《WANDS AND SPELLS | VKOOK ✓》26 | with stars & moon
Taehyung wanted to see Jeongguk.
It's been a day since he saw him last that was when they had a chat with Susan because after that he was called by his father again and they straight went home after that.
He kind of missed him.
"Did Jeongguk call you today?" Taehyung asked Namjoon as they were walking back to their dorms when the classes ended, "He did call me and asked about you too,"
"He could have just called me instead of asking about me," Taehyung huffed taking bigger step ahead behind whom Namjoon stole a glance at Jimin who bit back a giggle.
"What's going on between them?" Namjoon whispered, wriggling his brows, seeing the brunet walking faster than before, "I honestly don't know but getting the hint of something though, what ya think, they will date?"
"Uh I am not sure but Jeongguk acts strange through, he is always talking about your bestie and can't literally stop?" the taller male replied, unsure of the whole issue but he also was doubting the possibilities.
"But Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Taehyung dating will be the most epic thing ever I swear to Lord," Jimin laughed and Namjoon nodded throwing his arm over his shoulder as they continued walking.
"It can't be Moreon, I know him very well, there's no reason he would do anything like that," Jonhan said as he was sitting at the dining table and his wife was feeding him the warm chicken soup while he and his son had a chat about this issue.
"The veil, it has holes in it, that's why the magic was fading, someone was making holes in it and it cannot be the professor," he said swallowing the mouthful of soup and let out a long sigh before wiping the corner of his lips with the napkin.
"But he looks like him and we all know how much fascinated he was with dark arts, he surely learnt how to shapeshift," Jeongguk said with a mouthful of fried rice.
"This can only clear out when whoever it is wakes up, why isn't he waking up. The spell used wasn't even that powerful to keep him unconscious for these many days," he gave it a thought, not finding any logical theory about this.
"Honey, you only got out of this, it's been only one day. Please don't stress out and just keep your mind free, I insist stop talking about this, just finish it and go to sleep," Jeongguk's mother requested and Jeongguk nodded, "Mom's right, you need rest. Belfort will look into this."
"Ugh," he groaned but when the woman squeezed his hand on the table and gave him that reassuring smile, "Everything will be fine, just give it sometime, give yourself some time to recover properly." he nodded.
Jeongguk stayed there with his family until he finished eating and when he was done, he helped his mom to carry his dad to their room.
Completing all of this and being the ideal son he was, he got back to his room and argued with himself if he should call Taehyung right now or not. He had been thinking of calling him but also something in him just didn't let him do that. Taehyung was indeed special to him but in a romantic or not— he still had to figure that out.
He finally got his phone from his jean pocket and dialled this specific number. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he tapped his feet continuously on the tile floor beneath impatiently waiting for the other to pick up.
And he did,
"Oh wow you remember me?"
"What do you mean?" the younger let out a small chuckle when he could actually feel the other frowning through the phone call, "I never forgot you, just—"
"Yeah yeah whatever, why did you call me now huh?" Taehyung from the other side asked, Jeongguk raising his brows at the tone he used.
"Why do you sound like a grumpy boyfriend?" the blond asked and the line went dead for some seconds before he heard his favourite voice speaking again, "Ah no, you just called everyone, even Jimin and not me? You asked them about me but you couldn't bother to ask me that yourself? How does that work?"
It was Jeongguk's turn to stay quiet as he was contemplating what to say. He can't just say that 'oh I was just a little nervous to call you cause whenever I am speaking to you, I feel weird but in a strangely pleasing way that is and also was scared, what if I say something stupid'.
"Hey did I do something I shouldn't have or did I say something wrong—" Taehyung was abruptly interrupted by the other who spoke, "No, what the fuck, no!"
"Come over, I wanna see you and also wanna take you somewhere,"
"No, I won't. I am hanging up," Taehyung didn't agree to this and was about to end the call when he heard that panicked voice from the other, "Please, I promise you won't regret. Just come over now."
