《Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)》20: A Slave's Lost Past
"We get it, let's go!" Naofumi got up, grabbing his stuff as quickly as he could. As the others gathered their things, Raphtalia stood still, her ears wiggling for a brief moment.
"I can smell it." She noted.
"Yes. Let's hurry along. No fire is going to stall for us." You told her.
"Understood." The movement was brief, and you were soon on your way, Naofumi taking the lead, while you walked at the rear, making sure Melty stood in front of you.
The fire served no purpose other than to attempt to smoke you all out of hiding again. Luckily, your escape from those burning woods was swift, allowing the night to pass without harm coming towards anyone allied with you.
Early the next morning, Naofumi donned his hood to better hide his face as he went into a town located near the bottom of the mountain to buy a map, quickly doing as he wanted before bailing just in time to avoid knights searching the area with wanted posters.
When he returned to the group, Filo was the first to greet him with a hug, as Raphtalia and Melty stood by you.
"Naofumi, how was it?" You asked. He took his hood off as he spoke.
"We should probably give up on reaching Siltvelt. Security near here is too tight for us to squeeze past. That means..." He paused for a moment, consulting his map.
"Is doing as that Shadow asked our only option?" He murmured.
"I apologize, did you meet with one of the queen's shadows while I was busying the other heroes?" You asked.
"Yes, and Naofumi was requested to meet with my mother, the queen." Melty explained.
"I see. In that case, I will also agree. Meeting The Queen is easily your best choice, Naofumi." You told the hero.
"Yeah, I guess... we're going to meet the queen." Naofumi announced. You smiled at him, nodding.
"Very well, Good Hero." You swore you saw him pause for a moment, glancing at you as you spoke, before you set off.
As you began to pass some noble's domain, Naofumi made the decision to stop for a moment, gazing out of the forest at some crop fields. Currently, groups of demihumans were working, plowing the fields.
"..." you stayed silent, observing the workers. They seemed to be in surprisingly good health, with clothes only dirtied by today's work. If they were slaves, then their master took exceedingly good care of them. If they were simply employed, then they were well off.
"There's a lot of demihumans in this region." Raphtalia noted. Melty nodded, looking towards the estate.
"Are we in.... I see!" You looked at the Princess.
"You see? Care to explain?" You asked.
"A Nobleman I know is in charge of this domain. He may be able to help us out!" Melty announced.
"I see..." You looked out again at the fields, where demihumans worked.
"Say, I know demihuman's have been enslaved, but the ones working here are in remarkably healthy condition. Would your nobleman friend happen to be the one in a dozen that truly cares for equality, and treats others well?" You asked. Melty nodded in response.
"There was a group that tried to mediate some peace in between both groups. The leader of the group was a wonderful man in charge of Seyaette, who sadly died in the first Wave. After that, the remaining members were scattered around distant domains at my father's orders." Melty explained. You nodded as Naofumi grumbled to himself.
"That man's hatred for demihumans is appalling." He stated.
"Indeed." You agreed, looking at Raphtalia. Her face was saddened, her eyes downcast.
"Raphtalia, are you okay?" You asked, putting an arm around her shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah. My home village was under Seyaette's jurisdiction." Raphtalia told you.
"Oh. I heard rioters attacked Seyaette after the first wave." Melty stated. Raphtalia nodded in confirmation.
"That's right. My village was attacked by a mob of Melromarc's soldiers." She told everyone.
"I see. The more I hear of these people, the more they disgust me." You remarked.
"...I'm sorry." Melty apologized. You shook your head.
"Don't be. You're unrelated in all ways except blood." You told her.
"No. As royalty, there had to be something we could've done. But..." she gripped her dress in clenched fists.
"...we did nothing." After a moment, she let go of her dress, raising her head towards Raphtalia.
"Raphtalia, tell me everything you remember about those soldiers. Once this dies down, I promise they'll receive justice." Melty vowed. Raphtalia lightly smiled, a warm look on her sad face.
"Thank you." She murmured.
"So, a nobleman you know lives here, right?" Naofumi asked, changing the subject.
