《Tale of the mage hero [Completed]》let the games begin!


"Oh brave heroes please save our world!" I stare blankly at the shady men from the anime and I just sigh resigned to my fate. Ten, itsuki, and Motopedo were very vocal against this which I quickly nipped In the bud.

"Would you 3 assholes shut the hell up!? Don't you understand the situation we're in? We'vebeen summoned to an unknown place by unknown people who could easily kill us if we're too difficult. And right now you guys running your mouths off acting all cocky is gonna end this isekai story before it starts. SO IN THE NAME OF ANDREW RYAN AND FRANK FONTAIN, "Would you kindly" SHUT THE HELL UP AND SHEATH YOUR COCKS(curb your ego)?! THIS IS NOT YOU'RE HOUSE NOR IS THIS OUR WORLD. WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON SO DON'T ACT LIKE YOUR HOT SHIT AND RUIN IT FOR THOSE OF US WHO HAVE ONLY READ ABOUT THE ISEKAI EXPERIENCE PLEASE."

Silence. Silence... more silence accompaniedby stares... thankfully one of the robe peopoe clear their throat and speak. "The young lady's words are correct. Your attitudes are less then stellar and yes. We COULD kill all of you and summon new heroes. But we don't have the time to waste on another attempt based on personality issues alone. Follow me and I'll take you to the king." The boys and I get up and follow the robe guy to the throne room. We stand before the king as he explains the waves and stuff. Then comes the introductions!

"Now then, I would have you introduce yourselves starting with you young lady..." everyone stares at me and I get super nervous like it's the first day of school... I swallow and open my mouth to speak but I'm so startled by the attention i almost can't breathe. My anxiety must've been showing cause the king spoke "don't be so nervous young lady..." I take a deep breath eyes examining the room as I speak. "I HATE my real name so just use my pseudo name Alyss Wonder Weiss... I'm 19 years old and I was a senior in HIGH school before the summoning and I guess I'm the mage Hero." he nods and everyone else introduces themselves. We are told to check our statuses and we go to form a party only to find out about the status/experience penalty for going together. While all this is happening I'm getting a feel for the menu thingy. I look at my stats aaaand....


Okay.... WOW. THE GODDESS DID WHAT?! wait wait wait... in the light novel she was a total Bitch what gives?! Acceptable I suppose...

Any..... NORMAL Skills? *scroll scroll scroll* Ah! Here's some normal one!

Interesting...' I think as the maids walk us to our room. They weren't prepared to have a girl hero so they told me they were getting me a spare room ready. I said "please don't bother, we'll only be here the night so a changing divider or 2 should work... if someone gives you trouble please tell me and I will make sure they know I gave the OK... okay?" She nodded meekly "yes lady Alyss." She turned to leave but my speaking halted her "um... will we be getting any dinner or?..." "yes." She said.

"Another maid will come back with food for you all." "As long as it's not pig or hog or anything related to them we'll be good!" I smile giving her a thumbs up with a silly face. She smiles back giggling. "Of course lady Alyss!" After she left the room did I then realize the others were just staring at me. It made me super uncomfortable.

I spoke up, "HEY! can you guys like, NOT stare at me? It makes me nervous..."

"ahhh sorry!" Naofumi apologizes sheeply.

The others also apologize in their own way.

"I couldn't help staring at a pretty lady!" Motopedo.

"I was just curious about you... your personality isn't predictable." Itsuki.

"You reminded me of my friend a little bit... it was nostalgic." Ren.

"Well whatever... why don't we talk about why you guys were acting so snobby and unfazed that this happened earlier." I say as I take a seat.

"Well this is a lot like a game."

"yeah it's exactly like emerald online."

