《Awaiting Angel - Larry Stylinson》24. The End


"Hello, Harry. How are you today?"

"Where's Lou?"

"I already told you, love. He's not here."

"Would he come back?"

"No, love. He will not come back."


The psychotherapist sighed and sat on the couch next to Harry.

"You know that he couldn't make it, Harry. You know that he died. Accept the fate."


The doctor knew that it's not gonna work when Harry stood up and started pounding on the door from inside.


"Louis! Louis! Get back here, baby!"

"Harry, please! Come back to bed! He's not there!" Anne cried out as she ran after Harry who ran down the hallway.

"No, mom. He's hiding right there. I can see his feet sticking out from under." Harry said chuckling a little.

"No, love. He's not here." Anne said close to tears. "He's d-dead, Harry. He's d-"


"Honey, please. Calm down." Anne said running over to Harry who sat on the ground and curled to a ball as if he's trying to make himself disappear.


"I'm sorry, Harry. I have no other option. I can't keep an eye on you all the time. What if you tried this again? What if you leave me just like everyone else did?" Anne said running her hand through Harry's hair who laid unconscious on the hospital bed with bandages wrapped around his arms and thighs.

"Don't worry, ma'am. He'd sent to one of the best mental asylums in UK and I promise no one would do him any wrong there. You can visit him twice a week." Harry's psychotherapist said.



The doctors and nurses came rushing into Harry's room in Redwood mental asylum. The sight in front of them was anything but pleasant. Harry laid there in a pool of his own blood as more continued to pour out from the gashes that cut his milky skin wide open. His white uniform was soaked red with his blood and a piece of glass was on his open palm with blood on it. A doctor knelt down next to him to check for pulses. He shook his head making everyone in the room let out a sigh.


Let's just say that he finally made it to his awaiting angel in the heaven, this time to live forever and ever together.

(An explanation is in A/N for those who didn't read and for those who didn't understand what was going on with Harold.)


(Word Count 382)

A/N - Hi baby potatoes!

Killing Louis and Harry were the hardest things ever. But they are in the heaven, happily together now. (:

Anygay, how's your day? Good? Bad? Fun? Ew? WTF? I hope it's good! (:

Well, I think y'all need a brief explanation on what happened in this chappy. Harry developed Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder which turned into Schizophrenia and Depression. And that's why he end his life even if he was sent to a mental asylum to 'get better'.

I hope you won't hate me too much for this. *puppy dog eyes and pouty*

Anygay, I love y'all to death and have a nice day/night! (: xxx

QOTC - What was your favorite scene of this book?

Answer - The whole butterfly scene


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