"Then the question is whether or not we can trust him." Naofumi noted. Your senses started to alert you to a new presence, and you wheeled yourself around to face the bushes behind you as a new voice rang out.
"You are indeed right." A blue haired, thin man in white scholars robes and glasses stated. As you all watched, Melty stepped forward, smiling.
"It's been way too long, Reichnott." She greeted.
"Welcome, Melty." The man, Reichnott, dipped his head in greeting, before turning to face you.
"My name is Van Reichnott, I am the lord of this domain. I am pleased to meet you all." He stated.
"This is no place to chat. Would you all join me at my mansion?"
The mansion was a grand place, obviously not enough to impress you or the shield hero, but it was a fine establishment.
"I see. So you reached my domain after a long escape, is it?" Reichnott summarized Melty's explanation of how she got here in a single sentence. Currently, everyone except for you and Reichnott were sitting in a dining room table. Reichnott was looking out a window, while you simply preferred to stand.
"You know, the knights informed me that you started the wildfires." He told Naofumi.
"That's a lie. The older princess probably made it all up." Naofumi asserted.
"Just as I thought. You know, I was patrolling the area out of concern for Melty's safety, though I now see that needs no attention." He nodded towards you as the door opened, and maids carted in several dishes, each covered by a cloche.
"You all must be tired. You are welcome to rest up and stay here as long as you like." You watched as food was laid before each person standing at the table, to Filo's delight.
"May I get you something to eat as well?" Reichnott asked you. You simply raised a hand in response, shaking your head.
"It would be wasted on me, as I scarcely eat." You told him.
"If you insist. There will be food ready whenever you wish, as long as you stand in this manor." Reichnott assured you.
"Master, may I eat?" Filo asked, looking up towards Naofumi, who shook his head.
"No, not yet. I don't trust this guy." He stated. In response, Reichnott simply walked over to Naofumi and took a piece of bread from his plate, eating it without pause or hesitation.
"Mm, this is quite good! I assure you, the food is not poisoned in any way." Reichnott told Naofumi.
"Alright! Time to eat!" Filo grabbed a piece of toasted bread, immediately nibbling on it.
"Filo, remember your master's teachings about manners." You reprimanded. Filo stopped, sighing as she put down her food in favor of the silverware.
"Raphtalia, Naofumi, you should eat as well." You suggested. Raphtalia nodded, taking her fork as Naofumi still hesitated.
"Such an attitude towards wonderful hospitality. How rude can you be?" Melty asked, wiping some crumbs from her face with a napkin. Naofumi stayed silent for another moment, spearing a piece of meat on his fork.
"We shouldn't be here too long, we leave tomorrow morning." He ordered, taking a bite.
"That soon?" Melty asked.
"As much as I would love to disagree, Naofumi's correct. We cannot afford to stay in one place too long." You reminded Melty.
"Well, yes, but I was hoping to get some more rest." Melty lamented.
"Hm, you've changed a bit, Princess Melty." Reichnott noted.
"You used to force yourself to act all mature. It seems traveling with the Shield Hero has helped you in a good way." He finished. Faced with the facts, Melty stiffened up, her face turning red with the realization.
"I think you mean in a bad way." Naofumi remarked.
"Oh hush. No being should be forced to act outside of their nature." You told Naofumi.
"You have Raphtalia under a slave contract, don't you?" Naofumi shot back.
"Well, yes, but that is beside my point." The light banter between the two of you was met by small smiles as the meal continued.
"Woah, this bed feels amazing!" Filo flopped on a bed in a room with four, rolling on it.
"So soft and bouncy!" As she played on it, you looked up at Naofumi, who was looking out the window near the front of the estate.
"Naofumi, rest assured that if danger approaches, I will warn you of it." You told him.
"I know...." Naofumi sighed, sitting down. He looked up at you, scanning your body.
"Also, what are you wearing?" You simply leaned on your threaded cane in response, looking down at your wear. It was a rather fancy suit, clean and crisp, topped off with the proper top hat.
"There is always the possibility that I am seen by others before you are. In that case, if I look and..." you cleared your throat, speaking in a much more forced Melromarc accent.
"...sound different from the well known Y/n L/n that's being hunted down for the murder of a bunch of knights, then that'll hopefully give you time to get away." You told him.
