《His Best Friends Daughter- BK1 TPBS 1st draft》-5-



Standing outside the school she waited. He said he'd pick her up but he hadn't come as yet. She'd been waiting for nearly an hour when she decided enough was enough. Her best friend Red lived up the block and her brother Ben would give her a lift if he was home so she started walking to their place.

Knocking on the door she waited. Seeing a black car go by she was distracted enough not to realise that Ben had opened the door and raised her hand to knock again before she looked back to the door.

"Ouch Anna!"

Startled she looked at him in surprise "I'm sorry!"

"Red's not here."

"I know. Would you please give me a ride home?"

"I thought you took the bus?"

"I do.. I did..." throwing her hands in the air she grumbled "I have no idea what I do anymore!"


"My dad's gone away and has his best friend staying at the house and he was supposed to pick me up..."

"Hang on... school's been out for an hour."

"I know."

"He just... Forgot?"

"I have no idea but I have to get home..."

He raised his hand "I'll get my keys."


She heard the door slam and cringed. He forgot her and he was mad? The sound of his pounding feet on the stairs matched the beats of her heart. Strong, forceful and relentless.

"Where the fuck were you?"

She turned and gulped. He wasn't mad; he was furious. His body held rigid as his hands were clenched.

"I asked you a fucking question princess!"

"I waited for an hour."

"Bullshit. I was there at three."

"School finishes at two. We must have just missed each other."


His eyes narrowed on her looking for a sign, anything that said she was lying. There was none.

"Why didn't you fucking call me?"

"I don't know your number."

She jumped slightly as he suddenly started moving towards her.

"Give me your phone."

Obediently she handed over her phone and after putting his number in it he handed it back to her.

"Stand up."

She stood nervously as his eyes roamed her body and narrowed.

"Tell me you didn't change into this at school" he demanded.

"No, I changed when I got home."

His eyes narrowed in to hers once more "how did you get home?"

She shuffled her feet slightly "Red lives up the road from the school so I went there and her brother Ben drove me home."

He raised his eyebrow "Red was with you?"

" She wasn't there."

"You were in a car with a boy on your own?"

"Yes. Ben always... "

She was cut off as her body slammed into his and his mouth crushed hers. She could taste the metalic flavour of blood as he took possession of it. His hands held her in a tight grip that left no room to fight against them.

Then suddenly he was gone. All contact removed as she gasped to breathe.

"Take down your pants."

Jerking back to reality she stammered "What... No..."

"Don't fucking argue with me Anna. Do it now or I'll do it for you and it won't be pleasant."

She had no choice. She did as he said.

His eyes softened to wipe the lone tear that escaped and was travelling down her cheek. "See my love, it's much easier to do as you're told."

Pulling back he stepped around her and sat in the chair she'd just got up from. Grabbing her by the hand he jerked her face down across his lap.


She tried to get up but he pushed her down again "don't fucking move."

"mmmmm" he hummed "You have a beautiful arse Anna". Rubbing across the cheeks she wasn't prepared for what happened next. He spanked her! Each slap harder than the last until he was satisfied she'd been punished enough.

She was sobbing. Her throat hurt from the screams asking him to stop but he seemed more determined to have her beg then really listen to the words she was saying.

He pushed her up and off him and once again he stood with his arms around her. This time when he kissed her it was soft and almost enticing. Resting his head on hers he whispered "Never go anywhere with a boy on your own again. You're mine Anna."

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