《Azurlane: Future Prosperity》Chapter 11: Operation Butterfly
The Morning ambiance in one of Iron Blood's prestigious Naval Bases stood a Mighty Flag. Ruled by a single Party the Prestigious Imperial Prussia became what was known as Nazi Germany however a Mighty flagged that used to be the symbol of hate was nowhere to be seen hung by the Infastractures. Instead a Cross resembling that of a mighty shield flew magesticallybby the wind. With the same ambitions as its Racist counterpart but with a focus more on enhancing and evolving Humanity all together.
In the streets of the small town that neighboured the Military Facility were two Patroling German Soldiers out and about in the streets. Neither following their intended patrol routes.
"With our Mighty Technology the World shall fall under our boots!" The Ambitious Young and immature soldier boastfully shouted.
His comrade however was indifferent of his Patriotism instead only showing a hint of unspeakable anger deep within his Glare.
"C'mon now! You're not acting like yourself yesterday. Did you not take the drugs the Kommandant issued?"
"I took them" his friend answers unchanging of his attitude.
"Hm~ I'll see the Kommandant might take interest in knowing this side effect that makes one boorish, jah?"
".... hey, this Corner seems suspiscious. I saw a strange man that does not stand out on guard while passing through here. Wanna check it out?" His friend's suggestion was rather out of character. Clearly they were avoiding the conversation.
Still oblivious to the change in behaviour the boastful man shrugs and walked to the alley being at the front and trusting his rear to the friend.
"Hm? What's wrong?"
He wished at that moment the boastful man knew it first. Or atleast had suspected or doubt his friends identity even once, so it wouldn't have ended this way.
Without him being able to let out a scream he was knocked out by another person, clearly not a human by strength.
"Uzai... This is absolutely frustrating! Why did she took it? I always clean that blade after using it! Why does she need it, does she perhaps want to reclaim her sister's sword or actualy just make my life more miserable? AAARGH!!!"
The incohesive and indecisive words coming out of Mirai as she tortures a half dead SS looking German Officer was all that sounded from a deserted alleyway.
"Whats with her?" Cavour who returned from scouting the base and communicating with the other teams asked one of two people who stayed by Mirai.
The one to answer was surprisingly Youzui. Even if she had gotten a traumatic incident with Mirai she was still forced to team up with her very demon. So instead of complaining or lagging behind she sealed her fears under her new made self-confidence sourced from the missing Dark Katana on Mirai.
"From her words I believe her Katana, Moonlight, was confiscated by Japan's current Flagship." Surprisingly a crook smile appeared in her lips.
Cavour didn't dare ask further and looked to the direction of a fellow swordsman.
"Izumo, do you know why that is?"
"Ahahaha~ You see Rookie there has been mistreating the Katana she inherited from Hiyo. Appareantly she got beaten too even though she has already recovered haha, you could still see her frustrations."
Izumo found it hilarious that Mirai could no longer boast that she was a great duelist after losing patheticaly to the flagship.
Cavour realized from the simple explanation. It seems Mirai didn't know or just forgot, Katana's are generally has the blade aimed to the sky to prevent the sharpness becoming dull from it being pointed down.
But it comes with another problem. That was Youzui, her lips widened the more unfortunate Mirai descends. She was enjoying every second of Mirai's misfortune.
"... While it's a Good thing you're slowly coming out of your shell, Youzui, shouldn't you atleast not make your scorn and Euphoric pleassure a bit too obvious for Mirai?"
Before Cavour recieved any reaction or Answer another grumpy person enters the Scene. A German Soldier dragging another unconcious Soldier with him.
Cavour easily recognized the person, who took off her disguise showing a bright Pink hair and red eyes, a young and delicate woman with an expression of anger clear in the face.
"Negev, I understand you hate Nazis but beating them to that state is unnaceptable. We won't be able to extract info by then." Izumo's playful gesture comes off as further infuriating for Negev.
Negev not so out of character threw the unconcious man by the wall. Behind her appeared JS Sakae in a similar disguise.
