《Full Sun || Haechan》22



I hugged my leg and watched as a pair of boys I didn't recognize ran away down the hall.

I can't tell if they did it on purpose or not.

"Y/N are you okay?"

It was Jeno.

"I'm fine." I carefully stood up from the dirty floor.

Jeno grabbed my backpack and my books that I had dropped when I was tripped.

"Are you sure? You looked like you were in pain just now."

My ankle was hurting slightly but I didn't want to make a fuss out of it.

"Don't worry I'm okay." I smiled at him.

"How did you fall anyways?"

He didn't see the boys from earlier?

"I think I tripped over my own feet." Even I wasn't to sure how exactly I fell.

"Be more careful from now on." He scolded me in a caring way.

I giggled at Jeno's motherly charisma that showed from time to time.

I nodded and let him walk me to my next class.

"Now are you sure you don't want me to walk you to the infirmary?" He asked once more before giving me back my books and backpack.

"I'm positive." I playfully rolled my eyes. "Now run to your class before you are late."

"Okay then." He agreed and headed his way.

It was time for my art class, one of the few classes which I had alone.

I took my seat but couldn't rub off the feeling that everyone was staring at me. It wasn't the first time today I had felt this way but I didn't pay much attention to it.

I tried ignoring the feeling and worked on my drawing in peace as I always do, but the burning sensation of everyones gaze was eating away at me.


"Sir, may I please use the restroom." I politely excused myself.

I walked down the hall towards the Girls restroom but still couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

When I entered the washroom there were two girls fixing their makeup in front of the mirror.

"Excuse me." I cleared my throat as I stood next to them to wash my hands.

I looked up at myself in the mirror only to see that the two girls where already staring at me through the reflection.

"Is something wrong?" I asked them after being bothered by their gaze.

"You know I was wondering why someone like you would date someone like Haechan." The first girl took a step towards me.

"But now it makes sense, only a manipulative bitch would date a monster like him."

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the sudden attack.

"Everyone knows the truth now y/n."

"What truth? What are you talking about?"

I suddenly felt my hair being pulled down by the second girl.

"Ya! Let go of me." I yelled.

"Stop acting like the victim. Eunji already told everyone the truth about you. You were a bully at your old school. You terrorized everyone including her and you manipulated her brother into hating her."

"Ahhhg" She pulled my hair even harder. "That isn't even true! Me and her were best friends. She's the one who is lying!"

"Please." The first girl scoffed. "With the way you squirmed yourself into the group of most popular boys at school I wouldn't doubt a single word."

I felt as her nails dug into my left cheek after throwing me to the ground.

"Your little reign as princess is over now that everyone knows who you really are, a manipulative little slut!"


They took one last look at me and laughed before leaving me all alone.

I was crying in the corner of the bathroom floor where they had left me. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go back to class anymore, not like this.

I was afraid.

I didn't know those two girls so why did they do that to me?

I pulled out my phone and texted the only person I could trust at the moment.

I managed to hide in a bathroom stall and waited for him to come.

"y/n? Are you in here?" I heard his soft voice call.

"Right here." I responded almost inaudibly.

I opened the bathroom stall and carefully walked out.

"What happened?" He gasped.

"I was attacked by two girls I've never met before."

"What! Why?" He took hand wipes and began to clean the blood of my face.

"Renjun I'm telling you this because I trust you, you cant tell anyone."

Although I wasn't closest to him, Renjun was the most patient and level headed among the boys, which is why I called him and only him.

"I don't know about that y/n." He disapproved.

"Please Renjun I need you to understand." I stuck my pinky finger out. "Please promise me."

He reluctantly nodded his head and locked fingers with me.

"Now tell me whats going on."

"Eunji." I choked back my tears. "She spread false rumors about me telling everyone that I was a bully at our old school. Those two girls did this to me because they believed those lies and thought I deserved to pay for my past."

"I thought you two were best friends? Why would she want to hurt you like that?"

"I dont know." I answered in frustration.

"But you still want to protect her don't you?" He saw right through me.

I slightly nodded my head, more tears escaping my eyes.

"If Haechan finds out I don't know what he'll do. I can't be the reason why he reverts to his old ways."

"And I'm assuming you don't want to cause a drift in her and her brothers relationship." He added on.

"So you understand right?"

He sighed, "I understand but I don't agree."

He clicked his tongue.

"Please Renjun, you cant tell them neither Chenle. I don't want them to worry about me."

"Don't worry y/n I wont tell them. I'll respect your decision for now, but if things get out of hand you know I will have to do what is best for you."

"I understand." I softly replied.

"Now lets get out of here before someone comes in and asks why I am in the girls washroom."

He placed a medium sized bandaid over my cheeks to cover the scratch marks that were dug into my skin.

He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Lets go"

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