《Eternal love》💘


The sea was not like anything else ever created. It had a beautifully charming effect on people generally and a relaxing and relieving one on others.

The water was as clear and clean as glistening glass, drifting the feelings away to the depth of the magnificent sea.

Those tired of the noise and chaos in the city, or if they find themselves lost in a crowd, will be found sitting on the bench next to yours at Sea view.

The embrace of the sea sees all men as equal and gives them a place in its heart; wiping one's tears, giving solace to another.

Whether it is in a sweltering afternoon, a breezy evening, or a floating night, people keep visiting the sea. What a stunning feeling this views left in one's heart.

The gentle waves eagerly pushed one another to touch the still smooth sea sand, as if they were trying to say something secret about the sea to the golden sand.

Wonderfully amazing sounds came out of these touches. It was a real wonder.

How were the waves moving and making, show more content, and how much enjoyment they had here.

As the sky has begun to wear its orangery colored gown, the sun had started to sleep and the moon would wake up instead.

A beautiful girl was sitting in the more scheduled area on the seashore enjoying the peace and beauty of nature waiting for her stupid best friend.

Her hair flew with the wind but she smiled a beautiful smile feeling this close to nature.

She closed her eyes to experience the location with her soul and not just her eyes. She could hear the waves hitting the shore.

The waves were hitting each other.The wind was making noises.The sand beneath her feet was going away slowly with the waves.

The sweet fragrance of the wet sand and a fresh breeze was making her feel content.

As another wave hit her feet she opens her eyes to witness the magnificent sunset happening right in front of her.

The big orange ball slowly going down and down and it sets into the horizon making the sky absolutely stunning leaving behind so many colors.The red sky became sailors' delight.

The eagle flies before the sunset bidding the sun goodbye.

She cursed her best friend who promised to come sooner but he again got stuck at work and now here she was sitting for one hour enjoying this magnificent view alone.

She looked at the ocean, the beautiful view of Karachi sea view that can hypnotize anyone with its peace and serenity.

While the wind was blowing stronger and stronger, the weather was growing colder and colder, and the waves were getting higher and higher.

The moonlight was dimmed by some grey moving clouds, leaving a faint radiance about as the moonlight was glowing from the edges of the clouds.

Some twinkling stars were hung up sparkling in the sky as she looked upward.

But soon a voice interprets her peaceful observation and a handsome man came huffing clearly out of breath.

"Hey, Jhalli...,"

She rolled her eyes at his stupid nickname for her and turned toward her best friend Affan Ahmed Qureshi who was supposed to be here soon but was as usual late.

"Shut up you loser... how can you do this to me again yar? I am waiting for you and you like always came late,"

She was scolding her but he like always know how to bribe her as he placed the coffee tray and her favourite Donuts box in front of her still breathing heavily.


She narrowed her eyes at him but quickly snatched the magical treat from him and already started devouring her favourite while ignoring him.

He raised his eyebrows at her behavior and sat with her looking at her eating like a glutton.

He snatched the coffee cup from her hand and sipped while she glared at him, he ignored her.

"So tell me Jhalli... why did you call me here suddenly?"

He raised his eyebrows waiting for her response.

But she just smirked at him and turned toward her Donuts licking the chocolate coating off her fingers.

"Why should I tell you? You made me wait for one hour, as usual, you were busy fangirling at your Minal while here poor me sit alone,"

He bit his tongue and turned toward her to apologize but she cut him off making him frown.

"Don't give lame excuses now loser ... I know you more than yourself and I also know that she would have come for help and you like the true lover fell for her innocent face and make me wait,"

She huffed in anger, this was his routine now.

He was the head publishing editor in the most famous company, he was tall, dark, and handsome but most of all he was generous and kind.

He has a crush on Minal Sheikh since his college times and the same Minal now worked as his employee.

He helped his employee always but Minal always took advantage of his like and kindness.

This always made them fight and her heart broke every time, her innocent best friend was being played by a girl who was just taking advantage of him.

She also acted all innocent in front of him which angered Maham more.

Because Maham Shoaib Qureshi knew the true colors of Minal Sheikh. She was the girl who made Maham whole college time more painful than hell.

Maham knew how much clever Minal was and how she played his heart with her innocent acts.

She was hell-bent on separating them but never succeeded because the bond Maham and Affan shared was so pure and natural that not even his mother was able to break them apart.

She sighed as she thought about her childhood and Naseem Qureshi, her Tayi Ammi, and Affan's mother who never liked her.

Maham was 5 years old when her parents died, her guardianship was given to her Taya Abu Ahmed Qureshi.

He loves her like his own daughter and accepted her with an open heart.

