《Gilbert Blythe X Reader》4


751 words

Almost a week had passed and you had finally finished Diana's dress. you couldn't wait to give it to her after school. you hopped on a train to avonlea with your bag full of schoolbooks and the dress. you were in a really good mood for some reason.

you walked up to the school and saw Ruby and Anne waving at you.

"Hey y/n" they both said smiling

"hey" you said to them with a big grin on your face.

"let's go inside" anne said.

you walked in and took off your coat and hat before taking a seat next to Diana.

"I finished your dress" you said while opening your book. Diana's face lit up.

"I can't wait to see it" Diana said with a smile.

"Can we hang out at your place after school?" you asked.


class was boring as always. you didn't learn anything that day and time went by painfully slow. Mr. Phillips voice was torment and you stared out off the window for the rest of the day until class was finally over.

after school Diana, Anne and you walked home together.

"I can't wait to see my dress! " Diana said smiling.

"did you bring the green one aswell like I asked you?" she asks looking at you.

"yea I did, they're both in my bag" you say chuckling.


"you should make me a dress sometime, when I have some more money" Anne said smiling.

"you could help me in my shop sometime and buy a dress with what I pay you" you say chuckling.

"I wouldn't mind some help"

"oh that would be splendid!" Anne yells with a grin on her face. It makes you laugh.

"just tell me whenever you wanna start"

You and Diana said goodbye to Anne and went to Diana's place. Her mom was already waiting for her.


"Hey Diana, Y/n. come in!"

"y/n finished my dress" Diana says smiling.

"oh how wonderful" mrs Barry replied.

"you should try it on" you say handing her your bag with the two dresses in it.

"I'll be right back" Diana went upstairs and you sat down at the table. you smiled awkwardly at Mrs Barry.

"I'll make you two some tea" she says walking in to the kitchen.

a few seconds later diana came running back in her new dress.

"I love it y/n it's beautiful!" Diana almost yells with a very happy expression on her face.

"you look absolutely amazing in it" you say. she twirls around in the red detailed dress. and Diana's mom walks in with tea.

"Oh mother look at this dress" Diana says as she stands as "lady-like" as possible.

"it's gorgeous" she says smiling.

"can I please have the other green one as well?" Diana asks and Mrs Barry thinks for a moment.

"well.. sure honey"

you smile. as Diana runs back upstairs and Her mother pays you.

"oh that's too much" you say smiling politely while handing back some money.

"oh no honey keep it. you worked hard on those dresses"

"Thank you so much Mrs Barry!" you say.

you smile knowing now you've selled two dresses you have more time for your own dress.

Diana comes back downstairs and sits down next to you for tea. Mrs Barry walks out.

Diana looks at you with a shocked expression on her face

"what's wrong Diana" you ask frowning.

"I found a letter between the dresses" she says and you widen your eyes

oh no. Gilbert's letter.

you feel yourself turning bright red.

"I uhh-"

"how do you even know Gilbert" she asks she's obviously confused.

"I ran in to him while traveling" you say looking down. trying to hide that you're blushing.


"and you never told me" Diana asks with a frown.

"I was tired after traveling and everybody was asking all these questions and I didn't want even more questions so I just... I'm sorry I guess I should've told you." you say looking down. Diana gasps

"are you blushing!?" she asks looking at you. "you are!"

oh no no no no no.

"do you have a crush on him?"

"don't be silly I've only met him once!" you say feeling your face turning back to normal.

Diana chuckles "yea sure"

"shut up" you say giggling.


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