《The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black》Chapter 6: The Wave of Catastrophe
It was hours before the wave will hit, Y/N and Sistine were doing last minute training. Preparing themselves for the upcoming battle.
"How, how's that Y/N?" Sistine asked him while putting away her new katana. She was slightly out of breath from the small training session. She walked over and sat down beside Y/N.
"For your first use of it, not bad. Just use a speed enhancement spell when you draw it. The faster you are, the better" Y/N replied while cleaning his guns. He took apart his weapons to give them a clean scrub before this battle.
"But, I suggest you just stay behind me most of time. I won't let anything happen to you" Y/N added while not giving her his full attention.
"You don't think I can handle myself, now?" Sistine asked while looking at her kitana in the sheath
"Eh, I'd prefer I dont lose my partner. Hate to not hear you boast about yourself because you get free things." Y/N laughed.
"Come on! That was just the ice cream"
"And the crepes, honey roasted nuts, free samples of anything we passed by."
Sistine pouted and looked away. Y/N rubbed his hand in her hair.
"I'm just kidding, but in all seriousness, I'm not going to let anything happen to you"
Sistine wasn't looking at Y/N and she was glad she wasn't. Her face was as red as it can get.
"So, you do care about me" she said trying to act tough.
"Of course" Y/N replied returning his attention to the weapons he was cleaning. He quickly put the revolvers back together and spun the chamber. He inserted a bullet and fired off a bullet to make sure it worked.
"Hey!" Sistine covered her ears from the loud noise, "warn me next time. That hurts"
"Sorry sweet thing" Y/N apologized and stood up. He stretched a little bit before putting the weapons in holsters.
02:13:20 The clock read, Y/N sighed. 'This is coming up faster than a ground hog getting its hole filled with water' he thought.
"You're worrying too much" Sistine said getting Y/N out of his thoughts.
"If I had a silver for every time you said that" Y/N replied. Sistine huffed,
"That's not nessacery"
"I know you mean well" Y/N replied looking at combination bullet enhancements. "It's just something that we gotta deal with when it happens."
"Wonder where it will be" Sisitne continued while looking to the sky, it was a beautiful day. It was really hard for her to believe that a Wave of Catastrophe would be taken place one pretty day like this.
"All I was told and saw in the book was that they get summoned to the place, I do believe" Y/N stood up and stretched for a min. Sistine got up and dusted herself off.
"Are we going anywhere before?"
"Cant fight on an empty stomach" soon the growl from Y/N's stomach was loud enough for Sistine to hear.
"Guess that settles that," Sistine giggled. Y/N scratched his head in embarrassment, but something caused him to become suspicious about something.
Over the hill, there were a few people walking towards the city. Y/N couldn't tell who it was, but he overheard their voices.
"That damn Shield Hero, he won't get away with what he did to Princess"
"Sir Motoyasu, you're so brave and strong!"
"Shit" Y/N spat out, Sistine wondered why he said that, but her ears picked up the conversation. Her eyes went wide, she started to panic.
"Settle down, it'll be alright" Y/N told Sistine. She took a few deep breaths and was able to calm down.
"Let's just head for the city. Maybe he won't-" Y/N suggested, but that was thrown out when heard an attack heading their way.
"Watch out!" Sistine cried. Y/N took a deep breath and pulled out a revolver and shot a magic cancellation bullet.
"Criminal!" The spear hero yelled and ran after Y/N and Sistine. He was followed by Princess and a few guards.
"Just stay behind me" Y/N told Sistine while putting on his mask.
After a few moments, Motoyasu approached the two with an angry look on his face.
"Long time no see Cinderella" Y/N spoke, this made Sistine giggle. After the first time hearing it and being told the story, she couldn't help but laugh.
"You! What're you doing out here?" He asked pointing his Spear at Y/N.
"Surround him and the demi human!" Princess Myne ordered the guards.
"Not this again," Y/N put his hand on his head and shook his head. "I'm here preparing for the Wave, what are you doing?"
This made the Spear hero and Princess Myne confused.
"You're going to fight the wave too?" He asked.
