《False Hero (Kiritsugu M Reader x Shield Hero)》Chapter 8: My Name Is..
Such a wholesome picture right there
I opened my eyes and saw that it was still dark. I got up and looked at the moon.
Y/n: "Rested for a few hours. My body doesn't feel heavy so it might have been enough"
I look over to Illya who was sleeping peacefully next to me. The girls were next to me as well as I scratched my head.
Y/n: "It's like I have multiple children"
I rubbed the heads of all of them before getting up from the camping bag and kept an eye out. I honestly have zero idea how we all fit in but I'll just roll with it.
Y/n: "Guess I'll be look out"
I take out Calico and start using my Weaponscraft to analyze it better.
Y/n: "Seems this magic has been very useful to me.. nothing wrong with it"
I walk over to the forest to see if I could find something to hunt. I was surprisingly good at cooking even though I never cooked.
Y/n: "What's this?"
I had opened my Hub to check my skills when I noticed a single one that interested me.
Y/n: "Emiya cooking... The hell?! So I'm just naturally a master chef? Thanks world, you gave me an unnecessary.. No, I'd be useful if I'm nowhere near civilization"
After a few minutes of searching, I find a boar all by itself.
Y/n: "Perfect"
I pull out Calico and aim at it.
Y/n: "A submachine gun acting like a sniper? I'd be useful to have one. I should of probably woken Schwi to come with me. Her sniper would of been useful to have right about now"
I got closer since I was worried that my aim wouldn't of been good even though I don't tend to miss for whatever reason.
Y/n: "A master shooter even though I never shot a gun once in my previous world. This world is definitely full of surprises"
Once I got close enough, I aimed the barrel of the gun at its head. I pulled the trigger and the boar went down easily.
Y/n: "That went a lot better than I thought"
I grab the boar by the tusks and lift it up. I kneel down and pick up the boar so I can throw it over my shoulder. I rise up and feel the weight of the wild beast.
Y/n: "Damn you're heavy?!"
I go back over to camp with the large boar.
Y/n: "I wonder if this will feed all of them?"
I brought it back and saw everyone was still asleep. I head over to the fire and start cutting up the boar.
Y/n: "Haven't had boar in a while"
Once I take out everything we could eat, I start placing them in some branches I cut off. I started cooking them over the fire which seemed to wake up a certain fox girl.
Red: "Meat?"
Y/n: "You're going to have to wait a little"
She sits next to me on the log I had brought with me when I went for more fire wood.
Y/n: "Did you sleep well?"
Red: "Yes. Master was really comfortable. Your warmth helped me be at ease"
Y/n: "Don't say that. You tend to sleep naked and people might get the wrong impression. Sleep with clothes next time"
Red: "I don't want to. It isn't comfortable"
Y/n: "Any other man would of done unspeakable acts if it wasn't me"
Red: "I may be waiting for those unspeakable- Ow!!"
I flick her forehead as I work of the boar meat.
Red: "Why?"
Y/n: "I see you more as a daughter. Schwi as well. You two are my family now and I'll continue to view you that way until I depart from this world"
Red had a confused look in her face.
Red: "When you die?"
Y/n: "That or I'm taken to my old world. Whichever comes first"
Red: "Can Red come with you? I don't want to be without master"
Y/n: "I don't think wolf girls would bode well in my world. Your people, the ones with animal features, aren't really known in my world other than in pop culture. They knowing of your existence would cause everyone to understand and study you.. I would never let them put their hands on you"
Red seems to notice my anger surging up a little and rests her head on my shoulder.
Red: "Then.. can master stay?.. I'm sure Schwi would also miss you. We don't want to leave you alone"
Y/n: ".. This world won't need me. This world doesn't want me. All it ever wants to do is see me lose.. so much for being a Hero of Justice-"
Red: "But master is a hero!!! A Hero of Justice!! He saved me and Schwi when he didn't need to. He saved the town's folk when they needed help with taking down the monsters that fell from the sky"
Y/n: "I didn't. Naofumi did"
Red: "You discredit yourself too much master.. I'm going to take a shower by the pond over there"
Y/n: "Naofumi, wake up"
He rubs his eyes and slowly gets up still sleepy.
Naofumi: "What?"
Y/n: "Take care of the food for me"
Naofumi: "Alright, where are you going?"
Y/n: "Red's going to take a shower. I'll watch over her so she isn't bothered"
Naofumi: "*yawn* Alright..."
I follow after Red as Naofumi looks at the cooking food and yawns once again. He picks up his water canteen and takes a sip before immediately spitting it out.
Naofumi: "Wait, what?!"
I was sitting down over a giant boulder as Red removed her jacket and pants off. I was watching carefully that nothing would get in her way as I already had a hand near Thompson. Red looked up towards me and finished getting everything off. She climbed over to me and put her clothes and weapon near me.
