《The Alpha's Girl》Chapter 13
I stood next to some girls. I was the oldest one here, seeing as this training class was for newly shifted wolves and I was supposed to shift when I was sixteen as well. Chance was showing us some things to practice. I wasn't really paying attention. I would occasionally see him left his leg and hit the dummy in the face or get low and pretend to avoid a punch. I was too busy staring at his body to be paying attention to what he was teaching. I have the right to stare at his body since I am stuck with him forever.
"Alright let's do some sparring. Pair up with the person on your right. Beta Ryan and I will come around and assist you if you need it. We'll show you how to stand correctly and what to do when the other person is coming at you."
Chance told everyone to begin and I turned to my partner. She was a short girl with long black hair, great to pull on during a battle. "Hi, I'm Bailey."
She bowed her head at me. "Hello, Luna. I'm Grace. I promise not to hurt you."
I chuckled. Grace was obviously nervous and it probably didn't make it any better that she was paired up with me. "I'm not the Luna so just call me Bailey. You don't have to take it easy on me. I want this to be fair."
Grace finally made eye contact with me. "You're not the Luna?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "Sort of, but not officially. Just pretend I'm another average wolf in the pack. No formalities needed."
"Okay, Bailey. I'm not really good at this stuff. My mom's making me take this class as a precaution. I don't really want to fight anyone but my mom thinks that everyone needs to learn self defense or at least the basics."
I smiled, remembering how I used to be when I first started taking self defense classes. "How about we skip what the Alpha says and I show you a few things? I took self defense classes for a couple of years. Come over here."
Four hours had passed and my arms were aching. Sweat was dripping off of my body and all I wanted to do was take a nice cold shower. Chance ordered everyone to stop and we did, turning around to face him and Ryan.
"Alright, this is the end of the class. I always pick someone to spar me at the end and I decide this by whoever did their best today. Turns out, Bailey had done the best. I don't know how but she did."
People were whispering around me and Grace gave ma thumbs up. I walked up to the front of the room and looked at Chance. Before we began, I retied my pony tail. Ryan looked at us and sighed. "Alpha, you know the rules. Bailey, the rule is to pin your opponent to the ground. Whoever pins the other first, wins."
I smiled and looked at Chance. "Don't go easy on me."
Chance gave me a boyish grin. "Oh, sweetheart, I wasn't."
Ryan counted down and shouted at us to begin. I went into my stand and stared at Chance, never breaking eye contact with him. I watched his movements and already could tell when he was going to throw a punch. I had been watching him fight all day and picked up on some little things that he did. His right leg twitched and I jumped back, avoiding the punch he threw at me.
"Your moves are sloppy." I said, circling around Chance.
Chance narrowed his eyes at me and I smirked. We circled one another and then I brought my leg up and kicked Chance in the face. He jerked back, placing a hand to his cheek. It was probably going to leave a bruise. Chance growled at me and some of the other wolves snickered.
"Oh, so we're playing dirty?"
I grinned. "Who ever said I was going to play nice?"
Chance growled again and lunched at me. I jumped back, not expecting him to do that. He landed a punch to my jaw and I winced, moving my jaw and feeling the pain. I felt my wolf getting anxious. I let her come to the surface and take control, which was a big mistake. I felt myself get stronger and she attacked Chance. Chance fell back and I felt myself punching his face repeatedly. I didn't have control of my actions. I couldn't stop this from happening. I tried taking control of my body back but my wolf wasn't letting me. I kept kicking and punching Chance until his arms lay flat against his sides and he tapped out. My wolf was hungry for some blood, even if that meant hurting her own mate. I kept punching Chance, even after he had tapped out. I wanted this to stop but I lost control.
I felt hands grabbing at me and I turned around to see Ryan, a worried look on his face. I could see how my claws had come out and my eyes were most likely bright yellow. Ryan wrapped his arms around me, making me immobile. I tried breaking free, but my wolf knew this was for the best. "Stop, Luna. He tapped out, you won."
I growled loudly, feeling myself gain control again. I looked down at the ground and saw a bloody Chance laying on the floor, his eyes shut. I looked up and saw all of the young wolves staring at me with fear in their eyes. I sagged in Ryan's arms and then I did something I hadn't done in a long time; I cried.
