《The Soldiers of Azur Lane》Prolouge
June 15,1944- Saipan
Jonathan POV
It was a quiet morning as my squad mates ready themselves for the landing. I open my bible and went over my favorite verse. Mathew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god". This line is what got me into the Marine Core, it is what got me through the hellish basic training, and now I hope it will protect me here. I made the cross on my chest as my sergeant comes into the room to get us on the landing craft. We prepare ourselves for the worst, we have seen how they fought on Guadalcanal and the Philippines. The ramp from the assault ship drops and we roll out in our Amtracs, weapon in hand and the thought of what awaits us in our heads. My best friend Craig was next to me with a sickening look on his face.
Jonathan: You ok man?
Craig: I just don't know man, my stomach is churning, my head is clouded, and I might die. But on the bright side I have girl back home if I survive this.
Jonathan: Well we will survive, after all god is watching us.
Craig: I kinda wish he can watch all of us.
Then artillary ran down on us from the island. The amtracks and amtanks next to us explode. Then a shell hits 2 feet from our vehicle. The water splashing all of us as we heard the sergeant over the roar of battle.
Sergeant: 20 seconds till landing, remember don't bunch up and run like hell!
My inner clock begins the countdown...
As it hits 15 seconds I thought of my brother who is a pilot on board the USS Enterprise and hope that he is safe and that if I die he will go back home. I closed my eyes and got myself ready to run like I have been trained to do.
I heard the ramp drop and I sprinted as fast as I can, I heard my fellow comrades scream as machine guns in the forest in front of us light up. I aim my M1 and fired until I hear the *Ping* signaling me to reload. Then as I looked up from my reloading process a young Japanese soldier came running up to me with a rifle and bayonet.
???: BANZAI!!!
He try to stab me but I parried with my knife and then he brought out his katana. Then we heard a whistle of an artillery shell getting closer. I ducked down and heard an explosion, then there was silence, and everything went white.
Earlier that day
Kaito POV
We where getting ready for the attack, I was sharpening my katana while my childhood friend Hinata was cleaning his rifle. We chatted about many things before this but today we where quiet. We both wanted to live but today we know we are going to die. If we live from the battle we will be butchered by those American barbarians. After all that is what the government says and for as long as I can remember they have always been correct. Then Hinata spoke up.
Hinata: Hey Kaito-san
Kato: Yes?
Hinata: Do you believe in the afterlife?
Kato: No, not really. I want to but we will never know for sure until we go there.
Hinata: I see, then I will see you in the afterlife if their is one.
Kato: I will be looking forward to it.
We both smiled but in our hearts we know we aren't going to leave this island alive, either dead or captured to die later.
Then we heard the naval guns of the American go off followed quickly by our own artillery. The battle has started and the countdown for our lives has started.
Time skip brought to you by the gang being chibi's
We set up our machine gun in the bunker and I got my rifle with its bayonet attached, near me as well as my trust katana on my hip. We waited until the vehicles ramps dropped, then we opened fire. We see the invaders drop like flies as I noticed a young american is pointing his gun at us. He then shot and hit Hinata's hand causing him to scream in pain. I rushed to the medical supplies but before I can another sound came, the sound of a body hitting the floor.
Kaito: Hinata!
I turned around to see Hinata dead on the floor. His head has a bullet hole straight between his eyes. I was shocked and terrified, but these feelings quickly gave way to rage. I grabbed my rifle and charged at an american. The American looked up from reloading his rifle at me and goes for his knife.
Kaito: BANZAI!!
I tried to stab him but he parried so I unsheathed my katana and was ready to slash him when I heard an artillery shell coming straight towards us. I closed my eyes as I heard the explosion which is followed by silence as everything turned white.
June 15,1944- Normandy
Karl POV
I was sitting near my bunker with a cigarette in hand talking to my friend Hanz about the war.
Karl: I can't believe the Eastern Front is collapsing. What do you think Hanz?
Hanz: Honestly, I just want to go home...I don't get this Nazi ideology.
Karl: I have to agree with you on the Nazi front, but what about our vaterland?
Hanz: If the war keeps going like this, their will be no vaterland left.
Karl: Yeah I guess your right...