"Fine, just don't be discovered too easily." He told you.
"I wouldn't dream of it." You assured Naofumi.
"Melty, I wanna explore this place!" Filo shouted.
"Sure, let's go." Melty got off her bed, walking out of the room.
"I'll keep an eye out for you two. Make sure you're back before dark." You told them.
"Yup!" Filo walked with a bounce in her step with Melty, down the hall. You moved to the window, beginning your watch for the night as Naofumi and Raphtalia laid down for the night in their beds.
Eventually, Melty and Filo returned, heading to bed as well. This brought a silent air to the room as dark fell, which lasted several hours. After a while, you looked towards Raphtalia, who was beginning to turn in her sleep.
"No... stop..." she muttered. You frowned, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. You took her hand, interlacing her fingers with your own. You still remembered when she first woke up to a nightmare, that night by the campfire.
Since then, she had grown, both in body and mind, into a suitable hunter. When more millennia had passed, and the great ones you slew began to rise up again, you could comfortably imagine Raphtalia rising to the challenge, cutting them down like you did. And then, when your time finally came, you would accept no person other than Raphtalia driving her blade into your heart, and ending your existence.
Yes, Raphtalia would make a fine Great One. But you still had to outlive a couple hundred thousand worlds before that.
Your watchful gaze snapped through the window, towards a carriage that was pulling up to the mansion. You watched carefully as armored knights stormed out of it, into the mansion.
"Shit." You turned towards all four of your comrades, clapping loudly.
"Get up! All of you!" Naofumi was the first to sit ups alert.
"Knights are here. Naofumi, get your armor on. Raphtalia! Filo!" You snapped. Raphtalia was up in an instant, while Filo was still asleep.
"Oi!" You shook the blonde girl awake, drawing out some tired groans.
"Up! We have to leave!" You told her. Filo opened her eyes slowly, looking at you, then at Naofumi. The latter was already donning his chest piece and cloak, looking out the window.
"The lord's being arrested." He noted. You rushed over to peek out, seeing the blue haired man being dragged out in cuffs.
"Seems so. Melty!" You snapped. The Princess gasped with the shock, sitting up as you took her shoulder, helping her out of bed.
"Melromarc knights are here. We need to move." You urged her.
"Yeah, okay." The Princess was quickly alert, something you appreciated. You looked over at Naofumi, pausing.
"I regret to say this, but I foresee another scenario where we must temporarily split ways, Naofumi." You told the hero.
"You take Filo and Raphtalia and get out of here, I will take Melty and try and help her get away in a different direction. Whoever the knights see first is whoever must run faster." You suggested.
"Fine, just make sure she's safe." Naofumi ordered. The door burst open, and one of the maids rushed in.
"Princess Melty, we must get you somewhere safe immediately." She spoke in a rushed tone.
"Sir Hero, you as well." She added. You walked out of the room, past the maid.
"I will tend to the Princess, you assist the hero, please." You asked. The maid nodded at you, turning back to Naofumi as Melty rushed to stay by you.
"Should we be discovered, you are to remember what I am about to tell you." You muttered in a quiet voice, just enough for Melty to hear.
"I am not, and I repeat, NOT the same man who killed those knights. My name is not Y/n L/n, but Laurence of the Ash." You explained.
"You came across me while on the way to this land, and decided to let me watch over you until you return to your father. I have not seen the Devil of the shield or his hound at all." You finished.
"Understood. Let us hurry, Laurence of the Ash." Melty ordered.
"Yes Princess."
You made it through most of the mansion before some kind of ruckus started near the kitchen. Melty paused, something that concerned you.
"Laurence, stay by my side while I see to it that this siege ends." Melty told you.
"Yes Princess." You bowed your head, walking behind her as she approached the kitchen, giving you the sight of a knight trying to force information out of a maid.
"I am Melty Melromarc, Crown Princess of Melromarc." She demanded, getting the attention of other knights nearby.
"I demand that you cease this behavior at once!" She shouted out, stilling all nearby.
"The Princess?" One knight asked.
"The real deal?" Another chimed in. From another hall, a set of footprints emerged, as a fat noble came into view.
