《Stay with Me | Hermione Granger x Female OC (Book 4)》Epilogue: Part 2
In the early months of 2006, Ellie was drafted to the Holyhead Harpies with the help of a favorable recommendation by Ginny. Though some would argue that Ellie only began playing because of her connections with the red-head, the majority supported her unique skills. Cousin of Harry Potter and a brave survivor of the Battle of Hogwarts, the team soon gained an abundance of popularity. Having already learned her lesson, Ellie knew better than to submit to the fame and instead happily gave all of her attention to her fiancé.
It had taken Ellie four years to fully recover from her paralysis, adding another year to completely regain and improve her Quidditch abilities. Hermione was there every step of the way, watching happily as her fiancé grew stronger and more confident.
Ellie was dressed in her Quidditch robes, the dark green fabric with golden embellishments complimenting her skin nicely. As she walked into the nursery, her eyes immediately rested on Hermione, who stared at herself admirably through the mirror. Ellie approached her from behind as she placed a kiss on her cheek.
Both of Ellie's hands rested on Hermione's relatively large baby bump, her thumbs rubbing it over gently.
"How are my darlings?" Ellie cooed as she looked at Hermione in the mirror, cradling the bump lovingly.
"Are you talking about them? Or me?" Hermione giggled as she rested her palms over Ellie's.
"Let's talk about you first," Ellie answered. "How are you feeling, my love?"
"I feel great. More excited than tired, really," Hermione grinned widely.
"Are you sure? I mean, you've got a whole month until they're due. Besides, you look like you're aching. How's your back holding up? Want me to give a quick massage before I leave?" Ellie asked worriedly.
"Ellie... I'm okay, I promise," Hermione reassured. "My back should be the least of our worries. We should be more worried about the two red-heads that'll be running around our house pretty soon."
"Right," Ellie laughed lightly. "If they're anything like him, we won't ever get a break when they grow up. We'll wake up with green hair every Tuesday night."
Hermione giggled as she turned around to face Ellie, her bump putting a small distance between them.
"Well, we knew what we were signing up for when we asked George to be our donor," Hermione laughed, feeling a gentle kick on her stomach.
Ellie smiled warmly as she crouched down to Hermione's bump. She kissed it lightly, resting her hands on either side gently. Her eyes flickered to the burn her father's ring had left her, remembering what had happened many years ago before returning her attention to the bump.
"How are my boys?" Ellie greeted, the corners of her mouth pulled upwards into a wide beam.
"Love... the Healer wrote to me last night," Hermione started as Ellie raised an eyebrow in confusion. "She said she read the results wrong the first time. And... one of them's a girl."
Ellie looked up with a twinkling gaze, her smile growing even wider.
"We're having a girl? Are we really?" Ellie murmured softly, her voice high-pitched with happiness.
"Yes, darling. Only thing is, we need to choose names. We only have a month left," Hermione suggested.
"Well, I've been thinking..." Ellie started as she rose to her feet, reaching around Hermione to grab a pen and piece of parchment. She ripped it in half, handing the other piece to Hermione. Ellie scribbled a few name suggestions down before handing the pen over. Hermione did the same as she set the pen down, connecting the two pieces of parchment once more.
"I really like that one," Ellie pointed out, her finger hovering over one of the names.
"I like that one too," Hermione agreed as she began to blurt out suggestions. "And maybe we can switch those around... and we can turn that one into a more feminine name... ooh, and that one can be his middle name."
Ellie and Hermione spent the next three minutes discussing possible name suggestions until they finally settled on the two. Ellie cupped Hermione's cheeks as she pressed their lips together, leaning over to avoid hitting her bump.
Ellie broke away to rest her hands on the bump once more, looking down lovingly.
"So... Rosyln Frida Granger, eh?" Ellie trailed, testing the name out for herself.
"And Cedric Émile Granger," Hermione added as she placed her hands over Ellie's.
"Where'd you get the name Émile from?" Ellie questioned, though she had a feeling she already knew.
"Amelia... Émile... sounds just about the same. Your mother, darling. She's a very brave woman, you know. I look up to her a lot. It's what I admire about the Evans family. Bravery. Courage. So full of love. I want our children to be like you. To be like your mother, or Harry's mother, or even your father."
"I'm very flattered, my love. And I'm sure my mother would be too," Ellie smiled.
"Fred and Cedric would be honored as well," Hermione cooed.
"Yeah, they would," Ellie sighed, remembering the awful tragedies of her past. "Hermione, love... is it okay if I make a detour after the game?"
"Yeah, of course. What for?"
"Just going to make a visit. It'll be short, I promise," Ellie answered before crouching in front of Hermione's bump once more. "Hey, you two. You be good to your mother, okay? Easy on the kicking. Mommy Ellie is going to win a game for you today."
Ellie gave a quick peck on Hermione's bump before rising to kiss her lips. She broke away reluctantly, glancing at the clock hung on the wall.
"Stay safe," Hermione dismissed with a soothing expression as she made her way to the rocking chair.
"You'll watch me on the television?"
"Of course I will. I'll see you in a bit, darling. Call my mom if you need anything."
