《The Bewitching - Blurred Lines - Book 3》Chapter 4 - No Easy Choices
Elyssa could feel the energy as she sucked it from the man's body. He struggled at first, grabbing at her shoulders and trying to push her away but it was no use. She easily overpowered him, her lips locked firmly against his own. His complexion began to turn white. Soon it began to shrivel like a prune, almost a skeleton with its skin still attached to hide the organs beneath it.
She was fully aware of what she was doing, and the little voice in the back of her head screaming at her to stop. There was some instinct inside that wouldn't let her though, no matter how much she fought it.
"You keep that up, you'll kill him," a familiar voice drifted through the air. It startled Elyssa enough to get her to break her grip on the man whom she then let fall to the floor. He gagged for a moment trying to catch his breath as the color returned to his face, and his flesh started to return to normal.
Elyssa spun around to find Leo watching them with a look of amusement on his face. She hadn't seen him since the battle. Her first thought was to rip him from head to toe because of what he had done.
"I recommend running before I let her have another crack at you," Leo continued.
The man looked up with fear in his eyes, "What...what are you?" he stammered.
She glanced down at him and almost instantly felt the need to want to continue feeding. It was all she could do to pull her eyes away in hopes that the urge subsided, which it did to a small extent.
"Take his advice. Get out of here," Elyssa growled, trying to keep her attention on Leo. The man hesitated for just a second before scrambling towards the street. He stumbled, still weak from Elyssa's attack, but eventually made it. They could hear him shouting in the distance, and the voices of those around him began to panic. Within seconds a large group started to form at the entrance to the alley.
"I think we should talk elsewhere," Leo stated nonchalantly. Elyssa nodded and before another word was spoken she found herself chasing him through the alleyways of San Diego. As surprised as she was at how quickly Leo could move, she was even more surprised at how easily she could keep up with him. Apparently being part demon had some nice benefits she hadn't been aware of.
If there was no cure, maybe she could learn to enjoy what she was becoming, she thought as she leapt over another pile of debris launching herself several feet into the air. It was almost like being a super hero, with incredible power. She wondered if she was as strong as Dantes, or maybe even stronger. Maybe this was for the best, and it could be a huge advantage over whatever evil had been causing so many problems in their lives.
Just as quickly as that idea gave her hope, the hunger began to gnaw again, and she remembered the downside of her condition. She'd need Dantes constantly at her side to control it, or someone like Dantes. There had to be someone like him that she could rely on. With the secret phone he had, and now not returning her calls, maybe he had someone else on the side. Maybe she'd have to find someone else herself if he was drifting away. He was acting funny after all.
She shook her head for even thinking the thought. He wouldn't do that to her, would he? If he wouldn't though, then what was the purpose for keeping the phone a secret? Why didn't he answer when she called. Maybe he did have someone else, and he just hadn't had the courage to tell her yet. Maybe the only reason he was even still around was because of what she had become. Was she a detriment to him, someone who only had his pity and was holding him back?
When she looked at it that way, maybe he deserved better. Maybe finding someone else to feed her hunger would be doing Dantes a favor. It would give him freedom from her, something she now wondered if would be best for both of them, and possibly something he wanted.
"You seem distracted," Leo yelled back over his shoulder, snapping Elyssa out of her thoughts.
"I'm bored because you're so slow. Are you going to tell me where we're headed, or is this just a warm up for me beating you for what you did to all of your friends?" she shot back with annoyance in her voice.
"You've become feisty. It's very befitting of you. And for your information, we're almost there," he said as his wings emerged from his back and he leapt over a building in his path.
Elyssa hesitated for an instant, and then without thinking jumped up to follow him. To her amazement she made the leap easily and landed upon the rooftop, which was at least five stories higher than where she had started. As she neared the edge on the other side, still closely behind Leo, she realized they were towards the outskirts of the city. Not far in the distance was the beach, in a very unpopulated area.
She couldn't help but wonder what Leo was up to. Being in the open, and away from bystanders, made it ripe for a battle. On the bright side, she didn't have to worry about an ambush. The area was so open that it'd be hard for anyone to hide and attack her by surprise.
