《Eternal love》💞


"The tree may live for a hundred years, while the bird will perch in it for only one night."-Pashto proverb

The winds of winter have not yet left Swat, but the gradual arrival of spring is palpable. Spring is the season succeeding winter and preceding summer. The valley is engulfed in an array of colours, accompanied by a sweet aroma of freshly bloomed flowers.

Swat is renowned for its outstanding natural beauty especially in spring the flowers bloom after a long spell of cold weather and the landscape becomes beautiful with the snow-covered mountains and soon after it captures the colours of spring.

Spring refers to the season as well as to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection, and re-growth. It also has meaning for love, hope, youth, and growth. Fresh buds bloom, animals awaken and the earth seems to come to life again.

The beautiful scenery is more enhanced by the night breeze and starry sky, as the snow-covered mountains give more beauty to the land.

The air is fresh and pleasant with the nature smell, but the most heart-winning site in this whole thing was the White Palace that was embraced by the natural beauty of the mountains.

It was the magnificent and spellbound piece of art with its structure that keep the ancient cultures alive with a touch of modern beauty. The palace was owned by the well known and most reputed person of Swat Mir Burhan Khan.

He was known as Agha Jaan and he has protected his town with so much passion that now runs in his family. He was respected by everyone in the town, he has two sons who can die for him and never denied his words.

The living example of this was today's event that was taking place in the palace; almost everyone in the town was invited because today was the wedding of Burhan Khan Grandchildren.

The palace was decorated with lights and adding more beauty to nature by its glory and liveliness as today he has ordered to make everything special for his grandchildren.

He wanted to secure their future especially his granddaughter Manizeh Khawar Khan who was the only child, he can't bear the thought of her being away and that's why he declared her nikkah with his elder grandson Mir Taimoor Khan who was his carbon copy and today they were bound in a sacred bond.

He loved Manizeh as much as he loved his wife Shireen bano. He has a special space for Manizeh in his heart. He was content to see his children happy and secure, he was standing with his sons when he heard the beautiful giggles of his Manizeh who was running around with her now-husband unaware of what happens today just enjoying the celebration.

He prayed to his LORD to protect his children and let love blossom in their hearts because of this new bond.

The 8 years old Manizeh was giggling happily; she was dressed in a cute traditional dress and was looking like a fairy playing with her Mir and Mansha Api. She was the life of the house and everyone loves her dearly.

She was giggling and playing with her cousins, as they were huddled together and she didn't know that her happiness just soothed the heart of a 14 years old Mir Taimoor Khan who was just looking at his fairy.

The moment she came into his life, he was all over her, loving her and protecting her. His possessiveness and obsession grow daily, even when something even grazes his fairy, he will cause chaos in the house.


They were too small to know the bond they were bound in but Taimoor knew that she was now His bride and that was making the young boy giddy. He was teasing Manizeh when she ran to her Badi Ammi and her mother complaining about Mir in her cute voice.

"Badi Ammi... Mama... dekhe Mir humain tang kr rhe hai," she complaint pouting and pointing toward him as he came running behind her.

Shaheen Faiz Khan was the elder daughter in law of the Khan family as she was married to Faiz Khan. Also she was the mother of Mir Taimoor Khan, Mansha, and Shazir Khan but she loves Manizeh as her daughter.

She was the most delighted when Agha Jaan announced nikkah of her children, she has always wanted this union and was beaming the whole day.

Beside her stood the second daughter in law of the Khan family, Fariha Khawar Khan married to Khawar Khan.

They have been married for 10 years and only had one daughter Manizeh Khawar Khan. She loved her husband and daughter very much but for others, she was more introverted.

"Aree... what happens? Why are you teasing my doll Taimoor? What did he say bacha?" Shaheen beghum asked her as she lowers down to her level and caressed her cheeks.

"He was calling me Mir ki Dulhan... Main Tu Manizeh hon... I am not His Dulhan," she spoke angrily.

Listening to her cute complaint Shaheen beghum chuckled. She gives her son a pointed look to which he lowers his gaze in embarrassment. Then she moves her gaze toward the beautiful princess that was resembling a rose today.

"I will beat him if he teases you again but Manizeh bacha... we did your nikkah today... the celebration and food were for your nikkah so after the nikkah you become Mir ki Dulhan but I promise he will not tease you about it. So tell me, now do you like to be Mir ki Dulhan?" she asked softly still caressing the little girl hair with motherly love.

Manizeh tilted her head and looked toward Mir who was looking at her with hopeful eyes. Fariha rolled her eyes at this whole drama, she didn't want to be here so she kept quiet. Manizeh again turned around to her Badi Ammi.

"so will he do my work as Baba do for Mama? And he will love me when I become big as Bade papa loves you? He will also let me eat chocolate without scolding me... will he?" she asked hurriedly the curiosity in her voice was entertaining but she didn't know that her questions have left her both mothers embarrassed as the ladies standing close by started laughing.

Shaheen beghum covered her embarrassment and ignore everyone.

"Yes... when you both will grow up and we will do your rukhsati then he will do everything you want," she spoke politely.