Hermione nodded with a smile as she opened the book she had set aside, the leather bookmark Ellie had given to her marking the page.
With that, Ellie grabbed her broom and made her way to the fireplace. Grabbing a fistful of Floo Powder, she threw it down firmly, reciting the name of the stadium.
The game went by quickly, and the Holyhead Harpies took another victory against the Chudley Cannons. With Ellie catching the Snitch just in time, and Ginny's continuous goals, the all-female team was unstoppable. Just before exiting to the locker rooms, the Ginny and Ellie signed a few jerseys and toy broomsticks from screaming fans. As Ellie passed a camera, she formed a heart with her hands and pressed it against her chest, hoping Hermione was watching.
"Hey, you going to the after party?" Ginny questioned as she wiped a bead of sweat from the back of her hand.
"Um... maybe next time," Ellie declined with an apologetic expression. "I've got some things I need to do right now."
"Of course, I understand. I'll see you at practice," Ginny nodded as she proceeded to the locker rooms, leaving Ellie who stayed near the exit.
Ellie didn't return to the locker room. Instead, she pushed her way through the doors of the exit, feeling the fresh breeze of the afternoon wind. Holding her broom tightly in one hand with her destination in mind, Ellie Apparated quickly, the twisting sensation taking over her body.
The Forbidden Forest wasn't as eerie as Ellie expected, considering the amount of times Ron and Harry ranted about its dangers. She took a step forward, the crunch of the leaves bellow her feet echoing across the trees. It was deathly silent, but Ellie didn't mind; Luna had told her that its inhabitants were friendly. She began to walk slowly, carefully scanning the ground for a certain object.
"Where is it..." Ellie mumbled quietly to herself. "Where did Harry leave it?"
Ellie continued for nearly half an hour before stumbling upon the object. With a smirk of success, she picked it up triumphantly, inspecting the material. The Resurrection Stone was about the size of a marble, precisely crafted into a diamond-like shape. Its black stone reflected against the sunlight peeking over the treetops, and Ellie could see the Deathly Hallows symbol etched lightly.
Ellie took the stone in her palm and turned it three times over in her hand. Two shadowy wisps formed in front of her, eventually turning more and more solid, though they never reached a a fully human state.
Ellie grinned widely as she ran to the slightly shorter boy first with a full-forced embrace. She went right through the red-head, causing her to stumble as she turned around with confusion.
"I'm sorry Ellie, but we're not really here," Fred announced solemnly, with Cedric nodding in agreement.
Ellie's face dropped in sorrow as she clutched the stone in her hand.
"Don't look so glum. That look doesn't suit you," Fred spoke. "I mean, you've got a fiancé, two kids on the way, a spot on the Holyhead Harpies, and your legs back. Beats being up there. Cedric doesn't enjoy me watching you so much."
"You watch me?" Ellie frowned, her mind wandering to all the events he shouldn't have witnessed.
"Hey, hey, hey. Cedric does too," Fred shrugged, earning a light-hearted scoff from the boy.
"Respectfully, Fred. Give the girl some privacy," Cedric scolded before turning to Ellie with a gentler expression. "By the way, great game today. Saw you working up a storm on the field, dodging Bludgers here and there. The view from up there is way better than the stands."
"What can I say? I've taken after the best Seeker Hufflepuff ever had. You, of course," Ellie smiled.
"So when's the wedding, Ellie?" Fred cut in with smirk. "You and Hermione already have your honeymoon planned?"
"Don't know yet, honestly, " Ellie shrugged. "I guess we're all just waiting for it to be legal. Hermione didn't want to be left out. Harry and Ginny just had their second, and she wanted our children to grow up with him."
"But are you ready for children? I mean, you haven't even gotten married," Cedric contended.
"I've been ready. From the moment I ditched that wheelchair, I knew what I wanted. I just waited for Hermione to say the words."
"Mate, she's already named one of her children after you. Don't make her have second thoughts," Fred nudged at Cedric before turning back to Ellie. "By the way... Frida? That's a brilliant name. Wonder where you could've gotten that one."
Ellie laughed, earning a similar hearty chuckle from both Fred and Cedric. The laughter died down, and Ellie soon snapped back into reality. Though the blissful moment felt real, she knew that it was just an illusion, that there was no way in bringing them back. She glanced at her watch, noticing that the time had passed faster than she anticipated.
"I really miss you guys," Ellie spoke in a soft tone. "I don't want to leave."
Ellie sighed as she felt her sorrow kicking in once more. Though she had grown to move on with their passings, seeing them again brought back a gut-wrenching feeling. She brought her head down as she attempted to swallow her cry, her throat tightening at the thought of her departure.
"You have to," Fred countered, though it was evident that he didn't want her to leave either.
"Is there anything I can do for you two?" Ellie sighed. "It'll make me feel more at ease if you have any requests.
"I have one," Cedric chirped. "Save a seat for me at your wedding."
"Already had it planned," Ellie answered as she turned to Fred.
"What about you, Freddie? Any requests?"
Fred hesitated before shaking his head, avoiding eye contact with Ellie.
