《Eternal love》❤️


"I know that you are angry and you don't want to see me but can we talk, please. Can we talk like big girls without any catfight or anger," she asked softly. Inaaya turned around and looked at her with blazing eyes. She opened her mouth and Sila was ready to be heartbroken again but her next words shocked her to the core.

"Ok," It was a mere whisper but loud enough for Sila's desperate ears.

She was hoping this will end with a happy note. She nodded and proceed to speak, thinking about choosing the correct words to say and whatnot but then she remembers her mother saying that it's better to speak your heart instead of beating around the bush and using other words to say your mind. She smiled at the memory, the wise words of her ideal and protector. She now knows what she going to do and say. Inaaya was still looking at her with a blank expression waiting for her to start.

"Ok... So I can say and do making things to prove that I have no evil intentions in regards to your family. I just wanted to help Inaaya... Nothing more and nothing less, just be with you guys when you need me," she spoke the words but getting no reaction from the opponent, she knew this was not the most convincing talk for 4 years old with anger issues.

"Let me tell you something... Will you like to listen to my story? I promise I won't disturb you more after that," she asked politely smiling at the baby girl who just nodded at her looking at her with curious eyes. Well, that was her first real expression Sila has ever seen since her stay here except the outburst but still, something is better than nothing.

"So ... Before I came here for the job, I have a beautiful family. A caring mother, a loving husband, and a baby were soon coming to be in my life just like Mirha. We are so happy and living life together. My Ammi takes care of me as my Baba died in my childhood just like your Baba was doing for you guys. She was so beautiful and strong, I love her so much. Then I meet my Haroon, my husband, and my soulmate. He was so generous and kind, I think I was lucky to have him in my life. And last but not least was my baby bean... The blessing and hope of my life, he was going to mend every crack and hurt in our life. But you know, nothing happens in life as we want it. I want to spend my life with them, love them, and cherish them but My LORD has a better plan for them and me. One night, we got into an accident and I lost everything. I just...," she spoke brokenly.

She was lost in her pain, she didn't know that tears were flowing down her cheeks until a small and soft hand started to wipe them. She was shocked at this gesture. She didn't expect Inaaya to wipe her tears and look at her with a curious gaze. And then she heard the most beautiful and adorable voice speaking to her that made her smile slightly.

"What happened to them? How you lost them? Don't you miss them?" Inaaya bombarded her with numerous questions wanting to quench her curiosity. Sila smiled at her and took her hand in her, she was a relief when Inaaya didn't pull them away.

"They were with Allah miyan now. I didn't lose them... I have them with me always... They will always remain in my heart and memories. I miss them with every breath and every day. The day I came here, I just feel so peaceful and happy. I know the pain and agony of missing a parent in life since childhood and the miseries of my loved ones taken away but you know what helps me," she spoke softly keeping eye contact with Inaaya who was looking at her with a tilted head. She nodded her head for Sila to continue.


"Looking at you and your siblings... Staying close to you and taking care of you guys... help me. I missed them daily and I will always love and miss them but only you guys made my heart happy and at peace. Mirha smiles, Ayaan cute pout and your sassy talking are what keep me going in this life. I know that you don't trust me but I promise you I will always love and take care of you. No one can hurt you until I am alive, even if I have to fight the world for you and your siblings I will. I didn't come to take anyone's place nor I came to be your mama. I just came to love you and for you to trust me. Please Inaaya believe me... Please. Do you allow me to love and cherish you and your siblings?" She asked politely looking at the baby girl with hopeful eyes.

The next moment was shocking for her and a silent sob escape her mouth. Inaaya was hugging her, she was holding her close to her like if she loses her grip this moment will disappear. This was a miracle for her. This left her speechless and she mumbled numerous Alhamdulillah to her LORD for his mercy.

"Yayyyy... they become friends... they become friends," someone cheered at their hugging scene.

They get surprised when suddenly a small figure who was hiding behind the curtain, observing the whole encounter screamed happily and was bouncing around the room. Ayaan happiness knows no bounds, he was jumping like a monkey. he has been hiding behind the curtains since his sister told him to go and leave her alone but when he saw sila coming he was happier to stay hidden. Sila and Inaaya looked at him who was dancing and celebrating in his own bubble, they burst into giggles looking at his antics. Sila signaled him to came and join the hug as he happily complies with it and jumped at them hugging them.

Ahtisham was pacing with a crying Mirha waiting for Sila who still didn't return. He was anxious for her and a wailing Mirha was not helping his nerves. He can't believe that his baby girl who he has been taking care of since her birth was not calming down by him and need Sila. He chuckled at his predicament, picked Mirha up to search for Sila. Sila sure knows how to charm everyone as his kids were smitten with her and so was he but that's his little secret.