Manizeh eyes got wide with happiness and she turned toward Mir who was frowning at his mother's words but let it go for his fairy happiness. Manizeh give a wide grin and nodded her head speaking gleefully.

"Ok... I will be Mir ki Dulhan... I will make him do all my work and let me eat chocolate... Zada sari chocolates," she said smiling her mouth already salivating with her Chocolate fantasy.

Mir get more irritated and spoke sternly.

"No... I will not let you eat more chocolates... it's bad for health fairy. We can't eat more than one,"

But his little bride was again angry at him and after yelling her displeasure about his statement she ran away.


"then I will not be your Dulhan... mujhe nhi bn,na Mir ki Dulhan," she screamed and ran away and her innocent and helpless husband ran behind her to console his fairy. He can't afford her anger it was difficult for him.

Shaheen beghum laughed at her children's antics and turned toward Fariha who was looking bored. She smiled at her sister in law and spoke softly.

"look Fariha the beautiful bond has already started its work. They are so small for understanding it but their hearts have already bonded. I am happy for them. May Allah Pak blesses our kids with more happiness and peaceful life ahead," she said smiling.

Fariha mumbled Ameen under her breath but still, her heart was not in the prayer. She faked a smile and moved toward her room.

Fariha has always considered herself an outsider in this house, the people and place was never her concern. She just lives here for her husband, as in these 10 years of marriage he was always with her and support her at every step.

They fell in love when Khawar Khan started University and get married without his family consent. Only her brother was there to support them.

Agha Jaan was so angry that he throws them out when they came to meet them. They were both disheartened so they moved back to Rawalpindi with help of Faiz Khan who secretly helped his younger brother.

They bought a new house and set a small factory in Rawalpindi. For one year, Faiz Khan will secretly meet his brother and his family, he will bring gifts but Agha Jaan kept tabs on his children.

After two years, they were blessed with Manizeh but because of some complications in her pregnancy, she was not able to conceive again.

The moment Agha Jaan knew about his granddaughter, he forgives everything and personally goes to bring them back. Fariha didn't want to come but she didn't want Khawar to be more stressed so she said yes. They have been living here but she still never feels like it was home.

The major reason was her brother Halim baigh, he didn't want her to return and has been angry with her. He told her many times that this all love was fake and they just want their shares in the property and now when Manizeh was married to Taimoor nothing can stop them.

He was so angry at her when she told him about Agha Jaan's decision that he didn't come to the nikkah. She knew she hurt her brother but she can't go against Agha Jaan so she kept quiet and wait for the right time.

Time has passed since the nikkah and now it's been two months, Mir and his fairy were very happy. They were always around each other that was admired by everyone but Fariha despises every moment.

The family was very happy and was having dinner when suddenly Khawar's phone started to ring. He mumbled a sorry and cut the call.

Agha Jaan never like when dinner time was disturbed, he glared at Khawar who was suddenly more interested in his plate. Fariha giggled at her husband's antics when the home phone ringed. Everyone frowned but the children were enjoying their food.

The maid came and tell that it's a call for Khawar. He frowned and moved toward to hear the call as he excuses himself. He came back with worry etched on his features. Agha Jaan saw his expression and asked about it.

"What happens Khawar? Why are you looking so pale?" he asked politely but his voice still held the firmness.

"Baba...my factory... it had some short-circuit and it caught fire. I have to go there immediately, Halim Bhai can't manage everything alone. The police inspector was asking for the owner," he spoke hurriedly.

He doesn't know what to do and how to react. Everyone was shocked by his words.

Khawar Khan has left the factory under Halim baigh when he shifted back to swat but he will go for monthly checks and sometimes Agha Jaan and Faiz also accompanied him.

He was devastated, he has built the factory when he had nothing and his elder brother was always there to support him but this was something he holds close to his heart.

"Khawar... tum pareshan na ho... I will come with you. You go and get ready we will leave immediately," Faiz said and moved to his room but Agha Jaan stopped him.

"Ruko Faiz... Shazir was ill... Shaheen will need you more. I will go with Khawar... I am not that old so you stay here with everyone and we will handle everything," he spoke sternly.

Faiz Khan opened his mouth to speak something but one glare from his Agha Jaan was enough to shut him up.

"Your Agha Jaan was right Faiz you should stay. They will handle everything and will come back soon," Shireen bano said politely.

He nodded his head at his mother's words and moved to arrange everything for their journey.

All the arrangements were done and soon the two were departed for Rawalpindi. The two days were tense for the whole Khan family but still, they were trying to act normal for the kids.

Faiz has been in constant contact with Agha Jaan who said that they will return in the evening as everything was handled there.

Everyone was relieved and happy about their arrival, they have prepared an amazing feast for tonight's dinner.

The kids were happy and Manizeh was waiting for her Agha Jaan and Baba to come after two days and bring a lot of gifts for her.

Fariha and Shaheen were busy all day. Fariha was feeling anxious so she called Khawar but he didn't pick her call, thinking that he was on the way, she dismissed the thoughts and moved to get Manizeh ready for the day.