"Duh dipshit, that's why I have my weapons. Theres more to this story than you know. Now, why don't you get your, my bad, her guards and get out of here before things get ugly" Y/N replied while twirling his pistols. Sistine had the courage to back up Y/N now, she got in a battle stance seeing multiple guards trying to come closer.
"And why would we let you get away this time? You got lucky last time criminal" Myne spat. She looked at Sistine and gave a death glare.
"Because I'm in no wrong here. Neither is she," Y/N gestured at Sistine. "Much like your precious pet of a hero-"
"Her and I come from different worlds too, so your guards took advantage of the situation" Y/N finished after Motoyasu interrupted him.
Motoyasu started to put two and two together,
"Wait, I thought I read something funky on that book. I dont remember what it was because I was transported to here so quickly. But the only people that were summoned here are supposed to be heros."
Y/N shrugged his shoulders, "I dont know either" he lied, Sistine knew this was a lie and played along with it."
"Maybe it was wrong of us to attack them without questions" Motoyasu pulled his weapon back. Y/N looked bewildered at what he just said.
"But Sir Motoyasu! He attacked our guards! Without a true reason!" Princess Myne replied with shock in her eyes.
"We don't know the full story, and besides we have a Wave to worry about." He answered, he then looked at Y/N and pointed his Spear at him.
"If I see you in the wave, dont come near us. We can handle ourselves"
Y/N nodded, "glad you actually have a brain goldilocks. However, if things get out of hand and I have to save your ass, things won't be pretty. For you and the other heros"
Motoyasu huffed and signaled for everyone to return to the Capital. As they walked by, Princess Myne mouthed, 'you won't get away with this'
Y/N waved his pistol at her in goodbye. His other hand had the middle finger pointed up, she saw this and gasped.
"What did you do?" Sistine asked Y/N, he laughed,
"Only gave her a proper send off. Now let's head to get a few last minute things for the wave." He said and started to walk away. Sistine quickly followed and started to walk beside him. She had a small smile on her face, Y/N couldn't help smile as well.
'I ain't going to let anything happen to you darlin' Y/N thought and walked towards the Captial.
It was just 3 short minutes before the Wave would commence. Y/N and Sistine were sitting on a bench in the park, patiently waiting for it start. Y/N was slightly confused though, he figured he would see the other heros, but he saw none of them. He did overhear a few people talking about the Shield Hero.
"What is it with those people and them against the Shield Hero?" Sistine asked.
"When you're royalty here, everyone will believe you. Princess made a false accusation and everyone believes her."
"That's just wrong" Sistine looked to the ground. She didnt understand how people could be so mean. Especially with the ones her class had to deal with.
"No kidding, but get ready it's starting soon" Y/N replied looking at his timer. It was now starting to count down from ten seconds.
Sistine looked at Y/N one more time and gave him a sincere smile. Y/N gave a thumbs up and took a deep breath.
Their bodies grew a light yellow color when they timer hit. They were transported outside a nearby village.
"Look at the sky!" Sistine commented and pointed up. Y/N looked up to see a purple,pink sky with multicolored waves invading it. Soon, many things started to swarm the town up ahead.
"Well I'll be damned. This was totally unexpected" Y/N replied. He then looked at the town and saw a flare shoot up.
"They didn't evacuate the whole town? Bastards, come on Sistine we're heading there!" Y/N commanded, but to his luck many of the unknown things fell and landed right in front of him. Zombies of all sizes and gigantic bees were in front of the two. Reading to attack anything that was in their way.
"Or bring the fight to us, just how I like it" Y/N commented while pulling out his revolver and spinning the chamber. "Alright Sistine, show me what you got!"
"Right!" She yelled and started fo fire off all types of spells. There was fire, explosions, lighting, and many more elemental attacks. She was very effective to the bees, but the zombies were a bit tougher. She could hear Y/N handle his side with ease, many bullets fire off, but none were enchanted at the moment.
'Is he that strong already?' Sistine thought for a slight second. For that moment, she didnt see a very large armoured zombie about to attack her. She saw a shadow and turned around and screamed. The zombie's head was shot off by Y/N using his other pistol.
