《Broken | -imarriedfredweasley》Avonlea


832 words


Personally, I hate this book so much. Like from someone else's view it might not be too bad but from the writer's view, it makes me cringe knowing I used to write like this.

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I wrote this a while ago so if you do choose to read this, just know my writing has changed since then and as I look back my writing high key sucked in this book but it has quite a few reads so I don't want to take it down lmfao

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As you travel to Avonlea on the train with your mother and two younger sisters, you sit with your face pressed against the cool window and observe everything that you pass. The previous year had been terribly hard for you and your family. Your family had been struggling with money so you had to leave East Hillwood and move to Avonlea. You had to move away from all your friends and leave behind your old life. You were very nervous about starting at a new school. You always did very well in school and enjoyed going, but you knew that being new comes with its challenges.

You were sad about having to leave your father. Your father was back at East Hillwood, he had business he had to finish before he could move to Avonlea with you. He was planning on joining you in 2-4 weeks but you knew that you would miss him very much.

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You look away from the window to face your mother, "oh mother, must I go to school tomorrow?" You ask with a soft tone.

She looks at you with a smile and reassures you, "Nothing to fear, I'm sure you will make lots of friends. You're a very nice person and I am almost certain that everyone will love you!"


"Thank you mother, but everyone will already be friends and they will have known each other for years." You say as you turn back to the window. You start worrying and thinking of all of the things that could go wrong. "What if I have no idea what they are learning!? What if no one likes me and I sit all by myself!? What if the teacher calls me in front of the class and asks me a question but I don't know the answer!?" You think to yourself. You sigh and close your eyes.

You hear your baby sister lightly cry as your mother cradles her. "Are we almost there!?" Your younger sister, Ashley April wines.

"We have almost arrived. Y/n stop making a fuss out of a small thing, everything will be alright." Your mother says. You frown and slightly slouch in your seat. "Y/n, you know better than that! Sit up straight. No slouching and don't frown! You will get wrinkles!" Your mother rudely says.

You groan and straighten up. You turn to see Ashley April laughing and poking her tongue at you. "That's enough Ashley April" Your mother sternly says.

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Once you arrive at Avonlea you step off the train and smile. You look around at the beautiful atmosphere. "Wow..." You quietly say to yourself. You see a man struggling with his bags, you rush over. "Here sir, let me help." You say with a smile. You grab one of his bags and carry it over to a horse.

"Where are you coming from?" You ask the man. He looks at you "Charlottes town, I was visiting someone." You quickly remember you never introduced yourself, "oh silly me I almost forgot, I'm (y/n), I just came from East Hillwood." You put out your hand for him to shake.


He looks at your hand and smiles. "I'm Sebastian but you can call me Bash, nice to meet you." He grabs your hand and shakes it. You look over to see your mother looking around for you. "I best be going, but it was lovely meeting you bash. I hope I see you around." You say. Sebastian smiles and thanks you for your help. He waves as you walk off.

"There you are. You mustn't rush off like that." Your mother says. You nod your head and grab your bags. "Our new house is too far to walk so we will need to get a carriage but it won't take long till we are home and can unpack." Your mother says as she walks around looking for help.

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