《The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black》Chapter 17: Judge and Jury
Y/n continued to look at the lifeless body of the Pope. Blood was spewing across the terrain, getting pretty close to his boots. Y/n stepped away from the corpse.
"Wow, you sure did a number on him." Motoyasu commented while he and the other heroes made their way to Y/n. Ren quickly went over and got the replica weapon.
"Couldn't you have made it less gruesome? We're supposed to be the light for people to look on for the waves. Not killing machines." Itsuki added.
"Like you're the ones to talk. Last I checked, you were causing more problems than there was to begin with. Heroes my ass, ain't nothing, but a bunch of fucking bums. Naofumi is the only one that can be called a hero here. I just did my job, you're lucky I didn't get your face with my bullets." Y/n retorted while pointing at Motoyasu.
"What's wrong with my face?"
"Nothing that hot lead can't fix"
"Easy now Y/n," Naofumi walked up to him. "I don't like them either, but I don't think you should go to that extent. As far as I'm concerned now, we're done here. So, I'll be on my way now with my party. Raphtalia, Fill, Melty!" He yelled out to them.
"I'm not going to make you stay here, but I do suggest you stick around" Y/n stopped him.
"Why? I-" Naofumi started to reply, but was stopped when someone let out a cry.
"Your holiness!?!" One of the Pope's subordinates yelled out in shock. His eyes twitched in fear seeing the dead body, he watched as more blood covered the terrain.
"W-which one of you did this?" He muttered.
"It was me. Figured he should get what he tried to do to us" Y/n nonchalantly replied.
"You'll pay for this Gunslinger!" The follower yelled at Y/n and tried to run after him. However, a familiar scaly animal stopped him by karate chopping the follower in the neck, knocking him out.
The animal looked to his master and gave him a big smile, without showing any of his teeth.
"Nice job buddy, next time don't be afraid to bite his head clean off" Y/n sarcastically replied.
"No! Don't you listen to him Toothless, you aren't going to do that" Sistine disapproved Y/n's suggestion.
The others listening to their conversation all sweat dropped. Y/n waved off Sistine and continued to talk to Naofumi.
"Don't mind her" Y/n started again, but was interrupted when Sistine yelled at him.
"Anyways" Y/n raised his voice, "I think you should stick around until she comes"
"Who?" Naofumi questioned.
"I don't wanna say" Y/n started, before he could continue, he caught a glimpse of something in the far distance. He then pointed in the direction that he was looking at. "Because I think you'll meet her yourself, Naofumi"
By that time, Naofumi and Motoyasu's party had reached the group. Sistine and Toothless were keeping watch over the remaining followers. However, they all looked towards the direction that Y/n was pointing.
Coming over the hills, a large group was making it's way at a quick pace. Everyone, besides Sistine andToothless, were confused at the sight.
"What's this? Another attack by the Pope's followers?" Motoyasu asked.
"No dumbass. Just sit back and wait, this woman you're about to meet is someone very important." Y/n sighed at the Spear Hero.
Hearing Y/n say that made Malty eyes open in shock. Fortunately for her, nobody noticed her expression, so she gave a breath of relief.
It wasn't that long of a wait for the large group to arrive, it consisted a bunch of soldiers that served for Melromarc. They all stopped before the heroes and others. The middle of the group parted ways from each other, forming a path.
"M-mother?" Both Malty and Melty said at the same time. They were surprised to see her here, even more so in her battle armor.
The heroes looked at the path and stopped when their eyes met with an older woman with purple hair and eyes. She had her crown on while having her battle armor on, there were ruby's placed on the armor that matched the ones on her crown and ear rings. She was on top of a horse, along with other commanders. She got off the animal and started to make her way over to the heroes.
"And here I was about to take a nap and wait for you to get here" Y/n sarcastically told this woman.
"I apologise for not getting here sooner. However it seems like everything has been handled." The woman replied, she then looked at the dead body of the Pope, "it looks like you went to that extent Y/n to win this battle"
"Yeah, he ain't worth spit, so I did what I had to do"
"Wait! Who is this?" Motoyasu interrupted.
"If you would be just a bit more patient, you would figure it out in a second, dumbass." Y/n answered.