"Get it together Sistine! We only have a few more to go before we can go to the city!" He yelled before changing into his 'Outlaw' form and started to slice many of the creatures. He started to use hand to hand combat and ripped off the smaller zombies heads off while quickly slicing their body in half. He then saw the last group of zombies all in the same area. He smirked and pulled out his pistol,
"You couldn't have screwed yourselves more, dumb ass things" Y/N said while firing off a elemental bullet. He formed at giant crater to catch all the zombies, he then shot another bullet that caused an explosion that incinerated them.
"That wasn't too bad wasn't it Sistine?" He looked over and saw her with her hands on her knees panting.
"Too many at once" she panted. Y/N then saw her gain a lot of experience points that leveled her up a couple of levels. When that happened, her health points and mana regenerated. She stood up like nothing happened.
"Whoa, what just happened?"
"You leveled up so much that it regenerated your health and mana. That's neat, now come on we have to go to the town, seem like they need some help" be commanded. Sistine quickly ran up to him and they started to make their way to the town.
"Air strike shield!" A younger man with dark hair, a green coat, and a shield on his arm yelled. There was a zombie about to attack an innocent person, he used his power to protect the person. He then ran up and punched the zombie a few times before killing.
"You need to get out of here!" He yelled while running to gain every zombie and bee's attention. While he was running, he saw a mother and kid about to get attacked.
"Shield Prison!" He yelled pointing his weapon at the two. A giant metal ball covered them up as bees attacked it. Their attention was then focused on the man running.
The young man kept running, he found a tower in the middle of the village. He found some ignitor fluid and a torch. He quickly climbed the ladder to the tower. All of the zombies and bees were going towards him. The tower shook a bit due to the zombies climbing each other.
"Take this you bastards" the man spat. He poured the fluid on the wooden floor and the zombies. He then took the torch and drop it on the puddle. The tower quickly caught on fire. The fire then traveled down to the zombies and burned some of the wooden legs. The tower started to fall, right before it hit the ground the man jumped out and barrell rolled out of the way.
"Master Naofumi!" A demi human girl yelled at him running towards him. He got up and dusted himself off.
"Are you okay?" The girl asked Naofumi. He nodded and looked at her.
"I'm fine Raphtalia, did you get the villagers out of here?" Naofumi asked his comrade.
"Yes, all the ones besides the few that wanted to fight"
"Okay good" Naofumi said. Raphtalia went wide eye and pointed to the sky.
"Master!" She yelled. Naofumi turned his attention to the sky and saw multiple balls of fire heading to the village.
"Dammit, get down!" He said kneeling while covering Raphtalia. They braced for impact, but nothing happened. Naofumi opened his eyes to see small snowflakes falling from the sky.
"What the hell?" He asked. The knights all came running in confused to what just happened.
"Hey Shield Hero!" The commander barked. "Did you do this to our attack?"
"No!? I dont know what happened." Naofumi yelled back. Raphtalia was very confused as well. However, his eyes went wide when a larger zombie appeared behind the commander, about to end his life.
Naofumi dashed towards him, in hopes of saving him. To his surprise, there was a loud bang, he then saw the zombies head explode right behind the commander. This caused the knights to turn around and begin to fight off the rest of the creatures.
"Whoa, who did that?" Raphtalia asked outloud, looking around. She then spotted a girl with white hair and cat ears on her head. She swiftly came in and used a few magic spells to finish off the remaining enemies.
Raphtalia then picked up someone whistling. She turned to see a guy with an odd looking outfit to her, she couldn't quite make out what he wore. She then spotted a few unfamiliar weapons as well.
The unfamiliar man was whistling while twirling his two weapons. The girl with white hair ran over back to his side.
"Great job Sistine" he said while giving a head pat. She blushed bright red, but smacked his hand away.
"Whatever, just be happy I listened to that. Don't do that in front of these people"
The man laughed, Naofumi made his way back to Raphtalia.
"Master Naofumi, do you know these people?" She asked him.
"No, but they are definitely not from here. The guy in a cowboy hat has to be somewhere else. We haven't seen anyone like them at all" Naofumi replied.