But his wife Naseem was hell-bent that they should give her to her maternal family but Ahmed never let that happen.

Maham was confused and overwhelmed with all the changes, her Taya Abu gives her attention but she was always closed off but her loser, her savior also helped her to come back to life.

Affan was so happy when Maham came to live with them and with passing time he took her heart and soon they become the best of the friends.

'I will always be your best friend Jhalli... we are soulmates... always and forever,'

These were his words that sealed their fate.

One day when Maham was 10 years old and Affan 13 years old, they made Ahmed go to the ice-cream parlor and get their favourite ice cream.

But little Maham got excited and ran on the road when the car was parked, a speedy truck was going to hit her.

But her protector like always saved her, Affan got injured with a broken arm and leg that increased Naseem hatred for little Maham.

But her Taya Abu and Affan was the one that supports her at everything and now she was a proud independent doctor.


She also loved her family even when her Tayi Ammi never showed affection to her, she takes care of her Taya Abu, helping Naseem in household work and guiding Hina who was 17 years old daughter of her Taya Abu with her studies.

They were very close, she also knew about her feelings.

Since that day little Maham lost her heart to her saviour.

She was lost in her daydreaming when he clicked his finger-snapping her out of it.

She looked toward him who was already gazing at her with concentration.

"what are you thinking Jhalli? You again zone out yar... you always do this to me. Now tell me why you call me here?"

She rolled her eyes at him.

"Why can't I come here with my best friend without a reason?"

Now it's his turn to roll his eyes as he smacked her head and she hissed in pain ready to return the favour but he stopped her.

"Duh... you always came here when you are sad or extremely happy... and the content smile on your face when I came, told me that you are not sad today... so tell me Jhalli what is the happy news?"

He wiggled his eyebrows toward her and his stupidly cute face made her smile as she told him the reason for her happiness.

"I got selected for the job,"

He was shocked at her words, he opened and close his mouth like a fish and she giggled at his cuteness.

He nodded his head as no words came out of his mouth and when she nodded he screamed and jumped on her squeezing the life out of her.

"Oh my Allah... you got the job... my Jhalli got the job. My bestie will now work in the most famous hospital of Karachi as a cardiologist... ohhhh!!!! I AM SO HAPPY,"

He was twirled her around screaming and laughing as she enjoyed his enthusiasm.

This is her best friend, her loser, her only family except for her Taya Abu and Hina. He stopped and pulled her down on the sand as he lay down.

He looked at the starry night sky and she also accompanied him.

The sky was black tranquility married to the poetry of stars.

It was the softness that called body and brain to rest and let the heart go to its steady rhythm. Night came as a reward of sorts, restfulness above to calm the soul.

This was their favourite spot and their sole solace because Maham loves the ocean, it's beauty and peace and Affan loves the starry night sky that gives him all serenity he needs.

They have been coming to this place enjoying their moments here, sharing their pain, and protecting each other from the world.

He turned toward her still laying down and squeezed her hand that was close to his and this mere contact grabs her attention making her smile at him as he grinned widely.

The excitement and happiness can be seen clearly in his eyes as he looked at her with adoration.

"I am so proud of you Mahi... now my Jhalli will be a famous cardiologist. I am also happy because now you don't have to go abroad for your job,"

He leaned toward her as her breath hitched at his closeness; he kissed her forehead caressing her head.

She enjoyed his affection because for her this was everything, he was everything.

She opened her eyes and looked at him with yearning and ache that her heart felt each time he was so close to her yet so far.

"I know you are happy for me loser but you are happier because you can irritate me all my life... you are just irritating,"

She smirked at him as he flickered her nose that made her frown at him, he received a slap on his shoulder groaning in pain but still smiling.

Maham shook her head at her stupid friend, the one who supports her through thick and thin.

He was there for her when she herself gave up on life. But her smile vanished the moment he mentioned aboard.

She was the top student of her batch and that has some benefits, one of them is a job opportunity in the world best hospital in New York City but she rejected it.

She can't leave without her best friend, the mere thought broke her to the core.

She politely rejected the offer but her supervisor was still persuading her.

She didn't tell Affan because she didn't want to broke his heart as he was very protective of her.

"But you love me like this irritating or not... haina Mahi,"

He smirked at her who rolled her eyes and looked upward but she can't deny the fact that she loves him and maybe she will always love him because she had loved him with not only her heart but with her soul and now she has to live with the pain and anguish of unrequited love.

She cursed her heart for falling in love with her best friend but she can't control itself, because he was just so pure and unique that it was difficult to not fell for him.

