《Eternal love》bonus chapter 💞


"Riwayat-e-Ishq main Iztiraar mukhtalif hai

Ke Raqs main jhumta hai Ba-Vasl hoke dil"

5 years later

The layer covering the atmosphere had an aura of brightness as the light flickered through it and reached the surface of Earth, making it a bit scorching.

The sun finding its way from the horizon to the summit of the sky pierced its lucid sunlight to the people which made their faces plastered with an eerie glow, squinting eyes, and glittered demeanor of the melting snow.

The birds were soaring high with so much zeal and zest that could bring courage to even a derelict for the search of betterment in his life.

He moved toward the building with the baby cot carrying his son.

He smiled at the thought his life has been in all these years.

He was now the father of two beautiful angels, an obedient son and a good leader.

His family was very proud of him.

The guard opened the door for him as the passing by staff members greet him, he just nodded in acknowledgment.

He was on a mission, he has a vaccination appointment for his son, Mir Ibrahim Khan.

But his pediatrician did not allow him because he forgot Ibrahim vaccination file home as usual.

He rolled his eyes as he placed the file in front of the most famous pediatrician assistant who looked at his guilty.

He waved his hands and waited for his turn even when he owned the hospital, he still has to follow rules.

After 5 minutes, Ibrahim's name was called and Taimoor stood up huffing annoyed for waiting.

He opened the door with his free hand as one was holding Ibrahim cot and moved inside.

In front of him was the most beautiful woman in his life as he smiled immediately at her as soon as he entered.

The doctor sat behind her desk looking so professional and raised her eyebrows at him who smirked instead.

She signs him to take a seat and started the process as she checked the baby's progress in the file delivered by her assistant.

He kept looking at her who was looking so regal, she looked upward at him and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Be professional Mr. Khan... You have already wasted enough time because of your forgetfulness,"

She was talking professionally but he was looking at her like he wanted to devour her, the mere thought hitched her breath but she composed herself.

She gives him a stern look that got him out of his daydreaming.

"Hey... You made me go back even when you had a copy of the vaccination file. I have an important meeting but I still do this because I didn't want to miss a chance to see you... But you are crueler than my wife,"

He complained as he pouted cutely at her who was trying hard to control her laugh.

She wanted to pinch his cheeks, she loved this man but if he thinks she was cruel than his wife she will show him cruel.

She schooled her expression and folded her arms in front of her chest as she waited for him to say something else.

But the moment he saw her stance he gulped.

"Geez, woman... You are scary enough don't look at me like that. I have my wife to do that you just look at me with love,"

He moved toward her with love-filled eyes and that caused her to back but her desk restricted her movement.

She looked at him from under her lashes as he was gazing at her with all the adoration and passion in the world.


"So you are saying that your wife is scary... Huh,"

She looked at him with a teasing smile but he was already smirking that confused her.

He leaned toward her as her heart lurched in her throat feeling him so close to her.

"I didn't say that... My wife was the most beautiful woman in this world. She was my love, my life, and my world. She gave me the two precious relations that I adore with my life. I love my wife with everything I have,"

He smiled at her as he spoke the words and she keeps looking at him but his next words angered her.

"But she can be scary when she wanted to... And she was the only person who can scare me,"

She looked at him with narrow eyes as her face was flush with anger and she slapped him who was smiling widely.

"You again called me scary Mir... I will kill you. First, you forget the file even when I reminded you million times then you dare to call me scary. I will not let you sleep in the room tonight then... I am scary na so go and sleep in the guest room,"

This time Manizeh smirked at him who was suddenly tense.

The mere thought of sleeping without Manizeh was like an earthquake for him.

He shook his head at her as she grinned evilly at him.

"No... Anything but that fairy. You know I can't sleep without you. Your kids are already killing me as they are constantly clinging to you like koala Bear so no... That's my time and I will not allow that,"

He was lost in his speech as he didn't notice Manizeh laughing loudly he narrowed his eyes when he saw her enjoying his misery.

He quickly moved toward her and started tickling her.

She was now laughing like a hyena trying to push him away but failing miserably.

"Mir...sto..stop... Ok... Fine. I will let you sleep in the room now stop,"

She bargained him and he liked a lovesick puppy stopped and beamed at her in victory.

He smiled and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

His wife his proud was standing with him after so many hardships and he was always thanking his LORD for this blessing.

Taimoor has built a hospital in their area for the people of the town.

He wanted to facilitate the individual and with the help of his wife who completed her MBBS after marriage and they together build the hospital in which Manizeh started working as a pediatrician as she loved children.

They have Parisa Taimoor Khan after two years of marriage and their baby boy Mir Ibrahim Khan who was only 4 months old.

