《The Cardinal Hero of Magic》The Capital City of Melromarc
After the burial of Marianna Morningstar I gave her son Gray Morningstar three days to mourn the loss of his mother and I, the loss of a friend. But I knew I had to do something, the kingdom of Melromarc cannot go on unpunished, They needed to pay, and for that to happen we need to get stronger.
"Gray we need to go" I say placing a hand on the kid
"The time for mourning is over, we need to acquire weapons and armor" I say kneeling to look the boy in the eyes
"We have weapons back at the village.."
"We can't go there"
'Come on, think. there was no blacksmith in that village so those metal weapons had to have come somewhere'
"Gray can you tell me where you guys got those weapons?" I ask
"Well every few months Father and some of the other adults went somewhere called the capital and returned with weapons and other foods" Said the Wolf Demi-Human said changing his to a brightened expression
'The Capital?, okay that's a start I can probably learn something about the why they sent Knights to take and murder Demi-Humans'
"Well..It's a start, we're going to need to get money on the way" I say standing and heading off
Followed by Gray we head out to the Capital. It was midday when we stopped to rest when I noticed something odd on my screen, Gray's name was right underneath my health and mana bar, I paid it no mind when I heard the sound of combat from coming a distant away, heading towards the commotion I see orange colored wolfs fighting men in armor protecting a horse drawn cage carrying beaten Demi-Human children, each and everyone of them had some kind of purple crest on their chests. Unfortunately I didn't recognize any of them, Seeing how I wasn't inclined to help them I go through the menu and look through my magic spells and skills.
Vine Snare
Lightning Arc
Elemental Shower
Force Of Insanity
Shadow Bomb
Lightning Bolt
Zwei Fireblast
Zwei Aquashot
Static Wave
Tempest Storm
Air Arrow
Fire Rain
Bolt of Twilight
Hide Mirage
Looking at the list of my Magic spells an idea forms in my mind
"I have a Idea, I want you to stay close to me and Never stray to far" I say pointing my right had at Maximus
'As source of thy power and as the Magic Hero I order thee, Decipher the Laws of nature and conceal my target in a magic haze'
'Hide Mirage'
A magical aura enveloped Gray as he began to disappear from visual view.
"Stay close, and be quiet" I say hearing a low ok from the Demi-Human
Having decided to keep my Hero status a secret I stayed with my default weapon. Coming into view of the armored men I swing my staff hitting one of the wolf in it's jaw before it bit one of the humans
'As source of thy power I order thee, Decipher the laws of nature and burn my target with a flurry of azure flames'
'Zwei Fireblast'
From my weapon comes a red and azure flame that killed one wolf and scared off the rest
Sunset Wolf[Unlocked]
'Thanks for the help.."
"Balthasar, glad I could help" I say giving them a fake smile
"Hey you okay? You look...Light for a adventurer" one of the men said eyeing my clothing
"Me and my companion were doing a job to hunt down Sunset Wolves when we were robbed...My partner didn't make it" I say lowering my head in sadness
But Internally I was smiling and laughing my ass off, there was Two good about myself is that I'm a great Liar and an even greater actor, and from the look on their faces they were buying every bit of it
"Is there any chance you guys could give me a lift to the nearest town?" I ask adding more fuel to my lie
"We would love to but we need to finish this delivery to our employer." One of them says before looking at me
"But I don't see the problem in you joining us"
Hearing this I climbed aboard I held my arm out and thanked him
"I would like to thank you for giving me a Hand here" I say feeling Gray's hand before pulling him up
"So what's up with the kids?" I ask getting information
"They're not kids, they're Demi-Human Slaves" The driver said looking at the slaves
Biting down on my tongue, I resist the urge to straight up punch this guy, They treat the Demi-Humans as property. After the ride we stop at a giant mansion with a obelisk in the middle of the walk area
"Ahh....Gentlemen welcome back with....." the fat noble looking man began before he laid his eyes on me
"And Who is this freeloader?" asked the Noble
"Balthasar Black, and Fyi I saved your men and your..Slaves.." I say my voice holding venom at the last word
"While I do thank you I humble ask that you beat it" the Noblemen said rudely
"Very well" I say stepping off the carriage while removing the spell on Gray
The Nobleman gasped before ordering his men to capture him
"Over my rotting corpse" I say using my Vine Snare skill
Every single person was ensnared by vine protruding from the ground. Walking behind the carriage I open it up and release the slaves. Once freed I walk back to the Noble
"You people make me absolutely sick, They are people just like you and me and they don't deserve to be slaves" I say gripping my weapon
"Please...they were put on this world to be slave..simple as that" the Noble says immediately receiving the head of my staff to his face
"I Pray to whatever god you have that you die a painful and crushing death by your own hand" I say slamming my staff into his stomach
The Nobleman cough up spit as I walk past him to steal any and all money, it didn't take long to find his office and a box on his desk filled to the brim with gold coins taking the box I walk back outside to see everyone unbound
Looks like that spell either has a range or a time limit
"Any last words Demi-Lover"
"I summon the unholy beast of flesh and bone, slain by magic might to do my bidding"
The Moment I finish the incantation the armored men charge at me and Gray
Everyone stops dead in their tracks as they gaze into the three sets of red eyes of my summoned Cerberus, without hesitation I grab Gray and jump onto the monsters back giving it a kick causing it to roar and race forward biting off someone's head in the process.
