《Gilbert Blythe X Reader》2


903 words

It's been two weeks and your getting ready to travel back home. The past two weeks were amazing. you met a lot of interesting new people and learned all kinds off new things, but you were happy to go back home and see all your friends again.

you sat in your cabin on the boat. you opened your suitcase and started sewing pieces of an unfinished dress together. it was a beautiful yellow dress and it was almost finished. you were making it for a ruby gillis. she ordered it a week before you left and decided to make it on the boat. when you finished the last details you went to bed with a smile on your face.

after a long trip you were finally back in charlotte town. your home. where almost everyone knew you. it was around noon on Saturday so you decided to drop off ruby's dress and tell her all about your travels.

you got on a train to Avonlea like you did almost every morning before going to school. train workers were starting to recognize you. you sat in a window seat and looked around at all the families with little children. it made you miss your parents. you weren't on good terms with your parents. they threw you out not too long ago without any good reason and you haven't heard off them since. there are rumors that they moved to england.

you hopped off the train and you went straight to ruby's house. when you knocked on the door she immediately opened it.

"y/n!" she screamed hugging you tight.

"hey" you said smiling.

"come in! how was it!" Ruby steps aside to let you in and you take of your coat hanging it up.

"it was amazing! I met so many interesting people and saw so many new things!"


"that's great!" she said leading you to the living room.

"oh and you'll never believe this!"


"I ran into Gilbert Blythe!"

"REALLY WHEN IS HE COMING BACK?" Ruby screamed. you started laughing. you knew she would react like this.

"probably not anytime soon"

her expression turned from happy to sad in less then a second.

"why not?" she asked. a frown on her face and tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm not sure" you lied not wanting to invade Gilbert's privacy.

"I asked him to write me a letter if he ever comes back" you say and Ruby nods while a single tear falls down her face. you lay your hand on her shoulder.

"anne got his letter yesterday.. he really isn't coming back" she said.

"he'll come back one day" you said trying to comfort her.

"what do you think of him?" she asked "isn't he dreamy?"

"well his first impression wasn't great" you chuckled as you looked down.

"what happened?"

"he threw up all over my shoes!" you say laughing

"ew gross" Ruby said finally smiling again. you felt relieved. she was one off your best friends and you hated seeing her sad.

"I finished your dress" you say changing the subject. you didn't want her to ask you more about gilbert. she didn't need to know that you thought he was handsome.

"really! I hope it fits!" she says as a big grin appears on her face

"me too I worked hard on it" you say smiling. you give her a box with a yellow ribbon on it

"I'm gonna put it on" she says while running to her room.

she comes down the stairs with a big smile on her face.

"I love it!" she yells


she runs up to you and pulls you in a tight hug

"thank you! thank you! thank you!"

"it looks amazing on you" you say while spinning her around.

"mom look at my new dress!" Ruby yelled. Ruby's mother walked in form the kitchen

"oh honey it's beautiful" she said

she looked at you "did you really make this all by yourself?"

"Yea I did" you say smiling.

"well you're a talented young girl" she said as she paid you.

"thank you" you said as your smile grew wider.

It started getting late and you still had to go back to your house in charlotte town. it was above your shop and it wasn't very big. but it felt like home. when you arrived you looked at the dresses in your shop. they had the most artistic patterns and details and you were honestly very proud of them. after your last year of school you wanted to study art. fashion in particular. you loved art and were friends with a few artists in charlotte town.

you looked at the drawing on your wall it was a drawing of a girl in one of your self-made dresses. cole made it for you. it was truly beautiful! he is so talented.

you went to the back in your shop and went upstairs. you grabbed a big bowl, filled it with water and then put your dirty shoes in it. you chuckled to yourself as you thought of Gilbert.

It started getting dark as you finished eating your dinner. you started making a new dress for yourself. it was gonna be dark blue with white and purple flowers on it.

after a while you couldn't keep your eyes open. you put on your night gown and went to bed.

you almost fell asleep immediately.

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