《Awaiting Angel - Larry Stylinson》Introduction


Louis Tomlinson was just your typical boy with just a little difference. He was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome when he was only 15 months. Louis has trouble speaking and finds it hard to express his feelings but he's always laughing and smiling. He brings a smile to anyone's face.

Harry Styles, Louis' best friend since they were little. They were basically, inseparable. They never left each other's side. Louis depended on Harry and Harry always protected Louis.

All were until Harry suddenly changed. Harry started to drift away from Louis, leaving him heartbroken that he's losing his best friend. He never cared about Louis anymore. He didn't even spare a glance at the boy. He acted as if Louis was a complete stranger.

But you can't deny the guilt you feel, forever but what if you are too late for somethings?

Angelman Syndrome!Louis

Childhood Friends!Larry


Co-written with @AngleTheresNoHope (Paris) (Well, she disappeared after like 9 chapters into this book. So, yeah.)

So guys let me tell you for starters, this is our OWN IDEA. There may be any other stories similar to this but we came up with this idea. So don't throw hate. (:

And we do NOT own any of the characters here or any place or anything in this, for that matter. (We own the plot though.)

-As mentioned in description, this may contain triggering content.

-Boyxboy content as in GAY LOVE (If you don't already know what Larry Stylinson is.)



-Foul language

-Mention of physical abuse

-Mention of self harm/ Depression/ Schizophrenia/ Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder (I would put warnings at the start and would briefly explain what happened at the end.)

-A load of fluff


-This is no place to be rude. So, if you plan on being rude take your ass outta here. Exit is that way.

If we ever got anything wrong please do tell us in a nice way 'cause NO BEING RUDE. (:

Finally, we love y'all soooo much!

Happy reading! (: xxx

- Ash & Paris

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