Red: "I won't take long master"
Y/n: "That's fine"
She pouted a little and jumped into the rather large body of water. It was about as a football field long but two of them wide. It was surrounded by trees and a waterfall. It was a beautiful place to be at. I looked down and saw Red having the time of her life. It made me wonder whether I should tell the rest so they could have a little fun.
Red: "Master? Pervert~"
She had a smug look on her face as she swam freely in the clear water.
Y/n: "I'm not attracted to dogs so get your mind out the gutter"
Red: "I'm a wolf!!"
Y/n: "So a wild dog that hasn't been domesticated yet?"
Red: "Grrr.. I am too!! I follow my master's command"
Y/n: "And it is appreciated"
Red: "So I proved I am not a dog?! I am a wolf"
Y/n: "You literally described what a dog is"
Red: "Hmmm!!.. I am a wolf that follows her ALPHA!!"
I simply chuckle at her little tantrums.
Y/n: "Just like a daughter huh?"
I hear a noise coming from the bushes behind me. It wasn't too big so I didn't bother to pull out my weapon just yet. It carefully approached me.
Y/n: "It could be a predator that attacks via the element of surprise? I'll just let it get closer before putting one in its head"
I patiently waited until it got close enough. It had a weird attacking plan. It hadn't jumped at me yet despite being near me. It took a step forward as I decided to draw my weapon. I pointed the barrel over its head and nearly pulled the trigger if it wasn't for me paying great attention.
Y/n: "Illya?!"
I pull the gun back as she looked a little scared.
Y/n: "What the hell are you doing here?!"
Illya: "Naofumi told me you ran off in this direction. I'm sorry if I scared you"
Y/n: "*sighs* It's fine. Just let me know you're coming next time"
She sits down beside me as she watches over Red who is currently doing some sort of dance in the water... isn't that something from my world?!
Illya: "Mr. Hero?"
Y/n: "Just call me Y/n"
Illya: "What is she to you?"
Y/n: "Red?.. hm, I'd say she's like a daughter of mine. A rather exhibitionist one"
Illya: "And Schwi?"
Y/n: "Same thing. She's rather the smart one if anything"
Illya: "And Naofumi?"
Y/n: "He's been my best friend since I got here. Had my back even through all the events that have happened"
Illya: "Oh. What about Raphtalia?"
Y/n: "Hm?.. I can't tell. Naofumi treats her like a daughter so I want to say a niece but at times she seems for like his wife. I'll decline to say anything for now"
Illya: ".. W-What about... What about Illya?"
Y/n: "Hm?"
I look over to her as she kicked her feet out over the edge.
Y/n: "Careful, you don't want to fall"
Illya: "Can Illya... Can Illya also.. be like a dau-"
Red: "Mast-Gulp!!"
I look over to see Red be pulled into the water.
Y/n: "Red!!! Get Naofumi now!!"
I quickly take my cloak off and jump into the water.
Illya: "Y/n?!.. Naofumi!!"
I swim as fast as I could. I kept swimming deeper and deeper into the deep pond. It didn't looked that deep when I had seen it from the boulder but it sure was. A had finally seen Red being held down by some sort of monster. It had its tentacles wrapped around her as she tried to wiggle herself out. I got up next to her and tried to pull them out it used its other tentacles to pull me away but Red freed one of her hands and extended it towards me.
Y/n: "Grrr!!"
I grabbed onto her and used my strength to pull us together. She coughed up the air she had and began to struggle to breathe.
Y/n: "The gun won't do much damage if I'm nowhere near it and the water will slow the bullet down. Naofumi is the only shot we have at killing this shit.. If I do this, she'll be able to survive"
I pulled Red to me as she nearly drowned and put my lips over hers. I opened her mouth and transfered all the air that I had in me to her. I immediately put my arm around her neck and cover her mouth and nose so she wouldn't try to give it back.
Red: "Mmphf!!"
She tried to fight me but I pulled my knife out and used whatever seconds I had to fight the beast. It had shown its ugly face as I smiled at it.
Y/n: "Five seconds before I end up drowning. I have to do whatever it takes to give Red the chance to swim away.. or atleast to buy Naofumi time to save her"
I stabbed the tentacle that had Red to let her free. I release her and move over to the beast's face.
I got it right over the head but it still wasn't enough. It squeezed me tighter and took a bite at my leg. Blood began to leak out as I tried my best to fight through the pain.
I did the same thing over, and over over again. I felt my lungs collapse and my vision start to fade but I knew my job wasn't done yet.
With one final smile, I looked the beast in its eye and brought my knife up.