"The four cardinal heroes," she started, this got the attention of all of them, "I am Queen Mirellia Q Melromarc, the ruler of Melromarc."
"The Queen? Wait, why haven't you been at your throne?" Itsuki asked.
"That is something I will tell you all soon. Right now I need all of the soldiers to round up the followers of the Three Heroes Church, they will atone for their actions against the heroes and Melromarc." Mirellia replied while ordering all of the soldiers to detain the followers.
While that was happening, Y/n caught a glimpse of a few Shadow's heading to Myne. She was going to argue with them, but she agreed to whatever they told her and began to follow them, they rest of Motoyasu's party followed suit.
"I would like for all of you to return to Melromarc with me, there I will explain everything that has happened since you've arrived here in this world." The Queen started again, but Naofumi quickly interrupted her.
"No can do, I plan on leaving today. I don't have anything to do with Melromarc. All it's done is screw me over, ever since I had been summoned here."
"Yeah and she plans to make it right Naofumi" Y/n retorted.
"Sword, Bow, and Spear heroes, can you three assist my soldiers in rounding everyone up? I would like to speak to the Shield Hero and the Gunslinger privately" the Queen requested.
"Uh sure?" Motoyasu replied.
"Yes your majesty" Ren added. Then the three of them went to help out the soldiers. Sistine, Toothless, Raphtalia, Melty, and Filo were looking at the Queen, Y/n, and Naofumi, waiting to see what the Queen will say.
"First off Shield Hero I want to say thank you and I apologise for everything that has happened to you up to this point. If I wasn't away, I assure you what you went through wouldn't have ever happened." Mirellia started.
"Hard to believe that honestly" Naofumi sighed. "Why were you not at your throne this whole time?"
"Before you all were summoned, I was traveling countries to make peace with them and so when we were going to summon the four Cardinal Heroes, we could work together to fight the Calamity. However, that was ruined when the Three Heroes Church and King Aultcray summoned you all at once. After I was informed about that, all the countries were infuriated and I had to go and try to make amends for my country's foolish mistake." She explained.
"Yeah, I was informed that all four Cardinal Heroes were supposed to be able to handle a wave on their own."
"Please allow me to clear your name, I'm well aware that you wish to not work with us, but allow to make things right with you, Naofumi" the Queen pleaded.
"What exactly do you plan to do to make things right?"
"I will start by giving you five hundred gold coins."
That made Raphtalia and Filo's eyes widened in surprise.
"Master Naofumi" Raphtalia muttered.
"And second I will have an announcement to all of Melromarc about how you were framed from the start, Shield Hero." Mirellia then took a deep breath, but she then turned to her daughter. "Melty, can you take the other's away from here? I wish to speak to the Shield Hero and Y/n alone"
"Uh yes mother!" Melty agreed, "come on guys, let's go see if everything is being handled accordingly" the rest of the group then followed the second princess away.
"So what else is there to this?" Y/n asked after the group got a good distance away.
"I will put Malty and Aultcray on trail for treason and conspiracy against the Shield Hero and even you as well Y/n." She started, there was some hesitation in her voice. Y/n noticed this and saw her hand slightly start to shake, "to prove my point more, I will find them guilty because of what Y/n and my shadow's have told and shown me, and I will execute them"
This made both Y/n and Naofumi cough.
"Do what?" Naofumi muttered.
"Yes, you heard me clearly. My job as Queen is to protect my country, even if it means I have to execute my own family."
"I'm in no line to say anything because you asked me to let you handle things with your daughter. I'm just surprised you said this, but whatever you choose, I support it" Y/n replied.
"Well, I will come to see you make things right with me and the people of Melromarc. As far as executing Myne and Aultcray, I'm not saying anything about your decision, you're the Queen and you do what's best for your country." Naofumi agreed to Mirellia's proposal.
"I'm relieved that you'll come listen to me make things right with you and my country."
"Well, guess that settles things here. Might as well get these folks back to Melromarc" Y/n tried to end this conversation.
"I agree, but Y/n, can I speak to you before we head back to Melromarc? I have a request for you" Mirellia asked the Gunslinger.
"I'll let you two talk. I'll see you tomorrow at the castle your majesty." Naofumi stated as he began to walk away.