"My my, if it isn't Princess Melty." He spoke. As his words left his lips, you felt some kind of malice spike up from the kitchen. The noble was yellow haired, with a thin mustache and no beard. He lifted his arm and bowed to Melty, before giving you a rather dirty look.
"And I see you found another man to protect you, no?" He asked.
"This is Laurence Of The Ash. I found him here as a guest of Lord Reichnott, and requested that he keep watch over me until I return to my father." Melty introduced you.
"I see... in any case, I am glad you are all right. I rushed here, worried for your safety." He stated.
"Idol Rabier... I heard you fought with my father in the past." Melty told him.
"You heard right." Rabier confirmed.
"Are these your troops?" Melty asked, looking around at the knights that had gathered.
"Indeed they are."
"I want them all withdrawn from the mansion immediately." Melty ordered.
"Before that, where is the Devil of the Shield?" Rabier asked.
"I asked him to leave and escape beforehand, and Laurence has seen nothing of him since his arrival. The Shield Hero is not here, and even if he was, neither of us know where he is." Melty responded.
"I plan to speak to my father directly, and clear the shield hero's good name! You will bring me directly to the capital!" She ordered.
"I understand. I'll make arrangements for your journey at my mansion." Rabier promised.
"However, I see no reason to keep mister Laurence Of The Ash around while this is done." He added, glancing at you.
"He is to stay, by my orders." Melty insisted.
"Oh very well. Take them." Rabier ordered. Without looking into the kitchen, you and Melty moved on through, guided by knights.
You were both guided outside, Melty discreetly clutching your sleeve as you both entered a carriage, taken away to Idol Rabier's mansion, a journey that took most of the day. In fact, by the time you had approached the cliffside territory, and got settled with Rabier and Melty within the mansion, it was well past dark.
"Ugh, those damn demis." Rabier peered out of a window towards a bridge, where the gate to his domain was currently being besieged by a group of demihumans that had surged up in protest against Reichnott's arrest.
"What is happening?" Melty asked, staying beside you.
"Nothing, just some flies buzzing around. They'll be disposed of soon enough." Rabier assured Melty.
"Now, would you care to tell me where the Devil Of The Shield is?" He asked, peering at the princess.
"As I've told you, we do not know." Melty responded. Rabier scoffed, before walking across the room, a grandly lit empty space with a golden carpet and red walls. Across the room, the door opened, revealing two knights holding up the lord from before.
"Reichnott?" Melty asked in shock. You narrowed your eyes, keeping a straight face as not to blow your cover, instead fixing your tie. Rabier walked over to Reichnott, grabbing his hair and lifting his head up.
"Where is the Devil of the Shield!?" Rabier demanded. To your surprise and respect, Reichnott simply smiled.
"I know no such person." He answered, before smirking.
"The only one I know is called the Shield Hero." He remarked. He had most definitely cemented himself a place in your banquet, should his life end during the scourge.
In response to his words, Reichnott received a fist in his stomach.
"As you can see, we're having a hard time getting him to spill the beans." Rabier pointed out.
"I would very much like to avoid getting rough with you if possible." He told Melty. Instinctively, she stepped back, behind you.
"But, as a servant of god, I must punish anyone who would side themselves with the Devil." He held a rosary to the three heroes church up in his hand as he spoke.
"That is my sacred duty..." he started to approach Melty, step by step, until....
Rabier stumbled back a few feet as the knights holding Reichnott dropped him, drawing their swords.
"You dare lift your hand against Lord Rabier?" One of them shouted. You simply scoffed, leaning on your cane.
"I was instructed to protect the princess, simple as that. She never specified who I was to protect her from, so I'll stop anyone from touching her." You stated.
"Unless... Rabier was about to make an attempt on Melty's life..." you smirked at the thought.
"In that case, I'd be obliged to end the lives of all who stand in my way." You told them. In the distance, something rumbled.
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The Floating Dungeon
Welcome to the land of Terra. A world where dungeons are one of the many races occupying it. Follow the story of a transplanted soul from another universe, trying to make her way as a dungeon core under unusual (for dungeons in Terra) and different circumstances than others with the same fate.
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