If it was a fight Leo was looking for then he'd get just that. She was actually looking forward to it. She owed him for his betrayal, and was looking for a bit of revenge. She didn't want to kill him. She didn't have the nerve to. But hurt him and ensure he felt it for a long time to come? She was completely open to the idea.
Before she knew it, they were on the beach standing several feet from one another. She glanced back at the city behind them and realized they must have run several miles within a few minutes. Yet, she wasn't the slightest bit winded. It was an amazing feeling, and she sensed a rush of power sweep over her.
Leo noticed the clenching of her fists, "I didn't bring you here for a fight, darling."
"Well then you better start talking."
"You're still itching to feed, aren't you?"
Elyssa ignored his remark, taking another step towards him, "I said talk."
"Well, I guess asking if you've changed your mind about what side you're on is out of the question," Leo remarked with a hint of contempt in his voice.
"And exactly what side are you on Leo?" The sarcasm dripped from her voice.
"The same side I've always been on. I thought we went over this?"
"That's right. You're working with the demons. So why would I want to join your side? Why would I prefer that to removing your head for what you've done?"
His raised his brow, a slight look of confusion on his face, "What makes you think I'm with them?"
"Don't play stupid!" she shouted.
He paused a moment, "You really don't know what's going on up there do you?" Her lack of response gave him his answer. "There's a war going on, not just here between good and evil, but among the angels themselves. They've split into two factions. Those that uphold the old ways, and those that now feel we must do everything within our power to overcome the evil growing down here."
"And why should I believe you?"
"I'm not asking you to...but do know if things don't change soon you'll know exactly what hell on earth is," he paused for a moment just to let it sink in, "The truth is Elyssa, I never switched sides. We are losing the war though, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen."
"So you're a part of the 'win at all costs' factions? It doesn't matter who you hurt, or what innocents die, because the end justifies the means?"
"I'm not a part of it....I'm their leader. And no, all life is precious. I'd prefer none meet their end in a war they're not even aware of. But there are choices to be made. We save who we can. The other way means untold losses you couldn't begin to imagine. If you had that same choice, which would you make Elyssa?"
"So you just threw your friends under the bus?"
"It was necessary, and you didn't exactly help the situation."
"Why?! Why was it necessary!" she shouted as her anger and all the feelings of betrayal came rushing back to her.
"Because of him!"
Elyssa could almost feel her body shaking with anger, "So you betrayed us out of jealousy!? Well thank you Leo. Thank you for being so petty!"
Without warning he lunged at her, catching her by surprise as he grabbed her by her arms. She could feel his fingers digging into her arms and holding her so tightly she couldn't move.
"You don't get it, do you? He is the evil. He is the one that's going to lead them to win out if we don't stop them," Leo declared in a harsh, whispered tone, "...Jealous, yes. But that's not the only reason I did what I did."
Elyssa was stunned by his words. It didn't make sense. Not Dantes. He wouldn't do that unless he turned, and as near as she could tell he had it under control. No. Leo had to be lying, and she wouldn't let him trick her a second time.
"The only evil around is you."
"...I was hoping that maybe you'd change your mind. I guess not. At least not yet. In time you'll see. Until then, try not to kill anyone." He released her from his grip, and backed a few steps away.
"Wait," Elyssa half shouted as she reached towards him. He pulled away, but didn't flee. "I've still got questions," she continued.
"And what would those be?"
"Aine...it doesn't make sense. What was your plan when you betrayed us? If you wanted Dantes dead, then why didn't you? You had your chance."
Again he hesitated before answering, "It's complicated. My faction...they weren't completely behind me. They needed to see with their own eyes what he'd become, and the dangers we faced moving forward. And you stopped that."
"And what changed their mind?"
"You, and the lengths you were willing to go through to save him. Now that you're becoming one of them, and they know you'd do anything to keep him alive, he's a bigger threat. And now...they see you as one too," he said as his voice trailed off.
"So you're going to kill me too when the time comes?"
He didn't answer and she knew exactly what that meant.
"...I've told them to hold off on taking any action. So far they're listening, but I don't know for how long."
"Then what?"
"...Hope for a cure. You're not like Dantes. You're human. I think there's a way to fix you."