Y/n: "Smile ya big ugly fucker"
I punched the knife straight into it's eye which caused it to release me. Whatever hold it still had over Red was gone. She swam over to me and begin to pull over to the surface. The beast simple ran away as the smile never left my face.
With that, my legend ended. I closed my eyes as Red raced to the sky as fast as she could but it was too late.
??: "You can't die yet!!"
I open my eyes to find myself nowhere near water. Everything was clouds all around.
Y/n: "So heaven's real huh?"
I laid back onto the clouds as I let God take care of the rest.
??: "Do you really not care for your companions at all?!"
I look around and see no one.
Y/n: "I've done what I could. I saved my slave and she'll be taken care of by Naofumi.. honestly, I've been through enough already so just let me rest for once"
??: "This isn't the man I saw all this time"
Y/n: "So you saw everything right? And you didn't even do a damn thing about it?! What kind of a God puts a man through all that pain and still wants him to go on in that life despite his hardships?! That's bullshit!!"
??: "It wasn't meant to be that-"
Y/n: "But it ended up that way. Send me to hell if you want, I ain't going back there"
I had sat up and put an arm over my knee. I had had enough of all this shit. I was tired and wasn't sleeping enough. All the pain I've gone through, all so the people I save look at me as some disgusting animal?
Y/n: "It's not fair!!"
I felt someone rest their head on my shoulder from behind.
??: "I understand. I know it is a lot that I am asking"
Y/n: "You think?"
??: "I will not pressure you into doing it anymore. I brought you here on accident. I truly do apologize for that"
The voice was shaky. Was this person crying. I look down to see the world I had just gotten out from. Naofumi desperately pushing down on my chest while screaming out. Raphtalia was holding onto Illya and Schwi as she tried to turn them away. Red had head over her lap as she cried out my name. It all made me feel ill inside.
??: "If you truly don't want to go-"
Y/n: "Just shut up and sent me"
It's head stood up from my shoulder.
??: "Are you-"
Y/n: "Don't make me change my mind. Just send me back. You can can't you?"
I turn around but all I could see was a bright light.
Y/n: "Why the hell are gods so fucking shiny?!"
??: "Because humans aren't allowed to see us unless we fall from the heavens. We lose our divinity and become nothing but simple mortals like you all. Though I'd be a special case since my body isn't necessarily stable"
Y/n: "Stable? How so?"
??: "My body would be weak since my goddess form is heavily reliant on my powers"
Y/n: "Hmm.. well whatever. What's your name anyway Miss Goddess?"
??: "My name? It's Iri-"
I felt a pain in my chest as my eyes shot out and I was back on the ground. I was gasping for air after I spat out a lot of water. I turn over to see Naofumi look relieved.
Red: "MASTER!!"
Red hugged me from the back as she let her tears fall.
Red: "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for not taking care of you!! Don't leave me again. I don't want to be without!!"
Her voice was shaky as I rubbed her head. I felt like a bus hit me as Schwi had sprinted into my chest as well.
Schwi: "Schwi apologizes for being late. Please don't do something reckless like that again without Schwi, okay?! Schwi.. Schwi doesn't want to be without master either!!"
They were both extremely worried when I wasn't responding.
Y/n: "It appears I worried you two. I'm sorry. I'll do better next time to take care of myself"
I get up and use my cloak that was to my side to cover Red. After that, I gently wiped their tears and brought them in for a hug. I look out to see Illya's eyes were also red. I let the girls go and walk over to her.
Y/n: "It seems they weren't the only ones worried?"
She turned away as I got down to her eye level.
Y/n: "Illya. Turn around"
She shook her head but ultimately turned towards me but wasn't looking at my eyes. She was staring at the ground. I used my hand to pick her face up by the chin. She was shaking as I simply looked at her. I smiled a little and nodded. She rushed at me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I pat her in the back as she cried.
Y/n: "It's okay, I'm fine now"
As she was crying, something had escaped her lips that made me react a little.
Illya: "Papa!!!"
She cried out while her voice died a little. She had gone through so much pain that she tired her vocal cords from the sound of it. I simply rubbed her in the back until she calmed down. Little did we know, we had company watching us.
A beautiful woman saw over the group from over the trees.
Irisviel: "That's the man I followed. Don't abandon your family. The road may be tough but you're tougher... I couldn't introduce myself to you again huh?.. maybe.. maybe next time"
She said with a sad smile as she continued to over see the group.
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At the culmination of a galactic conflict, an experienced sergeant is once again deployed on the battlefront. After a series of events, he perishes and awakens in a foreign body, far stronger than he could have imagined, where the laws of nature as he knew them have ceased to exist. But in this primitive world ruled by kings and monstrosities and magic, two forgotten terrors are emerging. The Elven King in the south has assembled an army and seeks to establish a new age, while in the north stirs the ancient corpse of the White King and his desires to plunge the realm into an eternal frost. But then these seemingly undefeatable powers make a grave mistake. They assail the reincarnated vampire lord. And they find themselves facing a greater terror than anyone could have imagined—Reith Lornhart.