"What happened back there?" Ryan asked me.
We were sitting in Chance's office. The pack doctor came and took Chance, giving him a sedative to let his wolf heal him. "I don't know. I just wanted to win and then I let my wolf take control. She just wouldn't stop. I couldn't regain control of my own boy. I don't know why she was so violent to her own mate. She's not talking to me right now. I think she's ashamed. I felt Chance give up but I couldn't stop myself from hitting him. I just kept hurting him. Why didn't he stop me? He could've knocked me out in one punch if he let the Alpha side of him take over."
I whimpered, already feeling the aching burn in my chest. Ryan gave me a sideways hug. "You need to be more careful. I know your father. He's on a special medication that helps him control his wolf. He once lost control so bad that he almost killed his own father. I don't know if he's told you that but you should talk to him about this. Maybe this runs in your family. Maybe you need the medication too to keep your wolf at bay. You and Chance are a team. You let your wolf take control and if you can't get control back, you'll be gone forever and the wolf side of you will be dominant. You'll be a wolf forever. That is how rouges are made sometimes. You need to learn control, Bailey, or next time you're going to kill him."
I sighed, already feeling a headache coming out. "I guess I do need to have this discussion with my dad. Is Chance going to be okay?"
Ryan nodded. "He'll be fine, don't worry."
I began wondering what my punishment will be for almost killing the Alpha. "Where is he anyway?"
Ryan pointed upstairs. "In his room. He's awake but I figured he needed to come to terms that he got beat up by his own mate. I mind linked him, he wants you to come up."
I thanked Ryan and began walking upstairs. There were three floors in this house and the entire top floor was his bedroom. I've actually never been up there before. When I got to the door, I feel the pain he was in. I know Chance and I aren't fully mated but I could still feel what he was feeling.
I opened Chance's door and winced when I saw his black eye. "Hi."
I stayed a little far away from his bed, scared to come over and hurt him again. I felt tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. "I'm so sorry. I lost control of my wolf and I'm not used to this and I know that's not an excuse but I'm really really sorry and I swe-"
Chance cut me off and smiled. "It's okay, I promise. No matter how bad I want to be mad at you, I can't. You're my mate and my wolf says we should forgive you and so we do. However, I think we need to discuss how powerful your wolf really is but we can leave that for another day."
I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I walked closer to Chance's bed and sat own on the edge. "I'm still really sorry."
Chance let out a small, shaky laugh. "Well, at least I know now that you can protect yourself. By the way, where did you learn to fight like that?"
I looked down at my hands. "I took self-defense classes all throughout high school."
Chance furrowed his eyebrows. "And why would you need to take classes like that?"
I stood up from the bed once Chance began to sit up. "My mom just thought it would be a good idea since we lived in a bad neighborhood."
Chance growled. "Stop lying to me!"
I frowned. "I'm not lying."
Chance eye's flashed. "Yes, you are! I can hear your heart beating very fast. Why are you lying to me? I'm your mate."
I walked closer to the door, trying to escape. "I'm not lying. Believe what you want. You're not my mate so please stop saying that."
Before Chance could say anything else, I pulled his bedroom door open and an out of his room, down the steps and out the back door. I jumped midair and shifted into my wolf. She was sad knowing that I lied to Chance. She let out one, long, broken howl and then we ran.
When it was becoming dark, I decided I should go back but then I smelled something that I hadn't smelled in a very long time: my grandma's sugar cookies. I got really excited and was happy to be back in a familiar place. I rain to my grandparent's house and was greeted by my dogs, Lucky and Lucy as well as Rusty. Lucy barked and didn't stop until my grandpa came outside.
"What is it Lucy? Oh, a wolf. Oh my, is that you, Bailey?"
I nodded my head and a smile appeared on my grandpa's face. He went running back into the house and then came back out with my mom, who had a pair of clothes in her hands. I went behind a tree and shifted, putting on the sweatpants and long-sleeved shirt. I ran up to my parents and hugged them, breathing in their scent. "I missed you guys so much."
My mom cried. "We missed you more. The Alpha won't let us come and see you. We kept sending in requests to visit the pack house but they kept coming back denied."