After he was at a distance where he couldn't hear Y/n and Mirellia, Y/n turned to the Queen and waited for her to talk.
She began to ask the Gunslinger something, which surprised him.
"Are you okay with that?" He asked the Queen. He wasn't looking her in the eye, he was observing her body language. He noticed her hand starting to shake.
"I must do what's right for this country. Whatever is necessary." She hesitated to reply again.
"Okay, I'll do that, but as long as you're still okay with it" Y/n replied. He then guided her back to her horse.
It didn't take everyone too long to get back to Melromarc. Motoyasu, Ren, and Itsuki all fast traveled to the country, it was an order directly from the Queen. Naofumi and Y/n stayed back to help the Queen out with the soldiers guiding the followers back to the country, as well as their party members.
It was currently middle of the night, and Y/n, Sistine, and Toothless were all sleeping in the castle. The Queen let the dragon sleep in the castle, which surprisingly had tall and wide enough doors to let the creature stay in. She gave Y/n and Sistine their own respective rooms to sleep in for the night, Toothless slept in front of Sistine's bed.
The dragon was woken up by a whimper. He picked his head up and looked over to Sistine, she was the one whimpering. She was having a nightmare right now.
She was tossing and turning, muttering out names in her sleep. From Rumia to Glenn, to Y/n. Toothless was about to wake her up by nuzzling to her, but he thought of another idea.
He walked to the door and opened it up, and quickly made his way to Y/n's room. He opened up the door to see the Gunslinger. He was sleeping peacefully in his bed, the dragon could tell this was most he had been worn out. However, this didn't stop him from going through with his plan.
Y/n had his left leg over the cover while sleeping, his left arm was dangling off the side of the bed. Toothless quietly moved to his bed and started to lick Y/n's face.
Y/n gasped for air while waking up, he wiped his face with the cover.
"God damn, what happened?" He muttered through the cover. He pulled it down to only have his eyes meet with a familiar companion.
"Toothless? What the hell? I thought you were in Sistine's room?" Y/n questioned. The dragon nodded his head to answer his master, but he then grabbed Y/n's arm and dragged him out of bed.
"The hell are you doing?" Y/n asked worriedly while trying to get his hand away from the dragon. The dragon held on tightly and continued to drag Y/n. Soon he got to Sistine's door to her room and pushed Y/n into the room and quickly shutting it, quietly so that Sistine didn't wake up.
"What the hell is that dragon thinking?" Y/n tried to open the door. However, he stopped when he heard whimpering. He turned to see Sistine tossing and turning in her sleep.
"Looks like she's having a nightmare" Y/n mumbled and walked over to her bed. As he was getting closer, he started to hear her mumble as well. She was repeatedly saying names.
"Rumia.... no......" Sistine turned over once more. This time she was facing Y/n, and he noticed her shaking a bit, now being close to her.
"Rumia, wonder who that is." Y/n questioned, but he quickly shook his head and decided to wake up the girl.
"Hey" he gently pushed on her arm. She didn't budge. So he tried again, but this time a bit more force.
Sistine quickly woke up and gasp for air, then she started to look around the room quickly in fear, until her eyes met with someone. She didn't take the time to settle down because she instantly brought her hand up to fire a magic spell.
Y/n noticed this and quickly ducked down, he heard the spell hit the wall of the room.
"Easy now killer!" He slightly raised his voice to make Sistine realize who it was.
"Y-y/n?" Sistine questioned in disbelief.
"Yeah it's me sweetheart, the hell you think you're doing?" Y/n peeked his head up slowly.
"I should be asking you that" Sistine wiped her eyes, "what're you doing in my room?"
"Well Toothless woke me up and dragged my ass in here, surprised you didn't wake up, and then when I was about to go back to my room I heard you whimpering, you were having a nightmare. You also kept muttering names out too."
"Oh.." Sistine realized and she looked away, "Yeah I was having one"
"Care to talk about it? I'm not forcing you to, but sometimes, talking does help."
"Whose name did I mutter?" Sistine asked, sounded like she didn't want to talk about her dream.
"Rumia? I think that's what the name was" Y/n answered.