"Damn this things fast as hell, by far my favorite summon" I say as the surroundings become a blur
~One Week Later~
After the encounter with the vile nobleman we managed to managed to come into view of the Capital of Melromarc, It was a beautiful sight to say the least. With Gray getting off my summon I follow suit as the Cerberus begins to fade away until nothing remained
"Now Seeing how it's almost sunset, I think it would be wise to find ourselves somewhere to rest" I say beginning to walk to the capital
Finding the Inn I checked Gray and Myself in for the week which cost me 10 Silver, giving the innkeeper a gold I'm given 90 silver pieces in return, when we step into our room I finally get time to relax.
'Okay, we stole a box full of 50 gold coins, 1 Gold is worth 100 Silver and 1 Silver is worth 100 Copper, Tai told me that people usually deal in silvers and coppers so I have about 4,990 silvers to buy a weapon for Tai's son as well as armor for Gray'
Slowly but surely I fall asleep on the softness of the bed.
It was a bright and cloudless day, It's always bright and cloudless before IT happens. the sky turns a dark red color, the color of blood, it was a color I wasn't familiar with until that day. Monsters descended from the sky and began attacking everyone including me, the monster was black dog with red cracks and small ember coming off the cracks, I looked at the monster directly in its burning red eyes as it began to snarl at me, within the span of a second I saw the monsters teeth and felt a splash of blood on my face. In front of was a Rabbit Demi-Human with a sword in one hand and the monster's teeth clamped down on his other arm yelling in pain
"Kid RUN!" The man said ramming his sword into the monsters head
The swordsman removed the monster from his arm revealing his skin was both pierced and burned black, Looking behind him his eyes grow wide seeing me
"NOW!" he said looking forward at another fiery monster in mid-jump
Without hesitation I flee to the safety of my home, the last thing I saw of the man was of him driving a belt dagger into the monster that had its jaws around his throat. With the sky returning to normal I was force to gaze at the sight of my dead father in Balthasar's arms. Days pass and the sky was bright and cloudless when the knights came and ran their blade through the Demi-Humans and then my mother
Balthasar's Pov
I bolted away at the sound of screaming and yelling, looking around with my weapon in hand I gaze upon the source of the screams, dropping my weapon I do the only thing I could think off I get on the bed lift him and comfort him, Just like my mother use to, without realizing it I began singing
I guess...I have to face
That in...this awful place
I should...n't show a trace...of doubt
But pulled against the grain
I feel...a little pain
That I..would rather do..without
I'd rather be...
I'd rather be
From here
When I finished singing I saw that Gray was sleeping soundly with a small smile on his face, but the look on my face held a grim look
'He still hasn't gotten over what happened'
Not leaving his side I eventually fall back asleep. With the coming of this world's sun came yet another day. both Myself and Gray get up and head out of the inn and look from a place to eat, unfortunately the only place I could was a tavern which didn't serve Demi's
'Once again this world sickens me with how they threat other on their looks'
Turning around from the tavern I begin asking around to find a shop that could help me in my current situation, and fortune was on our side when we were directed to a seamstress(and for you neanderthals out there, a Tailor/clothing maker). When Gray and myself enter the shop we are greeted by a woman with gold eyes and dirty blonde hair, wearing a pair of glasses, a pink shirt and a brown apron that covered her dress
"Hello and welcome, what can I do for you?" the Seamstress asked greeting us with a smile
"Me and my...Brother needs new clothing" I say keeping Gray behind me
"Of course I just need to take some measurements" She says pulling out measuring tape
I was extremely hesitant to let her near Gray fearing she was like others, until she saw him and squealed saying he was cute, which made me exhale finally meeting someone who didn't think of Demi-humans as monsters or objects.