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The Shards of Sylvia's Soul
In the little village of Nyberg, Sylvia is dreaming of a future with Rebecca at her side. Together, they could move overseas. But when bandits attack, all of her tender dreams turn to ashes. Forced out of her home, Sylvia forges new bonds with the Fri, the women who have taken it upon themselves to protect their little corner of the world. She also meets Afi, a strange bandit with a stern face and a soft heart. Saving each other from certain demise, they join in a bond which irreversibly ties their souls together. So bonded, they attempt to settle down. When a distant heir to the Crown asks for aid to reunite the country, Sylvia sees her chance to finally right all the wrongs committed against her family. In the pursuit of the throne, Afi and Sylvia come to risk their very lives. Sylvia uncovers the relationship between soul, magic, and divinity itself, but even in research, there is peril. It is not an easy task to balance the strain on her soul with the demands of the upcoming battle. In this world, the soul is not an incorporeal concept. To the contrary, the human soul is a physical object, an organ which resides in the chest of each individual. It is a great source of strength, but also of vulnerability. Hardship can leave scratches and blemishes, or even break the soul in two. The soul is each person's connection to divinity, to the magic which is ubiquitous to the world. It enables the cultivation of gods, but old legends warn of demons emerging in the presence of corrupt intention, and of hollow warriors, with no soul at all. There are two sides to every page. Update ScheduleNew chapters are in the works. ScopeThree to four books in total are planned.Book 1: "Fri Women" Chapters 1-64. Find the paperback and e-book here.
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After All
This is not my story. My story was of a world I forged by my raw will, and of you, my children, forged of my dreams. That story has long since ended. Our world was not alone. Another deity came from beyond my sight, and despite our resistance rent our world asunder. In the end, all was lost and you were gone. That I survived your passing is a testament to the cruelty of existence; I cannot forgive existence for the monstrous crime of making me go on without you. This is the story of a new world, forged by the hands of fools. That it is made from the bones of that which I most hated will bring this place no absolution. In the fullness of time, I will seize the reins of this new narrative, and I shall end it. You are lost to me, my children. I will make a funeral pyre of all reality for you, and be with you in oblivion after all. --- DocSumac here. This is a story that has been rattling around in my head for years. It's not complete, but I'm not going to let it haunt me anymore. I'm uploading what is ready, and I'll add more as I can. --- Addendum May 20, 2020: I've added the Sex tag. Not because of actual smut, but becuase of what will probably devolve into an ongoing parade of dick jokes. No point denying my nature.
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Lakshmila TS Collection
None of them are related to the true story all of them are fictional...
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critique shop
permanently closed | completed.
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Star Wars IX- The Rise of Skywalker
"We've passed on all we know. A thousand generations live in you now, but this is your fight." A familiar voice, Luke's, whispers. Luke Skywalker stands net to R2-D2 the sky around him burns shades of orange, yellow and red and behind him a Jedi temple burns.Kylo feels his father's hand upon his face the watched as his father falls into the abyss."Your journey nears its end." A sinister voice now whispers, and a flash of blue light reveals a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers filling the vastness of space as blue fire leaps between them.A powerful red laser of an unseen weapon obliterates the surface of a planet.Shrieks, whispers and screams and then the sound of a lightsaber igniting. A fiery red saber but behind that saber is Rey, her hand twitches and the saber becomes a double-pronged staff. A maniacal evil laugh cackles.Kylo woke with a start and sat upright on his bed.Written after the first trailer dropped and finished before the film was released. Contains references to previous films, novelisations and comics.I'm a Reylo shipper but there will be no major smut- one additional slightly adult chapter at the end of the book.#Bendemption#Reyloisendgame#1-starwarsfanfiction 25.12.19#1- Dyad 4.5.20 (May the 4th be with you)#1-Bendemption 4.4.20#17- Reylo 25.8.20#1-episode iv 30.11.20#2- reylofanficyion 6.1.22'This is legit my favourite reylo fan fiction OMG it's so in character and like literally perfect for episode 9 I'm dying this is amazing.''You definitely did justice to this story, so much warmth and hope at the end.''Why couldn't Rise of Skywalker be just THIS?? This story is miles better than what we got. This was wonderful and healed so many wounds inflicted by that movie. Thank you so much for sharing this. Your hard work is much appreciated!'Consider donating to Adam's charity Arts in the Armed Forces.https://www.gofundme.com/f/bensoloslegacy
8 108