《The Soldiers of Azur Lane》Interrogation



Third Person POV

Zuikaku starts to wake up and she blinked her eyes a couple of times to get her bearings. She noticed that she was in a dark room and their was table in front of her with a one way window on the wall to her left. She than quickly tried to grab her sword only to find it wasn't on her and that she was tied to a chair.

Zuikaku: Where is my sword? Where is my sister? What did you do to her?

???: Calm down.

Zuikaku snaps her head towards the noise and when she did all the lights in the room turned on. When her eyes dilated she saw John, Dimitri, Giovanni, and Johnathan on the other side of the room. Her eyes narrowed when she saw them and she opened her mouth to ask more questions but was quickly shushed by Dimitri.

Dimitri: You will tell us all you know about this so called Red Axis and Project Orochi.

Zuikaku: I will never tell you.

Johnathan: Dimitri, I know you want to be the good guy but sometimes good guys have to play dirty.

John: What are you playing at yank?

Giovanni: Actually, what did you tell Kaito and Karl before we come into the room?

Zuikaku's eyes widened at what she has heard.

Zuikaku: What are you doing to my sister?!

Johnathan: 5,4,3,2,1.

Then both Kaito and Karl burst in with an unconscience Shoukaku in their hands.

Karl: Man, she is so much heavier than she looks.

Kaito: Agreed.

Johnathan: I offered you help, you didn't take it.

John: What are we doing?

Johnathan: This is the way I see it, if we be nice to her she wouldn't listen and continue to hold the information.

He than draws his M1911.


Johnathan: People like her need incentive to start talking.

Zuikaku: What the hell do you think you are doing?

Dimitri: Wait comrade, I have a better idea.

Johnathan: I am listing.

Dimitri: Comrade John, I need to borrow your revolver and 1 round of ammunition.

John: You crazy bastard. I am in.

Giovanni: Wait, what is he doing.

Karl: Russian roulette.

Zuikaku: What?

Dimitri loads one round into Johns revolver and then spins the chamber. He then puts the chamber into the gun and points it at Shoukaku's head.

Dimitri: Information. Now.

Zuikaku: I will never tell y-

She was cutoff by Dimitri pulling back the hammer and squeezing the trigger. Nothing comes out.

Dimitri: 1 chamber down, 5 more to go and 1 has a hunk of metal that is going straight into her head.

Zuikaku: You won't seriously do that would you?

Dimitri pulls back the hammer again and shot. Another empty chamber.

Dimitri: You feeling lucky?

Zuikaku: You madmen, let go of my sister!

Dimitri: Your call.

He pulls back the hammer and lets go of another empty chamber.

Dimitri: My, you are lucky. Willing to push it more or you can just tell us what we need.

Zuikaku: Fine, fine. I will tell you.

Zuikaku tells the group what she knows about the Red Axis and Project Orochi.

John: Thank you for your time.

Zuikaku: Me and the rest of the prisoners will be freed by our alliance. You will die underneath our combined strength.

Karl: Well, as a wise man once told me, a warrior prepares for death everyday. Let them come and if we die, then we have all done our duty as soldiers.

Kaito: Agreed.

Dimitri: Da comrade.

John/Giovanni/Johnathan: Wise words.

Zuikaku: How are you all so calm in the face of death.

Johnathan: Miss we face death everyday, we witness death everyday, we live with death everyday. That is the life a soldier and that is the life we have been living for years some of us longer than others.

The rest of the group nodded in agreement and then John knocked Zuikaku out and they got ready for the next interrogation.

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