《Desires of the Mind》Chapter 5


[ V ] Chapter 5

"Why?" Alice whined into the phone a week or two later.

I sighed and sipped on some animal blood I procured from my last hunting trip. "Alice, I'm not too fond of huge parties. I've already sent my gift for Isabella. It should arrive tomorrow"

"Where are you though?" Alice pipes up, deciding to drop the subject. For now. Through the phone, I heard her shuffling through her large collection of fancy dresses.


Silence on the other line. Oh crap. "What?!" She screeched and I held the phone an arm-length away. "Italy?! Don't tell me that the Volturi got to you!"

Suddenly, I just had the sudden urge to smash the pixie's face into the concrete. "No, Alice. I'm like a city away from Volterra. Besides. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself if one of those arrogant ruffians decide to take me on. Do you not trust me?"

Alice started to whimper. "I trust you. It's just that, The Volturi are. . . well. . . oh, I got to go. Hunting trip." With a click, Alice's voice disappeared. Downing the rest of the animal blood, I decided to take a shower.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a bath robe and went to my phone. A text from Rose. Ooh, I haven't heard from her in a while. Flipping the device open, I read the text.

Sept 12, 2005 || 7:20

Subject: Irritation

Ugh, so not looking forward to this birthday party for the human. What color should I wear?


I snorted. It was so like Rose to complain about almost everything.

Sept 12, 2005 || 16:30

Subject: So Glad I'm Not There

Maybe something dark? It'll bring out the highlights of your hair.


Sept 12, 2005 || 7:32


Subject: God I hate you

I don't have highlights..?


Sept 12, 2005 || 16:36

Subject: I love you too :)

You're so blind, girl. Get Emmett to check for you. Maybe Carlisle.


Sept 12, 2005 || 7:50

Subject: No I really do hate you ;)

God I hate it when you're right. It just doesn't sit well with me.


Sept 12, 2005 || 16:53

Subject: Awh, that hurts right in the heart, Rose!

Thankssss. But yeah, wear black or dark emerald or something.


Sept 12, 2005 || 7:57

Subject: I know.

You're welcome! I'll wear black. Ttyl, I miss you :(


Sept 12, 2005 || 17:00

Subject: Rawr

I miss you too Miss Blonde


Shutting the phone off, I tossed it onto the bed before collapsing down onto the bed beside it. Sometimes, I regret being a vampire. For one, I never get to sample any food anymore because my body would just reject it entirely and throw it up immediately. Secondly, it's because I miss sleeping. It was the only way for me to escape the world.

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