《The Make-Up Game. | larry stylinson》It's A Phone Call.



Louis rubbed at his arms as the wind blew. His hair blew against his face and he huffed, getting annoyed with the feeling. He had been sat on the bus stop for the past twenty minutes, praying that the bus would turn up soon.

He was thankful that he had taken out his purse from his bag and placed it into his pockets. Otherwise, he really would be screwed. He was a little annoyed that he left his bag, however once he was home, he could use Megan's phone to ask Ashton to collect it.

He didn't know what came over him when he ran. That was the moment he had always been dreaming of. To kiss Harry. But when the opportunity was right in front of him, he freaked. He scrunched his eyebrows at the memory. Them dancing and then Harry leaning in. He felt like if they had kissed, he would almost been taking advantage of Harry. Because let's face it; the boy was pissed.

Louis looked to the end of the street, seeing the headlights of the bus coming towards him. He stood, quickly outstretching his arm to signal for the bus to stop. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his purse. As the bus stopped, he pulled out the correct change and collected his ticket.

Due to the time of night, the bus was pretty much empty. A young looking woman sat near the front, wearing light blue jeans, an old looking shirt a ripped red jacket thrown over the top. Then there was an older man sat near the middle. He was sat facing out of the window, wearing a grey suit jacket with matching trousers, a white shirt, black tie and black dress shoes.

Louis thanked the driver, ignoring the disgusted look the man held on his face. Turning, he walked down the aisle of the bus. As he reached the very back of the bus, he took the seat beside the window, sighing. He rested his head against the glass and closed his eyes. He felt a lot more relaxed now that he was in a less crowded environment to the party.

Not too long after, the bus arrived at his stop and Louis politely thanked the driver as he stood off. The cold air hit him hard and his teeth immediately began to clash together. His feet moved against the concrete path, to get home as fast as he could. Luckily for him, the bus stop was only a couple of metres away from his building and he had got there in little time.

He huffed as he pressed the button for his flat. "Hello?" He heard Megan ask through he small speaker.

"Hey, it's me." He crossed his arms over his chest and looked back behind him, making sure no one was around.

"Louis?" He could hear the confusion in the girls voice.


"Yeah can you let me in please? I'll explain when I get up there." After Megan had buzzed him in, Louis made his ways up the flights of stairs, taking them one at a time.

When he reached the right floor, he was glad to see that Megan had left the front door open for him and he just walked inside. He shut the door and bent over, untying his shoe laces and slipping them off.

He sighed as he stood up straight, the warmth of the flat being very inviting and homely. He knew Megan had turned on the heat. Speaking of the girl, Louis looked over to the sofa where she was situated. Her feet were tucked under her body and her hands were in a bowl of- what Louis was sure was- sweet popcorn. Her eyes glued to the TV.

Louis made a point of dragging his feet across the floor as he made his way over to the sofa. He stood right in front of the TV, so that he was in Megan's way. The girl looked up, her eyebrows raised. "Do you mind moving the fuck over?"

"No. I have problems and I would like to share them with you." The boy pouted.

Megan threw her head back and groaned loudly. She looked back at him, "sit down and we can talk about your troubles." So Louis did. He took the space right next to Megan and snuggled as close to her as he could possibly get, trying to warm his body up.

"Harry tried to kiss me." He mumbled into her side.

Megan was midway through putting a piece of popcorn when she finally registered what her friend had just said. The small piece of food fell from her fingers as she pretty much screamed, "He did what!"

Without even looking up, Louis knew that she had put down the bowl of snacks and that she was now staring at him, her brown eyes wide. "He tried to ki-"

"I heard you, you shit! But what d'you mean tried?" Megan pressed.

Louis took his face out from her side and sat upright on the sofa. "I left. I freaked out." He looked over to the girl who now held a sympathetic look. "I just- he was drunk out of his mind. We had been dancing- thanks to Ashton. And when the band began to play, he pulled me into the kitchen where nobody was and... I just felt like it wouldn't have been real. He wouldn't remember it with the state he was in and I would have felt bad. Plus, if I were to kiss him, I'd want him to remember. Y'know?" He looked over to Megan and the blonde nodded her head understandingly.

She pressed her lips together and shifted her position, opening her arms and allowing Louis to lie between her legs. His head was laying comfortably on her stomach and his arms around her petite waist. "S'okay. You did the right thing. I'm sure the right time will come."