We had a momment of silence before he spoke up again.
Hanz: You heard from your brother or your cousin yet?
Karl: Nien. They are still on the Prinz Eugen.
Hanz: Well may they come back home alive.
Karl: Thanks man...
Then we heard a droning sound from above, a sound we where all to familiar with.
We both hit the dirt as we saw the planes go by, then we heard the bombs exploding and flak guns trying to shoot those planes down. Then there was the sound of naval bombardment.
Karly: Let's get into the bunker, its safer in there.
Hanz: Jawohl.
We both went into the bunker when we saw hundreds of landing craft out in the water. We quickly set up our machine gun and started spraying hell on the invaders once they are in range. We continued to mow down the attackers until our gun overheats, we withdraw to the trenches where we set up a new machine gun and waited for the invaders to come.
Karl: They should be here any minute.
Hanz: Do you hear that?
I looked behind me to see an British Paratrooper which I quickly shot with my pistol. Then I heard shouting as a squad of Tommie's where incoming. I fired the machine gun at the group. Then one of them appeared behind us and shouted.
???: For King and Country!
He drawled his knife and tried to stab us but I kicked him against the foxhole. We heard the sound of an artillery shell near our position. All three of us tried to get out but I pushed Hanz out of the blast radius before the shell hit. I then heard the explosion before my vision turned white.
Earlier that day.
John POV
I was on a ship in the English channel waiting for the order to come for the attack. I stared at the water so beautiful yet so deadly. It has been almost 3 years since my brother's death onboard the HMS Hood but I have still not gotten use to life without him. My parents were taking it especially hard since my father also used to work on the Hood, my family in general has a deep connection to the armed forces. My 2 other brothers are in the RAF and fought in the Battle of Britain and my sister worked as an agent in the British intelligence agency. I had sighed up for the British army and now we are ready to take back France. Then my friend Alex walks up to me.
Alex: Thinking about Kyle are you?
I just nodded my head as Alex leaned to the wall of the ship behind me.
Alex: You know, we will be loading up in 5 minutes. Don't be late.
John: Got it. I will just go now.
We both went to the landing craft and I plopped into mine. I just decided to wait there and slowly I closed my eyed to get a quick nap.
Timeskip brought to you by the boys getting ripped off by Akashi.
I was woken up by my corporal who was a veteran from the remnants of the Polish army. He is a very helpful commanding officer and many of us spoke highly of him.
Corporal: You ok John?
John: Yes sir.
Corporal: Just going to tell you we are leaving now so heads up and get lock and loaded.
John: Sir yes sir.
We exited the assault ship and almost immediately we were greeted by kraut artillery , the boat in front of us blows up and the men inside are sent to the ocean, burning. We have seen death before, but many of the veterans start to waver. Then we got into machine gun range, and we knew it. The bullets ping off the landing craft as we got to the beach.
Corporal: Get ready!
We brace to run towards the defense line. Finally, the ramp drops. The first row of men gets cut down but I managed to sprint my way to the wall. A section of the wall is destroyed so me and the remainder of the squad ran into the trenches. We ran through the bunkers and cleared the fort. We approached the trench systems that where stationed out side the town. We approached another trench when we heard a pistol shot. We saw a paratrooper fall with a bullet in his head. We quickly got down and we did it just in time as machine gun bullets ripped through the air above us. I quickly sneaked around the nest and I put my hand on my knife. I then jumped behind the machine gunners.
John: For king and country!
I stabbed at one of the Germans who dodged the knife and pushed me back. I then heard the whistle of an artillery shell. I quickly got out but then I heard the explosion behind me. My last thoughts before seeing white were my family and how they will react to losing 2 sons in this war.
June 15, 1944- Northern Ukraine.
Dimitri POV
It has been many months since my baptism of fire at Stalingrad but the memory was still fresh. I am scouting for the enemy before coming across some tracks left by a group of civilians. I cover them up so that they might be able to escape the Nazi's wrath. I continued on my scouting mission when I came across a couple bodies that where strewn along the road. I say a quick prayer before continuing forward. After all it wasn't uncommon to find entire villages massacred, their bodies alongside the roads. They came from all over the Soviet Union or beyond. I have seen Poles, Czechs, Slavs, Russians, and more being butchered by these monsters. My own parents were one of the victims of the Nazi's brutal campaign across the motherland. I am the youngest of 4 children, we were all soldiers in the Red Army but unlike my other siblings I had a knack for math. Therefore I mark targets for the night witches to strike.