Sistine didn't answer that, she just kept looking away from Y/n. That name clearly meant something to her.
"Sounds like that person is special to you" Y/n tried to continue with the conversation.
"She is, she's my foster sister." Sistine quietly answered.
"I see" Y/n looked at his companion. "You know, I don't really know much about you. You just told me how you got into this world, but all this time we haven't really sat down and got to really know each other."
"Yeah, now that you mention it, we haven't really had the time to just sit and talk to one another."
"Well, would you like to talk about that? Unless you plan on leaving me and Toothless, then we don't have to talk" he laughed. This caused Sistine to slap his arm.
"No I'm not planning on leaving you two, idiot. It does seem like we can catch a break now that Queen Mirellia is back. So why not?" She turned to Y/n again.
"Well I'm Y/n L/n, seventeen years old and I was visiting a different country when I was summoned here. You already know that this person I am now is someone else from a game."
"Right, but take away the character you are now, who are you without him?"
"Well, I just attend school and play video games a lot, I don't have any siblings, just an only child. Really not much to be honest." Y/n laughed. "I'm not into sports and everything like that."
"Video Games? What are those?" Sistine asked
"You don't have anything like that?"
Sistine shook her head in denial.
"Well let's see how I can put this" Y/n started to explain. "In my world, I don't have magic. Which is odd because I got summoned her. However, people are able to make these video games to show how magic works to people who don't and can't use it."
"How are people able to see the game?"
"TV's, Computers"
"I don't know what those are either" Sistine sweat dropped.
"Well, since you say that I'm guessing your world uses magic just like this one in a way. You project things using magic for other people to see."
Sistine agreed to that.
"In a way, we do the same with the TV's and computers. I don't want to confuse you more, and it's also like three in the morning. So that's it for me really, my life was kind of boring before this" Y/n scratched the back of his neck.
"I don't think so. It's interesting to know about other world's" Sistine retorted. "I guess it's my turn now, I'm Sistine Fibel" she giggled at reintroducing herself, "I'm fifteen years old and I attend a magic school called Alzano Imperial Magic Academy. Rumia attends there with me."
"Ah, so that uniform you were wearing when I first met you is the uniform for the school."
"Yes, did you forget? I said it when we first met." Sistine nodded while having a smile form.
"I guess I forgot" Y/n scratched the back of his neck, "So what're you studying at the school for? I've read fantasy books that have similar situations, becoming part of the army, studying magic itself more, and many others."
"Well, my main goal is to figure out the mystery of the Melgalius' Sky Castle, nobody knows it. My grandfather and I used to study it together before he passed. Now I'm going the academy to study and figure out that mystery." Sistine's face saddened after explaining that.
"Im sorry for your loss" Y/n started. "Sounds like a massive goal to achieve, but I think you'll do it, once I get you back to your world"
"Thank you. It's really difficult and I've wanted to give up many times. However, Professor Radars and thinking about my grandfather usually help me get back to my goal." Sistine replied.
"This Professor Radars person, he the feller that let you cast an incorrect spell to be sent here?"
"Yeah..." Sistine nervously replied. "It's been a while since we've said anything about it. I think it was where I could see what's going on in the book, but I ended up saying it in a slower sequence and now here I am."
"That so?" Y/n laughed. He then patted her back, "don't you just feel bright after doing that"
"Shut up" Sistine turned her head away. However, talking to Y/n started to make her feel a lot better. She was happy that Toothless did what he did.
The two continued with the conversation for another hour or so. Y/n was making Sistine laugh and Sistine was doing the same. Both of them were intrigued in each other's lives and worlds. Y/n tried to explain technology to Sistine, but wasn't getting anywhere. It was a bit difficult of how he was explaining it and the accent that Erron Black has.
Y/n stretched out his arms and yawned, "guess I need to go back to sleep. We have to get up in a few hours and I need as much sleep as possible." He then stood up and was about to walk to the door. However, he felt a tug on his shirt.
"C-can you stay with me?" Sistine muttered. Her face was beet red in embarrassment.
Y/n started to get a bit nervous over the question. He figured it was because she didn't want to have that nightmare again.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Mhm, I just feel safe around you." She whispered. Barely enough to where Y/n could hear.
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