《Broken | -imarriedfredweasley》First day of school


1417 words

"Y/n! Wake up!" Your mother shouts as she storms into your room. You groan and roll over. You feel a cool breeze rush over you as your mother pulls off your sheets. "You're going to be late on your first day!"

You dramatically sighed as you got up and grabbed the dress you picked out. You put on your dress, then your shoes. You softly run a brush through your hair before running downstairs to get breakfast.

"Here." Your mother says as she places your basket on the table. You eat your breakfast as fast as possible. After finishing breakfast, you grab your school supplies. "Goodbye!" You shout as you open the door. You hear Ashley April shout back.

On your way to school, you rush through a forest filled with trees and plants. You sigh as you see the schoolhouse. You were still nervous about having to start at a new school.

"Shoot!" You say to yourself as you check your pocket watch and see you're late. You run and put your milk in a stream near others. You slow down as you head to the doors.

You open a door and try to be quiet but the door lets out a loud squeak as you open it. Everyone turns around and looks at you. You see Gilbert smile at you.

You walk over to the coat room and take off your scarf and coat and hang them up before rushing to an empty seat next to a girl with red hair. "So this is the redhead Gilbert mentioned." You think to yourself.

As you look to the front of the class, you see the teacher staring at you. "Everyone this is our new student, (y/n) (y/l/n). I'm Mr Phillips and you are late." He says with an angry expression. You turn red with embarrassment as you hear laughter around the class.

You awkwardly stand up. "Sorry I was late sir, I got lost." You say. "Better not happen again." He says as you sit down.

You turn to see the red-headed girl smiling at you. "Hi, I'm Anne Shirley-Cuthbert." She whispers. You smile back. "Pleasure to meet you." You quietly whisper before turning back to Mr Phillips.


While you listening to Mr Phillips you get the feeling someone is watching you. You turn around to see Billy staring at you. You turn away and try to ignore it but you can still feel him staring at you. You try to forget about it.

"Once you finish, please put your hand up so I can check your work." Mr Phillips says as he finishes explaining the work.

You finish your work and put your hand up, you realise you're the only one finished. Mr Phillips walks over and checks your work. "Very good." He says as he turns and walks away. You quietly sit at your desk as you wait for everyone to finish. You didn't mind being the first one finished because of something your father had told you. "When you start your new school, always put up your hand up if you know the answer and always finish first, that way everyone knows you're smart."

- - -

When it was lunch time you grabbed your basket and a book and rushed outside. You sat on the ground near a tree. You could feel the golden, warm sun beaming on you. As you're reading you see someone stand in front of you. You look up to see Gilbert. "Oh hello, Gilbert." You softly say with a big smile spread across your face.

He sits down and smiles. "So how is your first day going so far?" He curiously asks. "Well you were right, I did make friends with a loud redhead." You say making GIlbert laugh.

As you and Gilbert continue talking. You see Anne and a dark dark-haired girl walk over. "Oh, I love that book! And oh the ending is just absolutely amazing!" Anne says when she comes over. You laugh because you had read the book before and knew what the ending was.

"This is my bosom friend, Diana Barry." Says Anne.

You smile and reach out your hand to Diana. "Lovely to meet you." You say as you shake hands. "You too," Diana says with a smile. As she and Anne walk away the bell rings.


- - -

Once school was over you and Gilbert walked home. "Well, I think I very much enjoyed the day." You say as you turn to Gilbert.

"That's good. It should be easy for you anyways, considering you were the first one to finish, the task Mr Phillips gave us." He says smirking. You laugh.

"Well, I will see you tomorrow." He says as you arrive at your house. "Goodbye." You say.

As soon as you get inside you rush to tell your mother all about your day. "Oh, mother it was great. I made friends with the kindest people!" You say as you put down your stuff.

She looks at you with a smile. "Well now didn't I tell you everything would be ok? See mother knows best." She says. You roll your eyes and continue telling her about your day. "Although the teacher is quite rude and doesn't seem all that interested in actually teaching us important stuff." You say as you sit down.

"When I was younger women weren't allowed an education which was somewhat of a good thing because the teacher they had at the school, was a nasty old man who only cared about sleeping and eating!" Your mother says as she laughs.

"Do you think it would have been different if you went to school and got an education?" You ask.

You see your mother look down. "Oh, nonsense. Nothing would be different." She says as she looks up. You finish telling your mother about your day and go upstairs.

You go into Tatum's room and see her standing up in her crib. You smile and pick her up. You sit down on a seat near her window. "If father was here he would be constantly trying to teach you to say dada just like back at East Hillwood." You laugh. "It's ok though, we get to see him extremely soon! And when I see him I can tell him all about school and the adventures and journeys I have been on!" You say with a smile. You sit with Tatum for a few moments as you look out the window. You see her slowly start to doze off so you put her back in her crib and go to your room.

As you open your door you see Ashley April sitting on your bed reading one of your many books. "Oh, Ashley April what are you doing!? I have told you many times not to come into my room!" You say.

She lets out a giggle "You can't stop me from going into your room if you're not here!" She says.

You walk up to her and snatch the book. You look at the front cover and read the title. "What are you reading story's about monsters for? You will get nightmares!" You say as you put the book on your shelf with the rest. She runs out of the room giggling.

You sigh as you sit at your desk. You get out a quill and ink and paper to start writing a letter to your father.

"Dearest father,

We miss you so very much here. I started school today! It was amazing! I was quite nervous at first but I made some great friends. Avonlea is such a beautiful place, there are blossom trees everywhere and there are the most gorgeous places to explore. I have been adventuring around Avonlea and exploring but I want to save some to do with you. There are lots of great people here in Avonlea aswel and I know you will get along very well with them all. I know you probably won't get this for a few days but please write back as soon as you can! I am bursting to hear about how everyone is doing at East Hillwood!

Lots of love, y/n."

You fold the paper and put it in an envelope. On the envelope you write, "To Mr William y/l/n, from (y/n) (y/l/n)." You leave the letter on your desk and head downstairs.

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