Time skip
I finally came across the enemy camp. I took out my binoculars and I saw what seems like a well entrenched communications station. I then heard steps and I quickly made my exit. I then came across a hidden machine gun nest and they spotted me. They quickly turned their gun towards me and started firing.
Dimitri: Cyka Blyat!
I grabbed a grenade and threw it into the machine gun nest. I then waited it to blow up only to find the disappointing sound of a dud grenade. I got up and ran towards friendly lines. I then felt a sharp pain in my leg and I look down to see I had been shot.
Dimitri: Damn it all. I need to find cover.
I quickly spotted a small shack and went towards it. I knocked down the door and set up my PPsh so that it can act like a machine gun. I didn't have to wait long until the enemy arrives. I fired my gun and took out 2 men. Then I heard the sound of wood breaking and I turned around to see an Italian soldier with a saber in hand. He charged at me and try to slice my chest I blocked it with my rifle and grabbed my dagger. He managed to pin my dagger against the wall but I kept his saber from hitting me. We continued to try and stab each other until we heard the sound of a grenade hitting the floor. We both looked down to see one of my grenades was on the ground.
It's pin was out.
Dimitri: Sukin syn...(son of a bitch)
???: Figlio de punttana...(son of a bitch)
The grenade exploded and I my ears ringed while my vision turned white.
Earlier that day.
Giovanni POV
It's been while since word of Romes fall and our countries betray have reached our lines. Our commanding officers reorganized us into front line squads. Tonight is my 5th straight day of watch duty. I sat in my foxhole with my machine gun with my friend Benito. We always made fun of his name as he has the same name of our dictator, however he was not like the dictator at all. He was more thoughtful and kept to himself but is a great man to be with at a time like this. We have been sitting in silence for 2 hours but I decided to start a conversation.
Giovanni: This is starting to get ridiculous. Why is our commanding officer doing this?
Benito: He doesn't trust us to not run away in the face of the enemy, so he gives us position where their is no where to run.
Giovanni: Yeah I already got that but why don't they trust us. We have been fighting alongside them since Barbarossa started.
Benito: Exactly, we don't even have Italian weapons, we had to get them etheir from our dead comrades or the supply trains that typically don't show up. We kept having to rely on the Germans for weapons. You got your Italian weapons but the rifle is from before the war in Europe!
Giovanni: I guess your right....
We had a moment of silence but that was cut off when we heard footsteps. We looked out of our bunker and saw a soviet soldier. We got on our machine gun and started shooting. He quickly ducked down and chucked a grenade at us. It landed right in our foxhole.
Giovanni: Get down!
I quickly lept over the grenade, my stomach touching it as I await for it to explode. The explosion never came. We stared at each other in disbelief at the luck that the grenade was a dud. Then we heard the Russian getting away so we got our weapons and gave chase. He was running quickly so Benito knelt down and took aim with his Kar98K. He shot and I saw blood coming out of his leg.
Giovanni: Nice shot Benito!
As we kept running I saw 2 of our comrades approaching from the near by patrol house. The Russian ran to a shack and as we approached the building shot the 2 other soldiers dead.
Benito: Get down!
I got to the ground but I quickly came up with an idea. I went to the side of the house and drawed my saber. I took a deep breath and tackled the old wood door across from the Russians room. By some miracle I didn't trip and went to a full charge at him. I tried to slice his chest but he blocked it with is rifle before unsheathing his dagger. I pinned his dagger hand against the wall and he tried to break free. I try to subdue his arm until I heard something hitting the floor and we both looked. I saw a soviet grenade with its pin undone. I knew that this one was going to explode.
Giovanni: Figlio de punttana...(son of a bitch)
???: Sukin syn...(son of a bitch)
The grenade exploded and I felt pain as the metal shrapnel hits my body. I then felt nothing and my vision goes white.
- End2166 Chapters
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