《False Hero (Kiritsugu M Reader x Shield Hero)》Chapter 4: Weeks Later
Your boy just got into Honkai. It's an awesome game with the exception being it's another gatcha game added.
I move in to slize the monster across the neck and kick it down. I stab it repeatedly in the head before moving onto the next one. A monster was behind me but I decided to ignore it as it got closer.
Red: "Don't put your hands on my master!!"
She took its head off with a single swing of her sword.
Y/n: "Muramasa truly is a wizard at creating such incredible weapons"
I put my knife back, I pull out my Calico and shake the gun a little.
Y/n: "I got about 40 more shots. Thompson has a shot ready and my knife is on my pocket. 6 more targets left. I'll aim for the head of the first two. Should take 4 shots to put down the two"
I do as I say in my head as the 3rd one jumps into the air. 2 more try to go around me as I had said to myself.
Y/n:"Just as I predicted"
I pull out Thompson and fire the already loaded shot directly at the flying one's head. I dodge the falling corpse and get ready to fire Calico.
Y/n: "Shit!! It jammed"
I throw Calico behind me and reload Thompson as fast as I could to a dangerous scenerio.
Y/n: "They are too close for me to be able to take them out. 1 shot is all I have time for. I have 3 seconds to figure out a solution to get out of this pickle. After the 3 seconds, the beasts will attack. Red is too far and Schwi is busy locating more... I guess I'll leave it to chance"
I open Thompson and eject the shell.
Y/n: "One second"
I immediately put the next bullet and close it. I fall backwards as one of the beasts jumps over me.
Y/n: "2 seconds"
I put Thompson directly into its head and wait for the other one's move.
Y/n: "And 3 seconds"
Red: "MASTER!!!"
Both beasts fall ontop of me as Red rushes over to me but sees a hole on both monster's heads.
Y/n: "*grunt* Heavy"
She removes the dead corpses and picks me up.
Red: "Master, are you okay?!"
I reload Thompson and point it to her right and fire. I kill the last monster and put it away.
Y/n: "Yes, I'm fine"
Red: "How did-?!"
Y/n: "Elementary my dear Red. Thompson's Contender is a very powerful gun. All I had to do was time my shot. Their heads lined up in those 3 seconds and I took my shot"
Red: "Incredible?! Master, you are awesome!!"
Y/n: "I'm not that great. It's pretty simple stuff. How's your weapon?"
Red: "It's great. The throwing knives are an excellent back up to them"
Y/n: "Good, Schwi!!"
She arrives beside me once I call for her.
Schwi: "Yes master?"
Y/n: "Any enemy in our vacinity?"
Schwi: "None"
Y/n: "Let's rest for a bit. We'll continue once it gets dark"
Red: "We'll fight in the dark"
Y/n: "I want us all to be able to fight during any type of terrain and time. I don't want to rely on simply fighting during an open field in the middle of the day. I want to learn how to make battle if we ever find ourselves in a cave or in a cramped space"
Schwi: "As you wish master"
Red: "I'll follow as you say master"
Y/n: "Good, then eat and rest a little"
Red: "Will you not rest aswell master?"
Y/n: "No. I'll be counting my ammo and preparing for the next stage"
I take out the ammo I have left and check out Calico.
Y/n: "Did the bullets jam it?"
I take it apart and check it out to find me answer. Two bullets were lodged inside the barrel.
Y/n: "Really? I'm guessing that happened when I shook the gun. Maybe the magazine is a little loose from the inside? The bullets must have gotten messed up when I did that"
I check the rest of the magazines through my Weaponscraft and surely enough, they all had the same problem.
Y/n: "Guess I'll have to take them to Muramasa's once we're done here. Tell him to tighten them up so this doesn't happen again"
I continue to inspect Calico before going onto Thomson's Contender next.
Y/n: "No problems aside from that.. Now, inventory count"
I put all my ammo infront of me and count it.
Y/n: "706 9mm for Calico, 65 .223, 45 being regular and 20 still poisonous, and 66 Origin Bullets"
I put them away as I check for any new skills.
Y/n: "Explosives? Like grenades? That should come in handy"
I check my stats and see that they had increased greatly.
Y/n: "Level 19. Red is level 14 while Schwi is a level 10. Seems everything is going fine so far.. 3 more weeks until the waves arrive"
I check my surroundings as the girls rest. Everything was calm.
Y/n: "It's too calm.. something isn't right"
I check everywhere but see nothing wrong. I put back Calico and keep it on me incase something happens. I ever hear some birds being scared off in the distance.
Y/n: "I thought something was off"
I look at the girls and look over to where the birds flew from. It was inside the forest, maybe about a mile in. We were out in the open field with no protection other than our weapons.
Y/n: "I should go inspect it but I can't leave them here on their own. They need rest so I won't wake them up either"
I slide down the log I was sitting on while keeping my ears perked.