Louis chuckled slightly under his breath as his eyes began to droop. Completely forgetting about his bag which was still resting on the table in the filled living room.


The moment Louis' eyes opened, he instantly panicked. His surroundings did not look like his bedroom and there was a body pressed underneath him. However when and realised it was his living room and it was Megan beneath him, he let out a loud laugh; causing the said girl to groan and push Louis away.

Louis climbed off the sofa and stood onto his tiptoes and reached out his arms, letting a loud sound out. Once he was finished with his wake up routine, Louis looked down at his dress, remembering the night before. And that was when his head snapped up and he ran around the living room in search for Megan's phone.

The girl groaned, shifting on the sofa calling out to Louis. "What are you doing?"

"Where's your phone?!" Was Louis' panicked response.

Megan reached out her arm sleepily, not bothering to open her eyes as she knew that it hadn't moved from the place it was last night. Louis looked to where the shaky finger was pointing and nearly slapped him self for not checking the coffee table first. He rushed over, picking up the phone and quickly dialled Luke's number.

"What d'you want, bitch?" Louis gasped at his friends rude remark.

"Excuse me?" Louis asked back.

"Shit Lou. Sorry, thought it was Megan." He could hear Luke's slight chuckled from the other end and he shook his head. "Why are you phoning from her phone and why so early?"

"Is Ashton with you?" Louis ignored his best friends questions, getting right to the point.

"Wow. Okay. Yeah he is.. Why'd you not just phone him?"

"Because I don't know his number and I haven't got my phone on me. Which is the reason why I called." The Heard a shuffling sound from the other end and he guessed that Luke was getting the phone to Ashton.

He was proved right when a very hungover sounding Ashton spoke. "Hey, where d'you get to last night? I looked around for you."

Louis let out a long breath. "I- uh, sorry about that. Megan needed me home." He looked over to the said girl who was now sat up, eyebrows raised. He gave her a look which she knew was a 'just stick with it' look.

"Right." Ashton didn't sound to convinced.

"Anyway." Louis sighed. "I was wondering if you by any chance picked up my bag? I kind of left it on the table next to your drink." He brought up his hand to his mouth and began chewing on his nails. A nasty habit he had picked up when he was a child.

"I can uh- I can get it. Bring it over later or something. I take it you need your phone." He could hear a noise and then a muffled voice which sounded extremely familiar.

Louis smiled, "that would be amazing."

After they had arranged a time, that being around 1:00pm, they said their good byes and Louis hung up the phone, chucking the phone back over to Megan.

"All sorted?" She asked, locking her screen, which Louis had failed to do.

"Yeah." He huffed, throwing himself back onto the sofa, closing his eyes. "He's gonna bring it over for me." He looked up at the girl who smiled.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to get dressed. I advise you to do the same." Louis nodded, standing up and making his way towards the bathroom to shower.


Sunday's had always been lazy days. It's like that for mostly everyone. It's seen to be the day which you were allowed to just spend the whole time in you pyjamas and watch movies. Right? Louis was certain that that was the right way to spend that day of the week.

So to stick to the correct dress code of a Sunday, he wore his white, duck print pyjama bottoms, with his cute, matching T-shirt. He had slipped socks on his feet, pulled over the bottoms to keep it as warm as possible. Cold feet were the worst thing, after all.

He was all cuddled up on the sofa, his pink duvet thrown over him as he watched reruns of all the old Disney episodes. Starting with The Suit Life of Zach and Cody.

When the door rang at twenty minutes past one, Louis was surprised. He knew that Megan was not coming back for the night (she was staying over someone's house, not telling Louis who) and he had completely forgot about his bag. Plus, he knew no one in his block who would knock on his door on a Sunday afternoon.

He pulled open his flat door, his eyes trained to the floor. He looked over the brown boots, before raking his eyes up the tall body stood in front of him. "Harry?" He managed to squeak out, past his confusion.

"Yeah. Uh, there was a lady coming out, she let up me into the block. I uh-" he pulled his arm up, showing his hand which was grasping ahold of Louis' bag. "I wanted to bring this back. And- and to say sorry. About last night."

Louis stayed silent, not saying anything for a few seconds. He just stood and admired (subtly) how cute Harry's stutter and rambling was. He pulled open his door wider before waving his hand in a welcoming motion. "Come in. I guess."

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