《The Soldiers of Azur Lane》Awakening Pt. 6


Third Person POV

The machine gun bullets rips through the air, one struck Clark in the shoulder.

Clark: Augh!

Tojo: Get down!

Johnathan: Clark!

Johnathan tackled Clark to the ground as the plane speeds overhead. Clark is bleeding from his wound and Tojo quickly started to put pressure on the wound.

Tojo: We need to get to the hospi-

He was cut off by a colossal explosion from one of the battleships.

Johnathan: The Arizona!

Arizona's eyes widened then Oklahoma noticed her ship.

Oklahoma: My ship is tilting!

Soon fire began to spread and the three boys began to run towards the hospital with the ships following close behind. As they ran more ships exploded, and then they reach the beach. The ships and boys looked in shock at what they saw.

Johnathan: I-Is that a....

Tojo: We need to go.

Clark: I think I'm going to be sick.

The ships could only watch as bodies upon bodies of men, covered in oil,burns, and blood float lifelessly on the water and washing up on shore. They saw the ones still alive gasping for life as men and women in white try to get them to vehicles. A women in white quickly made her way to one of the men and putted him on a stretcher.

Women 1: Come on, you're not dying today you here me.

Sailor: Y-Yes....mam...

The women was then joined by another women in a similar outfit who picked up the other side of the stretcher and they carried him off to a car which had piles upon piles of bloody, burnt, oil-slicked bodies.

Johnathan: Come on.

The boys made their way to the hospital and they where about a couple of yards away when another explosion rocked the ground. The boys all got knocked down again and the ships where thrown off balance.

Hornet: what now?!

Vestal: ....no....

Enterprise: Vestal?

Tojo: They blew up the f*ckin hospital!

Clark: Augh I am starting to loose the feelings in my leg!

Johnathan: Hold on!

Suddenly a car came near them and a man in a white vest with a red cross on his chest poked his head out.

Man: This is a god damn war crime!

Tojo: Sir can you help our friend?

The man looked at Clark's injury and motioned towards the back of the car.

Man: I don't have a lot of room so if you can squeeze in be my guest.

Johnathan: Thank you sir.

Tojo opened the car and the smell of burning flesh hit the noses of both ships and boys alike. However the boys didn't flinch and Clark squeezed his way into the car.

Tojo: He's in.

Man: Alright!

The car sped through the streets and the two remaining boys heard another drown coming from the sky.

Nagato: Not again.

Suddenly a plane emerged however this one had a blue circle with a white five point star on it.


Johnathan: It's one of ours!

The plane maneuvered it's way behind an enemy plane and opened fire. The enemy plane went down and both boys cheered.

Johnathan: Yeah that will show them!

Tojo: Huzzah!

The attack continued however a lull finally happens and the two began to talk to each other about what happened. The ships on the other hand where still shocked at the destruction they are looking at.

Takao: It was a lie. This is no honorable attack.

Hornet: So much destruction.

Arizona: The poor people...

Johnathan: Well.....I guess we are at war.

Tojo: I guess so.

Johnathan: Hey, we'll show them right?

Tojo: Yeah. For Clark.

Johnathan: For Clark.

The ships looked one last time at the destruction but then they where whisked away into a ship.

Enterprise: What now?

Suddenly the ramp dropped and sunlight came pouring into the ships dark hull.

Laffey: Bright...

Javelin: My eyes!

Officer: Let's go! Let's go!

Suddenly the ships saw Katio and Hinata run out of the ship and into what seems to be a beach of some sort.

Kaito: So this is the Philippines?

Hinata: Yeah, well we need to get to Bataan by the end of the month.

Kaito: Yeah no pressure.

Officer: Come on keep moving!

Bullets the zip past both of the boys and a body hit the ground. Kaito throws a grenade into a pillbox and it exploded. He than stood up and shot an American soldier who was trying to man the machine gun.

Kaito: Man it's almost like they never expected us.

Hinata: Well we sent them a fair declaration of war right?

Kaito: I hope so.

The two continue to run through a jungle until they came across a small village. A women and her child looked at them in terror but the an officer unsheathed his sword and cut both of them down. Kaito looked at the officer in shock as did the ships however the Officer then turned to Kaito.

Officer: Keep moving!

Kaito:.....yes sir....

Officer: What was that Private?

Kaito: Nothing sir.

Officer: That's what I thought. Now keep moving!

Kaito and Hinata continue to push forwards as the officer and some other men rounded up the women and children. Hinata then slapped Kaito on the side of the head which surprised everyone.

Kaito: What the heck man!

Hinata: Your going to get yourself dishonored and then executed.

Kaito: Alright then why do you care?

Hinata: You're my friend and we look out for each other.

Kaito: You have high expectations.

Hinata: Better to have a friend alive then dead.

Kaito: I guess.

Hinata: Hey, I watch your back and you watch mine. Deal?