They have helped many people by this hospital and their family was so proud of them.

But Manizeh only has one demand of him that he will act professionally with her in the hospital.

But Mir Taimoor Khan can't control himself in front of his wife who was a siren for him.

He will always flirt with her when they are alone soon forgetting about Manizeh rules and only concentrating on loving his wife.

He looked down at his support, his pride, and his wife he leaned to kiss her rosy petals when aloud shrieking came from Ibrahim cot as the baby got up and wanted some attention.

He groaned as his wife moved away from him chuckling and picked up his son who like his sister always interrupts his romance session.

Manizeh was enjoying his annoyed expression, as he pouted at her.


"Why do they have to always cry at the wrong time? Can't they wait till I love you till my heart fill...,"

Manizeh chuckled at his complaining and keep hushing Ibrahim.

He narrowed his eye sat her and moved behind her hugging her close to him, enveloping his family in his arms finding peace with the mere touch.

Manizeh relaxed at his touch and leaned backed in him.

Baby Ibrahim also stops crying at looked at his parents with his hazel eyes which he got from his mother.

"What you little monster? You and your big sister didn't even let me love my wife... Always crying for her attention and ruining Baba mood,"

Manizeh laughed wholeheartedly when baby Ibrahim frowned at his father's words as he understands him.

He fisted his small baby hands and started waving it in the air. They chuckled at his antics as Manizeh kissed his head.

"He is just like you... He didn't want my attention to someone else. And you love it when they act all cute. You love them more than you love me now stop acting like you don't,"

Taimoor eyebrows furrowed in a frown he turned her toward him.

He again pulled her close to him as baby Ibrahim was now sandwich between them.

"Yes, I love my children and my family but what I have for you Mrs. Manizeh Taimoor Khan was out of this world. I adore you like a moth to fire, it was burned by the fire but never stop admiring it. You are the air... I breathe. After all the hardships I have you with me and I am the happiest man alive. I didn't love you Manizeh,"

She looked confused at his last words but soon a beaming smile adorns her beautiful face making him smile and baby Ibrahim to clap his baby hands.

"I am in love with you... Ishq hai apse mujhe,"

"Now start quickly we have to go home because everyone was busy with tomorrow preparation and Shazir was on children duty so if you want the white palace in one piece without any fire and flood then move fast and get him vaccinated,"

Manizeh was shocked at his words, Shazir on children's duty was never ended well for everyone.

He will let Parisa and Haris who was Mansha's 4 years old son let whatever they wanted and the last time they had blocked the bathroom pipes that cause the whole house flooded with water.

Shazir was scolded but he was still a baby even when he was going to be nikkahfied tomorrow.

"Allah miyan... Why didn't you tell me that before? Now move quickly,"

He looked at his wife's horrified expression and chuckled.

Soon they were done and Manizeh gets her stuff as she was free for the next two days and her assistant will handle things for the time she will be busy at home.

They reached home and the first thing they noticed was children playing in the snow that was melting and muddy and Shazir was busy on the phone probably talking with his Nain.

They rolled their eyes at his stupidity and Manizeh got down and moved toward them as Taimoor was busy with unbuckling Ibrahim car seat.

Manizeh placed her hands at her waist and called them who smiled at her widely.

"Pari... Haris... What are you doing Bacha? Who let you play here?"

The babies pointed toward Shazir who gets startled hearing her and quickly cut the call standing straight looking at his sister in law who was more intimidating than his brother.

He gulped and give a lame excuse that causes Manizeh to raised her eyebrows at him.

He didn't know that the little devils will put him in the spotlight.

"Wo...main...I was looking at them but they wanted to play here. How can I deny them? I mean just look at their cute baby faces...they are so adorable to say no,"

Manizeh rolled her eyes at his futile attempt at hiding that he came outside so he can talk with his would-be wife and no one will doubt him thinking that he was with the children.

"Yeah, I saw you looking at them while giggling like a girl as you talk with your 'friend'. How many time I have told you to not let them play in the snow they will get ill Shazir,"

He pouted at her as she mocked him with the 'friend' thing.

He was always careful with calling his fiancée when no one was around but the one time he decided to talk in the living room his sister in law came, and from that day she was teasing him with every chance she got.

His pout melted her heart, she shook her head and moved to hold hands of both kids and moved toward the house but not before teasing her brother in law.

"I am praying for your children and Nain... Because you mister are yourself a baby,"

With that said she ran inside with the babies who were giggling.

Taimoor came behind Shazir and chuckled when he looked at his brother's sulking face.

"Lala... Not you too. You were a love Sick puppy the whole time she was here and you still are but you both always tease me. That's not fair,"

Taimoor slapped his head and moved toward the door giving Ibrahim cot to him.