"What is it?" Ellie repeated cautiously, taking in his body language. "Is there anything I can do? You can tell me, it's okay."
"Just... take care of George for me, will you?" Fred requested, his usual mischievous smirk wiped off his face as he thought about his brother.
"I will," Ellie reassured. "I promise. To both of you."
"Now go take care of Hermione. You've got twins on the way. We'll be okay here," Cedric comforted as he clapped Fred on the back, the two seeming to have grown a bond over the years.
"Wait," Ellie paused. "If you see my father, tell him I said... thank you... and that I think of him. That's all he needs to know."
"You got it," Cedric promised. "We'll always be with you, Ellie."
"In here," Fred finalized as he pointed to Ellie's heart, his lips curling into a smile.
The aisle was prepared beautifully with white rose petals scattered on the runner. Tall oak trees surrounded the venue, and floating candles illuminated the area. Its entirety seemed to be incorporated with the forest, the archway constructed of an assortment of roses. A live pianist played from the side, its melodious music amplified by the magical keys. The guests stood in anticipation, peering their heads around each other to get a better look at the brides.
Ellie was the first to walk, escorted by her mother. She heard the audible gasps of admiration as the guests viewed her dress. It was simple and timeless, yet modern elements were sewed in to suit her style. Her hair fell effortlessly at her shoulders, her natural waves enhanced with a crown of flowers made by Luna. Harry and Ron stood wide-eyed, clearly struck by Ellie's beauty. Draco stood by them, his eyes glistening as he stared with happiness for his friend. Ellie's eyes glanced towards the five empty seats in the first row, all of which were occupied by the spirits she held dearly: Cedric, Fred, Tonks, Lupin, and Steven. She eventually made her way to the left side of the archway, nodding to Mr. Weasley as he stood in the middle, ready to officiate the wedding.
The magical veil shielded their view temporarily as they prepared the next bride. Ellie took a deep breath as it opened slowly, revealing her bride-to-be. Hermione walked gracefully down the aisle, escorted by both of her parents. She opted for a ballgown design, her curls styled perfectly to showcase her flushed cheeks. Ellie's mouth parted slightly at the sight, amazed at how beautiful Hermione looked. A single tear dropped from her eye as she felt an overwhelming surge of happiness. The two brides made eye contact, invoking a shared giggle of both excitement and anxiety. Hermione finally approached the archway, standing just in front of Ellie.
Arthur cleared his throat before looking down at the floating book in front of him.
Ellie cleared her throat lightly before taking a piece of parchment she had asked Draco to hold for her. She looked into Hermione's eyes, blocking out any other view as she imagined they were alone.
"Hermione, we've come a long way. When I first met you, there was something in my mind that told me that you were the one. I remember the day we met so vividly, and I won't ever tie my ties the same again because of it. Twenty years ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had no idea that my heart was capable of loving someone so much until you showed up. Because of you, my life is complete. Darling, you know that I don't break my promises. So now, I'll promise you the world. I promise to never second guess the brightest witch of our age. I promise that I won't ever take our time together for granted. I promise to be with you, every step of the way. I promise to make you laugh everyday, until your cheeks burn from the smiling. I promise to be there for our children, because I know how much they mean to you. I promise to show you, for the rest of my life, how much I love you. What we have... it'll last forever. And I will cherish that until the day I die. Again."
A string of hushed laughters came from the guests as they heard Ellie's last line. Tears fell from Hermione's eyes as she looked at Ellie admirably. Harry proceeded to hand Hermione her parchment, and Ellie recognized it to be ripped from the journal she had given over a decade ago.
"Ellie... because of you, I've learned to love unconditionally, to love without barriers. I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I don't have any favorite novels. You'd think that a bookworm like me would have tons, but I don't. I guess I've never found anything worthy enough for me to cherish. But let me tell you... what we have, my darling, is worthy of the most epic romances to exist... stronger than Romeo and Juliet... stronger than Elizabeth and Darcy. If someone were to write about our love story, this would, without a doubt, be my favorite. And there's no changing that. You've filled my life with joy, and peace, and chaos... all at the same time. And I fall more in love with you every day because of it. You are my everything, Ellie. And you've shown me more love than I've ever known."
"Wow, really touching, you two," Arthur commented as he dabbed at his eyes with his handkerchief. "Ahem... moving along."
Both the girls' eyes were flooded with tears, their smiles unable to be wiped from their faces.
Arthur cleared his throat once more, flipping a page in his book with his wand. "Do you, Ellie, take Hermione to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"
Without breaking eye contact, Ellie smiled, "I do."
"Do you, Hermione, take Ellie to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do," Hermione responded breathlessly, as if she couldn't believe she was finally getting married to the girl she had been in love with for the past two decades.
"Hey, Ced," Arthur whispered to the small red-headed boy seated in the second row. "Mind giving those rings?"
He took the rings from the brides' son, placing them respective into both of their hands. Cedric returned to his godmother, who stood near Ellie quietly, holding her hand tightly.
"Why are my mommies crying, Auntie Luna?" Cedric questioned innocently.
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