He knows she went to the library, he turned toward the hallway and heard laughing sound. Mirha has also stopped crying and now looking at her father with curious eyes. He opened the door and get shocked when he saw the twins hugging Sila and the three of them laughing, giggling, and enjoying themselves. He didn't know that he was grinning widely until Mirha poked his cheek hard. He looked at his daughter who was frowning and chuckled silently. He took his phone out and carefully clicked a picture of the trio and then speak after putting his phone away and scaring them.

"Wah Ji wah... Family get-together that too without us... That's very bad," he spoke schooling his expression and looking at them with raised eyebrows. The trio was so immersed into their union that they got scared at Ahtisham's voice and screamed at the intrusion but seeing him standing there, they smiled sheepishly at him and soon he also laughed looking at their cute expressions.

"So... As you guys were all friends who want to watch frozen because I and Mirha was going," saying this he just gives them a last look and ran toward the theatre room with a giggling Mirha in arms. He heard an echo of ME behind him and the trio goes to raid the pantry for their sudden movie night. He thanked his LORD for resolving everything, as he believed that his LORD has a better plan for his family. Life is going to be lovely.


The next month was a blessing for them, the kids were more attached with Sila. They will play, eat, and sleep together. Ahtisham was able to focus more on his business and give his family his full attention parallel. Sila was so happy this whole month, elevated with peace and love. The kids are also more relaxed with her. Sila also invites Shafiya to meet the kids and it was no surprise that they bonded quickly and soon she was Shafu Anni for them.

The twins have come up with a nickname for Sila as if she was lacking in that department. Shafiya and Adeel were doing pretty good with nicknaming her. They give the logic that they want to give her a unique name only they can call her. As she was their 'dost' now and they can't call her with her name 'Sila' so they cleverly removed the 'S' alphabet of her name with the 'D' of dost and started calling her She laughed at their logic and said they didn't remove the last 'A' but they said they will call her whatever they want. Life was really lovely after all the misunderstanding and problems were solved.

Shafiya has been visiting her quite often so was Adeel and she was already shipping them together as a couple. They were so cute together and always bickering was now their norm. Shafiya was being the stubborn one and didn't acknowledge Adeel's attempts. Ahtisham and Sila also bonded and will spend so much time with the kids. Just like now, Ahtisham was late today and he called to inform her about that.

Sila made their favourite chicken kofta and Gulab Jamun as dessert, but the kids were adamant to wait for Ahtisham and having dinner together. So for time passing and entertaining her babies, she took them outside in the garden area and they started to play hide and seek. Sila was sitting beside Mirha in the garden swing and keeping an eye at the twins who were running around. The twins came toward her and made her play with them.

Mirha was already napping so she sighed and goes with the twins. They told her to blindfold her eyes and don't cheat. She blindfolded her eyes and start to play with them, following their voices to catch them. She was smiling and trying not to trip as they were giggling. Suddenly, they stop making any noise and Sila was frowning. She moved forward and feeling someone's presence, she quickly caught their hand and start yelling in excitement.

"I got you. I caught you naught sneaky...," she spoke excitedly but got stiff when she notice the hardness of the hand and how much big it was from the twins. She knew who was standing in front of her with their hand in her hold and gulped at that. Her heart was beating frantically, her mind was jumbled and hands sweating with nervousness.

Ahtisham came home tired and exhausted but the moment he steps foot in the garden area, he forgets all about his fatigue. His children were laughing so beautifully running around and playing freely. This was a site he admired and thanked his LORD for nowadays. They have never been so carefree and happy, but the last month was a blessing for them. He saw his babies Blooming amazingly and now they had a happy glow around them. Then his eyes followed the reason for this happiness, who was blindfolded by the twins and trying to catch them.

He knew his feelings are growing day by day but he respects her enough to control himself. She was an angel in disguise for his family, a broken angel herself but still she mends his family so beautifully that he will be indebted to her. He was lost in his thoughts that he didn't saw Sila moving toward him and came out of the trance when she holds his hand yelling excitedly but soon her posture changes.

He felt sparks through his hand that was in her hold and shiver went down his spine at her proximity. He was nervous himself but looking at her stiff as a board he smirked at her and removed the blindfold from her eyes. She was looking at him with wide eyes and agape mouth looking so adorable that he wanted to pinch her cheeks that were flush with embarrassment.

Their moment was broken by the hysteric laughter of twins. She quickly left his hand and moved away at a respectful distance and adjusting her dupatta. He smiled at her nervous face and turn toward the mischievous twins.

"My babies... I was thinking it's been months since we go out, so who was ready for an ice cream party after dinner huh," he asked smilingly. The twins cheered and ran inside telling Sila to serve dinner already. She was still blushing and moved to pick Mirha up, he kept looking at her and follow behind her smiling softly.