Kaito: Alright then, deal.

The two shook hands and they continue on their way.

Belfast: Well it seems that they are alright for now.

Suddenly the sound of artillery in the distance is heard and when the ships turned towards the noise a horde of tanks came from behind a hill of sand. Infantry came quickly behind them as the wind began to pick up.


Officer: Steady lads!

The ships see John behind a tank looking forwards. Suddenly one of the tanks exploded and the man scattered.

Officer: Find that Pak!

John quickly ran to a sand mound and looked left then right. The ships then saw a small glint of metal and so did John. He made his way to the hidden gun emplacement and threw a grenade into the hole.

???: Schiesse!

The gun emplacement exploded and John slowly looks through a trapdoor frame that had the trapdoor been blown off. Suddenly 4 bullets zipped past his head and he quickly lept back. The a click is heard and John quickly leaned into the gun emplacement. Inside the gun emplacement was a young German boy who looked no older then 24. He was bleeding from the side and held a pistol with his hand that wasn't clutching his side.

John: Kapitulation! (Surrender!)

The boy looked panicked but then he threw down his weapon and John took the boy as a prisoner.

John picked up the pistol and put it into his backpack and put his rifle sling around his shoulder before picking up the boy and carrying him to the rest of the soldiers.

Officer: What do you have there Private?

John: A German sir. He surrendered.

Officer: Alright then. Put him with th rest of the prisoners.

John: Yes sir.

John made his way to a truck and slowly set the German boy down. A man with a a white helmet with a red cross on it ran up to the boy and started to give him aid.

Medic: You're going to be alright ok.

Boy: O-Ok.

John: How much longer till Tobruk. We already opened a way to the city but we can't go in yet?

Medic: It should be about 30 more minutes.

John: Good. I hate sand.

Medic: You know beautiful sedimentary rocks form from piles upon pile of sand.

John: Yeah that's nice when the sand isn't in my boots my pants and my shirt.

Medic: Well you should be able to wash off when we get to Tobruk.

John: I guess.

Officer: Come on now let's get a move on!

A tank commander popped his head out of one of the tanks and turned towards John.

Tank commander: Hey John! You know what time is it?

John takes out his pocket watch and looked at it.

John: 1800 hours.

Tank Commander: We got some tea in the boiler, you and your medic friend want some?

John: You want some?

Medic: Yeah.

Tank Commander: Great.

John: Well even in this hell hole we can still enjoy some luxuries.

Medic: Amen to that.

Suddenly the front tank exploded and the men hit the ground.

John: Bloody hell!

Medic: Mines! Be careful!

Officer: Mine cleaners!

John: Got to go.

John carefully made his way to the officer and he along with about a dozen other men took out their rifles with a bayonet at the end and a knife.

Officer: Good luck.

The men nodded and they all split up. John started to shallowly poke the ground with the bayonet. Suddenly he and the ships heard a metallic clink and many ships gasped.

Laffey: Laffey scared...

Javelin: Then sound like it!

Laffey: Aaaaahhhhhh.....

Ayanami: This looks dangerous.

John slowly made his way to the mine and started to dig under it. Then he slowly lifted a disk with a small button on top out of the sand. He then slowly tilts it and leans an end of it on the ground.

John: Alright, time to defuse.

John took his knife and gingerly opened the bottom compartment. He then cuts some wires slowly then he removed a disc that seems to be where the explosives are kept.

John: Alright......mine defused.

He and the rest of the men around him slowly repeated this process for hours until finally they made it through them minefield.

John: I think that's all.

Man 1: Yeah......that was stressful.

Officer: Alright come through the path carefully!

One by one that tanks and trucks past the rough the minefield and when it was only the last one one of the men puts down a sign saying "Minefield ahead!" and the made his way.

Medic: Can't wait to get out of here.

John: I second that.

Medic: By the way I don't think I had introduced myself. Name is Alex.

John: John.

Alex: Well we should head on our way.

John: Agreed.

The ships watched as the column of man and machine continue to make their way to Tobruk and sighed.

Enterprise: This war has so much pain on both sides.

Nagato: Agreed.

Q.E: How...

Warspite: Your majesty?

Q.E: How can they come out of this with their minds still sane?

Hornet: I don't think they could.

Karl: Excuse me sir?

The ships look to see that Karl was in a car accompanied by an officer with a death skull on his cap. The ship all cringed at the sight however they where confused at what was Karl doing with this man.

Man: It seems that you have some unwanted characteristics so I have decided to spare your life however you must work here for a minimum three months.

Karl: Sir? Why would you do this?

Man: Well your a good soldier, you just need some.......redirection.

The man said this with a smile then the ships along with Karl saw a building complex starting to come into view. Karl's eyes widen as did the ships when they realized what was inside the gates of the complex.

Man: Private Karl Shmidt, welcome to your new school. Welcome....

Man:....to Natzweiler-Struthof.

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