"Was there anything in particular you want with these clothes?" asked the Seamstress
"Yeah I need them to hide his ears and his tail, so a hood is necessary, you make his any color you wish but I prefer the color black" I say earning a wide eyed look from the shop owner
"But why would you cover something that makes this boy so cute?" she asked
"Because WE need to eat and the tavern doesn't serve Demi-Humans, and I refuse to eat while he starves" I say meaning every word
"I understand" the Seamstress said as she finish Gray's measurements and began mine when an Idea pops into my head
"Oh and do you have some I can write with?" I ask as she finishes my measurements
the Seamstress points to a table with parchment and ink, taking the parchment and quill I begin draw a symbol before handing it to the Seamstress
"And put this symbol on the back of our clothing"
"Are you sure?" she asked
"Absolutely" I say as she head off to make the clothes
The Seamstress said that it would take a good while to make our clothes and said that Gray would be safe here so I decided to look for the blacksmith shop, upon find said shop I walk inside and was greeted by a bald man with a scar across his head
"Welcome" The man says with a smile on his face
"I'm just looking for right now, I've got time to kill and I just needed to find this place before breakfast" I say looking at the armor and weapons
Looking around I see swords, shields, staffs, and all manner of weapons. Honestly I would lying if I said I wasn't internally screaming with joy, one thing most of my friends and family back home never knew about me was that I was a Weapon fanatic, and bit of an Otaku, the only person who knew was my younger sister who like me was an Otaku only not as much. having seen enough I head back to the clothing shop to see Gray wearing a light grey jacket with a rising sun inside a star which sat inside a circle that resembled a dragon
[I'm not a good artist, but this is the best I could do]
"So what do you think?" asked the Seamstress causing Gray to turn
Gray wore a white shirt under his grey hooded jacket, on his lower body had a pair of black pants and black shoes
"Looks good on you..Little Brother" I say smiling
"Balthasar could you tell me what this symbol means?" asked the Demi-Human
"It means Morningstar of the Dragon" I say earning a excited look from both the Demi-Human and Seamstress
"Where I come from there is a legend...In the beginning the world was once ruled by dragons.Two of these dragons were Tai, the Dragon of the Day and Celeste, the Dragon of the Night. Both forever bound by their responsibilities they were unable to see one another, but once every 18 years they are free to meet for one day and one day alone, years later there wasn't just day and night, there was sunrise and sunset two children, and together they formed the balance of night and day however, The Dragon of Day, Tai had a third child one that only shows itself in the morning, one that was stronger than he and his other children, his name was Morningstar The son of Tai the Dragon" I say soon recoiling seeing the stars of excitement from both Gray and the shop owner
Without anymore distractions I put on the clothes the owner made me and I had to say I loved it, a black shirt with the Morningstar symbol, black pants that was red at the bottom and a pair of red boot adorned my feet, and a black hooded jacket that reached my calfs, that was torn at the bottom
"Come on let's go eat, I'm starving" I say heading out being followed by a hooded Gray
[End Of Chapter]
{Don't question my word logic} okay so if you want to create a weapon for me to use leave a Comment saying how it looks, the equipment bonus, the magic skill(optional) and of course how my charater unlocks it
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Live Long, Have Fun, and Never Make Sense
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Trial by Conquest: A Battle-Royale, Civilisation Build-Off LitRPG
This is the Trial by Conquest — a battle-royale, civilisation, build-off. Lose and you die. Win and you rule over your new fantasy world as king! Maximus Rum would rather not die. In fact, right now what he’d most rather is find his pants and figure out what the hell is going on. The beach he woke up on is empty and quiet. But he’d better get a move on. The Trial has already begun. Note: I am not intending to write this as a harem story. However, if you believe that a man knowing and having sex with women constitutes a harem, and if that is not your bag, please consider this your warning. Genre: A village-building, dungeoncrawling, LitRPG — taking inspiration from games such as HoMM, Civilization, ANNO, TotalWar, Warcraft, and others. Tone: Mostly 'hell, yeah!' fun with occasional dips into darkness. May contain: Violence, combat, fights, etc. Sexual humour, references, descriptions, and debatably non-explicit acts. Moral ambiguity and occasional sophistication. Nuts.
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Encroaching Darkness
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