《Desires of the Mind》Chapter 3


[ III ] Chapter 3

"I am not taking part in this family protection, Carlisle." I muttered while flipping through a fashion catalog. I was considering whether I should buy the cute cardigan or not when Carlisle tried to talk me into it again.


"Nein, aucun, ne, nej, NEIN." I hissed in several different languages. "No means no Carlisle. Even if you've convinced Rose, I still won't do it. I'll go somewhere else. Visit the world. I've been holed up in Forks for far too long. You guys have my number. Just ring me up if you're about to get your heads torn off."

"Not even for Isabella?" The doctor murmured, glancing at the human standing next to a rigid Edward. I knew my gift was needed in this scenario. Alice couldn't see everything all at once.

I met eye-contact with Isabella and I saw and smelt fear rolling off of her as I looked her over. My nostrils flared slightly as I smelt her heavenly aroma. "No."

"What?" Edward exploded. Trying to stop the scene that was about to take place, Esme stepped forward.

"Edward, don't."

"You won't help Isabella just because you want to travel the world?" He snarled, stepping forward and almost getting in my face if I weren't sending him a death-glare. "What kind of nonsense is that? Your mother was in the same predicament about a millenia ago. Will you not actually take action?"

I stood up abruptly and clenched my hands into tight fists. I looked up at him. He was a fucking six feet two and I was a five feet seven. "It's one thing of me not helping, but," I snarled. "It's another to bring up my mother."

"I wouldn't have to bring up your mother if you just helped us! Your gift would give us an advantage."

"My gift is not a toy to be used!" I exclaimed, shocked that he thought of me that way.


"Edward. . ." Carlisle tried to intervene but oh, I still haven't finished my talk.

"If that is really what you think then I shouldn't stand here any longer! I thought this family actually cared about something other than what gifts people possess." I hissed, pushing past him so hard he flew back into Jasper.

Pulling the front door open, I ignored Esme and Carlisle's cries for me to come back and jogged down to my black Volvo. Getting into the car, I pulled out of the driveway quickly and started for a random direction. I needed a drink.

I dropped the now-dry corpse onto the hard concrete with a dull thump. I wiped away the trail of blood from my chin. I wasn't satisfied. My thirst was never quenched. I growled in frustration and punched the brick wall, hating it. I dimly understood that Edward and his family were to split up, thinking that they'd lead the tracker away from Bella.

I rolled my eyes and snorted. As if that would help. Kicking the corpse until it was behind the large metal trash thingie, I walked out of the darkness and sighed. Nomadic life for me. Yippee. Sighing, I looked around for another human before retiring for the night in my car playing on my phone. I saw a young male a few feet away from me and I smirked. Perfect.

Walking up to him, I tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me?"

Taking off his headphones, he turned to me. "Can I help you miss?" He muttered, eyeing me suspiciously yet his eyes raked my body. I mentally rolled my eyes. Men.

"Uh, yeah. It's late out and I'm scared to walk home alone. Can you accompany me?" I pleaded, using my best puppy-eyes.

"Of course." He answered me immediately. "I'll follow you." He winked. "No need to be afraid."


Smiling in relief for my bloodlust to be sated for a moment, I led him down the block as to not be suspicious before turning into an alleyway. "Uh, is this a shortcut?"

"No. . ." I whispered, turning around quickly and smashing my lips against his. Surprised, he stood still before answering me.

Until I was sure he was lost in the delirium, I moved my mouth from his lips, to his jaw, then to his pulse where I scraped my sharp canines against his sweating skin. He moaned just as I sank my teeth into the jugular. Instantly, sweet blood flowed into my mouth.

Now it was my turn to groan in pleasure as the blood flowed through me, giving me power. The young man winced but had no chance to cry out before he started to spasm and jerk.

When no more blood was flowing, I sighed and pulled away. A clean kill this time. "Tsk tsk, a nomad in these part of the streets?"

Twirling around, I saw two men—or vampires—in black cloaks. I tilted my head, brown curled locks spilling over my shoulder. "What's so wrong about it?"

"This is restricted property miss—" The less brawny of the two drawled arrogantly as he puffed out his chest. I could see his eyes glinted hungrily in the dim light. Ah, a newborn.

"I don't give two shits about who's property I am on."

"Alejandro, go ahead. I've taught you many things already." The buff vampire rumbled.

Immediately, the newborn leapt at me, aiming to take off my head. I dodged easily. Taking his leg, I slammed him down onto the concrete and straddled him. "Tsk tsk. The arrogance of newborns really irritates me." I sighed.

Alejandro reached up with a terrifying snarl but I caught his hands and interlaced them with mine and we played the game where two people push against each other to test strength. Obviously, he won and I sailed through the air, hitting the brick wall and creating a crater. I felt the cracks in my back and I groaned.

The newborn was stalking towards me and over his shoulder, I saw the larger vampire beaming with pride. I will not let him have that moment of victory. Finding my footing, I rocket-slammed into Alejandro and repeatedly punched him in the face, causing rocks to fly everywhere and his skin to start breaking.

Obviously dazed from sudden karma, I took my chance and karate-chopped his neck, detaching it from the body. The buff vampire snarled at me and crouched, preparing to lunge.

Anticipating his attack, I jumped with as much force as possible, grabbing onto a pole sticking out of the building. "I don't feel like chopping anyone's head off. Ciao." I winked, blurring towards my car.

Safe in my Volvo, I sighed and rested my head back. My iPod was plugged in and was at 98% so I pressed play and Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo started blasting.

Rolling my eyes, I sat back and enjoyed the music as I reached back to get a book. I happened to grab Fifty Shades of Grey. The very sexual book. Throwing it back into the pile of books, I sighed and looked at the time. 2AM.

My phone started ringing when I was just about to start up the engine. Shutting the engine off and turning the volume of the music down, I picked up the phone. "Genevieve."

"My god Genevieve! Please help!" Alice screamed into the phone. Pulling the device away from my ear, I sighed.

"What happened, Alice?"

"Bella is gone."

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