His words sparked a well of anger, "Fix me?! What makes you think I want to be 'fixed'!? You were going to let Aine kill me!"
"I knew you'd be able to handle her. Just as I knew you seeing Dantes in that position, and the danger Aine posed, would bring out your true power. I gave it a little push, acting the part that was needed, to ensure that happened. I didn't think you'd be so silly to choose him over your humanity, or that you even had that option on hand," he shook his head at her, "What were you thinking, Elyssa? Becoming a demon, giving up your magic...?"
She cringed at his question. She did miss her magic, and more so the friends she lost since changing. It wasn't the end of the world though. While the change limited her in some ways, it made her stronger in others. It was a trade off she was willing to take, at least for now. Would she want a cure in the future? Maybe, but it wasn't a priority on her list at the moment.
"I have to go...If you change your mind...?" Leo smiled at her before the wings on his back spread out wide.
He stopped, slightly indecisive, "Yes?"
"Why should I trust you?" she demanded with a bit of confusion in her voice.
"You shouldn't. Do what you think is right. But remember, wars aren't always fought on the battle field. Sometimes it's through uneasy alliances for the greater good, or at least a chance for it....I have to go. If I stay any longer he'll suspect something."
"Wait, what...who'll suspect..." but before she could say another word Leo was gone, having launched himself into the air and then off into the distance.
Elyssa was left with an uneasy feeling. What alliance had Leo formed, and who was he worried of suspecting something? Why did he think Dantes would lead an army of evil to destroy everything? It had to be jealousy. He had to be playing with her mind, getting her to question things in hopes to reunite at some point. Didn't he? Maybe he wasn't. Maybe there was some truth to his words and there was more to what he was saying, but how could she know for sure?
None of it made any sense, but something definitely stunk as far as she could tell. Even more annoying, she wanted to know how Leo could do what he's done and not be overtaken by demonic forces. If there was a way to stop the transformation, then she wanted to know for Dantes sake.
She shook her head. What a jerk he was! Of course Leo wouldn't tell her that. He hated Dantes, and he hated that she had chosen Dantes over him. It had to be jealousy. Leo's ego and narcissism was more evident now than ever. How dare he try to create doubts in her. She should have beaten him when she had a chance.
Elyssa screamed out in frustration. The few questions she had in her mind half an hour ago had now grown to so many she couldn't wrap her head around them. What was proving difficult now looked impossible. What had been a few difficult decisions now were many. Why? Why did she have to follow him was the only thing she could think about on her long way home.
The hunger she was starting to feel again didn't help with her frustration. It reminded her of how Dantes had not responded when she needed him. She almost killed someone due to his inability to respond. The only good thing that came out of Leo showing up was the innocent life that was saved when he interrupted her.
She was still fuming when she arrived home and walked into the house to find Dantes sitting nervously on the couch.
"I'm sorry...I got tied up. I came as soon as I could, but I didn't know where you were," he began the minute she walked in the door.
She looked at him, and then turned away without saying a word, making her way straight upstairs. He wavered for a moment before chasing after her.
"Elyssa...please I..." he tried again as he followed her into the bedroom where she had already begun to undress.
"...I almost killed someone because you were too busy," she finally responded without even turning to look at him, "If it hadn't been for Leo I..." She stopped, realizing that maybe mentioning Leo's name wasn't the best idea.
She could hear the disappointment and a bit of anger in his voice. It only confirmed to her that mentioning Leo wasn't the best idea.
"...He ummm...he...it was a...I" she began to stammer. Finally, she turned around only to realize Dantes was no longer there.
"Dantes?" she called out to no response. A moment later she comprehended what she had said. If it hadn't been for Leo...
Did Dantes think that Leo had helped her with her hunger? It definitely could have been taken that way she realized as her heart fluttered in her chest. Without wasting another second she threw on her clothes and rushed out the door. There was no telling where Dantes had went, or if he was planning to put himself in danger. For all she knew, her comment may have set him off and he could very well be hidden somewhere and struggling not to let the demon inside take over. Whatever he was doing, Elyssa knew she had to stop him and explain what she had meant and that it wasn't what he thought. How she would do that though, she had no idea.
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