"Jimin wants to do the homework now so no," Taehyung made an excuse and Jeongguk sighed nodding, "Ah fine then,"
But hearing Jimin shouting from the other line, "No, he is lying. I didn't say anything about homework and don't worry blondie, he will be there!" he smiled and whispered, "I am waiting."
Taehyung ended the call and probably was fighting with Jimin but after like ten minutes the door to Jeongguk's room opened revealing a Taehyung in a baby green full sleeve t-shirt with a pair of striped pajamas. The messy hair and that faint anger on his face just made him look super adorable.
"The fuck you want?" his deep voice and tone contradicted his looks and Jeongguk couldn't but laugh at this, "I am sorry I didn't call you, I am just awkward."
"Don't give me that look motherfucker," the older rolled his eyes noticing that pout and bambi eyes Jeongguk was giving him. If it was an anime or something, Taehyung could've most probably seen the sparkles
"I am not quite contented with your reason but okay go off," Taehyung walked in closing the door behind and throwing the key on Jeongguk's bed.
"Where do you want to take me?"
"To troll's garden," Jeongguk replied that instant.
"I would love to Jeongguk but I don't want to visit Jeeper's lane ever again, we almost died and also remember how you were attacked there?" Taehyung worriedly said and Jeongguk nodded.
"The one who was after me is in Belfort, unconcious and dad told me another way to get there when I asked him. We don't have to pass the lane," Jeongguk informed that automatically brightened the other's mood and he smiled so widely, "So we can go there again. Please I just love those creatures!"
"I know so let's go?" Jeongguk announced reaching down to grab the other's hand who happily let him drag him whenever he wants to.
Taehyung trusted Jeongguk.
And he knew whatever the other will do, it will be alright.
"So my dad told me today that he apparently has this magical broom and he gave it to me," Jeongguk said getting that broom standing beside his guitar near his bed, "So, we can just fly—"
"I, Jeongguk. Your dad is so cool oh Lord and you too!" Taehyung excitedly touched the broom and looked up at the other letting out a cute giggle, "Let's go right now!"
"We will be using the invisible fabrica too just in case, we don't wanna get caught, do we?"
"Oh no, we don't. Now let's go smarty pants, I can't wait anymore," Taehyung was pushing Jeongguk playfully as he couldn't wait anymore to get there and also a flight in the sky? That sounds dangerously awesome.
Taehyung long forgot that he was mad at Jeongguk as excitement took over him and he was so happy even though deep down he had this fear of heights but that doesn't cease that excitement rushing through his veins.
They were in Jeongguk's yard and he placed the broom in the air which miraculously stayed where he put it instead of falling ending the whole theory of gravitation in one seconds.
"This is so uncomfortable!" Taehyung exclaimed sitting on the narrow broom, that somehow was getting into his butt crack making the other laugh, "It is but we don't have any other choice."
They covered themselves with that invisible fabrica and the broom flew, them totally invisible to the others.
"I am scared of heights and now I might just scream—" Taehyung said grabbing Jeongguk's shoulders tightly, "Don't look down, just look at me."
"You mean look at the back of your head?"
"Yeah, ain't I seggsy?"
"Seggsy? With a G?" Taehyung let out a giggle while he scooted closer and hugged the other from behind, resting his chin on Jeongguk's right shoulder, "With two Gs."
"Hmm," he only hummed and looked around through the fabrica to have a view of the stars around plus the blinding moonlight.
It was a lovely night with clear sky and the moon smiling upon them looking as happy as ever.
"Jeongguk," Taehyung called in a soft tone and the it was the younger's turn to hum in response while he felt the body warmth radiating through his skin from the other's, "You're so warm."
"It feels nice to hug you," Jeongguk heard that voice speaking near his ear sending chills down his spine.
Both of them stayed silent and enjoyed the view as the broom was taking them to their destination unless Jeongguk decided to speak,
"Tae, I want to tell you something."
"Yeah go on."
i can't wait to write the
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