《Rising of the Caped Baldy》Chapter 6: Cyborg, in SPACE
Saitama yawned as he watched Raphtalia run through a field. He watched her chase down some monsters, hacking and slashing away at them. In Saitama's opinion, it was a rather calm day. Saitama gave Raphtalia a thumbs up as she presented her newest kill. It was some kind of monstrous porcupine.
He let Raphtalia continue with going at the monsters. He started to space out again. While he didn't express it, he was feeling a little off. When he had the time, he liked to think about what's happening back home. If everyone's okay and if his apartment is still standing. He wondered if his friends were at his home, wondering where he was. Most importantly, he wanted to know if Genos was okay. He seemed to always be damaged in some way. He sighed, deciding on thinking about something less saddening.
Unknown to him, Genos was also thinking about Saitama. Although he had more ferocity as he zoomed through the black abyss of space. About when Saitama had fought in the coal pit, Genos and Dr.Kuseno had developed a small vessel that Genos could use to find his master.
The vessel itself was just taller than Genos. It was shaped like a diamond with a bulky chassis. Some ports had thrusters protruding out of it with cameras and scanners poking out of other areas. It had a single sliding door with a darkened windowpane. It was colored darkly, a deep gray metallic.
They had set up a launch zone within a forest clearing. It was just a few computers and a 2-foot high cement launch pad. Genos stopped looking at the vessel they had made and glanced towards Dr.Kuseno. Though he didn't show it, he was curious as to what Dr.Kuseno was doing. He assumed he was coding a predetermined launch path out of the atmosphere. Genos went back to examining the vessel, remembering the controls of the small metal pod.
"It has a recharging station and repair station built-in." Genos glanced towards Dr.Kuseno as he walked up to him. "Do not worry about power, the integrated solar panels will power it when it determines that it is safe to do so." Kuseno was now standing beside Genos, the two looking at the vessel. "There's also headgear that will connect to your torso. It affects as armor and will protect your head from the vacuum of space."
Dr.Kuseno bit his tongue. He was scared. Scared of making a defective ship. Scared of never seeing Genos ever again. It goes without saying that they consider one another family. They care for each other as much as any other parent and son would, maybe more. Genos noticed the sweat on Kuseno's forehead.
"Do not worry, doctor. I will be safe." Genos turned to look at him completely. "And I will come back with my master." The two looked at each other. Genos had determination bleeding for every word he spoke. It made Kuseno proud, but it also made him scared. He didn't want to see Genos disappointed, but he had to relent.
Dr.Kuseno nodded, "It can only enter and exit orbit three times, including leaving Earth. After that, it will have to repair itself, but I don't know how long that'll take." He paused to let the information sink in. When Genos nodded, he continued. "It has an onboard AI that will help you pilot the ship and analyze any planets you may encounter." The door to the vessel opened. Dr.Kuseno gestured Genos to enter. "I will be launching now. And please, do come back in one piece." He walked off to the computers as the door closed in front of Genos.
Genos had remembered that event as clear as day. That was a week ago. Genos had been traveling for a long time. The only clue as to where to go was an odd element that some planets have.
When Genos had given Dr.Kuseno the book that Saitama was holding when he disappeared he found something on it. It was some kind of foreign element. Its properties were similar to radiation, but by itself, had no ways of harming. After further analysis, he had found that some worlds have a similar element, if not the same thing. The scanners would pick up on these traces and bring him towards that planet.
A majority of these planets were rather Earth-like. Having vast oceans and large continents on its surface. A variety of mountains, deserts, and forests decorating the planets. Many of them had human-like species. Oddly enough, they seemed to be species found in fairy tales with a few minor discrepancies now and then.
The planet in front of him had humans and elves. It also housed dragons and oddly enough, at least one human-dragon hybrid. He found even stranger that some of the dialects on the planet he could read and understand. They were speaking and writing in Japanese.
He saw both horse carriages and humvees go about the place. Bunny people talking to soldiers in green uniforms. The bunnies having metal armor, most likely steel, and the soldiers wearing ballistic vests and wielding guns. All of this happening in a thriving settlement built around some kind of arch. Not even his sensors could pick up any color from within that thing.