Y/n: "This is such a terrible place to stay at. We need to get the hell out of here"
I heard a noise and I immediately put my hand out as an arrow catches onto it. I bring it down and imagine the trajectory of where it was heading towards.
Y/n: "Red"
I pull the arrow and almost let my anger get the best out of me. I was planning on just charging in which would of been a horrible idea. Instead I use my feet to bring her towards me followed by Schwi. Once they were by my side, I waited until he or she did the next move.
Y/n: "The hell could I do?!"
Schwi and Red's stamina were still to low to be effective enough to help.
Y/n: "I have no actual visual on the enemy and the only thing keeping us safe is this log"
I look down at my current situation and start formulating a plan.
Y/n: "A single bullet ready in Thompson's chamber and 100 rounds on the fixed Calico. I have no idea on the enemy numbers either which makes this very difficult to get out off"
I look at my hand and found something unusual.
Y/n: "It healed? How?"
I check my stats and skills.
Y/n: "Avalon?"
Irisviel: "They're on their way"
I exit my skills tab and pull out Calico. I take a chance and pull it slightly out before firing.
Man: "AH!!"
I hear multiple bodies fall to the ground.
Y/n: "I heard 3. I also heard 3 swords. The bowman must still be out there.. I fired 10 rounds leaving me with 90 inside"
Red: "Master?"
I turn to see Red had woken up.
Y/n: Your MP is still too low. Stay here and stay silent"
Red: "What's going on?"
Y/n: "Ambush"
Schwi: "Schwi can be useful to master"
It's true that Schwi's stamina had gone up higher than Red but she wasn't as skilled of a fighter. The only I could do with her was..
Y/n: "Here"
I hand her Calico as she doesn't understand how to use it.
Y/n: "You use this little trigger and you shoot. Locate the enemies for me and fire in their direction. They won't move at first because they will be scared by the sudden weapon. I'll jump out and fire the shot that will kill it"
Schwi: "Schwi accepts master's commands"
Y/n: "Go!!"
She jumps out and starts running to the right while keeping an eye on the trees. She locates the enemy and brings the semi automatic weapon up and fires a few shots. I heard where the shots landed and immediately dive out with Thompson's Contender in hand.
Red: "Master?!"
Irisviel: "Force open Time Accel!!"
I feel like everything went slow motion, in front of me an arrow was traveling directly towards my chest. My eyes were still on the enemy who had reacted just as I expected.
Y/n: "Looks like I could do one of 2 things. I could shoot the guy and take the arrow head on or I could just save myself and shoot at the arrow but miss the guy running away"
Irisviel: "Please save yourself"
I don't hesitate and shoot the bowman straight in between his eyes as the arrow hits me in the chest.
Red: "Master!!!"
Red rushes towards me followed by Schwi.
Red: "Master!! Tell me you are-"
Y/n: "I'm fine"
I look at the arrow that happened to miss my heart.
Y/n: "He was good, I'll give him that. But whatever that was, I managed to maneuver out of the way so it only hits my lung"
I pull the arrow up and stand up.
Schwi: "Master?! You need to lie down and-"
Y/n: "I'll be fine, see?"
My wounds began to heal up as that Avalon thing did it's magic.
Y/n: "What the hell did I experience? Was that my own magic? No, something else did that. I never chanted anything or used a skill. That was done by something else"
I look out everywhere but don't see a single person in sight.
Y/n: "Let's get out of here and find somewhere to stay at for the night. We've gone through enough for the day"
I look over to the corpses and see a familiar mark over them.
Y/n: "Melromarc huh? Guess they really don't need the False Hero then.. as if I really care"
I take off to a nearby town and stop by a lodge where we could eat and sleep.
Waiter: "What can we.."
He looked at me and the girls strangely.
Y/n: "Are you planning on not taking my order?"
Waiter: "S-Sorry sir, it's just you look faintly familiar to that dud of a hero"
Y/n: "Great, guess that's my name from now on"
Red: "What did you-*muff*"
Y/n: "Quiet"
Red sits back down, crossing her arms.
Y/n: "I'll take whatever that child over there is having for the little one and the one to my side"
Red: "I want steak?!"
Y/n: "Shut up"
Red sits back down again pouting.
Red: "I want steak"
She whispers to herself.
Y/n: "*sighs* Give her a small steak on the side"
Waiter: "What about you sir?"
Y/n: "Whatever is good that you could recommend"
Waiter: "Very well sir. Your meal will be out in a minute"
Y/n: "Good, bring me 2 milks and some wine"
Waiter: "Yes sir"
He takes off as I look at the people around me.
Y/n: "Guess they don't see too fond of beast women. Atleast Schwi passes off as a little girl with that jacket on"
Red: "Sorry for the troubling eyes"
I put a hand on her head which causes her to jump a little.