"Another Grumpy woman comes into the scene~" Youzui teases. "Is it the time of the month for you? Negev of Israel-"
"Keep speaking disrespect then I shall sew your windpipe shut." Negev said in a no nonsensical manner, meaning she was dead serious to sewing it shut. Crudely might her work be.
With the most random and poorly created Unit. Direct Assault Team 3 consisted of 6 People, everyone was present at the moment.
"We won't be needing the german guy any longer. We already recieve the info we needed from the other teams." Sakae brings the news to everyone.
"Plans have not changed I suppose?" Izumo with an Air of Maturity asked with a smile in her lips.
"Yes, we will proceed now. Do not lag behind." Cavour acting leader of the team advises for all to split. "Mirai, Sakae your A-Team. Izumo, Youzui Team B. Negev you're with me. A directly through front as the distraction, B infiltration, C Would handle reinforcements while coordinating with other teams. Objections?"
Upon seeing the only one who raised her arm, Cavour was fed up and looked down pinching her nose. "Ok Mirai." Her voice sounded dead.
"Can I finaly kill?"
"Unless its a Siren then no. Alright lets go, any questions here on would be ignored!" Without stopping to breathe Cavour finished her sentence which was followed by her new Combat Gear.
It was an improved and all around better Knight Armor but a Barbuta Pattern helmet tinted with clean white along with a cape replacing the silver cloak and Lederic helmet she previously wore against Mirai. Her gauntlets was similar to B-tman with teeth on the sides to disarm sword wielding opponents. Clearly her intentions to subdue Mirai was clearer than crystal.
"She learns from her mistakes?" Negev who was present in the fight between Cavour and Mirai mutters.
Soon after only the two of Team A remained in the alleyway. Having orders to standby till given a sign to proceed.
Having not much to do, Mirai executed the Prisoners without remorse. Severing the nerves on their necks by a snap.
"Sister... are you mad?" Like an innocent child Sakae asked.
"No Sakae. I'm not mad."
"I told you to call me Saki! Sigh... sister are you interested with a gift of mine?"
"And what is it?" Mirai asked not looking behind as she dragged the body into a secluded place.
"Take a look for yourself." Saki presented a Katana in her hands. Covered by a cloth.
Immediately seeing the gift Mirai stood up and grabbed the sword in her sister's hand.
"... how.." her small whisper of astonishment was clear in Saki's ears though she was not aware it also entailed despair.
"Are you surprised? Huhu, it's Elder Sister's treassured weapon! The "Blossoming Paradise" (or "開花の楽園/Kaika no Rakuen"). I... I got summoned when I ran away, from Sasebu I ran to Kure where our Sisters were commemorated. Before i found myself here I broke each glass holding our belongings and Hugged them..." her eyes glistens that she was slowly bursting tears.
Though Mirai looked indifferent. She was silent but clearly something was conflicting in her mind. Despite it being as clear as glass, Saki was busy in her mind to convey words trying not to shame herself.
"I..." Saki's lips quivers while her tears flowed down like a river. "I miss them. I wanna hear them again, our antics I still remember it like yesterday."
"Let go of the dead. Let them rest or we'll follow them soon. Thank you for carrying this to me, I shall use it and nourish it for the rest of my life." It was a cold raspy voice of an uncaring attitude.
"Our Sisters would be happy seeing you use their weapon." Either Sakae was naive or not oblivious of her sister's change in attitude was glad that she wasn't angry.
"Roger, we'll come by the gate over." Saki made contact with Mirai's eyes almost telepathically saying lets go.
"What're the idiots doing realy." Mirai shrugs as she placed the sheate of the Katana by her right waist.
"Ah! Sister wait!" Saki raised her voice. "You forgot another sword! Didn't the Teachings of the Moonlight Maiden require two swords?"
The two sisters were sprinting to the scene and Mirai can't sit by for an idle talk. So instead she outright said.