After dinner, they go toward the nearby mall to eat ice cream and shop for kids. They are getting big and need some necessary supplies and clothes as Sila told him. She also talks with him about kids going to school as they already waste one year due to Maisha's death and next month they will be 5 so that's their birthday gift. As they were so eager to go to school and make friends, they are genius just like their father and a quick learner. Sila was so happy about them going to school.

So that's why after enjoying their ice cream they moved toward the kids shop. She busies them with the toy section and selects all the school supplies they will need. she placed Mirha on the trolley who was sucking her pacifier and happily looking around. Ahtisham was on the duty to keep the kids busy. They already have two carts full and still running around for more.

As he was trailing behind a voice called him and he stops in his track. He knew that voice very well and his eyebrows frowned thinking about her presence in the kids' toy shop. But he also knows her, she was so persistent about this thing. She has been trying hard to contact him but he was avoiding her. Now he knows he has to face the music and he can't run away. He took a deep breath and turned around to greet her.

"Hello, Raima... What a coincidence? What are you doing in the kids' toy store," he asked sternly. The woman in front of him smiled seductively but for him it's creepy. He was not a shy person but this kind of boldness was bothering him.

"Oh just came to shop. I was passing by when I saw you with the twins so I came to say hello. You tell me how are you here when your secretary told me that you will be busy for the next few weeks," she said sarcastically.

He knew that she figured it out that he was purposely ignoring her but he simply shrugged and that infuriated her.

"Well, I can't say no to my kids. They were getting bored in the house so I took them out for some fresh air and shopping for toys always excited them," he said politely.

Sila was coming toward the toy section after finalizing everything. She was showing Mirha around who was excitedly looking at each toy with happiness and curiosity. As she moved forward, she saw Ahtisham was standing with a woman. She was standing with her back to her but she can see that woman was modern, tall, and beautiful. She looked at Ahtisham who was already looking at her. Her heart was racing and a strange emotion passed through her at his gaze that shook her whole existence.

The woman also turned around and she saw a model standing in front of him openly flirting with him. She didn't like it but keep her heart under control so her new feelings will not betray her. The woman was surely beautiful and bold from her appearance But her attitude was at another level.

He looked behind Raima and saw Sila coming toward them talking animatedly with Mirha who was looking at the toys. He keeps looking at them and that got Raima's attention who looks behind and saw them coming. Raima raised her eyebrows at the approaching figure of Sila and notice Mirha in her arms.

"Aww ... Mirha was so big now... Come to me baby," Raima spoke excitedly but her voice sounds more like screeching. Sila and Ahtisham cringe at her loud voice but Raima has already snatched Mirha from Sila. Mirha took one moment and in the next, she was crying loudly. Raima was shocked and quickly passed Mirha toward Sila more like throw her. Sila frowned her eyes at Raima for manhandling her baby and before she can say something Raima cut her off.

"You must be the maid... Stop her crying, I hate when the kids cry. Ok, Ahtisham I will see you later... Now I have to go," Raima said hurriedly.

She squeezed his arms a gesture that made the other two uncomfortable and before Ahtisham can correct her about the maid part she was already walking away. As she passed by the twins, she pulled their cheeks they also cringe and rubbed her touch away. Sila giggled at their expression and calm down the crying baby. Ahtisham muttered a sorry for Raima's behaviour but she dismissed his sorry and pointed him toward the twins. She looked at the trio who was looking at some avengers action figures that bring a smile at her face.

She kissed Mirha cheeks calming her down as she was rubbing her eyes telling about her fatigue. Sila rocked Mirha and patted her back but her mind was still on Raima and her attitude. How she manhandles her baby and how she was opening flirting with Ahtisham. She was modern and beautiful but she knew Ahtisham didn't like so much boldness and he was uncomfortable in her presence. She didn't know why she feels so uneasy with Raima and when she flirts with him but her heart was racing and hands itched to beat something or rather someone.

They complete their shopping spree and after loading the car with the bags, they also got in and the silence helped them thinking about various thoughts and feelings. These emotions are playing with their minds and they even didn't know how to control them.

Mirha and Inaaya were already asleep, while Ayaan was playing with his action figure of IRON MAN happily. They arrived home and Sila moves to pick Mirha as Ahtisham was picking up Inaaya and the hyperactive Ayaan was already running inside the house. They moved toward Sila room because that's where the kids have been camping for a month.

Even when he put them to their bed they will be found on her bed in the morning. He placed Inaaya in the center of the bed and placed pillows around her as Sila was putting Mirha in the crib after changing her clothes into soft pajamas. Ayaan was not in the room and they know he was putting his toys in his closet. Ahtisham goes to bring the bags from the car and check everything before retrieving for the night.

He came back with multiple bags and goes straight toward Sila's room after putting the twin's bags in their room and taking Mirha stuff to her room. He also buys a dress for Sila but she didn't know that and he was also not planning to tell her, it was supposed to be a surprise.

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