Y/n: "Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault you were made the way you are. Besides, I need you so it doesn't matter"
Red: "I-I see"
I could see her tail wagging as I continue to pat her head.
Y/n: "Schwi, are you able to eat food?"
Schwi: "Yes master"
Y/n: "Good.. I got about 80 silvers left. This should do us for a couple of weeks before I have to get more"
Red: "What will we do?"
Y/n: "I know someone who's buying monster parts to make potions and other stuff. He'll be willing to make me a good offer for the hide and insides of the monsters we kill"
Schwi: "I'll carry them"
Y/n: "I need some sort of moving vehicle to carry them"
Man: "If you want one, I can give you one at a discount"
A drunk man wraps his arm around me.
Y/n: "And how much would it be?"
Man: "All you would have to do *hic* is lend me one of those *hic* beautiful girls you got"
The two got angry but I raised my hand.
Y/n: "Which one do you want?"
Man: "I'll take the beast woman. Let my boys *hic* get the little one and it's yours for 50 silvers"
I have people giving me dirty looks as I ignore them.
Y/n: "Fine"
Red: "Master!!"
Man: "You heard him boys?! You get the little-"
I grab him by the collar and slam his head on the table as hard as I could.
Y/n: "Listen idiot. These girls aren't some prostitutes you can buy. They are mine. If you wish to remain alive, I suggest you don't come near me or my girls again"
I let go off his collar and send him off with a kick to the stomach as he flies back.
Waiter: "I'm so sorry about that?! Here you go sir, the milks and wine"
Y/n: "Meh, whatever"
I grab the two milks and hand it over to Schwi and Red.
Y/n: "He better not show his face around me again before I kick his ass"
Waiter: "Of course, I'm so sorry!!"
He leaves and I take a sip of my drink.
Y/n: "What?"
Red: "I thought you were being serious"
Y/n: "Why would I?'
Schwi: "I would do whatever you command but that's something I would prefer not do"
Y/n: "Weren't you interested in sex?"
Schwi: "Only if it comes from master"
Y/n: "*sighs* Well just know that I wouldn't sell either of you. I have use for the two of you"
Red: "Master?"
Y/n: "Yes?"
Red: "Are... are tools all we are for you?"
Y/n: "Yes"
Schwi: "Master is really dense"
Y/n: "What?!"
The waiter brings our food and I start to eat as the other two watch me.
Y/n: "Eat up"
They dig in as I continue to eat my food in peace. I look over to see Red eating with a bit of a sad expression. I continue to eat as I think about what she had said. I turn to her one more time and she has simply playing with her food.
Y/n: "Dammit"
I put a hand on her head and rub it a little. I could hear her tail wag as it hits the chair everytime it moves to each side.
Y/n: "To me you are both tools, but just because you are that doesn't mean you aren't indispensable. You two are important to me so don't let the title get you down"
Red: "Yes master"
She had a little smile as she continued to eat her food.
Schwi: "Master:
Y/n: "What is it?"
Schwi had a pout as she held her head out.
Y/n: "What are you doing?... Oh"
I rub her head as well as she enjoys it as well.
Y/n: "Alright, that's enough of that"
I stop and eat my food as they talk amongst another.
Y/n: "Hm?"
It took me a bit to realize but I was eating noodles.
Y/n: "I guess some of our customs are similar to theirs in some places"
I continue to enjoy my food until we were all finished. I paid my bill and went to bed. I place my guns down on the table as the two girls hop onto the bed.
Red: "Will you be coming to bed master?"
Y/n: "You two go to bed, I have to make some edits to my weapons"
They nod and cover themselves up as I grab Thompson's Contender and inspect it a little.
Y/n: "It looks good. Time to check out Calico"
I inspect everything and put it back together. I pull out my money and count it up.
Y/n: "I need to get to bed soon.. I just don't know if I ever could with this bullshit going on *sigh*"
I close my eyes and try to sleep but am too tense to even rest for a couple of minutes.
Irisviel: "Let me be of help"
For whatever reason, I felt like laying down on the floor. I put my arms over my head and close my eyes.
Irisviel: "It's okay, you can sleep now"
I end up falling asleep soundly.
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Book 1: Bound and Broken is now live on Amazon! Book 2: The Witch is now live on Amazon! A young woman finds herself dead and is given the chance to reincarnate in another world with cheat-like magic powers. She accepts, only to find that this world treats magic users the same way hers did— by hunting them down for heresy. My name is MELAS?! Like... Salem spelt backwards? Oh my God, and my mother is a Witch. I am SO going to be burned at the stake! Click here to donate to my patreon and get access up to 10 chapters ahead! Click here to join my Discord Book 1: Bound and Broken is now live on Amazon! Book 2: The Witch is now live on Amazon! Book 3 (Ongoing): Chapter 77-?? Cover art by Boboplushie Current schedule: Idk lmao What to expect: - werds What not to expect: - not werds
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