《My Angel》#1


There's been whispers around school all morning. Some new girl joined. I don't care, but it's all the humans can talk about. Honestly, you would think she a celebrity. According to the rumors, she wears contacts, has been in Math and Chemistry classes. The teacher walks into class, late as always. A girl walks in behind her. Evidently this is the new girl. I eye her warily. She doesn't smell like anything else I've ever smelt, but I can tell one thing. She's a vampire. And, judging by her eye colour, she hunts humans.

"Class, we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mrs Belfort asks her.

"Umm. Hayden Taylor. 18. British, obviously." She raised her hand in an awkward greeting.

"Great. Now, you can sit next to Rosalie. Rosalie raise your hand."

I roll my eyes and hold up my hand. She looks a little confused, but walks over to me. Of course I had to be sitting next to the only available seat.

"Right, onto au revoir les enfants."

"I fucking hate this book," she mutters. I ignore her and move as far away from her as I can. She's a vampire who drinks human blood in our school on our terf. She's dangerous, for all of us.

The minute class was over, I rushed out of the room. Immediately I called Emmett.

"Get the others and meet me at the forest. I'll ring Esme and Carlisle."

"What's going on?"

"I'll tell you when you get there."

I hang up and start walking, calling Esme as I walk. She picks up on the second ring.

"Family meeting. Forest outside school."


"We have a situation."

"I'll be there. No one's hurt, are they?"

"No. I need to call Carlisle."

Hanging up on her, I ring Carlisle, telling him the same thing. Hayden pushes past me, putting a post it note in my hand. It reads: I know. I scrunch it into a ball, putting it in my pocket. I watch her as she walks out of school, shaking Eric off as she goes. There's something else about her. Something I'm not getting. But that doesn't matter right now. All that matters is what we do about her.

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