She was lost in the beauty of nature where the night sky was getting prominent and the dates are adding more beauty to the moon.

She was just like the moon alone and restless but just like the stars are adding more beauty to the moon and sky, Affan makes her life more beautiful.

He gives her a sense of safety and security but she knew he will never want her as she wanted him.

He looked toward her who was lost looking at the sky, he poked her side smirking at her cute pouty face and teased her.

"You are again lost Mahi Jhalli... are you thinking about your one and only... huh? Are you again going to fantasize about your ' Ishq Kamal ',"

He was teasing her unknown to the fact that she loves him, that she wished and prayed in all her prayers to make him her Ishq Kamal.

He has stolen her heart and soul like no one can rule it now like he was for the past 20 years.

Maham smiled at his words and slapped his chest earning a groan from him.

"Why yes... I am.... And I am sure I will get my Ishq Kamal one day. My Allah miyan will never break my heart because He always planned best for us... but you mister... you will only chase the girl... Mark my words,"

He frowned at her words clearly offended as she laughed at his pouty face.

"Shut up Jhalli... you are just irritated that I found the one and you are here fantasizing about the unknown. Tell me one thing... do you write in your 'secret diary' about your Ishq Kamal huh... Tell me,"

She narrowed her eyes at him and again bestowed him with a punch to the stomach he pushed her hand away lightly.

"Geez, woman stop with the violence... you are a doctor, not boxer,"

He glared at her as she laughed rolling around the sand.

"Tell me already... tune mujhe Kasam na di hoti na... I would have already read that diary,"

She looked at him as if saying 'really' and he looked away already afraid of her.

Maham smiled at his cuteness and replied to him.

"I know you Mr. Affan Ahmed Qureshi... that's why I made you swore. Now stop bringing my diary in this... you always do this... I don't write anything like that it just I wanted some privacy,"

He grumbled about how she tricked him and made him promise to never check her diary as he looked at the sky.

Maham smiled thinking about the day, she came to her room after her internship and found her best friend snooping around.

But what stopped her heart was the diary in his hands as he was ready to open it and become aware of her secret.

She quickly snatched the diary from him and made him swore that he will never open the diary or she will leave the house and started living in the hostel.

He being protective and sensitive about her quickly swore and also made her do the same that she will never leave him or he will read her diary.

That diary was very close to her heart as it contained her one and only secret, her love for her best friend.

She never tells him nor she was planning to because she knew he didn't feel the same and she can't lose him so she kept silent.

Even when he rambles about his crush on Minal and how beautiful she was, even when it pains her, she kept silent just for his happiness.

She started writing in the diary the day he saved her in the accident and got injured.

Because that's when she lost her heart to him who was unaware of the fact.

Every year on her birthday write the dairy and again placed it in her closet hiding her feelings with her diary.

Every year she prayed that these feelings will vanish and she will stop feeling this because she will never get him as her Ishq Kamal as he was her unrequited love but her stupid heart always betrayed her.

She can do anything for his happiness even if it means to leave her heartbroken and her love unfulfilled and not getting her Ishq Kamal.

Her phone pinged that got her out of her trance, she looked at the screen and soon got shocked when she saw the time.

They always lost the track of time when they came here but got more afraid when she read the text Hina send warning that her Tayi Ammi was angry at them.

She shook his shoulder who was drifting to sleep as the peaceful breeze and nature lure him to bliss.

He glared at her as she disturbs his beauty sleep but she throws the phone at him as he read the text, he cursed and started to get up.

"Maar gye... Tayi Ammi will kill me,"

Maham picked the trash and throw it in the trash bin and moved toward him who was dusting his dress pants.

She looked at him with loved filled eyes and longing but soon averted her gaze when he turned toward her.

"Come on... nhi Tu tere chakar main mujhe bhi aj court marshall ki saza hogi,"

She rolled her eyes at his exaggeration, his mother never said anything to him.

It's always her who was the target of the verbal bashing but he always saved her.

"Shut up loser... it's always you who did something and me who was scolded for your deeds,"

She made an angry face as he laughed wholeheartedly that bring a small smile to her face.

"Yeah, that too... who will scold such a handsome man when an ugly duckling like you was there huh,"

He winked at her who was scowling at him but soon a smirk replaced that and now he was confused.

"I am ugly duckling na... now catch this duckling you loser,"

He was still confused at her words when she picked a fistful of sand and throw at him and ran away giggling.

He was shocked at her administration but also ran behind her to catch her and teach her a lesson.

"I will tell you who is loser... you just wait,"

She was giggling running quickly but he had already caught up to her with his long strides, he holds her waist tightly twirling her around both laughing and enjoying this moment.

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