"You Shazir Khan was acting like a schoolgirl in love. Now go and take him to Ammi, he was irritated with the vaccination and my wife would be busy with cleaning the kids,"

Taimoor soon disappeared from there and Shazir looked at Ibrahim who was also making annoying sounds.

"Yes, buddy... Your parents are very hypocrite they still didn't miss a chance at romance and they tease me when I was talking with your Chachi... Haye Meri janaan. Come let you get to Ammi... Or else she will also scold your chacho,"

He goes to Dadi Janam's room where everyone was selecting jewelry and clothes for tomorrow's function.

He was still complaining and talking with Ibrahim who looked at him like he was his entertainment.

The most awaited day came as Shazir khan was going to be a married man today.

Everyone was running around working and arranging stuff they have to take to the mosque for nikkah.

Faiz Khan has already gone with Shaheen beghum, Dadi Janam and Fariha as they wanted to check all the arrangements before the function.

The Khan family has hosted a feast for the poor families after the nikkah ceremony.

Everyone was shocked when Shazir demands that he wanted simple nikkah and rukhsati, nothing more.

But they respected his wish and everything happens according to his and konain wish who was soon going to be Mrs. Shazir Khan.

They have an amazing dramatic story but that was for another time.

Mansha has already gone with her husband as Parisa and Haris had already gone with their grandparents.

Those two were joined at the hip as they didn't want to be away.

The only one left to arrive at the mosque was the impatient groom who was waiting for his sister in law who was deliberately making him wait and his brother who was probably lost in his wife's beauty.

He scoffed because he has no other choice as he has to go with them or else he would have left them.

Manizeh was Looking ethereal in multi-colored lehenga, with her hair open, light makeup and the maang tikka was making her look more regal.

Taimoor Khan came from behind with baby Ibrahim in his arms and placed him in his car seat.

He moved behind his wife who was giving final touch up to her make-up.

He hugged her from the back and placed his head at her shoulder kissing her neck that sends a shiver down her spine.

Manizeh closed her eyes in euphoria and that look of pleasure on his wife's face made him smile a proud smile.

He pulled her more close and whispered.

"Are you trying to kill me with your beauty fairy? You know we are already late and with you looking this beautiful I don't think we can go. Let stay here,"

Manizeh slapped his arm and he groaned but didn't loosen his grip.

"As you already said that we are late and Shazir will barge here any minute. You know he was pacing the living room for the past 30 minutes and if you didn't move now he will drag you down. Also, you can't stay here you have to attend the nikkah ceremony of your only brother,"

She turned around in his arms and straighten the collar of his sherwani.

He pouted and nuzzled her neck peppering sweet kisses at her neck and collar bone but he moved back the moment he heard her moaning.

She narrowed her eyes at him who was smirking victoriously.

"Now I would know that you will be as much frustrated as me. We will continue this later baby,"

He winked at her and picked the baby cot moving out of the room.

Manizeh shook her head at his playfulness and place the dupatta on her head then move downstairs where her impatient brother in law rolled his eyes when he saw her.

"Finally... You decided to grace us with your presence. It's my nikkah, not yours,"

"impatient... are we Shazir?"

She teases him as he huffed and moved out as the chuckles of his brother and sister in law followed him.

He was going to sit in the backseat when Taimoor throw the keys at him and started buckling the Ibrahim car seat.

"what? Why did you give this to me Lala?"

He frowned in confusion but his brother's words made him annoyed.

"You are driving baby brother... I don't think with you so impatient to reach there will like my driving speed. But drive carefully... I will kill you if anything happens to them. Now move it... Don't you have a nikkah ceremony to reach?"

He looked at his brother who sat beside his wife looking at her, he rolled his eye and moved to the driving seat.


Shazir mumbled looking at his brother in the rearview mirror who raised eyebrows at him as if saying repeat it.

He gulped and started the car he didn't want to die today not before he made her his lawfully and rightfully.

"Lala... At least come and sit in the front. I am groom not your driver, give me special treatment for one day yar,"

He was annoyed and frustrated but his brother was not helping him as he replied smiling at him that Burned him.

"No thank you... I am happy here. And I am just getting my revenge, Shazir Khan. You have teased me enough the whole week before my wedding as you didn't let me meet her and the time you almost got me caught,"

He smirked at his baby brother who was close to crying, Manizeh laughed at the cute interaction, and soon they are on their way with Shazir mumbling and huffing.

Taimoor enjoyed his frustration and that made Manizeh scolded him.

Shazir stopped the car in front of the mosque and moved to get out but one look at the backseat made him roll his eyes.

There his brother and sister in law were lost in intense eye lock.

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