"Keep Ame's blade out of this, her sword was made for quick Battles so it being used to deflect will be my death. While Miyuki and Kaguya's blades are too curved to my liking."
"Then what about your blade!?" Saki was behind Mirai so she couldn't help but exclaim her point.
Mirai didn't answer. Because it was too stained, stained by the blood of her family. For her to weild it, would be a disgrace to her sisters.
"..." Mirai scaled a house and ran from there. Saki looked in disbelief for a moment till she urges her body to follow close.
"Sister!?" Not recieving a reply Saki called out again oblivious of the inner conflict in Mirai's perspective.
"It's nothing. I'm quite bad at balancing two Katanas, so I'll stick with one."
That was a bold face lie. Even if she had been practicing with one sword Mirai is still no better than an average master, she had been trained for years to wield two katana's being a student of the Mikasa's Beautiful Vivid Melody dance within a Month's worth of study which is a fighting style much more akin to dancing by having a fluid and fast execution it was a very lethal combat style. For Mirai the Combat art of duel wielding is again a disgrace for what she had done with it, things that are need to be left unspoken.
"... Alright. Though I think Mikasa will be quite sad knowing you've forgone her teachings."
"Who cares, unless she removed the pavement on her feet I won't be scared by her threats."
Unwillingly Mirai slowed down to make sure her sister keeps up with her for a close chat.
"Wow, how could you diss her like that."
Mirai showed a faint smile in her lips. "I hope." She whispers.
"Mikasa-sensei won't be as mad as you think. Don't worry about it." With a wink. Mirai jumped off the roof and landed with both feet straightened up with style.
"Sister, I won't lag behind!" Saki looked realy cute with her hands at a guts post ready for battle with excitement in her heart.
"Then draw your blade. Avoid tank fire, don' give a damn about small arms." Mirai gave her sister an advice worth pondering over but she immediatelt understood.
"Always!" Saki nodded her head incredibly fast.
Their shields on, both siblings caused havoc within the front gate of Castle Bravo. Katana's in hand the siblings made shortwork of drawing the groundforce's attention.
Negev at the exact same time. Germany.
"Mirage to all teams. The Mission hasn't changed secure the objectives! I repeat Operation Butterfly Effect is still the Objective! Dedicate 35% of your team's forces to deal with the Reinforcements! Over." Negev frantically yelled in the Radio network to dissaude retreat.
"Negev I'll leave comms on you again. I'll be at the front."
"Roger that Crusader."
As soon as Cavour left a realization kicked in to Negev and it was quite hilarious for her. She chuckled at such an inconvenience.
An Israeli working with a Crusader Knight was a sight to be hold and she found it quite amusing how it was merely a coincidence by chance that they were grouped up.
> There was panic in Assault Team 1.
do your job! Get Working! and Negev what ever you do, do not disect a guy and hang him infront of the highway again. I'm not joking, I'll seriously deal with you after this.>>
The wind was strangely erratic today, Negev scoffs. Meesages unimportant to her self or duties came left and right, however unlike anybody on the field team. Negev was easily recognizable by the Racist Nazi's wearing a cap was her only defense at the moment. Wearing a mask or anything the likes of a hoodie is suspicious and will make her standout.
As a Jew blending in was the best she could do. Though she couldn't help but keep a stiffled laugh on her lips. Another thought came to her attention and it was Mirai being at the same team again with a family member.
Not many knows about what truly happened with the Yukinami sisters but Negev's country was able to surface some documents through spy works. Though they never found the conclusion it was an easy guess.
"Mirage to Prosperity, you listening? Over." Though she may be a horrible person the thought of an innocent kid betrayed was heartwrenching even though it brings her pleassure if she was the one doing it.
> the innocent tone made Negev shudder for a bit. But the foreboding in her gut tells her this should be more than an important reminder.
"Don't lose a head from a sword." It was a simple subtle message that left the reciever very confused.
Her time in the cafe where she kept watch was immediately interrupted with a message.
Was the mesaage she recieved to her phone. She curses internally and stood up spooking some German Officers beside her table.
