《Taking Tammy.》(15)


The trees were enough cover to keep Tammy dry.

The rain had come down suddenly, the second Joyce’s body had hit the floor. It was odd, if it hadn't been for the darkness of the situation, Tammy would go as far to call it magic.

She found the pattern of droplets calming, though her mind was still wrecked.

If she hid well, she could possibly stay in the woodland for a few days; but the time would come when she’d get hungry, thirsty or found by Aidan.

Who was she kidding? Aidan was going to find her soon.

Tammy had sneaked out the second he had turned his back, but she had only ran a couple of miles, if that.

Two fields; two enormous fields she had run across to find this woodland.

The trees sprouted high and the birds chirped with peace; it was perfect, a little piece of heaven whilst she was trapped in hell.

The sound of running water called her name. She followed the noise, a sense of relaxation returning to her with every step.

Her ears led her to a stream of fresh water which dripped from between the craggy rocks of a miniature waterfall. The rain had made the ground here muddy, slippery, and frankly disgusting but Tammy conquered on, battling through the rough terrain.

It wasn’t the most picturesque scene in the world, but it was adequate to Tammy.

Aidan had shot two people in a matter of days; two people he apparently cared about.

She didn’t have a plan, but she needed to breathe. To rehydrate herself, so she could fight on, get ready and move quickly.

The water trickled down her throat with ease. It wasn’t the nicest, but it wet her mouth.


A snapping of a branch interrupted her tranquility, the sudden noise coming from behind her.

Try not to panic, she told herself as she turned around. He couldn’t have found you that fast.

Another branch snapped, followed by the rustling of leaves.

Tammy held her breath. He came at her like a bull, charging towards Tammy with elation. She shut her eyes, preparing herself for the collision. Clearly, he had no intention of stopping.

Tammy held her arms out expectedly, but his weight proved too heavy, and she fell backwards, meeting the ground with a thud.

The wetness of his tongue stung her cheek and she pushed him back instinctively.

She laughed despite being covered in dirt. “Get back, Ben.”

The dog looked up, equally as mucky.

One wag of his tail was enough to put a smile on her face, but it instantly disappeared when she found herself wondering, what in the world are you doing here?

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