Genos decided that this wasn't the place. Nowhere on the planet did he find any evidence of Saitama being there. No footprints or fingerprints, no destroyed mountain ranges or valleys, no blinding reflection either. The pod twisted and shot off towards another planet.
Genos sped directly away from the planet. He saw something on one of the monitors. Immediately, he spun the pod around, just barely dodging a massive projectile. Genos grits his teeth and searched the monitors to find whoever shot at him.
Genos put on the helmet Dr.Kuseno gave him when he saw a massive space fleet behind him. Over a dozen of ships, colored yellow and white, had turned up behind him. As Genos exited his pod, he noted that they were similar to the ship of the pirate group Dark Matter. He stopped observing the ships when he saw another projectile speeding towards him.
Genos shot out of his right hand, quickly throwing him out of the way of the attack. He grunted when he had to use his other arm to even out his momentum. The lack of resistance in space is something he would have to get used to. Genos prepared himself to dodge another volley of truck-sized projectiles. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to get used to being attacked by hostile groups of aliens.
Onboard the fleet's lead ship was a masculine alien with many eyes and tentacles for a face, a beak completing it. It wore yellow attire, with two badges adorning its chest. A tricorn hat with an ovular feather on it adorned its head. Lastly, it wore metallic leggings around its many tendril-like legs. This is captain Kiermot, leader of the seventh strongest pirate group in the universe known as Sun Spire.
"Captain!" A small, anthropomorphic frog stepped up to Kiermot. Kiermot gave the frog his full attention.
"What is it, lieutenant?" The lieutenant pointed out into the void of space. The lieutenant was also holding a datapad in his other hand.
"There's a small object in front of us. It came from the same planet that Dark Matter departed to." Kiermot was interested. Surely this small object can lead them to Dark Matter. Who else could it be? Dark Matter had traveled across the universe to get to some uncharted area. It was unlikely that anyone out here had space travel technology. Even if any planet was close to it, Dark Matter would have dealt with it. These planets were too primitive.
Another alien walked up to Kiermot. This one was pink, with two bright yellow eyes. The majority of its body was just a bunch of tentacles. Other than that was a single head. They were also able to read the minds of others. "Yes, I agree. This must be a Dark Matter vessel. Though I don't remember them having such small crafts." The alien looked down in thought. "Then again, I wouldn't put it past brother Geryuganshoop to use such vessels to scout planets."
This was Geryuganshoop's sister, Beryuganshoop. She had joined Sun Spire to prove to her brother that she was strong. Strong enough to beat him. "I think we should scare them. Force them to retreat and make them lead us to the rest of Dark Matter. Then we attack." Beryuganshoop suggested.
Kiermot thought it over. He was confident in their ability. While Dark Matter is strong, in their absence, many have been training to get stronger. There were many people of many planets and races. The only thing that tied them together was the fact that they wanted to take out Dark Matter. Kiermot had been training alongside his crew, making sure that their attacks together could match that of even Boros.
Kiermot had decided. "We will follow through with Beryuganshoop's plan." The frog nodded and walked over to the communications table. Seconds later, Kiermot could see the barrel of one of his cannons shift to aim at the small spacecraft.
Without a word, the cannon fired at the vessel. As Kiermot expected, the vessel evaded the shot. Dark Matter would have only the best pilots. What he didn't expect was to see something exit the vessel. Kiermot scoffed, he thought it was some prideful Dark Matter crewmate wanting to fight. "Fire a volley," Kiermot commanded. He watched as the same cannon fired, followed by more cannons readjusting to aim at the enemy.
He was surprised when he saw the enemy dodge the first shot and was even surprised when he saw them dodge the volley. "Keep firing!" Now Kiermot was getting concerned. Surely this is one of Boros' generals if they're able to move like that. The problem is that he doesn't remember Boros having a general like this. 'No matter. He may be a general, but he can still die.' Kiermot saw them weave between all the cannon fire.