I frowned. "What? He told me you guys didn't want to come and visit."
My dad furrowed his eyebrows. "That's not true. The four of us have missed you so much."
I smiled. "So, I shifted."
My dad beamed with pride. "We noticed. You're the same color as me."
I smiled and then followed everyone inside. I sat down at the kitchen table, stealing a cookie from cookie jar. "Chance is such an asshole."
My grandma scolded me for my language. I sighed, eating another cookie. "He is just so possessive and controlling and you guys know me, I like to do stuff on my own. I like to be my own person. I tried running away to London to Carter's sisters place and he caught me and ended up getting on the plane with me. I shifted for the first time over there. Everyone keeps calling me Luna and I hate it because I'm not their Luna. I just want my old life back."
My mom sat down next to me. "He's an Alpha, sweetie. They're always going to be possessive. You guy barely know each other but once you do, you'll realize how great and special he is. Just wait it out a couple more weeks. You don't officially become Luna until you're marked and initiated into the pack so you still have some time."
My grandpa gave me a glass of milk seeing as I'm on my fourth cookie already. "Does he know you're here?"
"No but I didn't run away. I went for a run because we had gotten into another fight and then I smelled the cookies and my wolf brought me here."
My dad stole my glass of milk and drank the whole thing. I laughed, missing this stuff. "What was your fight about?"
"We came into contact with some rouges and he thought I couldn't defend myself but I can, just not in wolf form. I asked to go to a training session and he let me. We sparred with some people and then I ended up sparring him in the end. I beat him and I pinned him but I had let me wolf talk control and I lost all control of her and myself. I kept punching him until he passed out. The Beta ended up restraining me. He asked me why I took self defense classes after we had made up and I lied and I couldn't take anymore lying so I left."
My grandma frowned. "You have the temper of your father. He could never control his wolf. Your father was on medication to suppress his wolf until he learned how to control his wolf. It took many years but your father and his wolf are now alright. We can look into getting you the same medication and I can teach you some breathing techniques and other ways to calm your wolf."
"Thanks, Grandma."
She smiled. "Now, why didn't you tell him the real reason why you took self-defense classes?"
"Well, I'm going to be twenty tomorrow and I just wanted to forget about those years of my life. I don't want to remember him and everything he did to me. I lied so I wouldn't have to talk about it."
"I think It's time you told him."
My grandma looked up and when I turned around, Chance was standing at the door. His hands were clenched to his sides and his eyes were bright yellow. "So, you did lie to me and you ran away again!"
I laughed. "If I ran away why would I stay on pack territory? I would have gone far away from here."
My grandpa shook his head. "Bails, you need to stop provoking him."
This time, I felt my anger growing. "He needs to stop being so damn controlling!"
My mom let out a little chuckle. "The two of you are so alike, no wonder the goddess mated you two together."
I growled. "I hate you!" I screamed at Chance.
"Good! I hate you too! You're so annoying and you never listen to a goddman thing I say. I could reject you right here but I Need you for the pack. I'm only with you for my wolf! I don't care about you, Baily. Now suck it up and let's go because we're going home and discussing what you're hiding from me."
I backed up, suddenly feeling small. "This is my home! Stop acting like that stupid fucking place is my home. I'm not happy there! I'm not happy with you and I wish we never fucking met!"
Chance growled loud this time, making my family step back from us. "You're such a fucking brat."
"The only way I go back with you is if they come back with me too or are allowed to visit me whenever they please and vice versa. You lied to me too so it looks like we're both keeping secrets."
Chance growled again and I growled back, getting annoyed with all of this growling. Stop growling at me!"
Chance grabbed my wrist and I had a flash back to my ex-boyfriend. I felt my wolf come to surface, wanting to protect me. I grabbed onto Chance's wrist and flipped him over, pinning him to the ground. "Touch me again and I kill you."
I got up from the ground and looked at my mom. "What?"
"You're still afraid, even when you told me you weren't anymore. You're still scared he'll come back. You need to tell Chance."
I screamed and pulled on my hair. "What? Tell him that I was fucking abused and raped for four years? There, are you happy? I told him."
With one last glance at Chance and my family, I stalked up the stairs and wen into my room, slamming the door behind me.
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