They were all waiting at the dining table for their arrival. They are late and everyone was tense but for the kid's sake, they tried to behave normally.

Shireen bano was feeling very low since morning so she was not at the table for dinner but as her heart was not in peace she came there to ask Faiz to call someone and know about their arrival.

"Faiz calls someone... they should be home by now. Why are not they responding to your calls? Please do something bacha... I am not feeling well. My heart is in pain," she spoke hurriedly as she holds her son who was now more worried about his family.

He nodded his head and signaled Shaheen to hold his mother. Fariha was handling the kids her heart also in overdrive.

Suddenly Faiz's phone started ringing that got everyone's attention. He picked the call up but within seconds the ground shakes under his feet and his phone dropped from his hand.

Everyone was shocked at his condition and moved to ask him what happens. It's like he was in a trance that got break when his mother holds his collar screaming at him for a response.

But his next world shakes the walls of White palace and bring the grey clouds of sorrow and misery to the happy family that was robbed today.

"Agha Jaan and Khawar car went down the hill on the way home. They left us," he whispered barely audible but still loud enough to devastated them all.

His words bring such chaos in the palace that the whole town listens to their screams and mourning.

The burial was done soon when they received the bodies. Everyone was shocked but the most affected was Shireen bano, Fariha, and innocent Manizeh.

Their world was turned upside down, Fariha and Shireen bano were doing their Iddah. Halim baigh tried to take Fariha with them but because of everything, Faiz Khan didn't allow him.

Manizeh was heartbroken as her Baba and Agha Jaan were taken away from her, they both loved her deeply. They have always taken her side and praise her.

She lost her two support systems and in all this chaos her new partner and support system helps her. Mir was always with her like her shadow he will stay with her till she fell asleep at night as she will cry for her Baba and Agha Jaan.

Fariha was getting bitter day by day, she didn't even care for her only child. The death of Khawar made her neglect her responsibilities as Manizeh mother. Mir was taking care of her when Fariha pushed her away.

This time helped them build a new kind of bond that brings them more close. But the storm has not passed for the Khan family as they get another soul-shattering shock when Fariha and Shireen bano complete their Iddah.

"Kya bakwas hai yeh... I will not allow this to happen. Neither Agha Jaan nor Khawar would have allowed this. I will not let you go and take Manizeh with you. You cannot go fariha this is your house," Faiz roared.

He wanted to put some senses into his sister in law who was adamant about going with her brother. Halim baigh came this morning, everyone thought that it was to meet his sister and niece but when Fariha told everyone that she was going with him to Rawalpindi and will never come back shocked everyone.

"That's the thing Faiz Sahab... whatever relation we had was no more because the bridge that connects us was not here. I don't want to live here anymore. So please don't create more drama and let us go," Fariha spoke angrily.

She had already lost her everything but she will not lose her only child by living in this house. She has called her brother who came to take her and now Rawalpindi was their home.

"Koi Rishta nhi khatam hua... if they are not here today didn't mean that their relations have also vanished. The relation you and Manizeh have with this house will never be over, this was a life long connection, and also don't forget she was taimoor bride. You can't do that with her Fariha... please don't do that I beg you," he begged tears were falling from his eyes, as he joined his hands in front of her but it's like she was emotionless.

Faiz khan was feeling so helpless that he can't stop them, he felt this helplessness when he was lowering his father and brother in their graves.

He already lost his two precious relations he can't lose his niece who was dear to him and the last sign of his brother and beloved of his Agha Jaan.

Everyone was crying, Shaheen beghum was holding onto Shireen bano who was crying hysterically.

They didn't know that Mir Taimoor Khan was standing behind the wall listening to everything and his little innocent heart breaks the moment he heard his fairy being taken away from him. Soon Fariha came with her bags and a screaming Manizeh.

Halim moved forward and picked her bags while Fariha was dragging Manizeh, she gets out of her mother's grasp and hides behind Taimoor.

This breaks the heart of each person standing in the room but Fariha was immune to this, she just wanted to go from here.

"Manizeh... come here quickly stop creating more drama," She spoke angrily and snatched Manizeh hand and started to drag her again.

The little girl was screaming and yelling but all were going to deaf ears.

"Mir... I don't want to go... please help me. I will be Mir ki Dulhan but please mujhe nhi Jana wahan," she screaming holding onto Taimoor hand.

He was trying to hold her and protect her but one pull and the small connect hands were separated.

Mir Taimoor Khan moved to again hold her but his father caught him and hold his son in his arms as everyone in the palace saw Manizeh struggle in her mother's arms.

They all heard her screams until they take her away from them leaving their house empty and lifeless.

They are all helpless, they can't fight with Fariha for her custody and they didn't want to drag this matter in courts.

Fariha didn't know she breaks several hearts with her one decision. Just like the plan, they moved in with her brother's family and started living with them.

Manizeh was not the same happy and lively child anymore, she was always sad and alone. Fariha was harsh with her whenever she talks about her paternal family and that cause a wedge between the mother-daughter duo.

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