《Queen pin》Fefe


I got out the car and put my hood on I walked to then entrance "! I stepped over the bodies I just dropped I walked through the doors and poured the gasoline I had and pulled out a match and lit it

I walked out the building and got in the car and drove to where the jet was while I changed my shirt and shoes before i got out

I seen sincere bout to walk upstairs the stairs I jogged to him and snuck up on him on


He turned around and had his gun aiming at my head I just stood there laughing he pulled it back and held a mean expression I just walked in front of him and sat down in the seat I had before

"Dior that shit was not funny." he said as he tapped my leg for me to get up I shook my head no

"Man getcho ass up and stop playing with me". I huffed and puffed but got up he sat down then pulled me on his lap

"Where you went?" he said as I put my neck in the crook in his neck

"Nothing you need to worry about" I mumbled still as my neck was in the crook of his he said "aight as long as you good"

And we left it there I slept most of the flight sincere would tickle me here and there while I was sleep which I liked but wouldn't admit it

When we got off the flight we went out separate ways sin told me he'll text me when he can and I said the same

I was now going to pick up Kaleb from Mel house cause I missed my baby and I knew he missed cause who wouldn't


I pulled up to house I decided to go on I knocked on the door I heard someone unlocking the doors the door opened it was zaniyah

"Hey pretty." I gave her a hug she wrapped her arms around me to hug me back

"hey auntie" she let go and stepped aside to let me in the house

soon as a I stepped in Kaleb was coming downstairs with his bag of clothes spilling out with a panic expression zanyiah tried to cover her mouth from laughing but failed misberly

I started laughing to but stopped when Kaleb looked at us with a straight face then came downstairs looking mad

"why would you text me on the way when your only a minute away"? he asked with a straight face while still stuffing his bagg

"cause now come on bye z" I said while opening the door to leave Kaleb hugged zanyiah and said some but I couldn't really hear

I opened the door to the driver side and climb in as I started the car the passenger side opened Kaleb put his bagg in the back and put his seatbelt on

"so how was your trip"?

by the time we made It home I had told him everything well not the killing and stuff but you get the point

we went in the house I was tired so I went to go to sleep and Kaleb said he was going to play that damn ps5 I got him like a week ago

I took a shower and got in the bed and quickly dosed off


"The joker that's a cool name no cap" bre said

"no cause why sincere say some shit like that" I said as we were sitting in one of traps discussing who this joker person was


"I have a lot of enemies but not stupid enough to cross me" I said irritated that I didnt have no clue

"or maybe they is look I got one of the best hackers on it" she said

" A hacker might not be enough" I sighed

"well that's best we can get at the moment with such little information" Bree said and she was right that wasn't really no information

me and Bree was at the trap for about another hour discussing some new plans and other things for the future we wrapped it up after that it was date night for her and miracle uhh im so involve with them

I hopped in my matte black G wagon party next door was playing till I heard Siri say "incoming call from sincere black heart"

"Yo whicho you on"? He asked through the speaker I rolled my eyes at his tone

"Nun I'm about to stop by moms and pops real quick" I said while watching my surroundings

"Oh Ite that's it" I was confused with the question but didn't pay it no mine

"Mhhm why"

"I wanted to see you Is that a problem" sincere in his tone I could tell his face was scrunched up

I laughed "nah it's not. look I'll call when I leave here and see what you doing"

I hung up after he said Ite I arrived to the front of my parents house I punched in the code to the gate It opened and I drove in secruity was out front like always

I got out the car and walked to the door I used my key to get in I walked to the kitchen cause I heard them talking

"We're not telling her end of discussion keeya" I heard my dad said my dad only called my mom that when she was serious

"Well your not but I am" my mom yelled

"Tell me what?" I asked with a puzzled face

"We're getting a divorce"


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