A few of the knights recognized the man and pointed at him.
"That's the guy that the Spear hero and Princess have been after!"
"Yeah! If we catch them, we can get a good reward by the King!"
A few of them started to run after the man, but another loud bang erupted. This caused Raphtalia to cover her ears in pain.
"A gun? What's a gun doing in this world?" Naofumi asked.
"I'd advise you to stay back! I've already told you we are no criminals. Now, I won't miss next time!" The man yelled while waving his gun. The knights backed away slowly before getting closer to their commander.
"Hey! You shall not talk to them like that!" He yelled at the unknown man. The man fired a bullet, scraping the mans cheek, he had a cut that was slowly bleeding.
"I'd suggest you listen to me and head back to the other heros. I'm sure they'll praise you for your worthless efforts. Trying to get rid of these creatures by destroying the town? Really? If it wasn't for me these people would've been hurt!" He yelled pointing at Naofumi and Raphtalia.
"He did that?" Raphtalia asked in disbelief.
The knights slowly backed away and ran off to the other heros. The unknown man sighed out loud.
"Hey look! The sky!" Sistine pointed out. All four of them looked up and saw the wave starting to disappear and the sky turning blue again.
"Those pansys, all brath and no beans." The man talked, he then stopped Naofumi and started to walk over to him. Naofumi got in front of Raphtalia and put up his shield.
"Ah Shield hero, finally nice to meet you. I ain't going to hurt you or anything. I've heard the story, and quite frankly I disagree with how you've been treated"
Naofumi put down his shield, but still was quite curious.
"Just who are you? And why do you have a gun?"
"Shit, I forgot about saying my name. This is Sistine, my companion" he gestured to her. She smiled and waved at Naofumi and Raphtalia, Raphtalia waved back while Naofumi nodded.
"And I'm Y/N Black, the fifth hero of this world. These guns? They are from a fusion that happened when I read this book and I had a figurine of this character in my other hand. The only hero that seems reasonable is you." He stuck out his hand.
"So, a fifth hero huh? The book I read didnt say anything about one." Naofumi replied lowering his shield, but he didnt shake Y/N's hand.
"Well, the one I was reading said there was a fifth hero that had weapons ahead of his time. Only to he summoned when the four other heros couldn't work together to fight these waves."
Naofumi laughed, "so they're that pathetic? They summoned another hero to help us work together? Yeah thanks, but no thanks. The other three are complete idiots."
"I'm aware, that's why I was hoping to run into you first, but I fought of Cinderella and her master that was a total bitch"
Naofumi laughed even more, "so princess Myne and Motoyasu. Look Y/N, you can't get me to work with them. They're all to egotistical about themselves. I've made my decision and it's final." Naofumi replied while starting to walk away. Raphtalia looked bewildered at him, but she ended up following him as well.
"Wait!" Y/N yelled, "why don't you and I work together? I know the others won't listen to me or believe me, but you obviously believe me! I single handedly stopped that attack from the knights with my bullets. You know what you're doing, and so do I. This may be video game like world, but it's far too real"
"Thanks, but no thanks. I dont work well in groups. You can give up on that whole you're hear to put us in place. Because I will not work with those idiots!" Naofumi spat back. He then walked away without saying another word. His companion turned around mouthed that she's sorry and began to talk to Naofumi.
"Did I do something wrong Sistine?" Y/N turned to her. She shook her head.
"No, but he didn't give his name though. That was rude of him. We saved them, but they had no gratitude."
"It's Naofumi and Raphtalia, their nametags were shown above them. I was a higher level than them. But I think he's like this because everyone has shut him away, don't believe him at all. He just has that demi human and that's it. Cant blame him though," Y/N then looked out to the horizon.
"Let's go get the villagers and help them get settled back in, it was a long battle" Y/N told Sistine. She nodded in response and walked towards where the villagers were. Y/N clenched his fists and looked back to where Naofumi and Raphtalia were walking towards.
"Dammit Naofumi, I know you hate them, but we have to work together to save this world. If the Queen demands it, then I have to do it" he then looked at Sistine, he was just glad she was safe and well.
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