《Cold Waters (Russian Male Ship x Azurlane)》Special Chapter 1- The Ushanka chase


3rd FOV

Chabanenko and Kursk were enjoying a cold Vodka waiting for Christmas.

Chabanenko: Ahhh......Soo ready for Christmas, comrade.

Kurks:*drinks Vodka* Da.

Chabanenko: I want an Ushanka.

Kurks: Same, Comrade.

Chabanenko: How about we just ask the cat girl from the Sakura Banzai Imperialists?

Kurks: Da, let's try, that maybe we can get two Soviet Ushankas. But with what money?

Chabanenko: I have some red gems from Protectors like 1000. I think we can buy two

Kurks: Let's try. And what are we gonna do with Kaga and Akagi, they are just....you know.

Chabanenko: Operation Ushanka. Comrade, I have the smoke you have the radar, and with the Vodka Propelled Rockets we can create a diversion.

Kurks: Did I heard Vodka launchers!?*opens the rocket's doors*

Chabanenko: Let me drink this Vodka and then I am gonna smoke. At my signal, Comrade at my signal.

Chabanenko and Kursk started to move forward and same for Akagi and Kaga.

Chabanenko: Ayyy, Blyat! My engine is broken. I think I eat again capitalistic food.

*Smoke generator*

Akagi:*cough* Fix it, I can help you know.

Chabanenko: Nobody touch my Stalinium engine!

Kaga: Please fix it faster.

Chabanenko:*Russian angry notices*

Then Kursk launches the Vodka rockets making the girls to lose their attention.

Chabanenko: Full Ahead, Inserting Vodka.

*Inserts Vodka in the engine*

He and Kurks started to move at the Stalinium speed like 60 knots.

After the smoke cleared out Akagi noticed that Chabanenko was gone, and she could see him far away with Kursk.

Akagi: Ara~

Kaga: Sis, leave them. I know you like Chabanenko but he needs some space, let him alone for a while. Maybe he wants to buy something for Christmas.

Akagi: A ring for me?

Kaga:*facepalm* God why I have a yandere sister?


Akagi: What!?

Kaga: Nothing

Kaga mind: Maybe one day we will be a couple Chabanenko and don't worry we can start it slowly.

Akagi: Ok, I will leave them*calls Zuikaku and Shokaku to stay with their eyes on them*

Back to the Kurks and Chabanenko.

Kurks: Strange they are not coming after us.

Chabanenko: I have a bad feeling about this. Oh, look there comrade

Kurks: Again!?

Chabanenko: Ohh, they are just Zuikaku and Shoukaku.

Kurks: Ohh, that's better and foxgirls.

Chabanenko: Yes it is comrade.

Shoukaku: Hello Chabanenko do you mind if I ask were you are going. We are going to Akashi to buy some presents.

Zuikaku: You can come with us if you want.

Chabanenko: What a luck we wanted to go to.

Kurks: Time for escorting.

Zuikaku: Escorting we don't need exports.

Chabanenko: Listen to Russians Zuikaku, believe me. Kurks stay behind and watch out for contacts.

Kurks: Roger.

Zuikaku: That was unexpected.

Chabanenko: You see if you don't listen a Russian , the Russian will sent to Siberia camps.

Kurks: Gulag.

Shoukaku:*giggles* Escort us then.

Chabanenko and Kursk escorted Zuikaku and Shoukaku to Akashi.

*enter the store*

Chabanenko: Well, here goes nothing.

Akashi: Hello there~nya!

Kurks: I am waiting outside, Comrade I have seen to many.

Akashi: What's wrong~nya?

Chabanenko: Do you Ushankas?

Akashi: I had two but I spelled them~nya.


Akashi: I can't tell you~nya~but I can sell you something else~nya.

Chabanenko:Niet! I WANT TWO USHANKAS! Nothing else!

Akashi: Nya!?

Chabanenko: *sigh* I am out. Time for plan B, ask Avrora.

*Leave the Store*

Kurks: So?

Chabanenko: Plan B. Rush B Cyka!

Kurks: Rush BBBBB!

They started to search for Avrora. But after 30 mins some Sirens appear.

Chabanenko: Did you took our USHANKAS!!!!!

Siren 1: Preparing for engament.


They started to attack Kurks and Chabanenko.

Chabanenko:*sigh* Kurks.

Kurks:On it, Comrade.*opens rocket's doors* anddd go *launches 8 rockets*

One for every Siren.

Chabanenko:3...2....1...Siren destroyed! Easy!

Kurks: Now let's go. I detected Avrora!

Chabanenko: Finally!


Avrora: Sorry Chabanenko but I don't have Ushankas.

Chabanenko: Cyka! Well what now.

Avrora: Let's to the Sakura base is almost night.

Chabanenko:*sigh* Well Kursk mission failed.

Kurks: Blyaaaaaaaat!

Another Timeskip blin.

The group finally docked at the Sakura base. And Chabanenko carries a big box.

Avrora: Presents?

Chabanenko: Niet! Just Vodka.

Avrora:*giggles* I think your blood is based on Vodka.

Chabanenko: Yes it is.

Kurks: Same for me.

They continued their way to the center where everyone was.

Chabanenko:*sigh* At least we tried.

Kurks: We tried.

They took a seat an waited. Then Nagato came.

Nagato: Thank you, everyone you came here. Now we can start the party and give the presents.

Chabanenko: Time for the Blyat Santa!! Kurks give that with presents.

*Receive box*

Chabanenko: Now Comrades come I have presents for everyone!

He starts giving presents to everyone Shoukaku receives a new flute, Zuikaku a new katana holder, Kaga and Akagi a new kimono, Nagato new hat specially made, Takao a new holster...and Avrora got a new dress.

Chabanenko: Huh....That was a lot. Time to drink some Vodka!!!!!

Nagato: We have a present for you Chabanenko.

*handles the present*

Chabanenko:Thank you comrade.

*unwraps the present*

Chabanenko: TWO USHANKAS!!!!!

Kurks: Two!?

Chabanenko: DA!

Kurks: URAAAAAAA!!!!

Nagato: Hope you like it

Chabanenko: We searched all day! thank youuu Soo much Comrade!!!


Then Chabanenko and Kurks started to drink Vodka swearing their Ushankas.

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