The lieutenant was also getting concerned. Not only because this person was dodging so many shots, but also because the cannons would have to reload soon. "Captain! We're almost out of ammo!"
"What?!" Kiermot shouted. This person was able to dodge this many projectiles. He refused to show any kind of weakness. "Get the other ships to cover us while we reload! Do it quickly!" Kiermot ordered his crew.
As he heard the cannons filling back up, he watched one of the support vessels make their way between his ship and the general. After a few seconds, he heard the communications table receiving a call. The lieutenant answered it and raised the volume for everyone to hear.
"Captain, this guy out here... He doesn't look like any species I've ever seen." He heard the leader of his support ship. "Hey wait he's doing something." The call was silent. "He's looking at me." It went silent again. "Are you done reloading? I don't like how weird this guy i-" Kiermot snapped his head to look at the support vessel as it ignited and blew apart.
As the debris from the explosion flew away, Kiermot saw the same figure floating in the middle of the destroyed ship. Without a second to lose, Kiermot rose from his seat yelling, "Fire! Fire!" The cannons followed up by unleashing their second volley of projectiles. Kiermot growled when he saw the figure dodging every shot, and making its way towards them.
Kiermot grew a grin, or the closest to a grin someone with a beak can make when one of the bullets hit its mark. He saw the figure fly out of his view. Maybe now they'd retreat. His anger came back when he felt the ship shake. Kiermot clenched his tentacle. "He's on board."
Genos had smashed through the hull of the biggest ship of the fleet. He landed on his knees, standing up he saw what looked like the barracks for the crew. More importantly, he saw the crew staring at him. Genos took a stance and the crew aimed their weapons at him.
"" Genos shot himself towards the furthest alien. Before they could even scream, Genos had kicked them apart. Picking up the intense heat from the crew's weapons. He sidestepped the attacks and made his way around to the biggest concentration of enemies.
"" Genos slashed his way through the thicket of aliens. Genos spun to a stop and aimed his hands at the last groups of aliens in the room. "" Genos ran across the room firing bursts of lasers. Putting back his cannons, he punched the last one to death.
Genos stood in the blood-filled room. He turned his head, scanning the room for anyone else. After his sensors didn't pick up any more life signs, he moved on. Exiting one of the doors and blasting through the hallways looking for anyone else.
'This place is similar to the Dark Matter ship's infrastructure, but the strength of the ship itself is far weaker.' Genos stopped in a circular intersection. He looked around at the other openings. This place is like a maze. Genos pushed his sensors to look for any way he can find the rest of the crew. He stood there for what felt like hours trying to find something. Finally one of his sensors picked up a concentration of energy.
Genos looked at the floor. He could see what looked like wires transmitting power across the place. He knelt to get a better look. Peering through the ground, he noticed that a majority of the wires were going down the hallway directly to his right. Following the wires, he was led to a large empty room.
The room was long and white. Adorning the walls were massive protruding tubes. Some slits were on the tubes, each one shining brilliantly. Genos saw that the energy he was following earlier was coming from the tubes. He found himself within what seemed to be an engine room. Genos changed his sensors back to normal hearing what seemed to be footsteps.
Genos stared down the other side of the room. He saw a small figure making its way towards him. It appeared to be a frog person with white clothing and a yellow pouldron. "I don't know who you are, but I will fight you." Genos tensed when he saw the frog's body start to pulsate. "I will prove that the pirate group, Sun Spire, is stronger than Dark Matter!" The frog's body expanded spontaneously, becoming large and muscular. The frog let its tongue out, exposing two rows of sharp teeth. "I am the Lieutenant, and I will defeat you!" He proclaimed before charging forward at speeds one wouldn't expect of such a large being.
Genos jumped over the Lieutenant as he stomped on the spot he just stood. Genos was forced to block a vicious strike from the Lieutenant's tongue. The momentum threw Genos into the furthest tube in the room. The Lieutenant grinned as he saw his opponent get thrown away. He stared into the dust cloud. His smile faltered when he saw a bright light in the middle of the cloud.