"Miss wohin gehst du? du bist sehr misstrauisch." Annoyingky the one who asked the question was a high ranking SS looking Officer.
"Verpiss dich." Though Negev barely knows German she knows a few words to keep them at bay. After all Bayern thought her some.
It was a polite gesture but the reaction was a clear messaged that Negev got trolled.
She was being questioned by the officer for being suspicious when Negev said "My Apologies." However it never meant apology, it's "Fuck Off." Bayern wouldn't have expect this to happen but it'll be hilarious to her if she saw it happen.
Without much of a debate on her mind Negev formed a Gauntlent in her fist and punched the other guy to the guts the shockwaves knocking him out. After taking out the body guard she went for the officer with a right hook to the face, possibly killing him.
Running away through the streets encountering some fleeing civilians, Negev looked to her left only to encounter something hard and red flying straight into her face.
> a Simple Message indicated chaos.
"Negev! We're retreating to the city, 3 Siren Seekers! Unveliebavely they're all 21st Century! They must've followed us here from the stream of time!"
Cavour appeared with the Visor of her Barbuta helmet up, her face was visible and displayed worry. It seemed Cavour just passed by and just so happened to meet Negev in a dire situation.
"Ugh... lift me I got a concussion from a shipgirl." Negev explains while trying to get up.
"Wirklich? versuchen zu rennen, als das Festival gerade erst begonnen hat, wie unhöflich." It came from a seductive voice well familiar to everyone.
"You didn't get punch you got hit by a shark bow." Cavour's helmet closed, the holes on the eyes glowed in a golden hue. A Greatsword in one hand a reinforced gauntlet on the other Cavour readied with a dignified stance. "By an annoying radioactive waste." Cavour finished her sentence rushing forth.
At the same time.
"My~ we're captured. Oh how are we going to escape Chinese scum." Izumo's soft spoken voice betrays her wrath filled heart.
Dangling upside down were two Kansens the ones who triggered the alarm and got caught. Izumo and Youzui, currently being hanged above a Battleship's mast.
"I'm Youzui! Yin Federation Navy! I'm a citizen of Yin! God, I'd rather be classified under the CCP over the Liberation Movement."
"And yet you still joined them, regrets and Mistakes do happen. But birth control pills ain't gonna fix any of your problems! Muahhahaha!" Izumo married 6 Times and currently single no offsprings.
"Anyway what's your POINT?!" Enraged by the taunting approach Youzui wanted the point of their conversation.
Izumo's responce was to laugh while looking to the sea. "We're not gonna get out of this without a missing limb or two. Heh, We might even die."
Confused Youzui looked to the direction of A Beach. A Siren Seeker one she was well familiar with, red eyes and silver hair mimicking her very demon but what stands out were the missing limbs of her naked body.
"Code: APEX! The Siren with the most Bounty in Asia! Hahahaha.... We're so fucked."
Trouble and Chaos was on the Horizon.
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Някой смятат, че в човешката природа е да надграждат, да се адаптират, създават и отглеждат, но колкото по-дълго населяват земята, губят положителните си черти. Оставят само разруха след себе си и унищожават, всичко, до което се докоснат, включително и самите себе си. Планетата умира, а земята е пренаселена. Настъпва хаос и се разпространява зараза, която изменя гените на хората. Не е известно, кога се появява, как се разпространява или симптомите. Единственото ясно е, че обикновено засегнатите са с умствени проблеми или преживели нещо тежко в миналото си. Хора, позволили на света, който са създали да ги промени и корумпира сърцата им. Няма имунизирани, а единствения начин, да се спасиш, е да успееш да запазиш сърцето си чисто, което е невъзможно да се случи, когато си в центъра на световна война. Заразените го наричат еволюция, а незаразените го определят, като прочистване и решение на проблема с пренаселването на планетата. Във всеки случай, и двете страни са решени да елиминират другата. Земята умира, всичко бива унищожено, а хората най-сетне получават, това което винаги са искали-само
8 195