《My husband, My bully (Complete✔️)》Shopping with Mr. Bully


"I feel like I am forgetting something really important." I stated as I got in Ali's car, him also hopping in. "You might be." He said. I turned to look around. Hopefully no one saw me getting into his car.

"What in the world could it be?" I asked, mostly to myself. "Hey, I need to get something from the mall." Ali told me. I turned to look at him. "Really? Right after school? I am so tired." I groaned.

"Fine. I'll go get it some other time." He said simply. His serious tone startled me a little. He wasn't going to ask me again and even though I didn't owe him anything, I felt as if I shouldn't refuse him. As if it would be selfish. "Well… I think I changed my mind. I'm not that tired. Besides, I have nothing to do the whole day except for that physics project." I told him. He raised his eyebrow at me. "You sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I looked down at my thighs, having nowhere else to look to. Weirdly, a quiet Ali was worse than an annoying Ali. The car ride was so silent that we could hear the awkwardness in the air. Or maybe I wasn't used to him being this quiet. I tried looking outside, which helped. I couldn't help but glance back at him.

He was focusing on the road. It was then that I noticed his confused expression. Weirdo. I looked away again.

He stopped the car smoothly and parked it in the parking area. "Let's go." he said, his original tone returning. I got out of the car and straightened my clothes. We walked inside and I looked around carefully.

It wasn't that busy since it was a working day and everyone was probably at work or school. The clothing shops first came into view and I just gave them a quick look because passing on to the others. Ahead of me, Ali was walking as if he didn't know where his destination was.


But the mall was literal heaven. What better combination could there be than the combination of food and clothes? I actually started to take interest in the different kinds of shops there.

"Hey, do you think this would look good on me?" I asked Ali, showing him a beautiful maxi dress that had a floral print on the lower part and a simple pink colour on the chest part.

I couldn't believe I was doing this with Ali Hasan. But he was my husband and that wasn't believable either.

"Yeah, I guess." Ali said. Though his voice sounded bored and indifferent, his facial expressions told a different story. He was actually taking interest. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Just guess?" I didn't know how that escaped my mouth but it slipped. Stupid me.

Was I expecting him to compliment me or something?

I mentally scolded myself for thinking such a thing. I could never imagine something between him and I. He was annoying and non serious. Careless about his prayers. A bad Muslim. And everything you could imagine. Me, a person who always wished for a pious partner. One who would "wake me up for fajr". That kinda guy. In return, I received Ali Hasan.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Ali gone from my sight. As I blinked back to reality, he came back, holding a hanger with a dress flowing behind. "I think this would look better." Surprised by that sudden gesture, I took the dress from him, honestly curious about what kind of dress he would like on me. I shifted it towards me, straightening it out.

Blood raced to my cheeks and I burned a deep crimson red. I quickly averted my gaze from the dress and up to him.


Oh Allah! I stammered!

But the dress was just something else. Ali casually nodded. "You would look good in a black dress. I think the colour would suit you." I looked at him weirdly trying to send him looks saying "I wasn't talking about the colour."


The dress in my hand was flowy. Glancing at it once again, I noticed the beautiful embroidery on the bodice. So simple yet so striking. But that wasn't the problem. I eyed the short skirt at the end. It would hardly reach my knees. Not to mention the sleeveless top and deep neck. I looked away, blushing again.

"What do you think? Would you like to buy it?" I just remembered Ali was standing there for an answer. "You really think I can wear this?" I asked him, not being able to look at him in the eyes.

"I know you like to wear modest clothes and maybe this isn't what you're used to but I guess you should try different styles."

What made me blush even more was that if I wore it in front of him, it wouldn't be wrong. In front of other people, of course I would never try it but it was completely fine if I wore it in front of him.

That thought made my mind wander somewhere far ahead and I quickly slapped myself mentally for thinking about such things. Shut up, stupid brain. Ali Hasan is just a bully and nothing else!


I gulped. "I mean…uhh… like okay…I'll buy it." Oh my Allah what was I saying?? I had definitely lost it. But deep down, I really did want to try something like that. I had seen many girls there wear such immoral clothing, but I've always wondered what I'd look like wearing those.

In a second, a glint appeared in Ali's eyes. "Okay then. I'll get it packed for you." He tried to hide the joy in his voice but it slipped and I just felt so weird. My stupid mind wandered off somewhere dangerous again.

Stop thinking in the gutter, Anisa!

Ali handed me the nicely packed shopping bag and motioned me to start walking. Just then, I realized that he had paid for me. "The money. Oh my God. How much is it? I'll return it to you—" I started searching in my hoodie's pocket when Ali interrupted me.

"My God, Anisa. You think I would let a lady pay in my presence? I'm not that much of a douche." he grinned annoyingly. I rolled my eyes at his remark. "Well you are but thank you. I don't want you making fun of me my whole life about this." I reached in my pocket again.

He shook his head. "Seriously though, don't. Consider it a birthday present from me." I nodded but stopped. Wait. I looked at him in confusion. "Birthday present?" I repeated. And that was when it came to me. He quickly looked away and kept on walking casually

"H-hey." I started walking again and ran after him.

"You remembered?"

He shrugged. "I just thought of it. It's not like I remembered and was waiting to give a present or anything." Though he was walking with ease, I could notice his tensed up shoulders.

For a moment, I forgot that he was stupid, annoying, jerk-face, bullying Ali Hasan.

And when I saw the little tint of pink on his cheeks, I couldn't help but smile wide. My Allah. Was this really happening? I wanted to say something else to him but just let it go. I was sure he would never admit it but I knew then that he really didn't have to grab anything from the mall.

The moment of peace was short. When I remembered the day when he poured a bucket over me, I felt angry again. He had given me medicine but the next day he returned to his usual self. I sighed as I walked behind him, staring at his back. Even though he was just 17, his back looked so manly and broad.

Then I looked at the shopping bag in my hand. A blush appeared on my face again. How could he even imagine me in that? Sure, I was his wife. But there was nothing between us.

Will it ever be?

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