《Desires of the Mind》Chapter 11


[ XI ] Chapter 11

Jane and I had a little stare down as I tried to process the information into my already-full mind. I rarely ever tap into my files because once I do, everything just comes rushing into my head like a waterfall and I don't really appreciate the headache that comes after. A vampire having a headache. Go-figure.

"Well? Will Alec have to take your sight away and drag you down the hall?" She snapped.

I blinked and shook my head slowly, my mind numb. What did Aro want me so soon for? Did he need something? Did he change his mind about keeping me? Is he going to kill me? I shuddered at the thought. I'm too young to die. I mentally scoff at the absurdity of the thought. Slowly, I moved out of the safety of my room and followed Jane down the hall with Alec right behind me. As we walked down the seemingly-endless halls, a myriad of thoughts sped through my mind.

Is this the end?

Will I never see Rose again?

Is Aro going to force me to do something I don't like?

God damn it, I won't go down without a fight, but against Jane. . . I'm powerless. Like seriously. A sharp jab between the shoulder blades from Alec caused me to move faster.

Eventually, we reached Aro's chambers and by that time, I was going through the worst scenarios in my head. "Master, she's here." Jane said to the large doors.

"Send her in."

Jane and Alec stood to the side, ready to stop me if I tried to run. Squaring my shoulders, I entered the room and my jaw nearly dropped in shock. Caius and Marcus were there too. Shit. Wasn't Marcus in the garden a few moments ago?

"Sit." Aro smirked, motioning to an empty seat beside Marcus. Stiffly, I walked over and sat on the edge of the couch, trying not to be too close to a vampire that had a chance of ripping my head off without a second thought. I started twiddling my thumbs nervously.


"Uhm. . . Did I do something wrong?" I muttered, looking anywhere but at the three kings. Shit, this is so nerve-wrecking. I suddenly remembered Caius' earlier reprimand. It is only polite to look at the person who is speaking to you, Miss Genevieve. Reluctantly, I met Aro's piercing gaze.

He laced his hands together and rested his chin on them. "No you haven't." I sat ram-rod straight then.

If I didn't do anything. . . why am I here, and why are Caius and Marcus here? I notice that Aro's hair is unusually, slightly untidy. I'm guessing that he was part of the reason why there was so much noise in the castle. A lightbulb went off in my head. Maybe he really is after information.

Refusing him the easy access with only a touch, I lock the information behind heavy metal doors with chains all over them. Aro beckoned me forward and I hesitated. No offense, but I didn't want to get any closer. But the warning look that flashed under the serene mask compelled me to move forward.

Standing, I walked the few steps forward and hesitantly placed my hand in his. Aro grinned and I flinched when I almost felt him probing around my mind. Caius leaned forward in his chair as if he were waiting for something to amuse him.

The grin on Aro's face slowly fell as he realized that the locked doors wouldn't be opened no matter how hard he pushed. "Genevieve. . ." He warned with a small growl. I tipped my chin upwards in defiance although my bottom lip trembled slightly in fear. I wouldn't let anyone control me that easily. The grip he held on my hand tightened considerably and I stopped the flinch accompanied by a cry of pain that threatened to break through my cool façade.

"What is the matter, brother?" Caius growled, not understanding the internal conflict that we were having.


Aro smiled sweetly, not releasing my hand at all. Instead, he only held it tighter, finally forcing me to emit a gasp. "It seems that Miss Genevieve here is not being cooperative. . ."

I flinched and tried tugging my hand away, but Aro wouldn't let go. I felt Caius' smoldering gaze on me and I resisted the urge to slap these people in the face. I halted the thought immediately and froze in horror. Aro still held my crushed hand. SHIT. I looked at the king in particular and cringed at the cold mask. Oh dear, the violent Aro reared his not-so-pretty head.

What are you even looking for. . .? I asked him meekly in my mind and shock flickered through his eyes for a split second before it was gone. I'll tell you, but seriously. . . let go of my hand. You're going to rip it off. Honestly, it was hard communicating with the mind.

"Tell me about the Cullens' decision about changing Isabella." He purred, letting go of my injured hand. I cradled it against my bosom and waited for the cracks to heal slowly.

Very gently, I unwind the chains from the door and open it, allowing the information to hit me like a freight train. Pushing through all of the unnecessary information, I finally find the Cullens. "They're waiting. . ." I whisper, feeling guilty about betraying them. Swallowing the lump of venom in my throat, I continue. "They're waiting to see who will decide to change her." Now that is a partial truth, partial lie.

Aro nods slowly, his eyes gleaming in satisfaction. Suddenly, Aro blurs from his seat and slams me back into the wall behind me. Now this happened way too fast for me to react and I narrow my eyes, my subconscious hissing in displeasure.

Marcus tilts his head so he could see what was happening and Caius was looking at us impassively. I manage a small, timid growl and Aro looks down at me with a small glare. "Do not disobey me again, Genevieve, or I will force you to become obedient." He snarls. "Do you understand?"

I clench my hands into fists and refrain from cursing. "Do you?" He nearly roared. Jeez, it seems as if this guy doesn't like to be disobeyed. Who doesn't? My subconscious sneered.

Reining in my inner beast, I took a deep breath for the first time since I came into Volterra and holy shit what was that scent? The fragrance was heavenly, musk and dark-chocolate. I mentally slapped myself. Genevieve Vienna Montgomery! Get a hold of yourself or Aro will kill you right now!

"I understand." I finally got out through gritted teeth.

Aro narrowed his eyes more to the point he looked as if he were squinting. "Good. Jane, Alec." He called and immediately, the Witch Twins were in the room. "Escort Miss Genevieve back to her room."

He released me and I straightened out my top and my hair before marching out of the room in a fit. How dare he make me submit to him! Genevieve Vienna Montgomery never submits to anyone!

Jane and Alec followed me discreetly, making sure I wouldn't escape. I rolled my eyes. No, I was too busy to make a plan for escaping. I was already making one to get revenge.

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