"" Genos shouted as his arms split apart, revealing many cannons and glowing ports. Lieutenant's eyes widened as the concentrated heat shot directly at him.
Genos kept his sensors on alert, making sure that his cannons were destroying the Lieutenant. Genos turned the cannons off when they met their overheat point. Genos looked at the spot the Lieutenant once stood. On the floor was the charred and blackened body of the frogman.
It looked at Genos with its one remaining eye as he approached. He gasped for air, trying to take in as much as his ashen throat could. The Lieutenant closed his eyes when Genos came close. The moment he was within melee range, Genos stomped on the head of the Lieutenant. He felt how easily the flesh gave way, letting him squash the brain inside.
After confirming that it was dead, Genos let all the pent-up steam in his mouth go. He should let his cannons rest for a minute before using them for any concentrated attacks. He chastised himself, he was lucky that no one else was near to take advantage of his temporary weakness. This is exactly the thing that would get him killed in the field.
He snapped to attention when he heard the massive doors on the other side of the room open. Immediately, he felt an immense pressure pulling him down. He was able to resist it, but he couldn't deny its power. Out of the doors came more crewmen. The most notable of them being a pink culmination of tentacles with a single head.
Genos raised his fists when he heard something. "How dare you!" He heard a feminine voice. It sounded like someone was right next to him, but his sensors picked up nothing. "How dare you attack us, Sun Spire, and slaughter our people!" Genos looked to the pink elephant in the room. 'A telepath? ' Genos thought to himself. Perhaps the pink one was another commander on this ship.
Genos saw the crew raise their weapons. He dashed to the side to avoid the incoming lasers. Genos proceeded to run towards them, sliding to the sides to avoid gunfire. Before he was able to get close, he felt an overwhelming force collide against his body sending him backward. Catching himself, he took cover behind a tube to avoid more gunfire.
It seemed that the pink one also has psychokinesis, preventing him from getting close. Genos needed a few more seconds before using his cannons again. Before Genos could plan something, he heard the tube in front of him clang. He saw the metal breaking apart, letting out a bright light as well as extreme heat.
Genos grit his teeth as he dashed across the room to avoid the ensuing explosion. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough and was thrown into the tubes on the other side of the room. He tried to stab the floor to slow himself down, but it ended up being useless as he collided with another tube followed by a similar explosion.
The crewman moved in on Genos' position. By this point, Genos's clothes were burnt apart, his body heavily damaged and singed. As the dust departed and the crewman closed in on the crater Genos was laying in. They pointed their guns at Genos, his arm was shoved through the floor.
Genos saw them raise their weapons at him. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. He can't let this happen. He'll find another way. Genos tried to think of a way to get out of his current predicament. How could he do anything with his arm pushed through the floor? The floor. Through the floor.
Genos had a thought, but he wasn't able to act on it in time as the crew let loose their rounds at Genos. The collection of bright projectiles was blinding, but what they did was worse. Each shot was able to burn pieces of the ship's metal away. Each shot made its mark at the bottom of the crater, where their adversary once laid.
Beryuganshoop let a smile make its way onto her face. In her mind, she had just beaten a Dark Matter general. A feat no one can scoff at. A mad grin was on her face now. She's completely disregarded the death of her friend at this point.
As she drowned in joy one of the crewman waved through the smoking crater. That's when he noticed that the only thing there was an arm and a hole going through the floor. The crewman scratched his head in confusion. He climbed out from the hole and stood on the undamaged parts of the floor.
"What'd you see?" One of his comrades asked him.
He shrugged, "An arm and a hole. That's it."
Beryuganshoop noticed something. It felt like the floor was shaking. She brushed it off, assuming it be a result of the generators being destroyed.
"What? That's strange. We shot that area enough for there to be nothing left!"
"Nah. He took shots earlier and was fine. Why is there only the arm though? That's the strange part."
Beryuganshoop felt the shaking become stronger. She's never seen generator tremors behave so strangely. After celebrating her victory, she should contact an engineer.
"Do you always have to shut me down? You smarty prick!"
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