《Girls Like Girls » Jane Volturi》SEVEN ✔️


"The Masters want to see you." Jane told Aurora when the girl awoke again. She now had six days before she would be changed. That first day, when she was left in Italy, felt so far away.

"Uh, I don't really have any clothes, Jane." Aurora told the girl, staring at her day old clothing. She hardly wanted to re-meet three masters in her dirty clothing.

Jane nodded, disappearing into her own closet momentarily. When she returned she had a pair of sheer black tights and a cute black dress. "I hardly ever wear this, seems your style." She said throwing them to Aurora. It would come down to her knees, longer than she was used to. The sleeves were lacy, giving her an idea of why Jane didn't wear it often.

She left Aurora to give her some privacy to change. When she was done she was led to another room. It wasn't the throne room but it still had three chairs that the leaders sat on. This room was far drabber. Aurora noticed, with a sinking feeling in her gut, that the center of the room was sloped, leading to a drain in the floor.

"Ah, Aurora. Good to see you." Aro greeted walking towards the two. "Hope you enjoyed your first night here."

"Uh, it was a little cold." Aurora admitted. "But that's not a problem! I'm just grateful you didn't kill me...yet."

Aro clicked his tongue. "Don't fret, my dear. You'll be one of us, in time. I saw something interesting in Edward Cullen's thoughts. Any clue as to what that might be?"

Aurora said nothing, just stared down at her feet before mumbling, "Maybe just a little clue."

"You're too modest. I saw your ability. Quite a remarkable one at that, especially since you aren't turned yet."


"What is it then, brother?" Caius asked, clearly impatient.

"It seems young Aurora here, has the ability to heal others." He explains, circling her.

"What use is that to us?" Caius snapped. "The only injuries we sustain is being cracked; and even then we heal after a couple minutes-maybe even less!"

"It's not just physical healing." Aurora sheepishly added, answering his question. "I can make people calm. Like Jasper Hale. But it's more of a 'if they've gone insane' then they'll temporarily be sane."

"You see, brothers, if we have another incident where the witness is a bit...incoherent, she can help us. Then the situation will be easily resolved."

"She'll need to be trained in fighting then. Her ability won't protect her." Jane spoke from beside her. "She can't heal herself either."

"We will have Felix train with her then." Aro said before noticing Jane's apprehension. "Don't worry, Jane. I'll give him strict instructions not to kill or maim her."

"That's reassuring." Aurora muttered, pondering the large vampire. He could easily crush her with one hand if he wanted to.

"Demetri will oversee as well. He can usually put a stop to things when Felix gets too...carried away. Now!" Aro clapped his hands together. "Any questions my dear?"

Aurora glanced around nervously before clearing her throat. "Will I get one of the cool necklaces?"

Marcus lets a small smile come on his face. A victory in Aurora's eyes.

"When you are one of us, you shall get one." Aro says. "Now, Heidi is waiting to take you shopping. You can't wear Jane's clothes for all eternity."

"Thank you." Aurora bowed her head awkwardly, unsure of the proper goodbye gesture. Jane then took her gently by the hand and led her out of the room.

"The drain..." Aurora asked quietly.

Jane paused, studying Aurora's fearful face. "It makes feeding time cleaner."

Aurora nodded, "I was hoping you were going to say it used to be a pool but, can't win them all."

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