《Discontinue- The Dagger Hero Angelica》Chapter 5


I walked towards the boy's room and knocked on their door. When the door opens it was non-other than Naofumi himself, "Angelica, what are you doing here?" Naofumi asked me with a surprise look in his face.

"Well I was wondering if can hang out with you guys?" I ask with a hopeful smile while looking at his dark green eyes. "Umm...." Naofumi then hesitated and looked at the side while having his right hand rub his messy black hair and his left hand holding the door.

I then decided to pull out my secret weapon "Pweeaass?" I ask him while doing the puppy-dog eyes and pouted.

Naofumi then blushed when he saw me doing the face and sighed in defeat. I gave him a wide smile as I enter the room.

"Hey, guys !" I said cheerfully as I came to their view. They all looked at me in surprise as I entered the room.

"What are you doing here Angelica?" Ren asks he got up from his seat and stood in front of me. "Aren't you supposed to be in the girl's room?" I crossed my arms and looked at him with a sly smile "And aren't you supposed to be at home in your man P.J's?" I ask with an innocent smile.

"Tuch'e." Ren said as he turns to sit back down next to Itsuki.

"Nice to know that we agree on something." I said and took a seat next to Naofumi.

"Anyway...the real reason I'm here is because one, I was lonely, two, I was bored, and three, I didn't feal like talking to myself." I said as I lean against the chair.

"So....what were you guys talking about again?" I ask as I clapped my hands and hunched over in anticipation.


"We were talking about how I'm going to ask you out on a date." Motoyasu said with a huge grin on his face while winking at me. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the chair once more "Yeah...no." I said with a deadpan look on my face.

Motoyasu then hunched over with a slightly depressed look on his face, while everyone sweat drop with his reaction.

"A-anyway, we haven't exactly talked about anything just yet." Itsuki said with a nervous smile "Oh, really? Well that's boring." I said with a sigh.

"Doesn't this kinda seem like a video game to you?" Naofumi suddenly asks as he pull up his Icon "That's because it is a video game. In fact it's exactly like Emerald Online." Motoyasu said "Emerald Online?" I ask in confusion "Uh..never heard of it." Naofumi said "Huh? Seriously? It's huge." Motoyasu said "What are you talking about? This isn't some online game. It's a new console game I'm playing called Dimension Web." Itsuki calmly said

"Your both wrong, everything about this place is identical to a V.R M.M.O called Brave-star Online." Ren stated firmly "Hold up, I am type of person that gets the newest or most popular games out their and I never heard of these games before. In fact if anything this is similar to an S1 console game called Rising Hero's." I told them

Motoyasu then sighed stressfully as he stand up from the bed "Lets sort this out, first off Ren, do you really mean an actual, V.R M.M.O?" Motoyasu questioned "Yeah," Ren said simply "You guys do get what he means by that too, right?" Motoyasu ask us

"A sci-fi game I'm familiar with export the concept." Itsuki said "Yeah, I read about them in light novels." Naofumi said "Actually now I think about it, there are some V.R games in Japan, but non as advance as this." I told them


"Now to be sure lets compare our general knowledge, who's face is on the 1,000 yen bill." Motoyasu said "Ready and-" we then all proceeded to say random names. "Wait who?" we all said at the same time. "Buzzword of the year last year, favorite voice actors, which country won world war two, who's the prim minister?" Motoyasu continues to question as all of us continue to give different answers.

Itsuki sighed as he sat back down to his chair "There's only one explanation for this, we're all from different versions of Japan." he said "Right, and they pretty much don't sound alike at all." Ren said "So their parallel worlds with parallel traits." Naofumi said "I thought that we're just from different eras, but it would seem were not." said Maofumi

"You know I always wonder what it's like to be in a video game, I just never thought it would come true." I said as I sat back down "I just can't believe all four of you have played video games that are so much like this world. Why am I the only one unfamiliar with it?" Naofumi ask with a sigh

"Huh? Whats wrong?" Naofumi ask as we stare at him "Um..nothing, I just assumed it was because your the Shield Hero." Itsuki said "So you think that too?" Motoyasu ask him "Hold on, how does being the Shield Hero have to do with playing games similar to this world?" I ask them "Well it does make since, after all, the shield is the weakest weapon to choose from. In fact, it doesn't really do anything except defend and that by itself is lame." Ren said

"What?! You've got to be joking, right? What about in your worlds?" Naofumi ask desperately "I'm sorry, but shields suck." Itsuki said " Almost nobody uses shield's where I'm from." Motoyasu said "Well unlike you moron's, I think shields are useful." I said firmly

"Do you really mean it Angelica?" Naofumi ask "Of course, I mean what's the point of attacking monsters if you have nothing to defend yourself with. I mean, you might as well call it quits because without a shield you won't be able to protect yourself from the attacks from your enemy." I said

"By the way Angelica, if your from Japan, how come you don't have a Japanese name?" Itsuki ask me "I was actually wondering about that too." Motoyasu said "Well if you must know, I actually moved from the U.S in my world to Tokyo,Japan to become an Animator." I told them "Really?" Naofumi said "Yeah, I absolutely adore anime and dreamed of making one myself since I was a kid. At least that was until I got 'summoned' to another world'." I said with a small frown

"We'll get you home Angelica, that's a promise." Naofumi said with a determined look in his eye "Yeah, well it wont happen anytime soon, so might as well get comfy." I said as I was about to exit the room. "Oh and I wish you all good luck tomorrow morning." I said as I closed the door and started to head towards my room.

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