awkwardly clearing at his throat as he twitched on the couch. Glancing away, from Yoongi, Jungkook looked at his hands instead.
"Are you planning on acting on your feelings hyung?" Jungkook asked softly.
Yoongi chuckled at that.
"Would you care if I did?"
Jungkook smiled a little too, mostly because Yoongi nudged his knee with Jungkook's as he spoke.
"Maybe a little," the maknae lowly let out, eyes still on his hands.
"No," Yoongi said, grinning before sticking his phone out, "I'm not going to act on it..."
"Why not?"
"I'm not about being stuck in a relationship if I know it might bother you."
Jungkook nodded slowly. His next question was incredibly soft, Yoongi had to strain his ears to realize what he heard.
"...If I...if I act on..." he trailed off, finding it hard to verbally admit to possibly liking you.
Jungkook's ears were red again.
Yoongi grinned hugely at that. Shaking his head when seeing how nervous the boy before him was getting, the cuteness reached an overload before him.
"If you act on your obvious feelings for Y/N," Yoongi started, voice a little playful, "I won't mind at all. If anything, I'd be happy that you'd take such a step."
Jungkook noticed the genuine expression in the man's eyes and felt a slight sense of relief stroke through him.
"Thanks, hyung."
"Of course," Yoongi said, smiling largely before moving away from the couch. His intention was to grab Taehyung back into the room.
"Ahh, Jungkook-ah..."
Jungkook was alert as he looked up. Eyes bugged like the usual, the maknae waited for Yoongi to speak as he froze by the exit.
"You might want to confess those feelings soon," Yoongi tried, mischievous grin on his face now. "If you take too long, I won't feel bad for swooping your crush up for myself."
Jungkook swallowed at his throat, nervously smiling when Yoongi chuckled.
"...it might be me," Yoongi further teased, enjoying how red Jungkook was getting, "or you never know, Y/N's ex might come along and beat you too it."
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