《Full Sun || Haechan》2



"Here is your first class Miss Lee."

After a brief campus tour, the principal had escorted me to my first class.

"Thank you Mr.Kim." I bowed respectfully.

"No need to thank me, it is an honor to have Lee Minseok's daughter attending our school."

"Please Mr. Kim," I laughed akwardly. "My father is just like any other ordinary man out there."

"On the contrary, Mr. Lee is our most loyal donor at this school. We are very grateful for his generous donations."

"Really? I had no idea."

"No need to be so modest."

I wasn't being modest at all, I really had no idea.

Just then, a boy with mint green hair came running down the hallway followed by a pink haired boy.

Why did all the boys at this school have such strange hair colors?

"Hey why aren't you boys in class!" The principal yelled but they completely ignored him.

"Sorry Miss Lee, this type of thing doesn't happen often around here."

I seriously doubt that.

"Boys get back here!" He chased after them blowing his whistle repeatedly.

I was left all alone in the hallway. I turned around and stared at the door in front of me. I paused for a moment and took a deep breath before walking in.

I felt all eyes glaring at me as soon as I entered the class.

"Good morning, you must be Lee Y/N. I am Mrs. Jeon your English teacher." The teacher smiled, welcoming me to the front of the class.

"Please introduce yourself."

I faced towards the front of the class and smiled at everyone.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lee Y/N and I've recently moved here from Busan. I hope we can all get along well and become friends. Please take care of me." I bowed while some of the students started clapping.

I was able to overhear some the whispers spoken by the other students.


"Wow she's cute, do you think she has a boyfriend?"

"Bro she's way out of your league."


"How cute! Is she really a senior?


"She's so pretty."

"Sucks that she had to transfer her senior year, she must've been really popular."


"She looks like a hoe."

"Yea, I don't know what everyone's going on about. She's not even that pretty."


I rolled my eyes at the 3 girls that were calling me names.


Come on, you haven't even met me yet.

I hated that everyone was always so quick to judge.

"Okay class settle down." The teacher raised a hand to silence the students.

I was beginning to get uncomfortable with everyone talking about me.

"Ok Y/N, I already created a seating chart according to the alphabetical order of your last name."

She began to look through her roster trying to find my name.

"It looks like you will be seat mates with Lee Haechan."

The students started whispering again.


"She's so unlucky."

"Poor girl."

"I hope she survives."


Why was I unlucky? Why wouldn't I survive?

"Lee Haechan, please raise your hand."

My eyes skimmed the room to find a halfway raised hand that belonged to a boy siting in the back left of the classroom. I couldn't see his face. He was laying his head down on the desk with the hood of his sweater covering his hair.

So much for a warm welcome.

I made my way over there and sat next to him.

"Hello I'm Lee Y/N, nice to meet you." I told the boy but he ignored my presence.

Whatever, it's not like I was trying to be polite or anything.

The first class ended quickly since I joined during the last 20 minutes. The bell rang letting us know it was time to go to our second class. I noticed that the boy who sat next to me, Haechan or whatever, was still laying with his head down.

Did he really fall asleep?

I didn't want him to be late to his next class so I decided to wake him up.

"Hello." I tapped him on his shoulder.

"The bell rang." I let him know, but he wouldn't budge.

"Heyyyyy you're going to be late to your next class." I raised my voice a bit in hopes that he would wake up.

I suddenly felt the strong pressure of his hand gripping my wrist.

He got up letting the hood of his sweater fall behind him, revealing the tan skinned boy from earlier.

"Thanks for the wake up call princess, now don't ever do that again." He threatened in a cold voice.

He pushed me back causing me to stumble and loose my balance. He didn't spare another glance at me and walked away like nothing happened.


Just my luck! I ran into the one person I was trying to avoid, and now he would be the first person I would have to see every morning.

I quickly gathered my things and sped walked to my next class. Unfortunately, I was late and earned a detention from my mathematics teacher. It was all thanks to that stupid boy! I just hope I didn't have to see him for the rest of the day.

My second and third classes went by fast. I didn't know anybody so I just quietly daydreamed at my desk while the other students chattered amongst themselves. They talked loudly as they happily shared their summer adventures with their friends.

I began to feel homesick. I missed all my friends and I just wanted to return to my old school. I hated it here and nothing was going to change that.

The bell rang and I gloomily dragged myself to my 4th class, science. I just had to survive this last class and after I would be happily eating lunch.

I groaned in annoyance as I realized that there were lab tables set up in groups of four.

Just great!

Everyone was pairing up with their friends leaving me as the odd one out.

I noticed an empty lab table and started making my way towards it. I stopped dead in my track when I made uncomfortable eye contact with that boy from earlier, Haechan.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself hoping that I wouldn't get stuck in a group with him.

Just then I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Y/N-ah." I turned and saw Yeri sitting with 2 other girls.

"Hi." I greeted the other girls as I approached their table.

"I thought that was you." She smiled at me and motioned to the seat next her.

"Come sit, you can be our fourth group member."

I smiled in relief that I was safe from that idiot.

"Hello." The other two girls greeted me.

"I'm Wendy."

"And I'm Joy."

They both smiled sweetly at me. Not just Yeri, but all three of these girls were extremely beautiful.

"My name is Y/N." I introduced myself shyly.

"You are so cute." Joy suddenly stated making me blush.

"You are even tinier than Yeri and Wendy, which I never thought was possible."

"I guess I wasn't blessed with the average height huh?" I laughed awkwardly.

Since I had only met them I didn't want to be rude but truthfully, I hated it when people talked about by height. Yes I was short and I knew it. The last thing I needed was people constantly reminding me.

Finally, the second bell rang letting us know that it was time for class to begin.

"Good afternoon class, I am Mr. Jung and I will be your science teacher for the year. Now, I hope you chose your lab partners well because you won't be able to change groups until the end of the semester."

We went over the basic first day of class safety rules and instructions. Surprisingly, we were given a small expirement to work on which usually didn't happen on the first day of school.

We had to wear safety goggles and chemical gloves since we were working with sulfuric acid today.

We were extremely diligent with our work but still managed to finish our expirement early. Since we did everything correctly, our group was excused for lunch 10 minutes early.

"Do you want to eat lunch with us?" Yeri asked.

I smiled and nodded my head yes.

When we were about to exit the classroom, Haechan purposefully bumped into me. He spilled a clear substance over me causing me to scream.

Mr. Jung ran over to see what was wrong and guided me to the sink to rinse my arms.

"He's a psychopath." I yelled out loud. "He spilled sulfuric acid on me on purpose."

The only thing I could hear was Haechan's amused laugh in the background while I washed my arms vigorously.

"Lee Haechan this is not a game! Sulfuric acid is a dangerous chemical that could burn her skin, or were you not paying attention to my lecture earlier?" Mr. Jung scolded him.

"I didn't spill sulfuric acid on her." He spoke out of breath as he continued laughing crazily.

"What?" I questioned him confusedly.

"It was water you overdramatic midget."

"Are you crazy!" I yelled at him.

"Just a little." He said while pushing me with his shoulder and walking away.

Yeri ran up to check my arms.

"That was a cruel joke don't you think?" Joy asked rhetorically.

"Tell me about it." Wendy added.

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