"What are you saying? It's obviously more like fantasy moon online." Me, motoyatsu, and naofumi look confuzzled. I speak up "what the frazzled dick are you 2 talking about?! Those aren't real games!" Itsuki cocked his head "you don't play console games?" I was offended "BOY. I've been playing console games my whole life. I've experienced every system from atari to playstation 4. My shelf has so many games they don't all fit there...(no seriously look at this shit! That's only the playstation 3 and 4 games! I got WII games, GameCube games, and ps2 games upstairs with the systems! Not to forget the handhelds... Most of them were presents from relatives when my family was much bigger, but a lot of them were my aunt's and she let's me have them cause she doesn't play them anymore... I fucking love my family!).


It's a shelf for a flat screen tv and tons of movies. There is NO GAME that has missed my radar that's worth playing. BESIDES this is obviously similar to final fantasy 14 a realm reborn, WOW, Runescape, and lots of other classic mmorpg games."

Naofumi speaks up "alright alright let's not fight... on the count of three let's all say what the year was before we were summoned... 1, 2, 3!"





Me and naofumi share a glance. "Same year for us eh? But the fact that we're from different times could be ONE possibility. Let's cross examine to make sure we ARE from the same world... in WW2 what's the name of the head of Nazi's and how did he die? Got that? Good. And a 1, 2, 3!"

"He was known as Adolf Hitler and he was assassinated."

"Adolf Hitler committed murder suicide."

"Adolf Hitler and he was put on trial and executed publicly."

"His name was Adolf Hitler and he was gunned down by the Russians when he resisted capture."

We all glance at eachother. Ren's the one who confirms the obvious "so we're from different worlds and timelines? That would explain a lot..." naofumi spoke next "well since we're comrades why don't we get to know each other?"

We talk about our world's and their uniquenesses and oddities. Apparently in itsuki's world there are espers and in rens world VR had upgraded to at least 10 levels beyond ready player one! Naofumi's world wasn't much different than mine in terms of culture. The others eyed us weirdly as we avidly discussed the manga and anime culture of our world's.

After a while the maids came back with food and a divider for me and while we ate we continued to talk the others chiming in to ask about certain things. Itsuki and ren were interested in the isekai manga I could recall clearly. Another odd discovery cause my memory has always been dogshit. But I recounted a lot of them for them. Motoyasu only cared about the harem and loli ones which I recounted the ones that I liked but at his facial expression the others, even the maids, gave looks of disgust.

I told them about my admiration for physiques of beautiful females with strong hearts, handsome males with strong soul and conviction, people with animal ears and super powers(I asked if it was weird and they just shrugged), I sampled every kind of pie there was in the anime and gaming community!

I also told them about fanfiction which to my surprise Ren and Itsuki knew about them. They had females they were close too that always went on about it and eventually they got into it too! NEW FANFICTION BUDDY'S!! YAAAAY!!! After everything settled down Motoyasu spoke again.

"But seriously, I thought this was a second life for sure!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well before the summoning I was stabbed to death by a jealous girlfriend."

"That's what you get for being a player scum!!"

"Coming from a lady those words actually hurt."

"'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' or so they say... but that reminds me, I also died before I came here..."

"Really, how?"

"I got run over by a truck on the way home from cram school..."

"I got stabbed protecting my best friend..."

"That sucks... what about you naofumi?" I said as I looked at naofumi.

"I was reading a suspicious book in the library. Nearly half the pages were blank which is why it was weird. Anyway I don't know what happened. I had a serious headache all of a sudden and I think I blacked out or something but next thing I know I saw a bright light and woke up in the circle..." he sighed.

I smiled sadly. "I don't know much about medical stuff but it sounds like you had a blood clot, tumor, stroke or something. You probably fell and hit your head after that. You may have died before hitting whatever you fell on or maybe you died on impact... either way, I'm sorry. That's no way for a fellow otaku to go out." I sighed...

All four look at me expectantly. "What?" Naofumi replies "well... how did you die?" Ah... that's why... "promise you won't judge or pity me?" I say looking down. They all give their consent on the matter. I speak slowly. "I.... I committed suicide."

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